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» Who is Mohamed Zorqane, SSNA
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25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
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Who is this man ? and what is his manhaj ?

We have numerous reports stating that he speaks against brothers of TROID and belittles them and when he met them at QSS conference he said about troid "They are bunch of ignorant youth".

But recently, he started to speak against scholars openly and said the major scholars (Sh. Faalih, Rabi, and Ubaid aljabiri) are oppressing strong students of Albani, and Usamah Qusi.

Can anyone shed more light on this, since he is also being invited to give lectures with Imam Aqeel Walker.

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bro Salafi, in the UK we have people who are saying the same things, like this Abdul-Qadir. He claims in an article which he translated from Arabic by a person called Hamdee or Hamdaanee or something that Shaikh Rabee has oppression towards Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee. This is clear to see as it is on his web page and he has statements that he made in public, like on Paltalk, where he was promoting these false ideas of Abul-Hasan out of conviction.

But if you can establish with evidence that this is what has been said by this brother it would be better, since we don't want to accuse without proof. What has he said, and where did he say it and to whom? This is just for satisfaction and being at ease.

26-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah was Salaatu Was Salaam alaa rasoolillah

It has been reported to me by Abu Abbaad Abdul Mutakabbir of Masjid Rahmah (i.e. Salafi Masjid in Newark, NJ in USA) that Muhammad Zorqane had made a statement, in his presence, "Haa'ulaai qad Dhalamoohum".  Meaning that the Kibaar al Ulemaa have opressed the Jordanian Mashaykh and Shaykh Usaamah.

Also the brothers from Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar in NY have informed me that he has defended Al-Maghraawee in open sitting.

Also, I have letters with me from a brother working with his "Organization" mocking the Salafis Organizations and Du'aat, such as, Salafipublications, TROID,TheRighteousPath, Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis, and Dawud Adeeb.  The reason quoted for these insults is that aforementioned have ridiculed the Jordanian Mashaykh and Shaykh Usaamah.

And any one with intelect who has read or heard what has been mentioned by those mentioned above will find nothing of the sorts.  They will only find them parroting the speech of the scholars.

Muhammad Zorqaane should not be invited to any conference until, nor should anyone sit with him unitl he clears himself up of these ignorant statements!

Wallahu A'alim, And Allah Knows Best!!

Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah
Kaashif Khaan As Salafi

This message was edited by salafiyyah2000 on 9-26-02 @ 4:21 AM

26-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salamu alaikum

This is brother Abdurahman from Queens, New York I know Muhammad Zorkane personally and I also know the brothers from the Da'wah Center in Manhattan.  I first wanted publicly say that I free myself from anyone who disrespects the Ulamaa' in any way shape or form. I use to work with Muhammad Zorkan and SSNA maybe not officially but I would help them give Da'wah.  I want everyone out there who knows me to know that I am with the Ulamaa' and everyone who is with the Ulamaa'.  As for those who compromise the truth then I am not with them.  Muhammad Zorkane is from Morroco he speaks arabic very well.  It may be hard for him to leave those "Shuyookh" from the Albani center alone because he is now probably very emotionally attached to them after all they would stay with him in his home for long periods of time while they were in New York giving lectures and seminars they would stay at times for two weeks with Muhammad Zorkane.  As a result he is effected by them and he effects those near to him with regards to this Abul-Hasan issue. I was told by someone close to Zorkane that he called Abu Khadeejah from spubs and was arguing with him.  I ask Allah to guide Muhammad Zorkan and those effeced by him.  I think Muhammad Zorkan is the president of SSNA.  At any rate he must make tauba from this Hizbee organization and his Hizbiyyah.  I warn you all that I and anyone who opposes Muhammad Zorkane will have a fight because he has a problem.  He will either fight the people of the Sunnah and show everyone that he is a true Hizbee or he will make tauba.  However what I know from him is that he will stick with the Jordanian Shuyookh.  I don't think anyone will respond to this discusion who knows Zorkan better than me.  I knew him for about seven years.  SSNA used to be the same orginizaition as Masjid Ahlul-Qur'an was Sunnah and I used to be the manager of that masjid and of the bookstore when Zorkan was the Imaam there.  After the splitting and the forming of SSNA which as far as I understand formed by Ali Al-Halaby, Saleem Al-Hilaalee, Muhammad Musa Nasr, Usaamah Al-Qoosee, Muhammad Zorkane and maybe others.  I use to hear Zorkan say: "SSNA and QSS are one body."  Zorkan needs to be exposed for years people have wondered who is he and what is his Manhaj.  I personally am under pressure buy this Hizbee organization SSNA.  Everytime I try to follow the Kibaar worry about how will I deal with Muhammad Zorkan and the people from SSNA.  

