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Posted By Topic: SOUTHWEST ENGLAND ISLAMIC CONFERENCE 2010 - 2nd,3rd and 4th April

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28-03-2010 @ 9:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdul fattah Ali Mohamed (CARDIFF, UK)
Posts: 38
Joined: Nov 2006
The Timetable of the lectures are as follows:-

Friday 2nd April 2010

1pm(Khutba) - Abdul-Qaadir Suuley "The Word of Tawheed (Kalimada Tawhiid) (Part 1)" Somali

5.15pm - Abu Bakr Hassan Mohamed - "The Value of Time with
theSalaf"  (Qiimaha uu wakhtigu lalahaa Salafkii hore)  Somali

8.00pm - Abdikareem Hassan Hoosh - "The Foundations of Our Religion" (Dhismaha Diinteena)  Somali

Saturday 3rd April 2010

1.30pm - Abdul-Qaadir Suuley - "The Word of Tawheed (Kalimada Tawhiid
qaybtii labaad) (Part 2)"  Somali

3.15pm - Mohamoud Mohamed Raage - "Principles of Jarh and
Ta'deel" ( Jarh and Ta'deel)   Somali

5.15pm - Khadar Abdirahman - "Attributes of the People of
Paradise"   (Calaamadaha Dadka Jannada)  Somali

8.00pm - Telephone Link with Ukaasha "Cultivating Our
Children" (Barbaarinta Caruurta)  Somali

Sunday 4th April

1.30pm - Saeed Al-Kalafi - "Virtues of Seeking Knowledge" (In

3.15pm - Yusuf Bowers - "Knowing Allah" (In English)

5.15pm Abu Khadijah - "The Stright Path" (In English)

8.00pm Hassan As-Somali - "Guarding Against Evil" (In English)

Barakalaahu Feekum

27-03-2010 @ 11:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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16-03-2010 @ 10:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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South West England Islamic Conference 2010
"Foundations of Islam"

Bank Holiday Weekend (2nd,3rd and 4th April)
Al Baseera Mosque and Islamic Centre,
20 Wade Street, St Judes, Bristol, BS2 9DR

As Salamu Aliakum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

With just a week to go we thought it would be a good idea to inform of the
following detail: -

Brothers are welcome to come and stay in the Mosque over the conference
period. Parking is available at the car park next to the Masjid for
Saturday and Sunday. The timetable below is split into halves. The Friday
and Saturday lectures are in Somali and encourage all Somali speaking
brothers and sisters to take part. English lectures will be all day Sunday
insha Allah and encourage everyone to attend (please see below for

It is very easy to get to Al-Baseera Mosque in Bristol, see
Al Baseera Mosque Location

There will be Food and Book Stalls throughout the weekend. We welcome
Ahlus-Sunnah to Bristol over the Bank Holiday weekend!

The Timetable of the lectures are as follows:-

Friday 2nd April

1pm(Khutba) - Abdul-Qaadir Suuley  "The Word of Tawheed(Part 1)" (In

5.15pm - Abu Bakr Hassan Mohamed - "The Value of Time with the Salaf" (In

8.00pm - Abdikareem Hassan Hoosh - "The Foundations of Our Religion"(In

Saturday 3rd April

1.30pm - Abdul-Qaadir Suuley - "The Word of Tawheed(Part 2)" (In Somali)

3.15pm - Mohamoud Mohamed Raage - "Principles of Jarh and Ta'deel" (In

5.15pm - Khadar Abdirahman - "Attributes of the People of Paradise" (In

8.00pm - Telephone Link with Ukaasha "Cultivating Our Children" (In Somali)

Sunday 4th April

1.30pm - Saeed Al-Kalafi - "Virtues of Seeking Knowledge" (In English)

3.15pm - Yusuf Bowers - "Knowing Allah" (In English)

5.15pm Abu Khadijah - "The Stright Path" (In English)

8.00pm Hassan As-Somali - "Guarding Against Evil" (In English)

For any further information please call 07723754035.

Barakallahu Feekum wa Jazaakummullahu Khairan.

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