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» A Reply to Abu Usamaah at-Thahabi Casting Doubs & Defaming on Sh Rabee'
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17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 46
Joined: Sep 2002
As-Salaamu 'alaykum
the following is a reply by Aboo Assiyah Muhammad to some of Abu Usaamah at-Thahabi errors.

أبو أسامة يحذر من إحدى الطرق التي تؤدي إلى الهلاك

A warning to Abu Usaamah against one of the ways leading to destruction, and the refutation of his attempt to cast doubt on that which is clear.

إن الحمد لله نحمده و نستعينه و نستغفره، و نعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له، و من يضلل فلا هادي له وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، و أشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله.
يا أيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله الذي تساءلون به و الأرحام إن الله كان عليكم رقيبا.
يا أيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته و لا تموتن إلا و أنتم مسلمون.
يا أيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله و قولوا قولا سديدا يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم و من يطع الله ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما.  
أما بعد:
عن أبي رقية تميم بن أوس الداري رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: (الدين النصيحة)، قلنا: لمن؟ قال: (لله ولكتابه و لرسوله و لأئمة المسلمين وعامتهم)

Narrated Abu Ruqayah Tameem bin Auus ad-Daaree رضي الله عنه:  Allah's Messenger
صلى الله عليه و سلم said "ad-Deen (the religion) is advice." Upon this, we said:  "for whom?" He صلى الله عليه و سلم replied, "for Allah, His Book, and His Messenger صلى الله
عليه و سلم  and for the leaders of the Muslims and their masses." Muslim

We ask Allah to make us among the people who give sincere advice.  As He Allah has commanded:  
قال الله سبحانه وتعالى: (و ما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة و ذلك دين القيمة).
(And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, being sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and give zakaah.  And that is the correct religion.)
و عن أمير المؤمنين أبي حفص عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه، قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول:  ((إنما الأعمال بالنيات و إنما لكل امرء ما نوى ...الخ)).
And from the hadeeth of the Prophet صلىالله عليه و سلم narrated by 'Umarرضي الله عنه in which he said that the prophet said:  (The rewards of deeds depend upon the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to what he has intended?)

Indeed we are all forever in need of Allah to help us in purifying our intentions and we are also forever in need of His guidance and protection especially when dealing with, correcting and warning our brothers and the Muslims in general.  We ask Allah to make us from among the Mukhli'seen and the Khaashi'een.

قال الله جلا وعلا:  (و لتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير و يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر وأولئك هم المفلحون)
Allah the Most High said:  "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good and enjoining al-M'aroof and forbidding al-Munkar, and it is they who are successful".

و من حديث أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه ، قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول:  (من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده، فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه، فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه و ذلك أضعف الإيمان)
It has been narrated by 'Abu S'ayeed al-Khudreeرضي الله عنه that the Prophet said:  "Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand; if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart; and that is the weakest form of faith." (Muslim, Abu Dawood, Timirdhi)

و أيضا من حديث أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: (لا يمنعنّ أحدا منكم مخافة الناس أو بشر؛ أن يتكلم بالحق إذا رآه أو علمه، أو راه أو سمعه).      
And also from the hadeeth of 'Abu S'ayeed al-Khudree رضي الله عنه he said that the Prophet said:  "Let not the fear of the people or a person prevent any of you from saying the truth, if he sees it or learns of it or hears it." (Al-Musnad 3/46-47)

And there are many Aayaat and Ahadeeth which prevents the Muslims from allowing evil, oppression and innovations to spread amongst the Muslims.  

