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10-06-2009 @ 3:56 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Abdullah Bint Muhammad (Cardiff)
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ALHAMDULILAH WA SALAATU WA SALAAM ALA RASULULLAH ! May Allaah Azza wa Jal Reward all the hard working Brothers and Sisters For their efforts Ameen. MashaAllaah the talks and the Speakers were of GREAT benefit and May Allaah reward the Brothers who delivered their talks with such benefit Alhamdulilaah, The sisterhood and The love for Ahlul Sunnah was Beautiful MashaAllaah TabarakAllaah! For Allaah to bless the first day with heavy rain was such a Rahma From Him Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Alhamdulilah May Allah make many more Conferences this beneficial and successful Ameen

09-06-2009 @ 1:06 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Lubaynah Abdul Ghanee ibn Michael Goodchild Al-Guyaanee (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 204
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

After giving thanks and praise to Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for allowing the Cardiff Conference to run as smooth as He (ta'aala) permitted:   

I would like to also thank all of the UK speakers especially Abul-Hassan Maalik al-Akhdar and his companion Jaleel (who accompanied and aided him) travelling to UK and spending much time travelling without sleep.  May Allaah reward them in this life and in the Here-After.  

We would like to see the likes of these individuals both here in the UK and USA to again aid this blessed d'awah in benefitting those who evidentally (via internet and in person) expressed an interest in.


Rabbanaa aatinna fe dunya hasanaatan wa fe aakhiratee hasanaatan wa qiynaa athaaban narr

08-06-2009 @ 2:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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     Al-Hamdulillah wa Salat wa Salam ala Rasulullah. Yesterday was the final day of the conference and there was still a great energy and love in the masjid. Abul-Hasan started the day off with the continuation of his lesson on the Characteristics of the Prophet. He expounded on the first hadeeth in the chapter and gave some benefits regarding the meanings of the words used to describe the Prophet's height, complexion, hair, etc.

     The masjid was still so packed at Salatuth-Thur that people had to pray on the stairs! Later in the afternoon, he finished the explanation of the first few hadeeths. Later, our noble brother Abu Idrees Muhammad delivered a very beneficial talk and fininshed out a most monumental lecture series.

     We would like to thank all of the brothers and sisters who helped make this trip and series of lectures around the UK possible. We also wanted to thank the people of Cardiff for being such generous hosts during our stay. We need to also thank our brother Muhammad (UK Salafi) for all his sacrifice in aiding us with such love and concern for the affairs of his brothers. We also want to thank the brothers and sisters in the cities of Birmingham, London and Bristol for welcoming us and making us feel like we were in our own homes. And we would like to thank our noble brothers Abu Khadijah, Abu Hakim, Amjad Rafiq and Abu Idrees Muhammad for taking from their busy schedules to come and speak to the brothers and sisters at the conference. We also want to thank Abu Maryam Tariq for going out of his way to give us so much of his time. And we want to thank our noble brother Hasan as-Sumali for inviting us and helping to facilitate such a beautiful trip to the UK. May Allah reward you all. Ameen

salaam alaikum

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

08-06-2009 @ 12:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Saqib Punjaabi (from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
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As-Salaamu AlaiKum,

All recordings are available to purchase via The Cardiff Bookstore

Tel: (02920) 225-044

148 Penarth Road,
Cardiff (Wales)
CF11 6NF

Wa-AlaiKum As-Salaam

07-06-2009 @ 6:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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All Praise is due to Allah and the Peace and Prayer on our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions. Today was a monumental occasion. The conference began at Masjidun-Nur in the city of Cardiff. Our noble brother Hasan Sumali brought together a most beneficial program surrounding the descriptions of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

     It began with a biography of the great scholar of hadeeth, Abdullah al-Qar'aawi. This lecture was delivered by our brother Abul-Hasan Malik. He described the great diligence of this imaam of the sunnah and his effort to reviving the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula. From the many benefits of this biography is that it described the great zeal of the sheikh in spreading Tawheed and Sunnah even establishing over two thousand schools!

     Then our noble brother Abu Khadijah gave a very beneficial talk surrounding the Prophet's manners in the way that he dealt with his wives. From the benefits that our brother gave was that the Prophet was from the most loving and attentive of husbands even knowing when our mother Aishah may have been upset with him, and like this we should be as attentive and know our wives.

     After this we finally had the honour to meet the noble brother Amjad Rafiq. He discussed with the brothers the affairs of working together and aiding one another in the clarification of the misguided beliefs of the Ash'aris. May Allah aid these brothers in those efforts. Ameen.

     Then in the evening, our brother Abul-Hasan did the introduction to his talks on the characteristics of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The talk centered around the biography of the author, Imam at-Tirmidhi and some of the issues surrounding the science of Hadeeth.

   After this, our noble brother Abu Hakim Bilal Davis delivered a detailed description of the Prophet's manners and qualities. It was a lesson packed with narration after narration and explanation of the meanings of the hadeeths. This talk went into the late part of the night, and though the brothers and sisters had been there since early in the morning, and some even from the night before, there was little movement, and the people stayed glued in there places to hear from  the Sunnah of the Prophet. The masjid has a nice sized musallah area and even other floors, but there was almost no room for the many students who came in the pouring rain to sit and benefit.

