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» Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee on the Book of Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin (hafidhahumallaah)
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24-12-2010 @ 7:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee's advice on Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin about his book.

(مرة أخرى منسقًا للنشر) نصيحة العلامة أحمد النجمي للشيخ العباد حول كتابه (رفقا أهل السنة بأهل السنة)

05-09-2003 @ 4:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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One important point that perhaps has not been given due recognition - Shaykh 'Abbaad stated:
فهذا الكتاب الذي هو رفقاً أهل السنة بأهل السنة لا يعني الإخوان المسلمين

So this book, which is "Rifqan Ahl is-Sunnah bi-Ahl is-Sunnah," does not mean (i.e. refer to) Ikhwaan ul-Muslimeen.
This is a clear indication that the Shaykh does not consider Ikhwaan to be amongst Ahl us-Sunnah (and thus amongst the 72 sects of the fire). This in itself is a blow to al-Ma'ribee and his followers.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري
02-09-2003 @ 9:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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15-08-2003 @ 3:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Need a lift.

06-08-2003 @ 10:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Sorry to interrupt brothers in the middle of all this but maybe this could be made:

The Fitnah of Jarh and Tajreeh Against Ahl us-Sunnah - Part 5


Abu.Abdullah.A   08-06-2003 @ 1:48 PM      
Posts: 31

Saleem al-Hilaalee says that Sahab and AnaSalafi.Net are run by Ahl ul-Bidah wal-Ahwaa wad-Dalaalah who are only wearing the gown of Salafiyyah.

فإياك وإياها فإنها (مواقع للفتنة)، وبِخاصة بعض المواقع التي لَبِسَت لبُوس السلفيّة مثل: موقع (أنا السلفي)! أو موقع سحاب! أو موقع (أهل الحديث)! هذه من المواقع التي يديرها أهل الأهواء وأهل البدع وأهل الضلالات، وبعضهم معروف بانتماءاته المشبوهة.
سجل بتاريخ (1/6/1424هـ - الموافق 31/7/2003م).

Yet on the following people of knowledge have accounts and post on there

الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي

الشيخ أحمد النجمي

الشيخ زيد المدخلي

الشيخ عبيد الجابري

الشيخ فالح الحربي

الشيخ سلطان العيد

See this link

What happened to the rifq?
What happened about the fitnah of tabdee' and tajreeh?
What happened to "tathabbut"?
What happened to "husnu dhann"?
etc. etc. etc.

This message was edited by iamsalafee on 8-6-03 @ 10:36 PM
01-08-2003 @ 3:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Quick Summary of the Statement of Shaykh Faalih:

This is not a complete translation but only a quick summary by meaning of the Shaykhs words for those who want to know what the Shaykh said but can't read Arabic. If we have the time we will translate it in full, and if there is anyone who is willing to translate it, then please do so.

The above statement can be summarised as follows:

1. The Ahl ul-Ahwaa have used this book and spread it in every place. The people of falsehood do not rejoice with truth, they only rejoice with what agrees with their desires, they rejoice with the opposite of truth. If not, then why have they not rejoiced with the knowledge of Shaykh al-Abbaad, is the knowledge of the Shaykh only found in this small booklet? (I.e. these Hizbees never rejoiced and benefited from the knowledge that is with Shaykh al-Abbaad in general, have they ever spread that, like they spread this booklet, and have they benefited other people by the Shaykhs knowledge prior to the Shaykh writing this small booklet?). What about the knowledge of al-Abbaad, his lessons, his other books, what about studying under him an benefiting form his knowledge? All of this they never rejoiced with, and they did not take steps to spread it on their sites and between themselves. This is a proof that they are people of desires. Also specifying names that the Shaykh did not specify himself is lying upon the Shaykh.

2. There is also no doubt that they found in the book what supports them, yet they are disputants against the Sunnah and its people. This is why you see them always attached to awhaam (conjectures) and interpreting words however they desire, just like they did years earlier with the bayaan of Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) which they took to refer to Ahl us-Sunnah, and then Shaykh Ibn Baaz falsified them and declared they saying as counterfeit and stated specifically those who are Ahl us-Sunnah.

3. So we say that a person of the Sunnah does not revile Ahl us-Sunnah. However sometimes some amongst them can make observations and follow up each other, without a doubt, and this is accepted. Sometimes they might not agree, the truth is apparent to some, but it has not become so to others, and the one to whom it has not become clear might be excused, when he is a scholar who is mujtahid. But as for the one who sees the truth, he must speak with it. This is the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, which is taken from the Book, the Sunnah, and this is why the Messengers were sent and Books revealed, the issue of speaking the truth and not fearing the blame of anyone, the issue of walaa and baraa around this, this is the foundation.

3. Sometimes some amongst Ahl us-Sunnah might see what others do not see, or one might make an ijtihaad in which he believes he is correct, and then criticise others on account of it, but in reality he is the one who is in error. And we by the praise of Allaah are not like the people of desires, we actually have a balance/scale, a detailed and just balance/scale, which is that of the Book and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf.

4. The Shaykhs like Shaykh Ibn Baaz and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen used to differ with us when we would speak about the Hizbees in their methodologies. This is because they did not come to know of their realities, and we knew their realities, and we say that they would excuse us in that, and then afterwards what was clear to us became clear to them. And afterwards when they looked in detailed, they issued a verdict of misguidance upon them, and their deviation and imprisonment for them and they were punished, and the falsehood of their manhaj became known. So afterwards it became clear that there is no difference between us, but they were excused because they did not know and we stated what we believed and what was apparent to us from those people and we judged by this. And thereafter, agreement and consensus was reached, and this is how Ahl us-Sunnah are always. When the scholars make ijtihaad then they are excused when eventually what is clear to others becomes clear to them, and then they will agree with their brothers. So this risaalah (of Shaykh al-Abbaad) is like this, the matter is the same.

5. So we say the Shaykh has is own angle, and he desires nothing but goodness. But there is no doubt that the risaalah does have mistakes that are to be avoided. And it is from naseehah that we warn from these matters, that they are avoided and it is not permissible to spread them due to the danger within them. There are some matters that have been laid down which are not from the usool of Ahl us-Sunnah, they oppose the usool of Ahl us-Sunnah. Such as the issue of fatwaa and to whom should it referred back to. For it is not correct to make it binding to refer to them (i.e. the Permanent Committee) as opposed to others, but they are the first of those to whom it can be referred to (as well as others) and Allaah says, "Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know".

to be continued...


This message was edited by on 8-1-03 @ 3:14 PM
01-08-2003 @ 11:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Speech of Shaykh Faalih on "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah..."

موقف الشيخ العلامة فالح بن نافع الحربي من كتاب" رفقا أهل السنة بأهل السنة"

السائل : شيخنا حفظكم الله ظهرت عندنا رسالة بعنوان :" رفقا أهل السنة بأهل السنة" ويوزعها القطبيون والتكفريون وأصحاب المأربي والعيد شريفي وفرحوا بها فرحا شديدا ويقولون هذه الرسالة كتبها العباد طعنا في الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي  والمشايخ الذين أكثروا من الرد على المخالف فما قولكم وما توجهكم بارك الله فيكم وأحسن الله إليكم ؟

الشيخ فالح حفظه الله: " الرسالة المسؤول عنها وأنتم تسألون عن كتاب وهذا الكتاب منشور وطار كل مطار وخدمه كما تقول الحزبيون وأهل الأهواء ويعلم ضرورة أن أهل الباطل لا يطيرون بالحق ولا يحتفلون بالحق ولا يفرحون به ، وإنما يفرحون بضده ، هم أهل أهواء  الشيء الذي يوافق أهواءهم ، وقطعا الحق يخالف أهواءهم فهم يحتفلون به ويهتمون به و يحتفلون به ، وإلا فأين  احتفالهم  بعلم الشيخ العباد وفقه الله وحفظه، علم الشيخ العباد لا يوجد إلا في هذا الكتيب  ؟.

