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Topic: Abul-Hasan Maalik: A Response to the Article, "The Radicals Among Us" in Philadelphia Magazine
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
Islam's Condemnation of Crime and Murder in Society - A Response to the February 2009 Article in Philadelphia magazine entitled: The Radicals Among Us
A public session was held by our brother Abul-Hasan Maalik Ibn Aadam yesterday, February 22nd 2009, at Masjid Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab in Camden NJ in response to the article printed in this month's issue of 'Philadelphia' magazine, wherein the author: Matthew Teague stated in his article entitled, "The Radicals Among Us":
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And then there's the matter of money - specifically, Saudi money, according to Philadelphia police. The complexities of Middle Eastern religious politics are many, and vast. But it's clear to authorities that Saudi Arabian extremist groups - namely, Wahhabis and Salafis, sects that seek to bring about the return of an Islamic empire - recognize angry young American prisoners as easy targets, and pour money into radicalizing prisoners both during and after their incarceration. "[T]he immense wealth associated with extreme Wahhabism/Salafism makes the religion appealing to inmates,- according to a 2004 study by the U.S. Department of Justice."
Abul-Hasan proceeded to answer the erroneous claims above, in addition to clearly laying out how the Scholars of Saudi Arabia and the Salafis has continually condemned violence, terrorism, murder, drug trafficking and more. Amongst the points covered were: - criticism of the article, "The Radicals Among Us" written by Matthew Teague for 'Philadelphia' magazine, through the principles of honest journalism, including ethos, pathos and logos - a clarification of what is Salafism and their stance towards violence, extremism, crime and murder - An accurate history of what is termed, "Wahhabism" - Verdicts from the Scholars of Saudi Arabia in unequivocal condemnation of violence and terrorism - the role that various forms of intoxicants and drugs have played in these recent crimes and what Islam says about substance abuse and drug trafficking - The position of the Salafi Scholars concerning co-operation with the authorities in crime prevention, including terrorism, hijacking, kidnapping and bombings - A reply to the erroneous claims of many journalists that the Muslims, especially the Scholars of Saudi Arabia, have not condemned the terrorist acts committed in the name of Islam - Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree, a Saudi Arabian Salafi Scholar, condemns the recent bank robbery and murder of police that occurred recently in Philadelphia, PA and describes such conduct as savage behaviour - King Abdullah's advice to the people and Scholars of Saudi Arabia after the terrorist events of 9/11 - A call to return to the Scholars of Islam, the people of knowledge, in such affairs GO THERE NOW!
Sunnah Publishing
(Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
Live Radio Broadcast on Crime and Murder in Society
Live Radio Broadcast on Crime and Murder in Society As a follow up to the lecture mentioned above, our brother, Abul-Hasan Maalik appeared live this week on Philadelphia morning radio to discuss the recent unfortunate criminal activities which have led to Muslims, and Salafis in particular, being unjustly painted with the taint of crime, violence and extremism. In particular, this was part of a campaign to clarify the gross inaccuracies and outright fabrications contained in the article, "The Radicals Among Us", written by Matthew Teague and printed in the February 2009 issue of Philadelphia magazine. and He also took live calls from callers about the topic at hand other topics about Islam. Please note that this recording of the live show has been edited for content by and all extraneous and irrelevant portions have been omitted to keep the overall message intact. [url=]GO THERE NOW![/url]