     After all of the talks were over, a group of brothers numbering close to sixty stayed until the wee hours of the morning to ask for advice for new Salafis from our brothers Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis and Abul-Hasan Malik. The brothers gave them advice to adhere to the call of Salafi methodology and concern themselves with the learning of beneficial knowledge. They advised them to return to the scholars in their affairs and to beware of the people of party partisanship. The love and respect that Abu Hakeem and Abul-Hasan displayed for one another was heart warming. It was clear that it is a bond that is rooted in the love for the people of the Sunnah.

     As I looked at the clock it neared two a.m., and the youth were still asking the brothers for advices, and even at that point I almost couldn't pry the brothers apart.

     Today was from the most inspiring days I have been a part of. I cannot wait to take these stories back to the brothers and sisters in America.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

06-06-2009 @ 7:15 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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By the Grace of our Lord Subhana wa ta'ala, we arrived in the city of Birmingham today for the Jumuah khutbah. We entered the masjid to find our noble brother Abu Khadijah delivering a khutbah about the affairs of enjoyning the good and forbidding the evil. There were over one thousand brothers in the masjid and since there was barely any space left, we had to stand to in the back of the large musalla until it was time to pray. After the prayer, we were blessed to greet our beloved brothers of Salafi Publications, may Allah preserve them.

     From the brothers we were united with was Abu Hakim Bilal Davis, Abu Khadijah, Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank, Abu Idrees Muhammad, Abu Junayd Yusuf Bowers, Abu Maryam Taariq, Abu Hammaad Yunus, Abu Sufyan McDowell and Abu Aishah, may Allah preserve them all. There was again the love between the people of the Sunnah and many beneficial sittings with the brothers.

     Though we knew of all of the good and benefit that has come out of Birmingham, there is no question that seeing it far exceeded our expectations. This is a place where great importance is placed upon knowledge and learning. There are a number of brothers who have memorized the Qur'an and there are a number of classes that take place during the week. One can sit in lessons of Qur'anic recitation, Arabic language (Tuhfatus-Sinniyah, etc.), Hadith Terminology (al-Ba'ith, etc.), and other lessons in Creed and Belief.

    Our brother Abul-Hasan did a talk entitled -Benefits from the Hadeeth of Irbad ibnu Saariyah (Irshadul-Ibaad), The talk centered around many affairs of hadeeth science as well as matters of the manhaj of the people of hadeeth. Again, we witnessed the diligence of the people in learning and concern for the narrations of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

     The brotherhood and mutual consultation that is present with the brothers at Salafi Publications is tremendous. We hope that Allah allows us to spend more time with our brothers in the near future and continues to make them a benefit to the da'wah to Tawheed in the West.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

05-06-2009 @ 4:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Abdul Wahhaab Sahar bint Said (London, UK)
Posts: 57
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Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmutallahi wa barakatuh,

Can i just ask if everyone that has had Abul Hasan Malik do a lecture, have the organisations recorded them, and where can i get a copy Insha'Allaah?

Ukhtikum fid-deen wa amatullah.

Umm AbdulWahhab Sahar bint Said

05-06-2009 @ 5:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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All praise and thanks is due to Allah for allowing us yet another blessed sitting in the city of Bristol. There were many people of different ages ranging from 10 years and younger to men with gray in their beards. We were greeted with pleasant smiles and sincere hugs from many who we have never met before and it clearly shows that Ahlul-Sunnah loves Ahlul-Sunnah. Todays lecture was entitled -WHOEVER TRAVELS A PATH TO SEEK KNOWLEDGE ALLAH WILL MAKE HIS PATH TO PARADISE EASY-.

     By Allah's mercy our beloved brother Hasan as-Somailee called a young lady to Islam and for the second day in a row another person was guided to Tawheed. We have witnessed a enviroment of learning and by Allah I am not exagerating when I say that when brothers ran out of writing paper they used the tissue to narrate Allah's religion. On this day we bear witness that Salafiyyah is strong in the United Kingdom.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

04-06-2009 @ 9:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Yahya bint Mahammed (London)
Posts: 54
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Asalamu alykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

For those who can't make it, will the confrence be on Paltalk? If so what room?

Barakallahu feek

Umm yahya bint muhammed

04-06-2009 @ 4:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Ozan ibn Bedir ( U.K.)
Posts: 10
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Alhamdulillaah we met our brother Abul Hasan Maalik at Masjid Sunnah Cranford last night, and it was a reunion which brought joy to our hearts. A long awaited visit to the UK and inshaa Allaah it will be a regular occurrence, ameen. He delivered a lecture which mahsaa Allaah made crystal clear the deviance of the kharijites from right at the begining of al-Islaam to the present day.

