I will inshaallah have a new born in a couple of months can some tell me or guide me into how to welcome a newborn?
Recently i have read alot of conflicts regarding adhzaan in the ear of the newborn, i am concerned that i may not have dont correctly last time, please advise.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I think this was mentioned previously :
it is narrated from Aboo Raafiý that he said: "I saw the Prophet give Adhan for the Prayer in the ear of al-Husayn ibn ýAlee when his mother Faatimah (Radhi'Allaahu Anhaa) gave birth to him." (Reported by Ahmad, Aboo Daawood and At-Tirmidhee who declared it ýhasaný and by Shaikh al-Albaanee in ýal-Irwaaý #1173).
Also In Al-Albaaneeýs Book Saheeh Al-Kalim At-tayyib The translator Said in the introduction: "hadith Number 168 was about making the call to prayer in the right ear of a newly born. Upon further examination 'Al-'Albani has found that it is weak, and that it is not permitted to act upon it. This I heard him say in an audio tape, where he mentions that when he was finally able to get hold of Al-Bayhaqi's Shu'ab 'Al-'lman -it was previously in manuscript form only- he found that there were two people accused of Iying in the chain of narration. Previously he thought Al-Bayhaqi's report was only weak, and not very weak because it was referenced as such on page 16 of Tuhfat Al-Wadood by'Ibn 'Al-Qayyim. A very weak hadeeth cannot be used as testimonial for a weak hadeeth, and therefore, the ruling on this hadeeth is that it is not authentic." end of quote
The Hadeeth that says the Ziyaadah (Addition) to call the Iqaamah on the left ear, then Al-Albaanee Calls it Maudoo'ah (Fabricated)