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19-05-2007 @ 5:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismael mustafa bin george (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Oct 2005
Clear Advice for Benefiting from Islaamic Educational Lessons
(Seminars, Conferences, etc.)

The link for the full version ebook is available below

Written By: Shaykh Salih bin Abdul Azeez Ala Shaykh
Minister of Islamic Affairs and Propagation ? Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Translator?s note: Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem, for that which proceeds: With the coming of the summer and the several seminars, conferences, and lectures scheduled to take place, I felt the great need to present to the Muslims this beneficial work.  It directs advice toward:  

-     Seminar/Conference organizers
-     Those attending the lectures/students
-     Scholars/Teachers participating in the lectures

?and many more.

Due to lack of time, I have to divide the Shaykh?s work into two parts. The second part which contains advice for the students attending the lectures will follow in due time insha Allah.

One should keep in mind that the origin of this treatise is an audio lecture transcribed into book form.  With that being the case, it is very complicated for the written translation to have a compositional flow as a book would.  I apologize for any mistakes made due to the above mentioned reason.

The introduction of supplication will be placed in the full version E-book and upon completion of the full treatise; the book will placed on one of the well known salafi websites for free E-book distribution.  

The Treatise:

It is compulsory that every seminar or class possess pillars it is built on, those pillars are four:

1-     Appropriate planning/organization prior to the classes (or seminar).
2-     The presence of a teacher (Scholar).
3-     The attendance of diligent devoted learners.
4-     Appropriate location. Meaning: A location suitable for the attendance of a large number of people within a short period of time.

The First Pillar:

Appropriate Organization

There is no doubt that the greatest benefit derived from these lessons is accomplished through good planning and early preparation.  Because of this, benefit is obtained from these seminars or lessons.

Preparation involves: Organizing a suitable setting for these lessons.

The organizers, they are:

-     The Imam of the masjid
-     Brothers working within the administration of the masjid, or in a center for Islamic propagation

It is incumbent upon the organizer to look at the needs of the students of knowledge, and the needs of the youth that are attending the lessons.  These needs differ according to location and time, and according to the teachers and the materials that are being studied.  Therefore, it is upon the organizers to consider the place in which the seminar is being held; which is the country, as well as the masjid, and the time.  Indeed winter seminars differ from summer ones in terms of organization and timings.  It is not befitting to hold every seminar or class in the masjid, reason being, large numbers of students that want to benefit will attend.
Because of this, the appropriate location should be sought, as well as good air-conditioning, along with easy entrances and exits, etc?
Thus, it is mandatory to consider the location and the time.

It is also befitting that the seminar is organized and planned far in advance.  Planning with the scholars must be done 6, 5, or 4 months in advance, in order for them (scholars) to prepare themselves.  It took place in the past that some brothers intended to organize classes and seminars, and they tried to convince some scholars to participate just 2 or 3 weeks, or a month before the lectures.  Due to such short notice, they (scholars) did not agree as they were already committed to other matters that prevented them from participating.  This is the case specifically during vacations where seminars are numerous.

Therefore, selection should be done well in advance in order to plan with all participants, and in order to choose the scholars, people of knowledge, and teachers that will participate.

Another matter which is very important in organizing a seminar is that the organizers should plan with the assistance of those who have preceded them in establishing seminars and those who understand what is needed to do so. For example, in choosing a new country to establish a seminar in, whether this is within The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or outside, it is befitting for the organizers to consult those who have previously established successful seminars and classes.  This is because, from the character of the believer is to consult, and the one who does so will not be disappointed.  Several seminars failed due to lack of experience and lack of consulting.  Indeed planning a seminar is not merely done on paper; if this happens then once the people, time and place arrive, some discrepancy will take place. Consequently, it is incumbent that focus is shown to previous successful seminars, and how were they successful.

What is important in the seminar is that the students benefit.  It is well known that some teachers are fit for lectures, but may not be suitable for teaching (classes).  And some are suitable for teaching, but are not appropriate for teaching intensive courses during seminars.  From them are those who can not properly deliver the knowledge that he possesses in a short period of time.
(Note: Further discussion on the characteristics of the teacher will be mentioned in the second pillar)

Thus, the organizers must focus on:

-     The location and its preparation
-     The time
-     The teacher
-     The field of knowledge and subjects
-     The books and texts

All of these matters acquire special attention and not every individual is able to manage them.

From the good of the brothers involved in the organization of this seminar in Masjid Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Tamiyyah, and at the forefront of them Fahd Al Garab ?may Allah give him good, and other than him, they consult with the people of knowledge in selecting the subjects, topics,and texts. Verily the people of knowledge have understanding of what is suitable and what isn?t. They obtain this experience through past seminars.  For example, a particular text may not be suitable because it is divided in structure, weak in order, or because it does not contain all of what is needed in that topic, and similar reasons.

Therefore, planning with someone who has knowledge of seminar organization is extremely important.

The Second Pillar:

This relates to the Scholar who will deliver the lessons.

Certainly, scholars differ with regard to their preparation and abilities.  This is because Allah ?Aza wa Jel- granted people abilities, and He possibly grants a later person, what He did not grant the prior individual.  He may also grant someone young, what the elder person did not accomplish, and it is also possible that the younger individual is closer to the youth in delivering his lessons.