One of the greatest ways of self-destruction is to speak ill of the 'Ulemaa and make khurooj from them and the leaders of the Muslims.  Today we find amongst us, those whom Allah have guided to this blessed Manhaj of the Salaf us-Salih falling into that which past nations fell into and resulted in their destruction, and this did not happen except when the clear truth came to them.  After being guided to the pure understanding of our Manhaj, Allah allowed them to study in the best Islamic University in the world under the best scholars of this time, but yet and still they chose a path which the Salaf us-Salih were not upon.   Abu Muslimah Al-Hizbee, Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillps, and Suhaib Hasan are a few examples of those who received this blessing from Allah and are now on the path of self-destruction.   They were not mindful of this bounty that Allah bestowed upon them, and did not refer their issues back to the 'Ulemaa, which resulted in Allah guiding them to what was in their hearts.

(و لو ردّوه إلى الرّسول و إلى أولي الأمر منهم لعلمه الّذين يستنبطونه منهم)
Allah (Subhaana wa ta 'aala) said:  "And when there comes to them something or information etc. they spread it around.  But if they had referred it back to the Messenger or to those of authority among them, then the ones who can draw or deduce correct conclusions from it would have known about it.". (4:83)  

) إن الله يأمركم أن تؤدوا الأمانات إلى أهلها و إذا حكمتم بين الناس أن تحكموا بالعدل إن الله نعما يعظكم به)
And the statement of Allah:  "Indeed, Allah commands you to render trust to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice.  Excellent is that which Allah instructs you.  Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing".  

(إذا وسّد الأمر إلى غير أهله فانتظر الساعة)
The Prophet was once asked by an 'Arabee "When is the Hour?"  He Sallalaahu 'alayhi was-Salaam said:  "When unqualified people are taken as the point of reference for the affairs of the people, then look for the Hour"(al-Bukhaaree)  

Now we see one of our dear and respected brothers treading along this path of self destruction, and we pray that by exposing his errors and similarities to those mentioned previously, that he will recant his statements and make clear his position on the issues he spoke about publicly and privately.

To proceed:

By Allah if our brother Abu Usaamah at-Thahabi had not said some of the things we will mention here with over 200 people listening to him, it would have just been between us to advise him behind closed doors.  We write this as an advice to our Muslim brothers in America personally and to the Muslim nation in general.  Abu Usaamah is creeping into the Manhaj of 'Abu Hasan al-Misr al-Ma'ribee and the likes of his kind.   Abu Usaamah is guilty of many issues of which I will address the following two points:

1.     Defaming and inviting the Muslims to have doubt in Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee 'Umayr al-Madkhalee ability as a scholar.
2.     Giving the people a false impression that the 'Ulemaa are divided on the issue of Abu Hasan and his deviances in Manhaj and Aqeedah.

Refutation of his statements

POINT 1:  Defaming and inviting the Muslims to have doubt in Shaykh Rabee' ability as a scholar.

a. Abu Usaamah said the following on paltalk in relation to the Jar'h made by Shaykh Rabee' on Abee Hasan al-Misree:  

That he agrees that Shaykh Rabee' is a scholar and the carrier of Jar'h wat- T'adeel, but, " we do not blind follow him" and that Imam Bukhari and Imam Ahmed were scholars of Jar'h wat-T'adeel and that they were not always correct in the Jar'h of all the people they made Jar'h on.

This shows how ignorant Abu Usaamah is when it comes to the knowledge of narrators of hadeeth, Jar'h wat-T'adeel, Alfaadh Jar'h wat- T'adeel etc.  When has an 'Aalim known for being from the 'Ulemaa of Jar wat-T'adeel made a Jar'h accompanied by clarifications and evidences (mufassil), known to be wrong?  The hadeeth scholar Taqee ad-Deen ibn Dqeeq al-'Eeed said in his book al-Iqtiraah fee bayaan al-Istalaah wa maa adheefa ilaa dhaalika min al-Ahadeeth al-M'adoodah minas-Sihaah
(و قد اختلف الناس في أسباب الجرح. ولأجل ذلك قال من قال:  أنه لا يقبل إلا مفسرا)
"People differ in their reasons for Jar'h, which is the reason for the statement of those who say it is not accepted except it is accompanied by an explanation and clarification".