علم العباد دروس العباد كتب العباد، التلمذة عليه  الاستفادة من علمه  كل هذا يعني  لم يفرحوا به ولم يعني يخفوا إلى نشره في مواقعهم وفي ما بينهم هذا دليل على أنهم أصحاب أهواء  وأيضا تعين الأشخاص  الذين عينوهم  الشيخ لم يعين يعتبر هذا من التخرص ، لكن لاشك أنهم وجدوا في الكتاب  ما يساعد هم على هذا وهم خصوم  للسنة ولأهلها، ولذلك  تجدهم  يتعلقون بالأوهام  ويفسرون الكلام كما يريدون  كما فسر من سبقهم ومن  سلف له من سنوات  خطابا أو نصيحتا لسماحة الشيخ ابن باز رحمة الله عليه ونزلوها على أهل السنة ، ورد عليهم الشيخ وزيف ما قالوه وأبطله ونص على أهل السنة و أنهم أهل السنة ، فنحن نقول صاحب السنة لا يطعن في أهل السنة ، لكن قد بعضهم يستدرك على بعض لاشك في هذا وهذا مسلم ، وقد لا يتفقون أحيانا يعني يظهر الحق لبعضهم ولا يظهر لبعضهم الأخر ويكون من لم يظهر له الحق تحت العذر إذا كان عالما مجتهدا ومن ظهر له الحق وجب عليه أن يقول به هذا منهج أهل السنة والجماعة  المستقى من كتاب الله وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم  بل هو  الذي جاءت لأجله الرسل وأنزلت  لأجله الكتب   ، مسألة قول الحق ولا نخاف في الله لومة  لائم  ، قضية الولاء والبراء عليه  وهذا أساس وأصل .

نعود إلى ما قلناه من أنه قد يظهر لأهل السنة  لبعضهم ما لم يظهر لأخر أو يجتهد مجتهد هم  ويرى أنه أهل لأن يقول  في مسألة من المسائل وينتقد الآخرين فيها ولكنه يكون مخطأ ، نحن والحمد لله لسنا كأصحاب الأهواء لدينا ميزان ، ميزان دقيق عادل وهو الميزان بالكتاب والسنة على فهم سلف الأمة  هذا هو منهج أهل السنة والجماعة   ويوصل أيضا عندنا في بلادنا كان كبار علماءنا كسماحة الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز والشيخ ابن عثيمين  وغيرهما يخالفوننا في الكلام في أشخاص  حزبيين  في مناهجهم لأنهم لا يعرفوا حقيقتهم  ونحن نعرف حقيقتهم ونقول ، ونقول وهم يعذروننا في ذلك ثم فيما بعد تبين لهم ما تبين لنا ، أوما كنا نقوله حينما راجعوه ونظروا فيه ووجدوه هو الحق وطلب الحجج عليه فوصلت إليهم ، فأفتوا بضلال أولاءك وانحرافهم بل بسجن أولاءك وعوقبوا أو عوقب بعضهم وعرف باطل مناهجهم بناء على فتوى أولاءك العلماء من كبار العلماء في بلادنا وهناك ظهر أنه لا خلاف بعد أن كان أولاءك العلماء تحت العذر ونحن قلنا بما نعتقده ما ظهر لنا من أولاءك ونحكم به رجعوا فحصل الإتفاق والإجماع وهكذا أهل السنة دائما إذا كان العلماء مجتهدين فإن منهم من يكون تحت العذر عندما يظهر له ما لم يظهر لأخيه و إذا ظهر له الحق أيضا اتفق مع أخيه على الحق فالرسالة شئنها هو شئن هذا

فهو أن الشيخ وفقه الله له وجهة نظر ونقول إن شاء الله ما أراد إلا الخير ولكن لاشك أن الرسالة فيها ثغرات وفيها أخطاء يجب أن تجتنب يعني من النصيحة أن نحذر من هذه الأشياء وأنها تجتنب ولا يجوز أن تروج ولا أن توزع وذلك لخطورة ما فيها وهناك أمور أصلت ليست على أصول أهل السنة فهي مخالفة للأصول أهل السنة ، لا بنسبة للفتوى ومن يرجع إليه و الإلزام بالرجوع إلى لا يلزم شرعا الرجوع إليهم دون غيرهم وإنما هم من أول من يرجع إليهم ومن المرجعية لأهل السنة والجماعة ، ولكن الله سبحانه وتعالى يقول :  ( فسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون).

وأولئك حفظهم الله من العلماء لهم مسؤولية وفيه أمور محددة حينما ترجع إليهم يكون كلامهم فيها أو حكمهم فيها من باب القضاء وينفذ وإذا رجع إليهم قد يكون الرجوع إليهم خصوصا أنهم هيئة أعني هيئة كبار

العلماء وعلى رأسهم المفتي حفظه الله عندنا يستأنس بما يصدر عنهما   حتى ولو كانت فتوى غير ملزمة  لأن رأي الجماعة يعني أوثق أو الثقة به أكثر من رأي الأفراد رأيك مع الجماعة أحب إلي رأيك وحد ك كما هو معلوم لكن لايحجرهذا الواسع  فمن رجع إلى عالم واستفتى في الأمور التي ليست مما يعني ينحو نحو القضاء والحكم   السلطاني   بحيث يحكم فيها هذا العالم وولي الأمر ينفذ هذا يدخل في باب القضاء وقد يكون مخطئا وقد يكون مصيبا المجتهد ولكن لولم ينفذ مثل هذا  الحكم لصارت الأمور فوضى فكما جاء في قصة داوود وفي قصة الولاة  الذين يحكمون وفي قصة القضاة هذه الأمور ليست من باب أن شخصا يجتهد في مسألة فيخطأ أو يقول رأيا أو يقرر أمام تلاميذه مسألة قد يخطي بتقريره ولكن إذا كانت قضاء وكانت مما يعني ينفذه السلطان مما يتعلق بي أمور الأمة من الأمن أو الخوف أو الأحكام والعدل فيما بينهم فإنه حينئذ ينبغي الرجوع إلى ما يقرره من كلفوا بهذا وهذه ناحية قضائية أما أن يتكلم الشخص أو يفتى وهو أهل للفتوى فإن قوله قد يكون حقا وقد لا يكون كذلك ويرد عليه مع احترامه ويبين ما عنده من خطأ ، هذه الرسالة فيها خطأ ومن خطئها أو أخطاءها أن الأشخاص الذين يقال رفقا بهم لا يوافق أهل السنة على هذا الكلام على أنهم فعلا كما يراه صاحب الكتاب وكذلك ما ذكرناه من كونه يعني لابد من أن يرجع إلى جهة معينة أو الخطأ إذا بين يكفي تبينه أو يكفي بيانه وينتهي الأمر ولا يحتاج إلى أن يكون البيان مساوي لما حصل من الخطأ وكاشفا له كما قال الله سبحانه تعالى :{ وكذلك نفصل الآيات ولتستبين سبيل المجرمين }

وليهلك من هلك عن بينة ويحيي من حي عن بينة ، البينة هي ما أبان الحق فيوضح ويبين الحق حتى يعلم الناس على أن هذا حق ويعرفوا الخطأ بنسبة لما هو عندنا في هذا الكتاب المسؤول عنه أيضا فيه أصول وتقعيد ، تقعيدات أخرى وتأصيلات أخرى الناظر فيه يعرف أنها خلاف أصول أهل السنة ، فمثل في كلام أن منهج الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز ومنهج الشيخ بن عثيمين على خلاف منهج أهل السنة الآخرين هذا خطأ لاشك يعني لا يكثرون الردود ويردون على المخالف هذا لو صح هو خلاف منهج أهل السنة والجماعة وهو طعن في الشيخين في
19-07-2003 @ 10:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Fitnah of Jarh and Tajreeh Against Ahl us-Sunnah: Lessons from "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah..."
Part 4

The Fitnah of Tafreeq (Causing Separation) And Working
Plots Towards This End, And Revealing them to Others

Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil-Aalameen Was-Salatu Was-Salamu Alaa Rasoolihi. Wa ba'ad.