It is likewise possible that a teacher is able to successfully teach in a small period of time, a text that would normally take a year being taught weekly.  If this text were to be taught in one week, perhaps the teacher that could normally finish it in a year would not be able to finish the text.  He would only be able to explain 3 or 4 pages, and then the remaining ¾ of the book is left without explanation.  Due to this, it is recommended that the teacher divides the text into portions (based on the duration of the seminar).

It has taken place in previous seminars in this masjid, or other than this masjid, that the knowledge of the scholar was greater than the time allocated for the seminar.  The scholar would expound greatly in his explanation with great benefits, and as a result time became strained and the students were left without completing the work.  When this takes place the greatest benefit is lost for those attending the seminar, and at times their (those attending) numbers reach in the hundreds, and those benefiting from the recorded lessons (audio) possibly reach in the hundreds of thousands.  I was informed by some brothers who are callers to Islam and who have visited some African or European countries that they have found recorded audio tapes of seminars held in this masjid or other than this masjid, but those listening to the recordings are able to benefit from the complete explanation of the work.

Therefore, it is befitting for the teacher to organize his time and not to expound on one subject and in doing so not finish except a page or two of the text.  Due to this, it is incumbent upon those organizing the seminar to remind the scholar if they notice him expounding during the beginning of the seminar after one or two lessons have passed.  It is incumbent that time is preserved and focused on, and the explanation should be within accordance to the allocated short time.  

Hence, choosing a teacher is extremely important, because from amongst them are those who are good at delivering a lesson, but with long preparation.  Sometimes a teacher needs preparation, and other times it?s possible that lesson preparation is a reason for the lengthening of time in delivering the lesson and topic.  The teacher (in this case) comes to convey the lesson, but the materials and information are so abundant that he delivers them in an improper manner.  The student does not need all of this information, because getting a general understanding of the full text is of greater importance.  Further explanations and several narrations mentioned from various books are not suitable for intensive courses.  Rather, the teacher while participating in seminars should focus on giving the text and explaining the phrases within it, informing of what is meant by the author while mentioning the proofs quickly without any deficiency being present.  This requires practice and grounded knowledge in every subject and little preparation.  It is also upon the teacher to follow the methodology of ease in presenting information and delivering points of benefit.  A student will not continue if he does not find knowledgeable points of benefit.

It is also required that the teacher be well grounded in the subject being taught.  His knowledge should be tolerable and his language should be easy and clear.  He should avoid being harsh in his speech and ranting.  It is also befitting that the students (listeners) do not interrupt the teacher?s speech by way of questions that disrupt the audio recordings.  The benefit for those present at the seminar is obtained through them listening to the explanation and memorizing it, and the benefit for those not present is obtained by them listening to the recorded audio lessons such as Kitab At Tawheed by the Imam of Da?wah Muhammed bin Abdul Wahhab ?may Allah have mercy on him- and The Explanation of  Aqeedah Al Wasitiyah, and Tafseer Al Quran by Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyah ?may Allah have mercy on him.  Also the explanations by Shaykh Muhammed bin Ibrahim ?may Allah have mercy on him, and The Noble Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baz ?may Allah have mercy on him, raise his level in Paradise, and place him with the truthful.  Also the various explanations by our scholars, such as the explanations by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen ?may Allah have mercy on him, Shaykh Saleh Al Fowzan ?may Allah preserve him, as well as these recorded lessons (seminars).

Thus, it is upon the teacher to be mindful that his lessons are recorded, and people may possibly benefit from them after hundreds of years.  So if all (listeners) are silently listening, this will strengthen the teacher in giving his lesson.  For this reason, Sufyan or Imam Malik ?may Allah have mercy on them, and other than them from the people of knowledge used to say:

?If we were active, we would mention the full chain of narration, and if we were tired we would not mention of full chain.?  Therefore, this matter depends on the teacher himself, just as it depends on the student.
The movements of the student, his preparation, reception of the knowledge in quiet conduct, and taking notes well, all of these matters strengthen the teacher to deliver beneficial points.

The weapon of the student is his pen and paper.

What is important is that the teacher and student assist one another in successfully producing recorded (audio) materials.  These lessons are prepared specifically for intermediate level students.

The teacher should not use a methodology of teaching that is surpassed by the more knowledgeable student, nor should it be extremely easy for the beginner student. Rather his methodology of teaching should be on intermediate level.

This is the character of true teachers from amongst the scholars, according to how Allah has described them in His statement:

{Rather be true teachers with that which you are teaching from The Book and with that which you have studied} surah Al Imran:79

Allah -The Most High- described the Rabaani from amongst the people of knowledge, that he is one who learners and teaches.  As for the individual who learns but does not teach, then this person is not a Rabaani (true teacher).  Abu Abdullah Al Bukhari (Imam Al Bukhari) said:

The Rabaani is the one who teaches small knowledge before greater levels of knowledge.  (meaning: according to the need)

The Messenger ?salallahu alayhi wa salem- was given summarized, comprehensive speech.  When speech is summarized and beneficial, the regular layman can benefit along with the smarter individual, as well as the person living away from the city, along with those who live in the city (educated and lesser educated)?. The teacher should benefit intermediate students by mentioning definitions, principles and foundations.  A teacher should avoid presenting detailed descriptions during intensive seminars.  This is because the student desires to directly write down the definitions and categories.  The example of the teacher mentioning: The definition of the major form of shirk is?, and the definition of minor shirk is... and the likes.  And what is the difference between minor shirk and hidden shirk?  Also, the example of the teacher saying:  This matter is divided into 4 catagories?, and other than these examples.

This is what remains with the student, and this (methodology of teaching) is what opens for the student what was once closed.  As for the compositional method of teaching, then this a student can take from books.  But that which benefits is the specific differences and categories mentioned.  (By doing so) The teacher opens for the student many broad horizons.  This is the benefit of taking knowledge from the scholars.  If it were not for the categories and differences mentioned in matters that appear similar, there would be no greater benefit obtained through these lessons (intensive).  In fact, these lessons would have been similar to obtaining knowledge from books without the presence of a teacher.  You find some authors of older fiqh and aqeedah books mentioning categories by simply mentioning ?and?.  The example of their statement: Water is clean within itself, cleans other things, dirty, or doubtful.  And the example of their statement: Shirk is major, minor and hidden.

It is upon the teacher to make the matter easy.  He would, for example say:  The first category, the second category, and the third category? and the likes.  Of he would say: The first type, the second type and the third type.  He would also do the same in affairs of disagreement.  He would mention the matter and the different views in order.  He would say, for example: The first opinion is, its proof is, the way this matter is proven with these proofs is?Then he would mention the second opinion and the likes.  Finally, he would mention the most correct opinion, although this opinion may not be the more correct with other than him.

From that which is also important is that the student does not look at the teacher in the seminar as if he is an Imam (knowledgeable scholar) in every field, even if the teacher be a professor in a university or other than that.  This is because the student will (in the future) abandon the teacher if he finds him weak in certain fields of knowledge.  By doing so, he will not benefit from anyone except those who Imam Ath Thahabi described when he said:

?I almost have never seen their likes except in books or in graves (deceased)?.  

Hence, do not place difficult expectations upon your teacher; you fault him in this matter and in that matter.  What is important in a teacher is that he delivers the knowledge and he is conscious of Allah.  He does not ascribe to Allah or His Messenger ?salallahu alayhi wa salem-, or the religion, or to Islamic knowledge that which he does not know from the speech of the people of knowledge.  He also does not include his own personal opinions within the knowledge, because the purpose of Islamic lessons is to transmit knowledge as it was transmitted by the people of knowledge. Knowledge in this Ummah is what Allah says, what His Messenger ?salallahu alayhi wa salem- said, what The Shahaba said, and what The Scholars say.  Therefore, one should not place difficult conditions (expectations) upon the teacher, and by doing so this will allow the student to abstain from ill thoughts of him and consequently his knowledge is keep from the student.  

You should also not expect for the teacher to not stumble or error in a matter, especially during intensive courses.  It?s possible that a student has information that the teacher does not possess.  In this case the teacher can benefit from the student.  

Ibn Al Kashab Al Hanbali used to say: ?I am a student of my student?s students?.  This is a true statement because the teacher benefits just as the student benefits, and the likes.

The recent graduate that teaches in The Ministry of Education in primary, secondary schools, or colleges, initially he will benefit tremendously from his students.  But as time goes on, benefiting from his student?s will decrease and they will more so benefit from him.  This is because, in front of him are minds that debate what is being delivered to them, and as a result the teacher concentrates and prepares himself better.  But a matter may arise and what is memorized by the scholar may be the weaker opinion, incorrect, or the improper execution.  Factors regarding the matter might escape the scholar, he may error in attribution of a hadeeth, or similar to this and the student perhaps may know what is correct in this matter?

Therefore, knowledge is obtained during seminars both by the teacher and the student.  The teacher should not feel far above obtaining benefit from a student, and a student should not feel shy, and a result he abstains from benefiting his teacher.  Rather, a student should approach the teacher with respect and shyness and in a manner of seeking clarification.  

Accordingly, what is befitting for a student is that he doesn?t place extreme expectations upon the teacher that are difficult to met except in the likes of Great Imams such as Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Al Bukhari, Ibn Taymiyyah, or other than them.

Translator?s note: End of first part.  Part two (advice for the student) to follow within a few days insha Allah.

Mustafa George
Ruwais, United Arab Emirates

This message was edited by mustafaG. on 6-6-07 @ 7:26 PM

20-05-2007 @ 7:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismael mustafa bin george (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Oct 2005
Here is the Arabic link for the book.

This message was edited by mustafaG. on 6-6-07 @ 10:23 PM

06-06-2007 @ 5:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismael mustafa bin george (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Oct 2005
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

Here is the link for the full translated free ebook.

All praise is for Allah Lord of the worlds

Mustafa George
Ruwais, United Arab Emirates

This message was edited by mustafaG. on 6-7-07 @ 8:12 AM

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