Also as mentioned in the book at-Tasees fee fanni deraasatul-Asaaneed on page 100:  "It is the correct opinion that a t'adeel is accepted from a trustworthy person with out mentioning his reason for his t'adeel but a Jar'h is not accepted unless accompanied by a reason and a clarification of that reason".

That is the correct view concerning accepting Jar'h of the 'Ulemaa of Jar'h wat-T'adeel as clarified in the qaa'idah for acceptance of Jar wat-T'adeel:  

"A Jar'h accompanied by an explanation and a clarification takes precedence over a T'adeel".

And this is the case where the person the Jar'h is being made on is known to be trustworthy and sound.

In the case where there is a conflict in Jar'h which is not accompanied by an explanation and T'adeel, it is for the researcher to look at the conditions (ahwaal) of the people making Jar'h and T'adeel.  Conditions such as the following are taken into consideration:
1.     The level of knowledge of (al-Mujarri'h and al-Mu'addil) the person making Jar'h wat- T'adeel.  Is he a Haafidh, Baahith etc?  

2.     Does he the Mujarri'h or the Mu'addil live in the same country as the person the Jar'h wat-T'adeel is being made on?  Because a man is most known by the people of his country therefore their statements about him, takes precedence over those who are not from his country.

3.     Is he Mutashaddid (المتشدد), Mutsaahil (المتساهل) or Mu'atadil (المعتدل)?

4.     Which and how many other scholars are saying the same thing as the Mujarri'h or the Mu'addil.  

Here is an example from "Taqreeb at-Tatheeb" the biography of Muhammad ibn Haatim ibn Sulaymaan az-Zammee that illustrates one of the conditions listed above.  Ibn Hajar said about az-Zammee, he is Thiqah (reliable, sound and trustworthy).  It is also mentioned in at-Tahtheeb that Saaleh ibn Muhammad al-Asadee and an-Nasaaee and ad-Darqutnee said he is Thiqah and  Ibn Habbaan mentioned him in his book "ath-Thiqaat".  But it has been narrated on Abee Haatim that he alone called him:  Suduuq.  In this case it is clear that Ibn Hajar after reviewing the statements of the 'Ulemaa of Jar'h wat-T'adeel chose the statements from the majority of 'Ulemaa over Abee Haatim.
At this point the researcher uses ijtihaad to arrive at that which appears to be correct to him by basing his ijtihaad on firm knowledge obtained from all branches of the knowledge of hadeeth.

So the issue is not like Abu Usaamah is trying to make the people believe.  The scholars of hadeeth have rules for accepting Jar'h and rejecting it.  It is not because the scholar was incorrect in his Jar'h especially if it is accompanied by clarification, and for Abu Usaamah to insinuate in a public forum that Shaykh Rabee' has erred or is incorrect in his Jar'h on Abee Hasan al-Misree illustrates his lack of knowledge of the 'Ilm of Jar'h wat-T'adeel and lack of respect for the 'Ulemaa of Hadeeth.  

Doesn't he know that Ahlul-Hadeeth is the best of people?  It has been mentioned in the book an-Nukat 'alaa Muqadematu Ibn a's-'Salaa'h, by the great Muhadith Imaam Badr ad-Deen Abee 'Abdullah known as
az-Zarkashee that it has been narrated on Haf's bin Gheyaath that he said:  "Don?t you look at the companions of Hadeeth and what they possess?:  They are the best people of this world" This is an example from many examples of how the Salaf used to look at the people of knowledge especially the 'Ulemaa of Hadeeth, may Allah help us to be like them Ameen.

