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23-10-2009 @ 12:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Adam Jameel Finch ( Makkah, Saudi Arabia / Philadelphia, Pa [U.S.A.] )
Posts: 77
Joined: May 2008
As Salaamu 'Alaykum,


When I tried to enter this site (miraath), I received a warning informing me that my computer may be harmed if I enter the site! Someone might want to check that out.

May Allah aide you.

and Allah, The Most High, knows best.

Jameel Finch al-Makki
13-07-2009 @ 1:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Jeddah, KSA.)
Posts: 152
Joined: Apr 2003

assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah

The new Salafi Dawrat 1430/2009 started on Saturday 11 July and we will brocast only 4 dawrat inshaAllah from all the following cities :

- Hafer Al Batin
- Makkah
- Jeddah
- Dammam

  you can see all dawrat schedule and dowload the books and audios from our new site ( Miraath Al anbiya )  :  .

or you can go directly by this link to see it translated :

  Note : all dawrat in arabic only.

  We ask Allah to make this dawrat beneficial for every one May Allah reward you attending and May Allah reward our Mashaiykh with goodness .

                                                your brother
                                             abu zeiad al athary
                                              Khalid M. Bagais


** abuzeiadalathary@hotmail **

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