The brother, Abdur-Rahman Abu Abdullah Aal Umaysaan, a former close acquaintance of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee has a written a testimony exposing some statements that this Ikhwaanee Dajjaal made, indicating the true nature of his misguidance and his evil intentions.

Amongst what he has written is:
I heard Abal-Hasan Mustafaa bin Ismaa'eel as-Sulaymaanee al-Misree, the resident of Ma'rib say, whilst he was on his journey to meet the Shaykhs of Madniah, who wanted to make Islaah:

"You will see O Abdar-Rahmaan, Shaykh Rabee' will be walking all by himself, all of the people will be with us".

And he used to contact us (by phone) and would (boast) saying, "So and so (number of people) were present with us in such and such place...", and then as the days passed by his followers would be decreasing, and then after some days his deceptions and plotting would return - which is a habit of his - and he would then say, "This is the way of the people of truth, that their followers decrease".

Then Abu Abdullaah Abd ur-Rahmaan explains how Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee kept saying that we have to now review everything that Shaykh Rabee has said concerning individuals. That he debated with him concerning Adnaan Ar'oor explaining that all the scholars have spoken against him, even Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad warned from him and advised not to sit with him or listen to him and not to invite him, and that Ar'oor is the one who reviled all the scholars and even said about Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, "his words are thrown back in his own face", meaning the words Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin said in warning against Ar'oor.

And Abu Abdullaah Abdur-Rahmaan continues and says that Shaykh Muqbil also affirmed that Ar'oor is a Qutubi, as Shaykh Rabee' said so and whoever Shaykh Rabee' speaks of saying he is Hizbee or Qutubee, then the days will soon reveal tha he is indeed so, and that he also explained to Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee that Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and Shaykh al-Fawzaan even spoke about him and refuted him. So alongside all of this Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee still wanted to reject whatever Shaykh Rabee had said about Adnaan Ar'oor. And he also says that he wonders whether Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee, if he was asked about others like Salman and Safar, would he come with the same thing (i.e. to ask for the rejection of the criticisms against them by Shaykh Rabee' as well, just as he was hoping with Ar'oor, because he was a friend of Ar'oor.)

He also said:

5. Abul-Hasan said to me, "If the Mashaayikh of Madinah issued a bayaan in which there is no support for the truth, I will certainly refute them".

And he also said:

7. And our Shaykh, Shaykh Alee bin Muhammad bin Naasir al-Faqeehee narrated to me, "I have not sat with Abul-Hasan except once. However, I saw that he was a hotheaded youth, and he never ceased to be affected by the Ikhwaaniyyah which he used to be upon".

And he also said:

8. And what also occurred with him once, was that we were in a hotel in which he stopped, and then one of the brothers came with some dates which were on a plate which had a covering over it (to cover the dates), so Abul-Hasan took this covering off the plate, and he said, "This is what I have done with the Salafees...".

I say: I don't know in which time they were suppressed (i.e. hidden), was it in the time of Shaykh Muqbil, in "the time of fear"?

And he finishes by saying:

So O you who desires the truth and hopes in deliverance, this is only a selection of that which we observed from him, so beware and know the reality of this man... this is what I heard from his man, I ask Allaah the Mighty, that he protects us and protects the Salafee Da'wah from his evil and the evil of his likes.

Written by Abu Abdullaah Abdur-Rahmaan bin Muhammad bin Abdullaah Aal Umaysaan al-Yamaanee, on the night of Thursday, 5-11-1423H

Some Important Facts
Ar'oor was the one who corrupted al-Maghraawee, and turned him Qutubee. Shaykh Rabee' gave great excuses for Maghraawee, before it became absolutely clear that he allied with Ar'oor and became affected by his manhaj and started to teach it in his lessons and books. Ar'oor was with Safar and Salman and upon their manhaj in calling to the manhaj of Sayyid Qutb, and al-Ma'ribee is intimate friends with Ar'oor and Ar'oor is the one who corrupted al-Maghrawee.  Al-Ma'ribee is married to the daughter of one of the two men executed along with Sayyid Qutb in 1966 in Egypt. Things start making sense? Al-Ma'ribee was a former Takfeeree from one of the takfeeree groups in Egypt. He fled to Yemen in the early 80s or around that time. Al-Ma'ribee taught the book of Sayyid Qutb called Milestones in his camp in Ma'rib. He defended him on the issue of Wahdatul-Wujood using the arguments of Abdullaah Azzaam, at a time when he knew that the Major Salafee scholars had refuted him on it. He taught the book of Salaah as-Saawee called Jamaa'at ul-Muslimeen, and Abdul-Qadir Abdul-Azeez's book on Jihaad, both these individuals are Qutubis. Al-Ma'ribee sat in the same house as Salman al-Awdah. Al-Ma'ribee jointly authorises funds and grants for some of the students of knowledge with some of the outspoken Qutubi figureheads of Saudi Arabia. His signuature appears on his own letterheads along with one of the major Qutubi figureheads of Saudi Arabia. This is documented and copies of this are on the Internet. Hassan al-Banna brought the principle of "ta'aawun and ma'dhirah" (co-operating and forgiving), Salman al-Awdah and others brought "al-Muwaazanah". Ar'oor brought "we correct but do not disparage", and al-Ma'ribee brought "we correct but do not destroy"? Now understand that all of this is Ikhwaaniyyah and has the same source and root? All of the above facts, are facts. They are documented, corroborated.

As Shaykh Ubayd said (in September 2002 after their attempts to correct and advise Abul-Hasan - and this is available as audio):

"...And it seems that the man, we have already advised him, and he does not benefit from advice...and that which is affirmed and established with me is that the man is a pure Ikhwani (Ikhwani of flesh), one who devises plots (maakir), one who plays around (la''aab), and one who has been sent, or planted ( madsoos) amongst the Shaykhs of Yemen, in order to split their word, and to turn them into sects and groups...And we advise cutting off from him, until he repents, from everything that he fell into of error, and then spreads this repentance, and that this repentance is recorded.."

19-07-2003 @ 10:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Fitnah of Jarh and Tajreeh Against Ahl us-Sunnah: Lessons from "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah..."
Part 3

Spreading Lies upon the Scholars and Upon the People

Abu Abdullaah al-Madanee said: Usaamah al-Umree said


All praise is due to Allaah, and prayers and peace upon His Messenger, to proceed: One of the brothers showed me today, Sunday 25/11/1423H, at 3:45pm, Asr time, what Abul-Hasan al-Misree, then al-Ma'ribee said, in his speech, "Usaamah al-Umree narrated to me that he heard Shaykh Rabee' saying, "Indeed, speaking about the Jamaa'aat has caused me to forget many sciences, until I almost became like a common person", and the burden for this (narration) is upon Usaamah al-Umree and I do not think that he will reject this!!".

And this statement is a pure fabrication or lie, as is his habit of ascribing statements to people who are free from them, and his desire to create corruption between the Salafee students of knowledge and their Shaykhs may Allaah protect them from every evil, and repel the plots of the plotters, and the fabrications of the liars.

So let him fear Allaah, and let him remember the saying of Allaah Azza wa Jall, "And fear a day when you will be returned to Allaah, then every soul will be recompensed for what it earned, and they will not be wronged". And let him remember the saying of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), "You must adhere to truthfulness, for verily, truthfulness guides to righteousness, and righteousness guides to Paradise, and a man does not cease to be truthful and pursue truthfulness, except that he is written as a truthful person with Allaah. And beware of lying for verily, lying guides to fujoor (sin) and fujoor guides to Hellfire and a man does not cease to lie and pursue lying, except that he is written as a liar with Allaah." Reported by al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhee, and he authenticated it and the wording is his.

And prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, his family and his companions.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله والصلاه والسلام على رسول الله أمابعد

فقد أطلعني أحد الاخوة اليوم الأحد 25/11/1423هـ في تمام

الساعة 3:45 عصراً على ماذكره أبو الحسن المصري ثم المأربي من قوله ( حدثني أسامة العمري، أنه سمع الشيخ ربيعًا يقول: (إن الكلام في الجماعات أنساني الكثير من العلوم، حتى كدت أن أصير عامياً )، والعهدة في ذلك على أسامة العمري، وما أظنه -الآن- يُنكر ذلك!!) وهذه المقولة منه محض إفتراءٍ وكذب كما هي عادته من نسبة الأقوال إلى أُناس هم برآء منها وقصده الأفساد بين طلاب العلم السلفيين ومشائخهم حفظهم الله من كل سوء ورد عنهم كيد الكائدين وافتراء الكاذبين فاليتق الله وليتذكر قول الله عز وجل ( واتقو يوماً ترجعون فيه إلى الله ثم توفى كل نفسٍ بما كسبت وهم لا يظلمون ) وليتذكر قول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال (عليكم بالصدق فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر والبر يهدي إلى الجنة ومايزال الرجل يصدق ويتحرى الصدق حتى يكتب عند الله صديقاً وإياكم والكذب فإن الكذب يهدي إلى الفجور وإن الفجور يهدي إلى النار وما يزال العبد يكذب ويتحرى الكذب حتى يكتب عند الله كذاباً) رواه البخاري ومسلم وأبو داود والترمذي وصححه واللفط له

وصلى الله على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

Declared the Liar by Three of those Who
who Sat with al-Ma'ribee numerous times in Madinah
When They Arbitrated for Him

Abu Umar al-Utaybee, in his refutation of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal's latest round of fabrications, slanders and mockery of Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee (in which he accuses him of having extremism in takfeer), narrates:

And I asked Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee, and Shaykh Muhammad Haadee, and Shaykh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree about you (i.e. al-Ma'ribee), and all of them said:

You (i.e. al-Ma'ribee) are a Kadhdhaab (Liar)

And they explained their jarh in detail and explained it (with evidences).

ولقد سألت عنك الشيخ صالح السحيمي والشيخ محمد هادي والشيخ عبد الله البخاري فكلهم قال : إنك كذاب . وفسروا جرحهم وبينوه


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18-07-2003 @ 3:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Fitnah of Jarh and Tajreeh Against Ahl us-Sunnah: Lessons from "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah..."
Part 2

Concerning the Scholars who supported Shaykh Rabee' in his replies and refutations upon him, and when these same scholars (of Yemen and Saudi) wrote to explain their clear stances towards his errors, al-Ma'ribee says about these Shaykhs (this is just a sample, there is much much more, we just simply don't have the time to translate it all):

1. "They have placed the truth beneath the feet of Shaykh Rabee"
وضعوا الحق تحت أقدام الشيخ ربيع

Cassette:  شبه فاسدة والرد عليها

2. "We found them to be a qawmiyy, jaahiliyy soul (a nationalistic soul of the days of ignorance)
وجدنا منهم نفسًا قوميًا جاهليًا

Cassette: Same as above

3. "In playing about, and erring, they are upon the way of the politicians"
هم على شكل السياسيين في التلاعب والمغالطة

Cassette: مهلا يا دعاة التقليد

4. "They have Irhaab Fikree (Intellectual Terrorism)"
عندهم إرهاب فكري

Cassette: As above

5. "They are traversing upon the path of the Hizbees"
إنهم يسيرون على طريقة الحزبيين

Cassette: As above

6. "Your manhaj is a deviated manhaj"
منهجكم منهج منحرف

Cassette: As above

9. "They are extremists" - he said this over 10 times on the 1st side of the first tape
إنهم غلاة

10. "If this is the state of the da'wah when its kibaar are at this level, then to Allaah we belong and to Him do we return" (He is speaking about the Kibaar who spoke against him and aided the truth that was with Shaykh Rabee)
إن الدعوة إذا كان كبارها على هذا المستوى فإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Cassette: إقامة البرهان 1/1

11. "Indeed, they are ignorants regarding the Shar'ee knowledge, they are not proficient in the rules and the principles"
أنهم جهلة بالعلم الشرعي لا يحسنون الضوابط والقواعد

Cassette: مهلا يا دعاة التقليد 1/1

12. "They are not proficient in the rules of Ahl us-Sunnah and the principles of Ahl us-Sunnah in the topics of tadleel and tabdee' and in tafseeq, and in takfeer. Rather, we even wait in expectation of even more than that from them. We wait for them until their ignorance leads them takfeer, until they make takfeer of their opposers. And some of the sighaar have fallen into this, but also, you should not be surprised that the kibaar fall into it as well. [May Allaah smite this filthy, vile liar's tongue, for his blatant lies!!!]
لا يحسنون ضوابط أهل السنة وقواعد أهل السنة في باب التضليل وفي باب التبديع وفي باب التفسيق والتكفير بل ننتظر منهم أكثر من ذلك ، ننتظر منهم أن جهلهم يصل بهم إلى التكفير إلى أن يكفروا مخالفيهم ، وقد وقع هذا من كثير من الصغار ، لكن أيضًا لا تستبعد أن يقع فيه الكبار

Cassette: مهلا يا دعاة التقليد 1/1

13. When the Shaykhs of Yemen referred the matter to Shaykh Rabee', Abul-hasan al-Misree said, "This is Hizbiyyah in its most rotten/smelly form".
هذه هي الحزبية بأنتن صورها

Cassette: مهلا يا دعاة التقليد 1/2

14. "They resemble the Mutasawwifah, rather their actions are the actions of the Mutasawwifah" (referring here to the fact that some of the Shaykhs refer the matter to others regarding his fitnah).
شابهوا المتصوفة بل أفعالهم أفعال المتصوفة

Cassette: As above.

15. "They are not even capable of knowing taqleed, and if the definition of taqleed was requested from them, they would surely make taqleed in the definition of taqleed".
أنهم لا يستطيعون أن يعرفوا التقليد ، وإذا طلب منهم تعريف التقليد سيقلدون في تعريف التقليد  

Cassette: As above.


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18-07-2003 @ 2:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Fitnah of Jarh and Tajreeh Against Ahl us-Sunnah: Lessons from "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah..."
Part 1

Abul-Hasan al-Misree says in the cassette series "I'laan an-Nakeer Alaa Manhaj ash-Shaykh Rabee' fit-Takfeer" (Announcement of the Rejection Against the Manhaj of Shaykh Rabee in Takfeer): [Note: Just like ash-Shayijee accused Shaykh Rabee' of Takfeer, after the Shaykh exposed the manhaj of Turaath and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, Abul-Hasan al-Misree has followed the exact same pattern. These cassettes are full of lies and slanders and mockery (as you will see), and this was all in response to Shaykh Rabee's patience upon this man for many years, giving of secret private advice, showing gentleness and lenience with him, forbidding people to speak about him initially, giving him every chance to repent and recant and return. This is how this man responded]:

Abul-Hasan al-Misree:

1. "Who said Shaykh Rabee' is the Imaam of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel - may Allaah forgive the one who said it - rather he is the Imaam of al-Jarh wat-Ta'teel, I say it with a Taa, not a Daal".
من قال أن الشيخ ربيع إمام الجرح والتعديل -غفر الله لمن قالها- إنما هو إمام الجرح والتعطيل أقولها بالطاء لا بالدال