As for the Jar'h on Abee Hasan Al-Misree by the Haamil of Jar'h wat-T'adeel in our time, our beloved Shaykh Rabee' ibn  Haadee 'Umayr al-Madkhalee baraka Allahu wa feehi, is accompanied with explanations and clarifications along with extensive evidences readily available for any one who is still in the darkness about this m'ubtada.   Shaykh Rabee' is not alone in his Jar'h.  All of the 'Ulemaaul-Jar'h wat-T'adeel are in agreement with him.  As for his level of knowledge, (baraka Allahu wa feehi) we all know his rank among the 'Ulemaa.  People like the Shaykh, need no tazkiyah, but rather, we are in need of tazkiyah from him.  We pray that Allah preserves him and keep him strong on the Manhaj of the Salaf us-Salih, and that he continues to expose those imposters who wear the cloaks of ad-D'awatus-Salifiyyah Ameen.

In reference to the comments made by Abu Usaamah stating he saw something and heard something from Shaykh Rabee' which makes him not accept every thing from him that he says about Abee Hasan Al-Misree, Ali Al-Halaabi, and Saleem al-Hilaali, clearly illustrates his desire to self destruct.

Yaa Abaa Usaamah!  Know that the 'Ulemaa are the inheritors of the Prophets.  They inherited from the Prophets knowledge and they protect and carry the knowledge in their chest and by it they guide the people to that which Allah and His Messenger commanded.  So whosoever wage war against them, has indeed brought destruction upon himself.  You should know that speaking evil of any of the al-'Ulemaa, and slandering any of them is from the ways of Ahluz-Zeegh (the people of deviation) and Ahlud-'Daalah (the people of misguidance).  This is because speaking ill of the 'Ulemaa and slandering them is not only speaking ill about them but rather the religion and the Manhaj which they are carrying.  There is no doubt that Shaykh Rabee' is from among the 'Ulemaa and the CARRIER and BEARER of the banner of Jar'h wat-T'adeel in our time.  There is no scholar but bear witness to this and indeed it is sufficient what Shaykh Bin Baaz, Shaykh Albaani and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimuhum Allah) said about him, which Abu Usaamah knows very well.  If their sayings are not sufficient my dear brothers of this great and blessed d'awa refer to the statements of the great Scholar of Madina, Shaykh Ubayd bin Abdulllaah bin Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree, who not only clarified that there is no division between the 'Ulemaa in Saudi and Shaykh Rabee' on the issue pertaining to Abee Hasan al-Misree, but he continued by praising our beloved Shaykh, and ranked him above himself in 'ilm baraka Allahu wa feehi.  Look at how the scholars respect each other and how humble they are before Allah.  They deal with each other and the common people in a just manner.  So Fear Allah and be just.  Do not let your desires lead you astray.  It is from the Manhaj of the Salaf that we do not speak of the 'Ulemaa except with goodness, beauty, with good characteristics and adab.  It is from the Manhaj of the people of bid'ah and hawaa, to speak of the scholars in a bad way and to make khurooj on them.

Indeed the 'Ulemaa are humans and they make mistakes, but accusing them or attaching mistakes to them because they are humans lead to many dangerous and deadly pits of which some of them are:

a.     It can be that one accuses a scholar of a mistake which is not a mistake.  Perhaps it would have been better for you Yaa! Abaa Usaamah that you would've informed the Shaykh of that which you saw in him and heard from him, which is preventing you from accepting some aspect of the religion from him.  Instead you chose to talk about the Shaykh behind his back.

b.     An ignorant person making a ruling on a scholar encouraging the common people to leave the 'Ulemaa, and take fatwa's from the ignorant.   As it is mentioned in a well known hadeeth by our beloved Rasul.

c.     This kind of Manhaj will lead people to take from the religion what agrees with their desires and leave that which goes against it as it is common with the people of desires.  From among the evidence that we should take from the scholars known for their knowledge and their Manhaj is the statement of Allah:  (O you who believe, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.) 49:6 and also the statement of Allah:  (Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know) 21:7.

