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» Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on Taraaweeh Prayers in the Mosques of the People of Innovation
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31-08-2008 @ 6:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree on Taraaweeh Prayers in the Mosques of the People of Innovation
Translation by Abul-Hasan Maalik Ibn Aadam

Questioner: O Shaykh, in the month of Ramadaan, some of the Salafees leave off the Taraaweeh prayers in the masaajid of the Salafees and go to the masaajid of other than them because of the beautiful recitations of their Imaams, so is this [action of theirs] permissible?

Shaykh Ubayd: In reality this question is strange, and that is because some of the Salafis leave off the Taraaweeh prayer of Ramadaan with their brothers from the Salafees and go to pray it with the people of innovation due to their beautiful voicesý

Questioner: Shaykh, the question does not say ýthe people of innovation,ý rather it merely says ýother than themý (i.e. other than the Salafees).

Shaykh Ubayd: Other than them, meaning the people of innovation, because if the word ýotherý is used as the opposite of the Salafee, it means the person of innovation. As for the answer to this question, I advise these youth from the Salafis to pray with their brothers from the Salafis and not to go to the people of innovation, because this will increase their numbers and strengthen them against the people of the Sunnah. That is one point; another point is that following after the beautiful voices of those who recite and bouncing from one reciter to another, because of a beautiful voice, is from the affairs of fitnah as has been related from Imaam Ahmad (d.241H) and others, may Allaah have mercy upon them.

Taken from the questions and answers from Masjid Rahmah's recent Umrah trip

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