2. "Shaykh Rabee' is a trickster (i.e. a cheater, fraudster) so beware, O seeker of knowledge, from this cheating, fraud".
الشيـخ ربيع مراوغ فأحذر يا طالب العلم من هذه المراوغة

3. "The manner of Shaykh Rabee is being scornful upon the people".
أسلوب الشيخ ربيع هو الاستهتار بالناس

4. "Indeed, the one who speaks with the saying of Shaykh Rabee' is a muta'assib, muqallid, mutamaawit, in the tail ends of this man (i.e. Shaykh Rabee') whose state has become clear to us a great deal, we ask Allaah to save us from his evil and that he deals with him as he deserves."
إن الذي يقول بقول الشيخ ربيع متعصب ومقلد متماوت في أذيال هذا الرجل الذي قد بان لنا الكثير من أحواله ، نسأل الله أن يكفينا شره وأن يعامله بما يستحق

5. "Indeed, his blind-followers and tail ends are partisans (muta'assibah), rowdy common folk".
إن مقلديه وأذنابه متعصبة رعاع

6. "We know justice, and equity from Ahl us-Sunnah, as for Shaykh Rabee', he is in one valley, and justice and equity are in another valley".
نعرف من أهل السنَّة العدل والإنصاف ، أما الشيخ ربيع في واد والعدل والإنصاف في واد آخر

7. "And since when did Shaykh Rabee' wait for the Scholars, and when did he restrict himself by the speech of the Scholars and not surpass what the Scholars say. Either Shaykh Rabee' has made the scholars as a barricade and trench which he shields himself with in order throw this vile spear of his upon the Muslims"
ومتى كان الشيخ ربيع ينتظر العلماء ومتى كان يتقيد بكلام العلماء ولا يتجاوز ما يقوله العلماء إما الشيخ ربيع جعل العلماء مترسا وخندقا يتترس فيـه من أجل أن يرمي سهامه هذه الخبيثة في المسلمين

8. "O Shaykh Rabee' we do not want mercy from you, we want from you that you travel upon the manhaj of the Salaf"
يا شيخ ربيع لا نريد منك رحمة نريد منك أن تمشي على منهج السلف

9. "It is obligatory to defend a Muslim, even if he is an Innovator"
يجب الدفاع عن المسلم وإن كان مبتدعا

Taken from a compilation and extraction of all of his insults upon the Scholars, and posted upon Sahab.Net. File with complete details attached below.

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18-07-2003 @ 5:15 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Did anyone notice when the Hukm came down down on Abu Hasan, how those who follow their desire said we were blind following sheiykh Rabee, and when 30 other scholars supported the position of sheiyk Rabee those who made the accusation rushed to take the position of one scholar and twist his words to fit their nafs, is this not hypocrisy or what?
17-07-2003 @ 11:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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And for the sake of completion of the picture, here are the chapter headings of the book of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin:

1. The Blessing of Speech and Discourse

2. Protecting the Tongue From All Speech Except That Which Is Good

3. On Suspicion and Spying

4. On Gentleness (Rifq) and Softness

5. The Position of Ahl us-Sunnah on the Scholar Who Errs: He is Pardoned and is Not Declared Innovator Or Boycotted

6. The Fitnah of Tajreeh and Hajr From Some of Ahl us-Sunnah in This Time and the Path of Safety From it

As you can see this last chapter is the subject of clarification by the two books written in reply to this, and also the subject of the statements of some of the Scholars, such as Shaykh an-Najmee.

As it relates to Ahl us-Sunnah, then all the Salafees can benefit from the goodness that is within it, whilst making sure that if they do, they read the two clarifications that have been written to date on this book. [Whilst noting that because the Ahl ul-Ahwaa are causing tribulations and causing confusion by way of this book, claiming it supports them and their false manhaj innovated by al-Ma'ribee, and claiming that they are free and innocent of the affairs that Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin has spoken on, some of the people of knowledge have advised that it not be distributed, and some of them have explained - from their baseerah - that indeed the Innovators, Ahl ul-Ahwaa, from those who are upon the manhaj of Ar'oor (where Ma'ribee took part of his manhaj from), they are the ones spreading this book upon everybody, in order to confuse them]

As it relates to the followers of al-Ma'ribee, al-Maghraawee, Ar'oor, Safar and Salmaan, Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq and others from the Ikhwaanees, Takfeerees, and Suroorees, then there is nothing in the last chapter that is of benefit for them (in accordance with the true realities) against Ahl us-Sunnah. Rather, Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee was the very first one to give rise to this fitnah of tajreeh and ta'an upon Ahl us-Sunnah, when he began with the Sahaabah labelling them with Ghuthaa'iyyah (scum) and having no Tarbiyyah, and then he went on to describe those Salafees and Shaykhs who advised him, with all gentleness and softness of his errors back in 2001 with the same titles, Ghuthaa'iyyah, Asaaghir, Araadhil, Aqzaam, Haddaadiyyah and so on. And al-Ma'ribee is the one who began to mock and revile Shaykh Ubayd, and Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, after they spent all that time advising him in Madinah, and after they became aware of his Ikhwaanee realities. Al-Ma'ribee also recorded cassettes refutign Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, reviling him also. In fact, hardly a single person who advised him and corrected him was saved from his filthy tongue. And all of this is recorded, documented and spoken of by the people of knowledge themselves. This is the true reality, and this has already been pointed out by Shaykh Rabee in what has preceded, and also Shaykh as-Suhaymee. So these are the people of fitan, the people of hypocrisy (in their actions).


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17-07-2003 @ 11:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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This is the title and chapter headings of the book, "Ahl us-Sunnah Arfaqu wa Arhamu Bi Ahlil-Bida'..." written as a clarification of the chapter in the book by Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin which might cause some ambiguity regarding the difference between the erroneous ijtihaad of a scholar which is pardoned, and between the innovator who persists upon his innovation after being advised, cautioned, and refuted (seeing that the Shaykh wrote the book in the context of the fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee).

As you will gather, the author has clarified numerous separate issues such as:

a) Sticking to the way of the Salaf and not speaking except with what they spoke with

b) The obligation of jarh upon the Innovators and Deviants and the permissibility of mentioning their names

c) Harshness against Ahl ul-Bida'

d) Imtihaan (testing) for the Sunnah and the Imtihaan that is blameworthy

e) How to treat the error of a Mujtahid (when he is qualified, and makes ijtihaad in matters that are permissible for ijtihaad) and distinguishing between that and the error of one who is not Mujtahid (or makes ijtihaad in matters in which ijtihaad has no place)

f) The usool (foundations) of tabdee'

So from this, and this separation of all these separate issues, some clarity will be gained. This is the book that was praised by Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee.