d.     This will lead the people to disrespect and confront the scholars leading to disobedience of Allah who said:  
(يأ يها الذين ءامنوا أطيعوا الله و أطيعوا الرسول و أولي الأمر منكم فإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله و رسول إن كنتم تؤمنون بالله و اليوم الأخر ذلك خيرو أحسن تأويلا)
"O you, who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.  And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day.  That is the best way and the best in result" 4:59.  Commenting on the above statement of Allah "Those in authority among you" Ibn Abbaas رضي الله عنه said:  "This refers to Ahlul-Fiqh wad-Deen, and those who obey and follow that which Allah command them of, those who teach the people the meaning of their Religion and enjoin on them the good and forbid them from evil so Allah made it compulsory to obey them over his servants". Narrated by at-'Tabaree in his tafseer (5/149), and Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Abee Haatim.  And also ad-Darar al-Manthoor by as-Suyoo'tee (2/176), al-Haakim in al-Mustadrik (1/123), al-Laalakaaee in his book sharh Usool I'atiqaad ahlu as-Sunnah wal-Jamaaa'ah (1/73).

And Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah also said commenting on the statement of Allah "Those in authority among you":  "They are those who command the people (The leaders of the people, the people in authority and the people of knowledge).   The people of authority are of two types:  The 'Ulemaa (the Scholars) and the Umaraa (Leaders of the Muslims), if their condition is corrected and they become good the condition of the people will be good.  If they become corrupted then the people will become corrupt". Al-Fataawa (28/170)  

In reference to his statement:  "We do not blind follow him".  This is one of the dangerous innovated principles of Abu Hasan and those who support him.  They use the statements such as the one above to refute the religious verdicts of the 'Ulemaa which are supported by the Book of Allah and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet as mentioned by the noble Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee 'Umayr al-Madkhalee in his risaalah "Strong overwhelming Prophetic texts destroying and demolishing the rules and principles of the newly innovated deceptive Hizbiyyah".  

In it the Shaykh said: " For the people of the Sunnah to truly know and that it is not a mere claim that indeed their da'awaa is vulnerable to ahlul-Fitna (the people of trial and tribulations) and al-Hawaa (people of desires and innovations) and that they (ahlul-Fitna and al-Hawaa) will not get tired or bored from devising plots,  casting trials and tribulations in the midst of ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah and propagating that which encourage division among the Muslims.

Indeed there have emerged in these years a deceptive group of people wearing the cloak of as-Sunnah, but they differ from Ahlus-Sunnah in their principles, Manhaj, implementation and application. They pass off innovated Usool and principles in opposition to the Manhaj of ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah and the fataawaa of their 'Ulemaa in refuting innovation and warning against its people.  Examples of such principles which they devised to refute fataawaa established on the Kitaab was-Sunnah are: We do not imitate and blind follow anyone, we are people of evidence?.

Was this not the same brother who made khurooj on the Muslim leader of our 'Ulemaa and our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia (a Muslim country) few months ago while living under the umbrella of a non-Muslim government and asked to be forgiven when he was exposed?  As if the statement of Hasan al-Ba'sree could not have come at a better time, where the Shaykh said speaking about the Muslim leaders:  
"By Allah the religion will not be upright without them; even if they persecute and oppress, by Allah the things which Allah makes correct by them is much more then what they corrupt.  Obeying them by Allah is for happiness and success and leaving (making khurooj on) them is an act of Kufr".  Aadaabul-Hasan al-Ba'sree le Ibn al-Jawzee.  This is how they begin, first by attacking the leaders hoping no one will speak out against them, and secondly by attacking the 'Ulemaa.  Subhaanah Allah!

By Allah the people of the Sunnah will not be tricked by tears and soft words.  Bid'ah is bid'ah no matter how it comes, or who it comes from and indeed all bid'ah is misguidance and all misguidance leads to the Hell fire.  That deviant and destructive Manhaj of belittling the scholars and refusing to take their fataawaa or Jar'h which are based on the Book of Allah and the Authentic Sunnah with the pretext of not blind following a scholar is that which Abu 'Usaamah is calling our Salafi brothers and sisters to.   What is disturbing that the students of knowledge in the West are aware that he is calling the common people to this innovated principle, but to our knowledge they have not spoken out against it.  

