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20-09-2006 @ 10:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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04-08-2006 @ 4:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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A beautiful lecture delivered by the noble Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Haadee.

The Shaykh begins by mentioning Salafi Publications with good and finishes by discussing the advice that he had written for the callers to Salafiyyah. A beautiful overall admonition that challenges the rumours spread by some who attribute to Shaykh Muhammad that which he did not say.

Masjid As-Salafi - Birmingham - 19th June 2005


"Then indeed it pleases me in these minutes to join with our brothers for the sake of Allaah; with whom we are joined by the connection of the Deen and Eemaan, in the United Kingdom, Britain in the city of Birmingham in specific and even more specific Salafi Publications.

And I am thankful to the brothers in charge of this Maktabah (As-Salafiyyah) due to what they have established by their efforts in the path of da'wah to goodness and guidance ? and da'wah to the people to the religion, the Religion of Islaam, and their da'wah to the Muslims to the way of the Truth, the Path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, Ahlul-Hadeeth wal-Athar ? the Path that the Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wassallam) left his Companions upon ? the (Path that) he commanded them with and commanded his Ummah with, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him
? just as Allaah, the Glorious and Magnificient, commanded with before, with His, the Most High, statement:

"And that is my Straight Path so follow it, and do not follow the other paths, for they will separate you from His Path. And this is what you have been commanded with so that you may become pious."

And the Prophet, salallaahu 'alayhi wassallam, said:

"Indeed the Jews split into 71 sects, and the Christians split into 72 sects, and this Ummah will split into 73, all of them in the Fire except for one." They said: "Who are they? O Messenger of Allaah." He said: ?Those who are upon that which I and my Companions are upon today." As for this Path, then the callers to it are few, and that is not something which is strange.

The truth always is put to trial and test but its people are aided, victorious.

"And which preceded from Our statement to Our worshipping servants that were sent, is that indeed they will be aided, victorious. And indeed our army will overcome".

"Indeed we will aid our Messengers and those who believe, in the life of this world?[the ayah]"

So the callers to the path of the Prophet, salallaahu 'alayhi wassallam, and that which his Companions were upon are small in number in every time and place. The Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, the ahlul-Athar are few in every age and city as compared to all those sects which attribute themselves to Islaam - and the people of Islaam are small in number in comparison to the remainder of people of unbelief of the Earth.

So we are grateful to the brothers at Salafi Publications for their giving importance to da'wah to the people upon truth and guidance. And we ask Allaah, the Magnificent and Glorious, that he sustains them with understanding of the Religion and firmness and establishment upon that ? just as we ask Allaah, the Perfect and Most High, to aid them upon proceeding upon this path."

"?And in conclusion I wish to draw attention on this occasion to that which emanated from me a writing to my brothers at Salafi Publications and to the Salafis in general in the lands of the West, that which was spread and translated and signed by our brothers at Salafi Publications. And this writing is an advice to my brothers at Salafi Publications and other than them in general to the Muslims and Salafis in particular ? in the lands of the West and even the East.

This advice, I wrote it whilst upon utmost reflection, taking time without rushing, and without haste. And it was signed by our brothers at Salafi Publications in Birmingham and it was spread upon the websites. And that which has harmed and bothered me is that which has reached me that some people have started explaining it [ i.e. the advice, saying] 'that the Shaykh intended this and intended that' or that 'the Shaykh desired this and desired that' ? then all of this is a lie and not permissible (to say) ? it is not permissible for a Muslim who fears Allaah and has taqwa to say that the intent of 'so and so' was 'this and that' whilst (the one they are referring to) is alive and present (in this case the Shaykh himself) ? so it obligatory upon the Muslim to return back to the individual concerned, the one who made the statement and ask him, 'what do you intend by this?'.

And as for going away and explaining it from his own self and he places it upon whomsoever he wishes and he lifts it from whomsoever he wishes, then all of this is kadhib (a lie) and distortion.

As for that advice, then it was for my brothers at Salafi Publications and for all of the Salafis in the West in general, just as I have written, then let whoever wishes to read it, read it and whoever wishes to look at it, look. It is obligatory upon whoever fears Allaah and has taqwa that he stops and does not go beyond (the bounds) and does not oppress and he does not carry the speech of others upon other than its correct meaning. We do not say that 'so and so' from the people does not err. No, error occurs. ?All of the children of Aadam err, but the best of those who err are the repentant?. The Muslim, with intellect will fall into errors and then he returns from that.