Ahl Us-Sunnah Are More Gentle, More Merciful With Ahl Ul-Bida' Than They Are To Their Own Selves [By Way Of The Manhaj Of Criticism, Disparagement, Advice And Defence Of The Deen]

بقلم أبي مصعب علي بن ناصر بن محمد العــــدني


نعــمة العــلم
The Blessing Of Knowledge

فصل في أن السلامة في الدين انتحال مذهب السلف والوقوف حيثما وقفوا وأن لا تقول ولا تنطق إلا بما تعلم من الكتاب و السنة وأحوال السلف.
Chapter: Safety In The Religion Lies In Following The Madhhab Of The Salaf And Stopping Where They Stopped And That You Do Not Say Or Speak Except What You Know To Be From The Book And The Sunnah And The Ways Of The Salaf

فصل وجوب التجريح و التحذير ممن حصل منهم شيء من الأخطاء صغرت أم كبرت حفظا للشريعة وذباً عنها وجواز ذكر أسمائهم عند نقدهم مع بيان أن السؤال عن الأشخاص وأحوالهم من مذهب السلف
Chapter: The Obligation Of Disparaging And Warning From The One From Whom Errors Occurred Be They Small Or Large, To Preserve The Sharee'ah, And To Defend It, And The Permissibility Of Mentioning Their Names When Criticising Them And Also Explanation Of The Fact That Asking About Individuals And Their States Is From The Madhhab Of The Salaf

فصل  في التحذير من أهل البدع بأعيانهم
Chapter: On Warning From Ahl Ul-Bida' Specifically By Name

فصل في أن الشدة على أهل البدع منقبة وليست مذمّة
Chapter: Harshness Upon Ahl Ul-Bida' Is Praiseworthy, Not Blameworthy

فصل في ما ورد عن السلف في الامتحان بالأشخاص
Concerning What Has Been Narrated From The Salaf Concerning Imtihaan (Testing) By Way Of Individuals

فصل في موقف أهل السنة من العالم المجتهد إذا أخطأ في اجتهاده مع بدل وسعه فيما سبيله وطريقه الاجتهاد من المسائل الدقيقة أنه يعذر فلا يبدع .
Chapter: The Position Of Ahl Us-Sunnah Concerning The Aalim Mujtahid Who Errs In His Ijtihaad Whilst Having Striven In What Are Issues Of Ijtihaad In The Deep, Minute Matters, Is That He Is Pardoned For That And Is Not Declared An Innovator

فصل في أن خطأ غير المجتهد زيغٌ سببه تحكيم الهوى واتباع المتشابه ومفارقة الجماعة
Chapter: That The Error Of The One Who Is Not Mujtahid (I.E. Not Qualified To Make Ijtihaad, Or Makes Ijtihaad In Matters In Which There Is No Ijtihaad Allowed) Is Actually A Deviation, Its Cause Is Making Ones Desire To Be The Judge, Following The Ambiguous And Separating From The Jamaa'ah

فصل في أصــل التبـــديع
Chapter: Concerning The Foundation Of Tabdee'

فصل في محـــل التبـــديع
Chapter: The Place Of Tabdee' (In What Issues Is It Made)

فصل في طــريقــة أهـــل البـــدع
Chapter: On The Way Of Ahl Ul-Bida'

كتبه الفقير إلى ربـه:
أبو مصعب علي بن ناصر بن محمد العــــدني


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16-07-2003 @ 12:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee Exposes the Stirrers of Murky Waters and Cracks a Few More Ma'ribian Skulls

Questioner: Our Shaykh, may Allaah preserve you, with all frankness, a risaalah has come out with the title, "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah bi Ahl is-Sunnah), and many of the followers of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and the followers of al-Eed Shareefee al-Jazaa'iree are distributing it. And I have read a chapter from it called "the fitnah of at-tajreeh and al-hajr", so by Allaah we do not know how, so what is your direction (to us)?

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee: This (risaalah) is not to be treated the way those desire it, the Shaykh desires something and they desire (other) false things. I say the Shaykh desires something but they desire false things, those followers of Abul-Hasan or other than them who stirr in the murky waters, they always distort the speech and texts of the scholars, just as they said concerning the bayaan of Shaykh Ibn Baaz before how many years, that it was in reference to the people of Madinah, yet it was a general naseehah to the du'aat and nothing more or less than that. However, the Shaykh himself, his refutation upon them was that he said, "That those, they stirr the murky waters". Shaykh Ibn baaz, so we ask Allaah that he grants success to Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin to issue a bayaan which falsifies the claims of those.

Questioner: And how O Shaykh do we behave with those who spread (this) and say that this is a refutation upon Shaykh Rabee and Shaykh Faalih and who reviles the scholars who spoke against Abul-Hasan...

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee: Say to them "You lie", Say to them, "You lie", the Shaykh does not desire this, the Shaykh desires a general naseehah, and you are distorting the speech from its proper places.

Questioner: Meaning, and spreading the likes of this risaalah, what do you see concerning it?

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee: By Allaah, if there is harm in its distribution, then do not distribute it.

Questioner: May Allaah reward you O Shaykh.

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee: Hayyaak Allaah.

Questioner: May Allaah be benevolent to you.

Written by Abu Muhammad al-Eed al-Adoonah al-Jazaa'iree.

Original link:

Audio file: Can be found at the above link.

We express our thanks to this brother for spreading this information.

15-07-2003 @ 9:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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More Aid for Ahl us-Sunnah and the Salafee Manhaj, More Skulls Cracked by the Speech of Shaykh Rabee

Question: O Shaykh, there is a matter, some papers that have spread - and they are well known to you - "Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah Bi Ahl is-Sunnah", and some of the people of fitnah unleash them (upon the people) and spread them free (of charge), and the people of evil use them (for their purposes). So is there any advice to all parties concerned about what relates to these papers, may Allaah protect you??

Shaykh Rabee: Bismillaah, all praise is due to Allaah and Salaat and Salaam be upon Allaah's Messenger, upon his family and his companions and whoever followed his guidance.

To proceed:

Certainly, men do err, and they can be correct, regardless of what level of knowledge and excellence they reach, and this particular risaalah, then I consider it to be naseehah, fundamentally, even if there are some observations upon it. However, the faction that has rejoiced with it, in reality, they are the ones woh are convicted (by it), and they are the oppressive, and the transgressing (faction), and the (faction) originating the tribulations and persisting upon them.

And the other faction - those against whom these papers they are distributing - they are the ones who are wronged, and transgressed against, however those other people are upon the way of the scheming Hizbiyyeen, they turn the affairs around, and they put the objections that are upon them (in reality) upon others.

The reality is that Shaykh al-Abbaad wants to extinguish this fitnah, however they kindled it anew by this behaviour of theirs. It was desirable that they benefit from his observations which are not to be set except upon their heads (i.e. which apply to them), and the objections (against matters) that did not arise except from them, and amongst them is revilement upon the scholars, and trying to make them fall (i.e. to drop them, destroy them), and every time a scholar spoke the truth, by which he would convict oppression and falsehood, they earnestly tried to make him fall, so this is their crime.

As for the Salafees, then they are by Allaah, the protectors and the defenders of the scholars, and their honours. And these books of their, and by the praise of Allaah, are a witness to that, and their cassettes (likewise) and also their positions (that they hold) also are a witness to that. [So this khutbah alone] in which it is mentioned that the youth revile the scholars, the Salafees, their young and their old are free from it, like the freedom of the wolf from the blood of the son of Ya'qoob.

They are the revilers of the scholars, they are the trangressors against the scholars, they are the transgressors against Ahl us-Sunnah, they are the ones who are lied upon, and that which Shaykh al-Abbaad said, is only a small part of a great deal more, so this mere indication (by the Shaykh) should have been sufficient for them, this indication should have been sufficient for them.

The Shaykh al-Abbaad does not believe about Rabee and whoever is with him that they revile the scholars, neither the old amongst them or the young, he does not believe that about them, but - Allaah knows best - this is just an indication by him to those oppressive, perishing hizbiyyeen, an indication to them that they benefit.

Make the people understand that they are the ones who revile the scholars, and they are the ones who began with oppression. And most of the people with them know these realities, so increase them in insight by this, and nullify their scheme and their plot, because this is from the plots of the Hizbiyyeen. And Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) issued a naseehah to the youth, a general advice, so the hizbiyyoon rushed to explain it upon other than what Shaykh Ibn Baaz  (rahimahullaah) intended. Then a decisive blow was directed at them and the suspicions against the people of Madinah (i.e the scholars such as Shaykh Rabee) were negated, and he praised them and extolled them and he also reviled those oppressive hizbiyyeen who had turned the truth into falsehood and falsehood into truth. He praised the people of Madinah with goodness, then he said about those people that they explained his bayaan with lies, treachery, confusion and deception, he said, "As for the du'aat of baatil, and those who stir the murky waters, they are the ones who spread confusion upon the people, and say that the intent by the speech was this and that..."

And now I request from Shaykh al-Abbaad that he strikes those people with a strike similar to that made by Shaykh Ibn Baaz, and that he explains that the people of Madinah that they are Ahl us-Sunnah, and likewise their brothers in Yemen. And as for those, that they are du'aat of baatil, and those who stir the murky waters, and by Allaah, they have stirred the murky waters after their lengthy extended da'wah to baatil, the da'wah that was founded upon and also founds baatil (itself), the one that was raised upon false principles the aim of which was to destroy the Salafee manhaj and to harm its people..

And I remind al-Abbaad that those are the ones who began with a war and with tribulations, and they began with lies, oppression and transgression, and they did not cease after that. Then they are only directing these vile actions (once more) by distributing this book, as if it is for them, and as if al-Abbaad did not write this book except to aid them, and they forget what they committed of humiliating (deeds) and oppression and transgression... may Allaah bless you.

So explain to the people that this book in its reality is against them, if Allaah wills, irrespective of whether Shaykh al-Abbaad actually intended this or not, and I hope that he did intend this, that it is against them because they are the ones who transgress against the foundations of the Salafee manhaj, and upon its Shaykhs. They are the ones who came with destructive, corrupt, stagnant principles in order to shelter the Ahl ul-Bida' wad-Dalaal, adn they committed whatever they committed of things that I and others have explained.

And this short glance (at this matter) should be sufficient, so distribute it so that the people may gain insight, and corroborate it by looking at what you find in it of revilements which do not apply except to them, such as al-jarh wat-ta'deel with baatil, and revilement upon the scholars, and with that which is worse than tabdee such as accusing the people of "ghuthaa'iyyah" and that they are "the lowliest of people", and that they are "shrimps (i.e. low, insignificant people)" and the essence of what they say in these (Internet) sites. Explain this matter to the people may Allaah bless you, Allaah will nullify their plot and their scheme, and distribute this cassette in every place, may Allaah grant you success in what He loves and is pleased with.

Audio files can be found at the link:

This message was edited by on 7-16-03 @ 12:38 PM
14-07-2003 @ 2:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Hollow Skulls of the Qutbiyyeen, Surooriyyeen, Ikhwaaniyyah, Takfeeriyyah, Harakiyyeen, Hizbiyyeen And Those Upon Manaahij in Opposition to the Manhaj of the Salaf Cracked Open By the Speech of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin

As we explained above, the Shaykhs book "Rifqan" was written based upon the Shaykhs view that the fitnah of Abul-Hasan is one that is between Ahl us-Sunnah (an incorrect viewpoint), hence, in light of that the Shaykh gave advice regarding how AHl us-Sunnah deal with each other in mistakes that occurr that do not relate to Usool (i.e. aqeedah and manhaj).

All of the kadhdhaaboon, dajjaaloon, affaakoon, the lowly, ignoble and diseased partisans, in all of their various species and their variety of innovatory backgrounds began to use this book to argue their case and their false methodologies and for their figureheads who had long been refuted and exposed by the Scholars of the Salafee Manhaj. This included the Qutbiyyeen, Takfiriyyeen, Harakiyyeen, Surooriyyeen and others [and by extension and in light of the true realities, this includes the Tamyee'ee sect of al-Ma'ribiyyah, a mere protrusion of the Qutbiyyah and Surooriyayh before them]. These people (who did this) all know who they are.

So in the clarification (quoted below, audio included), the Shaykh explains the following points:

1. The Shaykh did read the book "Madaarik an-Nadhar" completely two times over. This book is a refutation of the Khaarijee manhaj of "Safar al-Bannaawee al-Qutbee" and "Salman al-Qutbee al-Bannaawee al-Qaradaawee". So the Shaykh confirms that he has not retracted from the introduction he wrote to that book, praising it and affirming the observations upon these misguided persons of innovation.

2. The book "Rifqan" has no connection at all to those referred to in "Madaarik" (i.e. Safar and Salmaan), their is no connection at all to them.

3. Rather, this book does not refer to al-IKhwaan al-Muslimeen, or those put to trial with Sayyid Qutb and others from the Harakiyyeen, and it does not refer to or concern those who are put to trial with Fiqh ul-Waaqi' and those who revile the Rulers, and likewise those who make the people flee from the Scholars. It does not refer to them neither from near nor from afar (i.e. such people have no basis at all to use this Shaykh's book!).

4. It only concerns Ahl us-Sunnah only! And it is in reference to those who are upon the path of Ahl us-Sunnah but amongst whom some ikhtilaaf occurs.

5. That the book does not relate to those factions who are deviated away from the manhaj of Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.

6. The book relates to differences between two people, which then became a basis for splitting and separation for others besides them. [Note, this here is in the context of the Shaykhs view that the issue between Shaykh Rabee and Abul-Hasan al-Ikhwaanee was a personal one, which really forms the basis for much of the content the Shaykh's book. This is an incorrect view held by the Shaykh - however much the noses of the Mumayy'ah may be rubbed and dragged on the floor by this fact! Because 30 or more of the people of knowledge have convicted this criminal of being astray, leading others astray, and author of false principles, Ikhwaanee principles]

Inshaa'allaah more important lessons and points from this a little later! Here is the original link. Sound file attached.

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله أما بعد: فقد حصل هناك لبس في كتاب (رفقا أهل السنة بأهل السنة) و إليكم ما قاله فضيلة الشيخ العلامة / عبد المحسن بن حمد العباد (المؤلف) -حفظه الله-
وذلك في آخر درس في الحرم و كان عن النذور في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 8/5/1424هـ:

يقول السائل: فضيلة الشيخ وفقك الله , لقد شاع عند بعض الشباب أن الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد تراجع عن تقريظ كتاب مدارك النظر للشيخ عبد المالك و أن دليل تراجعه هو كتابه المطبوع (رفقا أهل السنة بأهل السنة) فما هو الرد على هذا الكلام حفظكم الله ؟؟

أجاب الشيخ عبد المحسن قائلاً:"أولا كتاب مدارك النظر أنا قرأته مرتين يعني أنا سئلت يعني عدة مرات أنني ما قرأت يعني الكتاب كله أو إنما قرأت بعضه أو اطلعت على بعضه و أنا قلت و أقول إنني قرأته مرتين من أوله إلى آخره المرة الأولى قرأته لأن ما طلب مني أن أكتب فيه أكتب شيء عنه فقرأته قراءة يعني الاطلاع على ما فيه من أوله لآخره و لما فرغت و قلت لمؤلفه أني اطلعت عليه و أنه مفيد قال لو كتبت يعني مقدمة له فقلت إذاً أقرأه مرة ثانية فقرأته من أوله إلى آخره و انتقيت منه بعض المواضع التي تكلمت عليها التي تكلمت عليها فإذاً الكتاب قرأته كله من أوله إلى آخره و ما ذكرته يعني أو ما نصيت عليه هذا يعني ذكر لبعض ما فيه ذكر لبعض ما فيه و ليس لكل ما فيه و لم أتراجع عن شيئاً مما كتبته. والكتاب الذي كتبته أ خيراً وهو (رفقاً أهل السنة بأهل السنة) لا علاقة للذين ذكرتهم في مدارك النظر بهذا الكتاب لا علاقة للذين ذكرتهم في مدارك النظر بهذا الكتاب فهذا الكتاب الذي هو (رفقاً أهل السنة بأهل السنة ) لا يعني الإخوان المسلمين و لا يعني المفتونين بسيد قطب و غيره من الحركيين و لا يعني أيضاً المفتونين بفقه الواقع و النيل من الحكام و كذلك التزهيد في العلماء لا يعني هؤلاء لا من قريب و لا من بعيد و إنما يعني أهل السنة فقط وهم الذين على طريقة أهل السنة حيث يحصل بينهم الاختلاف فينشغل بعضهم ببعض تجريحاً و هجراً و ذماً " اهـ

أكمل الشيخ الجواب بعد الأذان فقال: " ذكرت أن هذا الكتاب لا يعني هذه الطوائف و هذه الفرق المنحرفة عن منهج أهل السنة و الجماعة و عن طريقة أهل السنة و الجماعة و إنما يعني من كان من أهل السنة مشتغلاً بغيره من أهل السنة تجريحاً و هجراً و تتبعاً للأخطاء و التحذير بسبب هذه الأخطاء و كذلك إذا حصل خلاف بين شخصين ينقسم أهل السنة إلى قسمين قسم يؤيد هذا و قسم يؤيد هذا ثم يحصل التهاجر و التقاطع بين أهل السنة في كل مكان نتيجة لهذا الاختلاف فإن هذا من أعظم المصائب و من أعظم البلاء يعني حيث يتهاجر أهل السنة و يتقاطعون بسبب خلاف بين شخص و شخص و ما قاله فلان في فلان و ما قاله في فلان و فلان و ما موقفك من فلان و إن وقفت سلمت و إن لم تقف و إن لم يكن لك موقف فإنك تكون مبتدعاً ثم يحصل التهاجر و يبقى أهل السنة إلى هذا الانقسام الخطير هذا هذا هو هذا هو الذي يعنيه هذا الكتاب و من المعلوم أن هذا الكتاب لا يعجب الحركيين لأنهم لأن الحركيين يحبون أن ينشغل أهل السنة بعضهم ببعض حتى يسلموا منهم حتى يسلموا من أهل السنة و ذلك بانشغال بعضهم ببعض و هذا الكتاب يدعو إلى إصلاح ذات البين و أن يرفق أهل السنة بعضهم ببعض و أن يحرص بعضهم على تسديد البعض و هذا هو الذي يعني يريده الكتاب و أما أهل الحركات المناهضة أو المباينة لطريقة أهل السنة فهؤلاء يعجبهم هذا الاختلاف لأنهم إذا انشغل أهل السنة بعضهم ببعض هم سلموا من أهل السنة و صار بأس أهل السنة فيما بينهم و هذا هو الذي يريدونه " اهـ

قال السائل : بالنسبة لمؤلف كتاب مدارك النظر , صلتكم؟

قال الشيخ :" الشيخ عبد الملك يعني صلتي به قوية و أنا يعني أتصل به باستمرار و ليس بيني و بينه شيء و ليس بيني و بينه شيء " اهــ


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13-07-2003 @ 11:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Rabee: Say to them spread this against yourselves, say, "By Allaah, we are liars and we fabricate (lies) upon the Ulamaa, and Shaykh al-Albaanee and Shaykh al-Abbaad convict us of this wickedness".

To the hizbiyyoon whose only job is to spread mischief and confusion, hoping to create fitnah between the scholars, to those hizbiyyoon who seek to use the advice of Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin against the Salafees, as a proof against us, we say with all clarity, upon bayyinah from Ahlul-'Ilm:


May Allaah reward the shaykh for putting the people in their rightful places so masterfully!

We also thank Allaah for the efforts of our viligant brothers at SP who translated this important clarification from Shaykh Rabee' and had it here on ST so quickly, as well as the other important clarifications from Ahlul-'Ilm.  May Allaah reward them well!


Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
11-07-2003 @ 2:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Rabee' on the Risaalah of Shaykh al-Abbaad

Questioner: What is your saying about the one who spreads the latest risaalah of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad?

Shaykh Rabee: [interjecting]... fine, this, may Allaah bless you, does not harm me, and the praise which he stated, the praise and commendation which the Shaykh said, why don't they give that any consideration, meaning al-Abbaad said this speech. All of the Scholars declare me to be correct [i.e. in convicting al-Ma'ribee with Innovation and Misguidance], so what is the benefit to them in this speech (of al-Abbaad). And [is] defending the truth a blameworthy matter? So where are your intellects, they belittle their own intellects, and they play about with them, in this manner. A single Scholar is opposed by tens of Scholars, and he says the likes of this speech. The truth is with whom [then]? Then, the book (in question) in its generality is naseehah (advice), and the observations that are in it, are actually against them [in truth], they are the ones who reviled the Scholars, and who made jarh using falsehood and wickedness (kadhib and fujoor). If the Salafiyyoon are the people of fitan, they would have explained his speech and spread it against them, but they are not the people of fitan.

Questioner: What is your reply to the one who spreads this risaalah?

Shaykh Rabee: Say to them spread this against yourselves, say, "By Allaah, we are liars and we fabricate (lies) upon the Ulamaa, and Shaykh al-Albaanee and Shaykh al-Abbaad convict us of this wickedness". [What the  Shaykh means is that they should be told to spread this speech as a refutation upon themselves who are guilty of the very thing that Shaykh al-Abbaad is speaking about, and admit that they are liars and fabricators]

Recorded on 11/5/1424H.


Zipped file of audio is attached below.

And as an illustration of the point that Shaykh Rabee is making, then let us take the example of Abu Usaamah adh-Dhahabee. When the Salafees referred his matter to the Scholars, when they saw him propagating the Ikhwaanee principles of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and when the Scholars spoke about him, then in his replies to his opposers from the Salafee du'aat how did he respond?

Abul-Hasan Haalik!! (Abul-Hasan Maalik)
Abul-Fitan Haalik!! (Abul-Hasan Maalik)
Dawood Ajeeb!! (Dawud Adeeb)
Maad Qureshi! (Maaz Qureshi)
Fraud!! (Troid)
Salafiyyah Jadeedah!
Under-Qualified, Diseased Nawaabit!!

Then this individual followed his master, al-Ma'ribee in defaming the manhaj of Shaykh Rabee, by reviving the insults made by Abdur-Razzaaq ash-Shayijee ad-Demoqraatee 6 or 7 years ago, attempting by that to accuse Shaykh Rabee' of Haddaadiyyah, and Tabdee' upon other than the Sharee'ah principles, and spreading "baatil principles" and so on. Know that his real intent was the manhaj of Shaykh Rabee, but the du'aat mentioned above were merely a cloak and a cover towards that end, he attacked them, but in reality his attack was upon the manhaj of Shaykh Rabee.

So in reality, the answer Shaykh Rabee' has given is extremely appropriate. They are guilty of what Shaykh al-Abbaad has spoken about, but it is really hypocrisy on their behalf to act "pious" and "cute". Yes, we readily admit (as we explained in our lengthy reply to Abu Usaamah: ) that mistakes and errors in judgement do occur from Salafees from time to time in dealing with matters and that these affairs return back to individuals their characters and so on, but this cannot be said about them as a whole, and their manhaj as a whole. So the Salafees do not pretend about a situation. But as for the new sect of Ikhwaanee Tamyee'ees brought about by Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee, then they are as Shaykh Rabee' said about them, "people of broad and wide claims and beautified slogans" (of justice, and verification, and moderation, and clemency, mercy) but they are the greatest of opposers to these slogans.

The Salafees, being concerned for the Salafee manhaj took the condition of this man and his actions and behaviour to the Scholars. The same was done regarding Abdul-Qadir al-Ma'ribee. So they were spoken against. But what did they do in reply? They went on a vendetta. It had nothing to do with manhaj. They were ruined because of following an Innovator, and defending his innovations, so they tried to ruin others, when they saw that they fell in the eyes of the people. They came out with attacks and verbal abuses - as a means of exonerating themselves.

Then when this risaalah of Shaykh al-Abbaad came about, then again, being truthful to the mountains of deceit that their manhaj and behaviour is built upon, their likes began to act "pious" and "cute", because once more they found something that they could use to attack Ahl us-Sunnah.

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11-07-2003 @ 3:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Audio of Sheik Ubaid Al Jaabiree

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