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Topic: "Shariah calls for protection of life and property": Shaykh Saleh Aal-Ashaykh hafithahullaah
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JEDDAH: Islamic Affairs Minister Saleh Al-Asheikh yesterday emphasized the importance of the ongoing trial of terror suspects at a Riyadh court, saying the move would help give a verdict deserved by them on the basis of Shariah. ýAfter the completion of investigations it was essential to try the Al-Qaeda suspects considering the requests of their relatives as well as the relatives of the victims of terrorist activities,ý the minister said. ýThe trial will strengthen the Kingdomýs policies that are based on justice, truth and fairness,ý Al-Asheikh said emphasizing the impartiality of Saudi judiciary. Interior Minister Prince Naif announced on Tuesday that 991 suspected Al-Qaeda militants, arrested in connection with over 30 terrorist attacks across the country since 2003, are to stand trial. Al-Asheikh said those who kill innocent people, terrorize them and destroy public and private properties deserve capital punishment under Shariah. ýThe Shariah, which is based on the Qurýan and Sunnah, demands protection of life, wealth and honor of people,ý he said, adding that those who carried out terrorist attacks in the Kingdom had committed several crimes, including killing of innocent people. Killing of non-Muslims who are under the protection of an Islamic government is not allowed in Islam. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said that those who kill an ally would not even taste the smell of Paradise, Al-Asheikh explained. The minister said the number of Muslims died in terrorist attacks was more than that of non-Muslims. ýIf anybody kills a Muslim deliberately his punishment is hell where he will stay forever,ý he said quoting a verse from the Qurýan. He said society, especially its legal institutions such as mosques, should play an important role in confronting deviant thoughts and ideas. The minister described the takfiri (labeling opponents as infidels) and tafjeeri (causing explosions) ideologies as a major calamity that has fallen upon the Ummah. Islamic scholars and prayer leaders should understand the situation of Muslim youth and guide them to goodness. ýWe should confront the ideology of takfir and tafjeer of these kharijites (deviants) by protecting our youth from being enticed by them,ý he explained. ýMosques should stand up to the challenge posed by the proponents of deviant thoughts,ý he said. ýItýs not a platform for courtesy nor for keeping mum on the deviants,ý he added. Al-Asheikh said Islam opposes extremism. ýThe Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had advised Muslims that they should keep away from extremism,ý he said quoting a Hadith. source:Arab News of 24 Shawwal 1429
Abu abdir Razzaaq Amjad ibn Ayub
(United Kingdom)
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Al-Qaeda threat is serious: Al-Asheikh Arab News JEDDAH: The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia yesterday urged citizens and residents to take the Al-Qaeda threat seriously and join hands with the Kingdomýs security forces in defeating the group. ýThe finding of weapons and dangerous explosives to carry out subversive acts and destroy economic installations... should not be taken lightly,ý said Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh. The statement follows news last week of the arrest of 701 Al-Qaeda militants in the last six months for allegedly plotting to carry out terrorist attacks on oil facilities and other vital installations. Al-Asheikh called on young Saudis not to be enticed by militants. He further demanded coordinated action from Saudis and residents to uncover members of the group. In a nine-point statement, the mufti said the criminal acts planned by the militants would not come from the mind of a true believer, adding that these militants were acting as tools in the hands of the enemies of Islam and Saudi Arabia. Al-Asheikh, who is the Kingdomýs highest religious authority, said Islam does not allow the killing of innocent people. He also cautioned Muslim youth against deviant ideologies whose proponents want to undermine the Kingdomýs security. ýYou should be aware that these militants, who claim to work for the cause of Islam and defend Muslims, actually hide their vested interests and vicious objectives,ý he said. Al-Asheikh warned Saudis and residents against providing protection and refuge to militants.
Abdullah b.Umar May Allah be pleased with them both said: 'Every bidah(religious innovation) is misguidance, even if people think it is good.' Al-Lalikaii in Sharh Usýl Iýtiqýd Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jama'ah Vol 1. P134, no.111