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» Jazan University
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11-10-2009 @ 2:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillah Zeea Uddin Abu Bakr (Samitah Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 3
Joined: Jul 2008
Assalamoualaykoum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu

For brothers and sisters who are coming to work for Jazan University. Please note:

1) The Uni will pick YOU up from Jazan airport. They will also provide 5 nights accommodation paid by them in a hotel.

Please email Mr Ahmedeni your flight details; His mobile number is: 00966 0504744308.

Mr Walid from PR would be (Insha Allah) at the airport to pick you up. His mobile number is:00966 530499070.

2)Please bring all your documentations: Certicates + letter of experience and any other.

3)Most probably you will have to wear shirt and trousers at work.

Jazakomoullahu Khairan

Abu Abdullah Zeea - Jazan

Jazakallahu Khairan

Was salaam

Abu 'Abdillah

24-04-2010 @ 4:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillah Zeea Uddin Abu Bakr (Samitah Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 3
Joined: Jul 2008
Assalamoualaykoum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu

For brothers and sisters who are coming to work for Jazan University. Please note:

1) The Uni will pick YOU up from Jazan airport. They will also provide 5 nights accommodation paid by them in a hotel.

Please email Mr Ahmedeni your flight details; His mobile number is: 00966 0504744308.

Mr Walid from PR or (someone from them) would be (Insha Allah) at the airport to pick you up. His mobile number is:00966 530499070.

2)Please bring all your documentations: Certificates + experience letters and any others all stamped by Saudi Cultural Bureau.

Jazakomoullahu Khairan

Abu Abdullah Zeea - Jazan

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