Posts: 137
Joined: Feb 2006
'Alee al-Halabee Admits that Shaykh al-Albaanee Supported the Refutation of Shaykh Rabee' Against 'Adnaan 'Ar'oor
'Alee al-Halabee said,
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When I mentioned to our Shaykh, al-Albaanee - hafidhahullaah - something from the proofs of Shaykh Rabee' in his refutation and his rebuttal and his criticism of 'Adnaan 'Ar'oor, he said, "These affairs are true. It is obligatory upon 'Adnaan to answer for them with clarity and it is not enough to do so with mere speech, that he merely speaks in generality and elaboration and in general and in specific, to the end of these words, which do not rectify and do not benefit the likes of this one."
Refer to the audio recording of this statement: This testimony that al-Halabee has uttered - may Allaah forgive him - has various affairs within it, from them: Firstly: Our Shaykh, al-Albaanee, was in agreement. Rather, he supported the manhaj of the Salaf, which Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee follows. Secondly: Shaykh al-Albaanee knew about some of the proofs that Shaykh Rabee' had on 'Ar'oor, not all of them. Yet he supported them and he said that they were the truth, so what if he were to learn about all of them? Thirdly: In the speech of Shaykh al-Albaanee is support for the refutations of Shaykh Rabee' upon the principles of al-Ma`ribee in carrying the mujmal (general) upon the mufassal (specific) in the speech of those who are not infallible. And this demonstrates the cleverness of al-'Allaamah al-Albaanee - rahimahullaah. Fourthly: Shaykh al-Albaanee did not accept dodging the issue, beating around the bush and trickery. Rather, he sought a clear and apparent recantation. As for whatever exceeds that from fabrications, then that does not rectify, nor does it benefit. Fifthly: This statement from al-Halabee's proves false the claims of 'Adnaan 'Ar'oor that he sought arbitration. So al-'Allaamah al-Albaanee supported Shaykh Rabee' and stated that his criticism was the truth. And there is nothing after the truth, except falsehood. Sixthly: This statement demonstrates that al-Albaanee would accept the narration of the thiqah (i.e. in this case, Shaykh Rabee') concerning al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel. And this proves the falseness of those who reject the narration of the trustworthy person in al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel and judging the people. Seventhly: This statements demonstrates that Shaykh al-Albaanee made the truth that Shaykh Rabee' established binding and obligatory upon 'Ar'oor, and this is a refutation upon his followers. Whatever is obligatory upon 'Ar'oor, in terms of returning to the truth with clarity, then it is likewise binding upon his followers and his supporters. Eigthly: This statement proves that al-Halabee is now in opposition to his old manhaj during the lifetime of al-Albaanee. Rather, he is in opposition to the manhaj of Shaykh al-Albaanee in his support for the truth and his support for the refutations of Shaykh Rabee'. Ninthly: And in this is a mighty refutation against al-Halabee and his principles. And in this is a proof for our noble Shaykh, Ahmad Baazmool, in his Salafee refutations, especially his refutation entitled, "Refutation of al-Halabee against al-Halabee". Summarized from the following post: SOURCE: