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» Live Lecture by Shaikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab al-`Aqeel (with translation)
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Posted By Topic: Live Lecture by Shaikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab al-`Aqeel (with translation)

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02-07-2008 @ 9:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Jeddah, KSA.)
Posts: 152
Joined: Apr 2003

As-salaamu `alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

It pleases us at Live Salafi Duroos to announce a live lecture by Shaikh Muhammad bin`Abdul-Wahhaab al-`Aqeel -may Allah preserve him- titled "The Rights of the Parents and Children in Islam", along with a live English translation. The lecture will be held  on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 at 9:30pm (Saudi Time), insha Allah.

You can listen to the lecture through our website: or through our room on PalTalk named "Salafi Duroos Live"

Wa Jazaakumullaahu Khairan

Your Brother
abu zeiad al athary
Salafi Duroos

** abuzeiadalathary@hotmail **

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