Jazaakumullaahu khayra

Ozan ibn Bedir

04-06-2009 @ 6:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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     Today we had the opportunity to visit our beloved brothers in London at masjid as-Sunnah. Todays topic was -IBN MULJIM TO IBN LADEN A HISTORICAL LOOK AT THE KHAWARIJ- and masha'Allah it was standing room only. We met a young man by the name of Micheal who had some questions about the religion and by Allah's grace he accepted Islam. It reminded me of the hadeeth: {To guide someone by your hand is better then the red she camel.}

     Afterwards, many of the brothers remained to sit with us and ask us about the condition of the dawah in America. I recall Abul-Hasan expressing that he wish he would have visited the U.K. years ago from what we have witnessed from the genuine brotherhood that has been displayed here. Qadarullahu wa ma sha fala.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

03-06-2009 @ 4:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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Alhumdulillah by Allaah's grace and mercy we arrived to the U.K. safely and we have already met a number of good Salafi brothers in the City of Cardiff.
It warms our hearts to find such acceptance and generosity from ahlul-sunnah. Our beloved brother Abul-Hasaan Malik did the first talk -THE FEMALE SCHOLARS OF ISLAM- and we were informed that a large number of sisters attended the talk and all praise and thanks is for Allah. We have found this to be an environment that encourages seeking knowledge.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

02-06-2009 @ 8:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdul fattah Ali Mohamed (CARDIFF, UK)
Posts: 38
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Timetable for Cardiff Conference

Saturday 6th June 2009

Postponed: 12pm Biography of Abdullaah Qarıawi
By: Abul Hassan Maalik

2pm: Micnaha Aayada (Adoomaha Ilaahay Waxa Ugu Cabsi badan Xagiisa
Culimada) (٢٨ ıııı ıııı) (...ıııııııı ııııııı ııııııı ıııı ııııııııı
By:  Dr Osman Macalin

4pm Biography of Abdullaah Qarıawi
By: Abul Hassan Maalik

5pm:  The Prophet as a Husband
By: Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid

6pm Glimpse of the Biography of the Prophet
By: Amjad Rafiq

7:30:  Description of the Prophet (Explanation of Asha-Shamaaıilof al-
Imaam at-Tirmidhi)

Abul Hassan Maalik

21:45 Character of the Prophet
Abu Hakeem Bilaal

Sunday 7th June 2009

12pm: Description of the Prophet (Explanation of Asha-Shamaaıilof al-
Imaam at-Tirmidhi)

A Talk with the Brother Abul Hassan Maalik

2pm: Muhiimada Raacista Rasuulka (Somali)
Omar Ibrahim/ Imam Mohamed Abdi Dahir

4pm: Methodology of the Prophet calling to Allah
By: Abu Khadeeja Aljazaaıiri

7:30 Q&A Session by different Speakers

After Maghrib (Approx. 21.30) Explanation of the Verse (Say (O
Muhammad): ıIf You truly love Allah then follow me, Allah will love You
and forgive You of Your Sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiven Most Merciful.ı
(Al Imraan 3:31)

By: Abu Idrees Muhammad


The Conference will be broacast LIVE in the usual 'Salafi Publications' Room,

01-06-2009 @ 11:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
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ma sha Allah cant wait to finally give ahlul sunnah of the U.K. the Salaams in person. Hope our dear brother can give some benefit if Allah wills to the U.K. as we gain so much benefit from our noble beloved brothers from the U.K. over the years.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

31-05-2009 @ 5:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Haneef Haneef bin Sandhar (London)
Posts: 50
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InsahaAllah we are hoping to have the brother arrive early to Masjid as-Sunnah on Wednesday 3rd so please arrive for around 7:00-7:30

29-05-2009 @ 2:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 451
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Brothers will be able to sleep in Masjid Noor on the night of the Conference in Cardiff
insha Allaah

Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali
Birmingham UK CD@SalafiPublications.Com

25-05-2009 @ 1:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Yoosuf Tariq Ibn Warshamin Khan (Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia)
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Lessons will be broadcasted over paltalk, insha'Allaah!

ııı ıııı ıııı ııı ıııııı ııı ıııııı

20-05-2009 @ 10:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdul fattah Ali Mohamed (CARDIFF, UK)
Posts: 38
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A Talk with the noble Shaykh Ubaid al-Jaabiree has been confirmed for the Cardiff Conference insha Allaah.

Barakalaahu Feekum

20-05-2009 @ 10:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdul fattah Ali Mohamed (CARDIFF, UK)
Posts: 38
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Many of our beloved brothers are enquiring about the possibility of Abul Hasan Malik visiting their Masaajid or cities. We would love to respond positively to this request but we are currently only working with a limited period of time and all the empty spaces have been accounted for. Insha Allaah, if anything changes about his plans on his arrival, we will keep the brothers and sisters informed. Currently, the only speaking engagements are those advertised above. Jazaakum Allaahu Khayra

Barakalaahu Feekum

19-05-2009 @ 6:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
umm muhamed sahra (uk)
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As salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

If any sisters require a place to stay e.g Family house with sisters in Cardiff or any other help/ information for their stay for the conference,
please email or telephone Salafi Bookshop in Cardiff on Fridays from 1pm and speak with the sisters there.

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