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Topic: next Friday, 8th April, live Tele-Link with Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaażeel Mandakaar
| Brothers at
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Joined: Jun 2009
Bismillahi ar-Rahmaani ar-Raheem All praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may the prayers and salutations be upon our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions. To proceed: It pleases us to announce that we will broadcast a live Tele-Link via our site with Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaażeel Mandakaar, may Allah preserve him, on next Friday, 8th of April, 2011, at 21:45 saudi and 20: 45 german time. Topic of the lecture is: Explanation of the Hadeeth: żFear Allah wherever you are..." The lecture is directly translated into German. Broadcast Link: Or directly from the homepage: [url=][/url] You brothers from al-Ibaanah - Klarstellung nach dem Manhadsch der Salaf
| Brothers at
Posts: 9
Joined: Jun 2009
Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaaeel Mandakaar hafidhahullah had an important meeting with some Mashaayikh in Kuwait, so he could not give the lecture. However, he greeted everybody with Salaam and promised to agree on a new appointment. Instead, we had a live Tele-link with Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzaan al-Haajiree, may Allah preserve him. Topic of the lecture was: "The perfection of the character belongs to the fruits of at-Tawheed." We praise Allah for his ability and we thank our Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzaan al-Haajiree, may Allah preserve him, for this important lecture, may Allah reward him. And this was the second tele-link in a series of lectures with the 'Ulamaa of Sunnah and the well known students of knowledge, organised by al-Ibaanah, inshaa Allah! Here the recording of the talk in MP3: Follow us on: [ ] [/url] You brothers from [][/url][ - Klarstellung nach dem Manhadsch der Salaf