The Muslim with intellect, who has been granted success, is one who, if his errors are made clear to him, he returns from them. And in it is a raising for him with Allaah, and then with the people.

We ask Allaah, the Perfect and the Most High, that He grant us and our brothers at Salafi Publications success and likewise the Salafis in general in Britain and in West and the East and in every place.

May Allaah grant us and them success in the da'wah to Allaah upon guidance and sure-sighted knowledge and upon light from Allaah, the Perfect and Most High, and we ask Allaah, the Perfect and Most High, to rectify the affairs of the Muslims in every place. And He is The Guardian Protector, All-Capable of that. And our final call is that all praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds, and the salaat and salaam and blessings of Allaah be upon His Messenger Muhammad.?

Full talk - Click here:

>>Full Lecture Of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee<<

"إن كان كلام من فضة فسكوت من ذهب"

02-08-2006 @ 1:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
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Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي
01-08-2006 @ 10:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ayyub Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman (Helsinki,Finland)
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Allaahu Akbar.

May Allaah reward the shaykh.ameen!

31-07-2006 @ 8:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Masjidul Bayaan Asbury Park NJ (New Jersey, USA)
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Shaykh Anjaree haafithahullah was asked on July 29th, 2006:

O Shaykh, we cooperate with our brothers from Salafi Publication in Britain, but there are those in the United States that warn us against them saying that they have fallen into extremism and harshness, so we desire your advice on this issue.

The Shaykh haafithahullah answered:

Indeed Salafi Publications is a blessed Maktabah, and I have taught there on numerous occasions over several years. I do not know them except to be upon the correct way and the correct methodology and the Sunnah up until this day. And I have not seen from them any extremism or any harshness. And these terms are always used against Ahlus Sunnah who warn against Bid?ah and the people of deviated methodologies.  

These terms were used against Imaam Al Albaani rahimahullah because he used to warn against Ahlul Bid?ah from the likes of the Ikhwaan (al Muslimeen), Hizbut Tahreer, Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaaliq, and others like them that have deviated from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam and the understanding of the companions. Similarly, they have been used against Shaykh Rabee haafithahullah and his students who is known for his refutations against Bid?ah and its people. These words are used to deter the Muslims and drive them away from the likes of Shaykh Al Albaani rahimahullah and Shaykh Rabee haafithahullah and those that follow their path from the scholars from our brothers. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam used to repeatedly warn against Bid?ah in every Khutbatul Hajjah saying, ?Indeed every Bid?ah is a misguidance? even though in his time there were no innovations.  He would even warn against innovations during marriage contracts, knowing that there no innovations in this time.  How do we benefit from this continuous refutation of Bid?ah except that we should continuously warn against Bid'ah and the people of deviated paths? What should we do today where innovations and the people of innovation have become many, and there are many who call the Muslims to Bid?ah, and those people who warn against innovations are labeled with being extreme and harsh!

Indeed Salafipublications in Britain, what I know of them is that they are upon the correct methodology, and that they distribute the tapes and books of Ahlus Sunnah, and they warn against Ahlul Bid?ah, and they mention the statements of the scholars regarding them, from the likes of Sayyid Qutb, and Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq, and Hassan Al Banna, and other than them from the people of deviated methodologies. So is this extremism, is this harshness? If the Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam used to continuously warn the companions in every Khutbatul Hajjah against Bid?ah, then how is the Sunni to be quiet in this time when Bid?ah and sects have become many? So is this method of explaining the truth to be labeled extremism and harshness? I seek refuge in Allaah!  Rather, this is falsification.  

Do you desire that I should be quiet regarding the one who reviles the companions, do you desire that I should be quiet regarding the one who distorts the Quraan and distorts the Sifaat (attributes) of Ar Rabb (the Lord), and he urges the Muslims to kill each other, and he calls to making takfeer of the Muslims? This is how it should be; this is how it should be! The meaning of this type of speech is that we should be quiet regarding these people!

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