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Topic: Bristol's BANK HOLIDAY Conference! including Abu Idrees, Abu Junayd and Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaa'iri
Islaam in Bristol Dawah unspecified
Posts: 9
Joined: Nov 2009
Bristol's April Conference: Know Your Creator! Three days of Knowledge Based Islamic Seminars Guest Speakers Include: Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaairi Abu Idrees Mohammad Abu Junayd Yusuf More to be Confirmed.... Tele-links with the Ulama. Sisters Section, Food Stall, Book Stall, Quran Competition, Overnight Stay for brothers. Lectures in English, Somali and Arabic.
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Friday - Arabic Lectures Khutba Jumu'ah After Asr (5.30pm) Lecture by Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaairi. Saturday - English Lectures Lectures after Duhr (1pm), Asr (5.30pm) and Maghrib (8pm) Sunday - Somali Lectures Lectures after Duhr (1pm), Asr (5.30pm) and Maghrib (8pm)
@Albaseera Mosque. 20 Wade Street, St Judes, Bristol BS2 9DR. Tel: 01179541327
Posts: 8
Joined: Mar 2009
As'salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah Does the conference commence on the 22nd or the 27th of April? You haven't specified the dates and there are two bank holidays at the end of this month. Jazakamullaahu khairun Uthmaan
Posts: 451
Joined: Sep 2002
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Timetable for Conference Friday 29th April 2011 1.00pm Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaairi Khutba Jumużah (Arabic) 1.45pm Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaairi Questions and Answers (Arabic/English) 5.30pm Asr Prayer 5.45pm Abu Khadijah Al-Jazaairi: Who Is Your Creator? (Arabic/English) 7.00pm Ahmad Eid (Telelink): Manners in the Mosque (Somali) 8.30pm Maghrib Prayer 8.45pm Abdul-Qaadir Suuley: Virtues of Seeking Knowledge (Somali) 10.30pm Isha Prayer Saturday 30th April 2011 1.30pm Dhur Prayer 1.45pm Abdul-Qaadir Ukaasha: (Telelink) Escaping the Trial (Somali) 4.00pm Abdul-Qaadir Suuley: Raising our Children (Somali) 5.30pm Asr Prayer 5.45pm Abu Junayd Yusuf Bowers: Allah is Great (English) 7.00pm Dr Uthmaan Mualim (Telelink): Paths to Guildance (Arabic) 8.30pm Maghrib Prayer 8.45pm Abu Idrees: Love for the Sunnah (English) 10.30pm Isha Prayer Sunday 1st May 2011 1.30pm Dhur Prayer 1.45pm Quran Competition 5.30pm Asr Prayer 5.45pm Khadr As-Salafi: Attributes of the belivers(Somali) 7.00pm Mohammad Al-Imaam (Telelink): Sincere Advice (Arabic) 8.30pm Maghrib Prayer 8.45pm Mohamad Abdi-Daahir: Whorship Your Lord! (English) 10.30pm Isha Prayer |