[deleted by admin]

Troid and Spubs took the link off of thier web sites. Yes indeed Zorkan may still be defending Al-Maghraawee Allahu A'lam.  The important this is that we warn the people so that those who want to be guided may find right guidance.  As I said previously I know Zorkan very well.  He is hiding and he needs to be ratted out.  As one of the Scholars of the past said: "He can hide his Bid'ah but he can't hide his company."  I was told by a brother close to Zorkane who's Kunyaa is Abu Sumayyah that Zorkan says the Saudia Scholars were jealous of Shaikh Al-Albaanee this is why now they want to oppress his students.  

[incorrect narration removed]

He is at opposition with the real Salafi's in the west.  I would not be amazed if he spoke ill of the brothers at troid.  Futhermore SSNA is run by Ali Al-Halaby Musa Nasr Saleem Al-Hilaalee and Usaamah Al-Qoosee they are the Shooraa of that organization.  There are brothers from all over the US and maybe from the UK and other parts of the world Wallahu A'lam that used to see me working at Masjid Ahlul-Qur'an was Sunnah while Zorkan was the Imaam there.  I want all to know that I am free from QSS, SSNA and anyone who is in opposition to the Major Ulamaa'.  Lastly I would like to make an open appoligy to Abu Sufyaan Abdul-Kareem Mcdowell the trinidadian brother from the UK, he goes by the name Abu Uyainah on paltalk and has some tapes on for insulting him when we argued about the issue of Abul-Hasan and any other brother from the UK or elsewhere who was trying to call me to the Haqq while I was defending Baatil.   So we ask Allah to relieve us of the people of deviance. Ameen

Please refer to the letter I posted under "For students of Knowledge"/Shubuhaat concerning Abul-Hasan


Jazaakumullahu khairaa

Abu Abdillah Aburahman Al-Hammaam Al-Arabaanee

This message was edited by Admin on 9-27-02 @ 3:24 PM

26-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asslamu alaykum,

Allaah reward the brothers upon the Sunnah.

I heard that when the split occurred between Masjid Qur'aan Was-Sunnah and Muhammad Zurqaan which resulted in the set up of SSNA, that a letter was issued and distributed in which it stated that the removal of Muhammad Zurqaan from his position as the Imaam of the masjid was 'khurooj'.

Is this true? And can someone get a text of that letter?

Asslamu alaykum.

26-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by yusuf.adam on 12-28-02 @ 12:00 AM

27-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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In response to the questions raised in the above post:

So I now ask the noble members of this board, how can they take the words of this person when he is a baatil narrator who makes ikhtilaat in his narrations?  Rather he is known amongst his peers to get into fits, hailing curses and insults at Salafees, even to the point of resorting to fighting.

How can this board allow individuals such as this, who are unknown to them, yet known to those close to him for his instability and disease for shuhrah, to come on here and narrate without verifying who this individual is?  Do you not fear that Allaah will hold you accountable for accommodating those who slander the sanctity of a person, when he is not at fault?

1. This is an open board, and just because people are allowed to post openly, it does not mean that every reader has taken the words of every person to be the truth, without question.

2. It was not known to us, up until he actually posted a few times that some narrations he has come with are suspect, hence the question is irrelevant.

3. If this person is unknown to us (and he is unknown to us), and known to those close to him, and we at the same time do not know those who are close to him, and you at the same time know this as well, then it hardly follows logically for you to state, as a form of surprise, rebuke and criticism, that "How can this board allow individuals such as this, who are unknown to them, yet known to those close to him for his instability and disease for shuhrah, to come on here and narrate without verifying who this individual is?"

4. You must try to understand the nature of discussion boards a bit more. This might lead you to be a little less surprised about people coming onto them and saying what they want.

