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» The Characteristics of Modern-Day Khawaarij as told by the Rulings of Modern-Day Scholars
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Posted By Topic: The Characteristics of Modern-Day Khawaarij as told by the Rulings of Modern-Day Scholars

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11-11-2009 @ 11:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005

  • Religiously Opposing and Revolting against the Leaders and Renouncing Allegiance and Obedience to Them
  • Making Takfir of Perpetrators of Major Sins
  • Inciting People to Oppose Governments by Announcing their Faults, Criticizing Them, and Demonstrating against Them
  • Making Takfir of Whoever Does Not Absolutely Judge or Rule with Allah's
  • Making Takfir of the Ruler, Claiming He Has Abandoned and Terminated Jihaad
  • Bombings
  • Legitimizing the Murdering of Security Officers
  • Their Claim that the Muslim Leader is Only He Whom All Muslims throughout the World, from the East to the West, Unite in Allegiance to Him

Please read the entire treatise by clicking

May Allah guide these modern-day Khawaarij and keep and the Muslim countries safe from their fitnah. Aameen.

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