5. al.Arabaanee caused us to become suspicious when he was asking us to allow the shubuhaat concerning Abul-Hasan to be posted. So we put a stop to that and did not allow it. More surprising was how he could be so confused about the truth in this issue, claiming he has read about both sides of the story. However, it is the nature of discussion boards that you find out what a person is really upto or upon only after a while. However, we are aware that people often come onto boards with an agenda, and then they slowly start to work on that agenda, and it becomes slowly apparent to the more perceptive people. Understanding this, we pick out these things, and deal with them in the appropriate way. In this particular case, suspicions were aroused, and this was based only what we knew and derived from his few posts. As for what we are ignorant of concerning him, then we can hardly be blamed for it.

6. It is not our policy on this board to verify who each and every member is. If we did that, we would have less than 5 members, and no discussion board, and a lot of wasted time and effort.

7. As for what was said, "Do you not fear that Allaah will hold you accountable for accommodating those who slander the sanctity of a person, when he is not at fault?" Then each person who posts here is accountable to Allaah individually. We have provided this discussion board for Salafees to come together and benefit from each other, with the mutual understanding that being honest and truthful is required at all times. We have laid down rules (which can be subject to revision and improvement) to try and prevent whatever is undesireable. It is not possible for us to screen out those who will come to make mischief or wilfully spread lies. However, they do not remain hidden for long. This is the nature of discussion boards.

This was just to answer the specific parts of the above post addressed at this board.

With respect to the other issues concerning SSNA, Zorqane, his attacks upon the scholars and other Salafis, and the defence of the Innovators like al-Maghraawi and Abul-Hasan coming from that general direction, then that is something that needs to be addressed, and we hope that some of the students of knowledge on this board can give advice on this, as this is something that is harmful to the da'wah.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 9-27-02 @ 12:09 AM

27-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The original post of al.arabaanee has been edited to remove some claims he had made. The reply posted on behalf of abu maryam has also been edited. What has been edited is the personal slanging  and attacks that were exchanged. However, whatever has been left, has been left as it relates to the original discussion which is SSNA, Zorqane, hizbiyyah, attacks against the Salafis, and defence of the Innovators like al-Maghrawi and al-Misree, and also just the one or two issues raised between al.arabaanee and abu maryam such as some claims that were made by al.arabaanee.

No more attacks will be tolerated in this thread, since we do not know the true reality of either of you, if you want to fight it out, go in a paltalk room and have it between yourselves.

Hence, any further discussion in this thread, will only be related to what has been affirmed by numerous brothers of the position of SSNA, its president, in the issue of al-Maghraawi, al-Misree, and the attacks against other Salafees and holding onto evil thoughts about the major scholars. No other discussion of a personal nature between individuals, and claims and counter-claims will be permitted, and it will be promptly removed.

What we have gathered and arrived at is the following (after consultation with some of the Tullaab on this board):

1) al.arabaanee comes across as confused about the issue of Abul-Hasan

2) despite that, his observations upon SSNA, Zorqane and the Jamaa'ah with him are very valid and need addressing, since whatever he said is confirmed by others

3) al.arabaanee has brought some incorrect narrations in the course of his valid observations, but that his style in addressing abu maryam was out of hand

4) it is clear that the SSNA Jamaa'ah and Zorqane are defending the Innovators and attacking the Salafis and this needs to be stopped

5) the discussion went a little personal between the two, and we don't need any of that speech here. however, whatever relates to the manhaj, and the knowledge-based positions and actions that help distinguish clear Salafees from the compromisers and wasters is what is required.

So anyone who participates in this discussion is asked to abide to what has been set out above. Otherwise don't bother posting.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 9-27-02 @ 3:18 PM

27-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I don't want to participate in this, but just an observation that I really want to share in this thread:

How come, if al-manhaj only present the words of the scholars and don't get involved themselves, that they have not posted a single statement of the scholars concerning Abul-Hasan. To date, there have been in total a collection of around 50-60 articles, audio files, tapes, that have been available through the likes of and spubs, and many translations by spubs, yet al-manhaj remains totally silent and has not even presented a single word?

Instead there are articles called "busying oneself in talk against individuals", even though the article is by one of our scholars, I get the impression that whoever translated it, and had it put up there wanted to get a certain message across with respect to the issue of Abul-Hasan. This is what conclusion I come to based upon the above facts. I may be wrong, but this is what I have observed. Thats all I have to say. I find it very strange for a so called salafi website to take this approach.

29-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I noticed a few months ago on al web site that someone summarised the meeting when Abdulrahman Abdulkhaaliq went to see Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Banna in the haram. The person on this website said that look at how Sheikh al Banna treated the head of the innovators with Rifk and so on then how about other than him who are less deviant. This is what i remember from that statement and it was on the front page after the Abdulrahman Abdulkhaaliq met up with sheikh al Banna. I went to see Sheikh al Banna thereafter and translated to him what was put up by this web site concerning the rifq towards Abdulrahman Abdulkhaaliq and he said "i told him not to come to my house and told him to repent before he is able to come to my house!" So the sheikh was not pleased with that summary brothers at, in future stick to the kallam of the Ulama and do not summarise their kallam upon an incorrect understanding of the manhaj.
For indeed that is an error, are we to look at other innovators less than Abdulrahman and treat them kindly? what was the motive behind that?

Sheikh al Bannah was not soft with Abdulrahman but rather he used shidah by warning him and reminding him more of his errors. Maybe the brother Ismaeel Alarcon can explain who wrote that summary of the Sheikh's kallam as i assume he has set up that web site.

Secondly i have seen a post on sabeelulmumineen which is alhamdolillaah is closed down, a post from Isma'eel Alarcon regarding the Abul Hasan affair which i remember was not in line with what the ulamaa were saying regarding their refutation of Abul Hasan. I cannot quote this as the web site is down. But i remember it was hard to put up the refutation against Abul Hasan's errors on that forum and Isma'eel Alarcon was not aiding the situation with his post. So i ask you Isma'eel what is your position with Abul Hasan? And my post has nothing to do with the previous posts except that i remember the name abu Maryam, Ismaeel Alarcon and wanted to address these previous issues and they were both open issues.

Also please update the biography of Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Banna on which i sent you and take out Abul Hasan as from the students that the sheikh praised for he no longer praises him. This is an amanah for you to do this as the sheikh is saying other than what he said about Abul Hasan before the fitnah.

Sheikh Rabee', the Imaam of Jarh wa Ta'deel, Sadaqa Al Albaani rahimahullah

29-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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All praise is due to Allaah, and Salaat and Salaam upon His Messenger.

The Brother, Abu Sufyan Abdul-Kareem, sent us a message providing us the details of what happened between him and al.Arabaanee on Paltalk recently. Since neither of these brothers involved in this thread (Abu Maryam and al.Arabaanee) are known to us and what they are really upon, we have not taken a firm position in affirming anything from them in what relates to their personal dispute.

However, from the information that Abu Sufyaan has provided to us, concerning the discussion and events that took place between him and al.Arabaanee, we make the following conclusions:

1. Al.Arabaanee was indeed confused on this issue (of Abul-Hasan) and did not hold a steady position, and this is no more than a week or so ago (if not even less).

2. He got angry for the sake of Usamah al-Qoosee, and fell into attacking Salafee organisations like SP and Troid.

3. He also attacks SSNA and al-manhaj, and even though there are observations to be made on both these organisations and their confusion/lack of clarity, and their apparent support of Abul-Hasan (even though it is not explicitly made), then his motives in attacking them, in light of the above, are not entirely clear, or straightforward. And since the Salafees are most just, they do not allow others to be wronged unjustly, even if they are upon error and confusion.

3. His information contains mistakes and errors (we personally verified some of his narrations), and thus, we cannot place trust in his information. However, whatever is confirmed from others that agrees what al.Arabaanee has narrated will be left (such as information on Zorkane, SSNA etc.)

4. Abu Sufyan may be posting here to explain what happened insha'allah.

5. Al.Arabaanee is requested to make an open clarification and repentance from whatever he fell into otherwise, any of his posts will not be allowed. And if he is to make any claims against anyone, he must provide known people to support what he claims. Since, even though there are observations against these organistions (SSNA, al-manhaj etc.) and those involved with them, we will not allow injustice upon them, and allow unsubstantiated information about them. So bring witnesses and known people to confirm any additional claims, and insha'allah there will be no harm in this.

6. The discussion of the position of SSNA and Zorqane and the attacks upon Salafis and the major scholars is a theme that can still be elaborated upon in this thread. However, personal affairs between al.Arabaanee and abu maryam are now out of bounds. Whatever has been left by us in the posts of both arabaanee and whatever was posted on behalf of abu maryam is sufficient in our view, to have clarified whatever issues were raised between them both. No more needs to be said.

7. Remember, it is hard to play around with this da'wah and not get found out, as Allah exposes those who desire fasaad, or have incorrect intentions, or have other motives, or who are driven by hizbiyyah and ta'assub. So we advise everyone to fear Allaah, as he knows what is hidden and what is open.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

29-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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abdulilah, the point you raised, Allaah knows that when I first read that article put on al-manhaj from Shaikh Mohammad al-Banna and I saw the way they commented on it, I sensed some type of tamyee'  and some sort of softness that was out of place and as if they were saying "look at how the shaykh dealt with him, and abdur-rahman abdul-khaliq, and so we should all be like this" and to be honest I did not like the way it came across. It was not right for them to put this out.

As you pointed out what they tried to get across was not actually correct, since the Shaikh showed shiddah to abdur-rahman abdul-khaliq (and to abul-hasan) and secondly, just because a shaikh might give some admonition to someone, when they are one to one, and make du'a for them etc., does not mean that shiddah is NOT shown to them openly and in general. {{my note: I forgot to include the word NOT, so I have added it here, sorry for any confusion!}}. Since, in the first case guidance is intended for the individual (when advising directly) and in the second case warning is intended from this person's falsehood, and in both there is a shareeah benefit. This is an important point that I read somewhere I think maybe on SP Forums or in one of the articles when they explained that there is no contradiction between the steps taken by Shaikh Rabee' towards Abul Hasan and the steps taken by the Madinah Shaykhs (in the days when they were sitting with him and advising him).

Also this article they put out "busying oneself in talk about individuals" I think the intelligent person knows the purpose behind this, and just because it is the words of the Shaikh Ahmad Najmee, doesn't mean that people won't figure out what are they trying to say and intend by it! In fact Shaikh Ahmad Najmee is himself the one who made tabdee' of Abul-Hasan and his followers and asked for them to be warned against everywhere.

So it is clear that these individuals have something of hizbiyyah and are hiding behind it, otherwise they should be clear and stop this fooling about. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between them and Brixton, here in the UK. Hiding hizbiyyah, and when people have realised this, they then having this policy of remaining silent and not saying a word, hoping that when the fitnah is over, they will be left untouched and their dishonesty towards the Salafi manhaj brushed under the carpet, and then they come out and say, "Yes our manhaj is the same as SP's, whatever they are upon we are upon" or "yes we are with the majors scholars and were always with them, and we want to work with you, lets have a meeting so we can work together!"

I heard that Zahid's Jamaa'ah were using their Islaam1 site to secretly undermine the refutations of the major scholars of Abul Hasan. Definitely, there is something with this SSNA and al-manhaj jamaa'ah, and they'd better come out clean soon for the benefit of the dawah and the Muslims.

This message was edited by abu.sagheer on 9-29-02 @ 7:12 PM

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salamu alaikum

Firstly I did not insult Sp or troid.  Rather my arguing with Abu Sufyaan indirectly about the Abul-Fitan issue as Abu Sufyaan stated caused some others to curse troid.  This is what Abu Sufyaan told me in a private talk on paltalk after I appoligized to him for insulting him he said (what means) that he stuck his head out their so he should excpects to get it smacked around sometimes.  He then said (I recall what means) that what he fears is that my appologie to him and my above written appologie may not be good enough because my starting that fitnah in that chat room that day caused some people to curse/insult troid.  After he told me this I made sure that when every I opened my chat room which was called "The Salafi Room" I typed an appologie to Triod in partcular and the Salafis in general appologizing for causing people to insult/curse them.  Also since then I have not opened this room much at all.  I decided to stay away from the "public eye" and keep a low key so as to not cause anymore corruption.  Lastly I am known by Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib Al-Atharee and I am sure that the people of this board know him also.  If you need to speak to someone who knows me then please speak to him.  I now see myself being accused of cursing or insulting troid which is not true.  I can tell you what I did say that day when I argued with Abu Sufyaan that day in a chat room if you like so as to clarify the truth.  I would advise that we all speak to Aboo Tasneem so as not to carry this thing out any longer.  Whether you all regard me to be reliable or not or Salafi or not I am still a Muslim in shaa Allah and a Muslims honor is sacred.  Once again Aboo Tasneem has known me for about seven years give or take and in shaa Allah he can provide you all with any info you need about me.  If you all believe that there are some statments which I need to recant or some appollogies I need to make or some clarifications I need to make then please state them to me clearly so that I may clarify or recant or appoligize and let's get this thing over with.  I am saying that Wallahi I did not curse troid or SP in that chat room that day when I argued with Abu Sufyaan.  Rather my attacks were directed at him personally which I attempted to appoligize for in public the same way that I insulted him in public with no right.  I am not blaming you brothers because I put myself into this mess.  My problem with SSNA is that I believe it could have been my mixing with them that caused this instability i.e. saying that Abul-Hasan is an innovator on one day and then defending him on another.  As for now then I am stable on the fact that he is a Mubtadi'.  I have heard the tape when that brother from Brixton appoligized to Shaikh Rabee'.  I have also heard some audio which I found on from Shaikh Muhammad Al-Bannaa and some of what he had to say about Abul-Mihan Al-Mubtil Al-Mufarriq Saahibul-Fitan.  I also heard some audio wuth Shaikh Yahyaa Al-Hajooree (Hafidhahumullahu jamee'an) answering some questions from Kuwait with regards to Abul-Mihan in addition to the audio that I have heard in the past about this man.  So once again that which I worship Allah with is that this man (Abul-Hasan) is an innovator and that he is dividing the Salafi's thus pleasing the people of Bid'ah and serving the Kuffaar because they love to see us differ and the people of Bid'ah love to see the Salafi's differ this is one of their goals as one of the goals of the Kuffaar is to make the Muslims differ.  So I am willing to do whatever it takes in order to encorage others to follow the Salafi manhaj and to clarify my Salafiyyah.  Once again I don't blame you brothers and I don't say that you all are oppressive for demanding that I clarify my position or recant some statments.  Rather If I were in your shoes I would demand the same.  I also agree that Shaikh Saleem Al-Hilaalee and Shaikh Ali Abdul-Hameed Al-Halabi need to appologize to shake Rabee' (Hafidhahullah) for what they said in defence of Abul-Hasan or what they said about the disagreement between Shaikh Rabee' and Abul-Hasan.  I don't say that this is somthing only between Shaikh Rabee' and Abul-Hasan.  Rather I say that this is a matter of Sunnah and Bid'ah.  This is what I have been calling to since I made the above post and this is what I will die on in shaa Allah.  I appologize to the brothers and or Tullaab of this board for any mischief that I may have caused.  I don't claim to be an angel because there may have been times in the past when I was ingnorant and I spoke bad about the Salafis and/or the Salafi Mashaayikh.  However there was once a time when I was much more ignorant and I would spreak ill of the Muslims and their Deen i.e. before I became a Muslim.  As for now then I have repented from Kufr and I would like to also repent from all sins.  So please inform me as to what I need to clarify/rectify as I am ignorant and I wish to learn.  I won't be arrogant rather I will except constructive critsizim which will make me a better Muslim.  I ask you brothers to please accept my sincere appollogies, I ask Allah to forgive me then I ask you all to forgive me.  I will in the future here or elsewhere use better expressions so as not to give anyone the wrong idea.  Also I will avoid putting myself in a situation that will cause anyone to be suspicious of me.  Please I you all have anymore pointers about my Manhaj then please let me know.  Lastly I wanted to say that I have Al-Ghibtah (Good/praiseworthy jealousy) of SP, troid and the likes for there clarity upon the Sunnah.  I would like to have the knowledge and understanding that they have so that I can do the good that they are doing with it.  I don't wish that they did not have this good but I wish I had it too.  Allah is my witness.  I have seen Shaikh Rabee' only three times in my life and I would love to stick with the Shaikh and benifit from him excpecially in issues of Manhaj.  So once again I swallow my pride and appologize for any negetive statments that I have ever made about the good and the people of the good in general and the Salafis specifically.  I know that what is typed here is not good enough for recantation so I will add/edit as thoughts come to my mind.  I realize that I am in deep trouble for playing with the Salafis and this blessed Salafi Da'wah so I ask you all to please kindly inform me of what I need to do in order to get out of this Fitnah which I placed myself in.  So please straighten me out.  I do not wish to procrastinate/hesitate with this Tauba/recantation so please show me the way.  I don't think that i am anyone who diservses this much attention but I understand that this is for the sake of the Da'wah.  I don't have anything to hide but on the other hand I am nobody.  I don't claim to be a Scholar or a Daa'ee.  I am very careful about even calling myself a student of knowledge.  I only claim what Allah and his Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) obliges me to claim i.e. that I am a Muslim and I when must claim As-Salafiyyah.  I know that the burden of proof is upon the claimant so I am very carful about what I claim.  I don't say this praising myself yet i this in order to distinguish myself from those who intend evil or do evil. I don't desire wealth or status I would just like to learn more about my Deen in order to better myself Baarakallahu feekum.  If there is anything that I need to pulically repent about or if there is any person or person I need to appologize to then I will do so please just tell me what to do.  I am asking you all because you all are much more aware about Al-Islam and the sunnah then I am.  If you all wish then I will not post here anymore I'll just keep my mouth shut.  The only reason that I opened it in the first place is because I will never know how sound my Aqeedah and Manhaj is until I express my beleifs.  Whereas is I remain silent how will I learn.  Also Allah has written that now I am living in a non-muslim country.  We don't have many people who know about the Deen here.  I am not pleased with these flaws in my understanding of Al-Isalm that you all have noticed in me and I would like to better my understanding so please teach me.  I was once in the Islamic University of Al-Medina about two years ago however only spent four months there then I droped out and returned to New York.  As a result of my dropping out I am extremely ignorant about this deen so please show me the correct way to go about my affairs.  Please educate me.

Jazaakumullahu annaa khairaa wa baarakafeekum.

 Al-Baqarah (2):247
æóÞóÇáó áóåõãú äóÈöíøõåõãú Åöäøó Çááøåó ÞóÏú ÈóÚóËó áóßõãú ØóÇáõæÊó ãóáößðÇ ÞóÇáõæóÇú Ãóäøóì íóßõæäõ áóåõ Çáúãõáúßõ ÚóáóíúäóÇ æóäóÍúäõ ÃóÍóÞøõ ÈöÇáúãõáúßö ãöäúåõ æóáóãú íõÄúÊó ÓóÚóÉð ãøöäó ÇáúãóÇáö ÞóÇáó Åöäøó Çááøåó ÇÕúØóÝóÇåõ Úóáóíúßõãú æóÒóÇÏóåõ ÈóÓúØóÉð Ýöí ÇáúÚöáúãö æóÇáúÌöÓúãö æóÇááøåõ íõÄúÊöí ãõáúßóåõ ãóä íóÔóÇÁ æóÇááøåõ æóÇÓöÚñ Úóáöíãñ

And their Prophet (Samuel) said to them, "Indeed Allâh has appointed Talût (Saul) as a king over you." They said, "How can he be a king over us when we are better fitted than him for the kingdom, and he has not been given enough wealth." He said: "Verily, Allâh has chosen him above you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allâh grants His Kingdom to whom He wills. And Allâh is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower."

Habeebukum fillah,

Abu Abdillah Aburahman Al-Hammaam Al-Arabaanee

This message was edited by al.Arabaanee on 9-30-02 @ 6:50 AM

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 204
Joined: Jan 2002
To brother Al.Arabaanee

Brother jazaakallaahu khairan. A clear Salafee who holds the right mawaaqif, and is with the Salafees, even if he has very little knowledge, is far superior to one who is not like this, and at the same time is involved in da'wah and claims lots of knowledge, yet he allies with the hizbees and does not hold the correct positions.

And this is all that the Salafee da'wah requires. People who are clear, because nothing helped and aided the da'wah of Shaykh Muqbil, except "tamyeez" (distinction, clarity, separation), which is distinction from the Innovators and Hizbees.

And this is what this da'wah requires. And in what you have said there is sufficiency inshaallaah. All that is needed was for you to clear your position on Abul-Hasan, and take a firm stance and to be united with the remaining Salafees on this issue.

Feel free to participate in this forum, but please be careful in your narrations and do not confuse or mix matters, and remember not to be unjust to anyone because of dislike or personal issues, even if they be from the people of hizbiyyah and are upon confusion and misguidance, since the Salafees are the most just of people with all the people of the earth.

As we said right at the very beginning, if there are any specific issues that you need clearing, raise them and the tullaab here can clarify them or at least point you to the right information from the scholars.

Baraakallaahu Feek.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa feeka astaghfirullaha wa atoobu ilaih.

 An-Nisa (4):135
íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇú ßõæäõæÇú ÞóæøóÇãöíäó ÈöÇáúÞöÓúØö ÔõåóÏóÇÁ áöáøåö æóáóæú Úóáóì ÃóäÝõÓößõãú Ãóæö ÇáúæóÇáöÏóíúäö æóÇáÃóÞúÑóÈöíäó Åöä íóßõäú ÛóäöíøðÇ Ãóæú ÝóÞóíÑðÇ ÝóÇááøåõ Ãóæúáóì ÈöåöãóÇ ÝóáÇó ÊóÊøóÈöÚõæÇú Çáúåóæóì Ãóä ÊóÚúÏöáõæÇú æóÅöä ÊóáúæõæÇú Ãóæú ÊõÚúÑöÖõæÇú ÝóÅöäøó Çááøåó ßóÇäó ÈöãóÇ ÊóÚúãóáõæäó ÎóÈöíÑðÇ

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allâh, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allâh is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allâh is Ever Well­Acquainted with what you do.

Abu Abdillah Aburahman Al-Hammaam Al-Arabaanee

This message was edited by al.Arabaanee on 9-30-02 @ 10:23 AM

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 41
Joined: Aug 2002
I would like to say also to alarabaanee, may Allaah reward you brother, and I do not purify anyone over what Allaah knows, but you have displayed sincerity and desire for the truth and ask Allaah that He gives you tawfeeq and all the assistance you need to remain upon the straight path of Allaah and the minhaj of the Salaf.

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Allahu yubaariku feekum wa baaraka 'alainaa wa Jazaakumullahu khairaa!

Abu Abdillah Aburahman Al-Hammaam Al-Arabaanee

30-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allah bless you brother al-arabanee, indeed you have shown and taken the clear position.

We await more posts from you

You have provided us with the info which was also confirmed by others. May Allah bless you

01-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
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When will all of the Salafis leave alone SSNA?

Allahumma Sallim Sallim Yaa Rabb! (O Allah, make peace make peace O our Lord!)

I found this while on


All praise is for Allaah and may the Salaat and the Salaam be on Allaah's Messenger. To Proceed:
Following a telephone conversation that took place between myself and Muhammad Zorkane on Thursday, September 26, 2002, the following points were clarified to me:

1. Al-Manhaj.Com is the web site of SSNA.

2. SSNA is an organization that belongs and is run by the shuyookh from Shaam: Saleem Al-Hilaalee, 'Alee Al-Halabee, Muhammad Musa Nasr and Usaamah Al-Qoosee.

3. I have/had no right to speak on behalf of the organization SSNA and its web site

4. There is no difference between and SSNA.

5. Consequently, I decided and informed that I would be stepping down and not working (i.e. translating) for SSNA/ anymore.

6. I was given permission to post these points and my public announcement that I would no longer be rendering services for SSNA/

And with Allaah lies the success, and He is the One who guides to what is correct.

as-Salaam 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah
isma'eel alarcon

wa alaikumussalamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.
I say: May Allah help us all to walk aright!  It looks to me like brother Ismaa'eel made a good move.  I also think he has good intentions.  May Allah reward him with good and help us to be clear Salafis sticking to the Kibaar.  This Salafi Da'wah is the cure for our illnesses.  The truth may be bitter but taking it is better for us.  It is the cure even if it is bitter.  How truthful was the person who said: "The truth hurts."  O Allah please make us live and die upon Al-Islam and the Sunnah!  O Allah please releave us from this finah which has seperated the Shabaab!  O Allah please Yaa Hayyu Yaa Quyyum!  Surely you are able to do all things.  We ask Allah Azza wa Jalla to preserve our Ulmaa' al-Kibaar and to make His word the uppermost even if the Kuffaar dislike it.

wa subhaanakallahumma wa bihamdik, Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illaa ant, astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilaik.

Truly with Allah is all success!

Allahumma laa tu'aakhitthnee bimaa yaqooloon, waj'alnee khairan mimmaa yadhunnoon, waghfirlee maa laa ya'lamoon.
(O Allah please don't hold me responsible for their praising me, make me better than what they think of me and forgive me for what they don't know about me.)
This is what Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq would say when he was praised (May Allah be pleased with him).

Are there any comments from men of understanding?

Baarakallahu feekum

Abu Abdillah Aburahman Al-Hammaam Al-Arabaanee

This message was edited by al.Arabaanee on 10-1-02 @ 7:33 AM

01-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
Joined: Sep 2002
Sorry I posted twice in error.

Cheer up Salafis the truth will manifest itself!

This message was edited by al.Arabaanee on 10-1-02 @ 10:03 AM

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