Oh! Callers to this pure Manhaj do not forget the hadeeth of the Prophet:  "Let not the fear of the people or a person prevent any of you from saying the truth, if he sees it or learns of it or hears it." (Al-Musnad 3/46-47).  The errors of Abu Usaamah need to be made public before the people fall in to it.  

POINT2:  Giving the people a false impression about the 'Ulemaa on the issue of Abu Hasan al-Misree:  

Abu Usaamah said, "let the scholars of Madina handle the issue".  As if the scholars in Makkah where Shaykh Rabee' lives and any other scholar from the 'Ulemaa are not capable of handling the issue.  He is waiting for confirmation from the Madina scholars before he can accept the tons of evidences put forth by the other qualified 'Ulemaa.  This is also another one of the innovated principles of Abu Hasan as the Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee 'Umayr al-Madkhalee mentions in his risaalah "Strong overwhelming Prophetic texts destroying and demolishing the rules and principles of the newly innovated deceptive Hizbiyyah. In it he Shaykh said:  "?That
they refute and reject the fataawaa of the 'Ulemaa, their rulings and verdicts (ahkaam) on the people of innovations, their warnings against them and their innovations by proclaiming the need for confirmation as an addition to their principles which they mention frequently".  This is the same Manhaj of the misguided people who refuse to accept hadeeth al-Ahaad.

Who is more informed about the issue of Abu Hasan?  Who has advised Abu Hassan secretly for the last six years?  Abu Usaamah wants to isolate the Haamil of Jar'h wat-T'adeel, the one who is most aware of the deviant Manhaj and 'Aqeedah of Abu Hasan, the one who has written books clarifying the deviation of that ignorant deceiver.  Is that not deception?    

He also wants to present to the people that the 'Ulemaa are not in agreement on the issue of Abu Hasan.  This is tashweesh and makr, and khiyaanah.  Yaa Abaa Usaamah! Leave this issue to the 'Ulemaa, not only the 'Ulemaa of Madina but all of the 'Ulemaa who are aware of this issue, those who understand the Manhaj of the Salaf and have knowledge of the religion.  

Abu Usaamah we advise you to make your issue clear, you are beginning to show some characteristics found in Abu Muslimah al-Hizbee and the people like him.  Humble yourself and stick with the brothers with clear Manhaj like our brother Abu 'Uwees, Abul- Hasan Maalik, the brothers at Salafi Publications, TRIOD and Darul- Hadeeth.  We advise you to stick with and respect all of the 'Ulemaa as-Salafiyyah.  And we also want you to know that in this time we live in, loving Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh Faalih is a sign of being on the Manhaj of the Salaf us-Salih, and it is also a sign that you are not from the people of bid'ah and hawaa.   Know that when the Salaf used to say Fulaan huwa ahlu Sunnah wa Jamaa'ah or Fulaan huwa hujah, did not mean that he was free from errors.   Rather he was known for his knowledge of the religion and Salafiyyah, by being kind to the people on the Sunnah and hard on the people of Bid'ah, which resulted in him becoming a symbol of that which he represented and because of this the people of desire made him their enemy.  

We advise you to clarify your Manhaj and your position toward the 'Ulemaa especially Shaykh Rabee'.  We advise you not to talk ill of the students of knowledge in Egypt for their stance against Shaykh Usaamah al-Qoosi.  Know that we have been sitting with our brother Usaamah al-Qoosi for three years and we have indeed benefited from him.  For us our attachment is to the Manhaj of the Salaf and not to individuals.  Know that we know him more than you do and that we are with him from the point of view that we hope our stance against him will help him to rectify those issues that the 'Ulemaa have brought against him.  Fear Allah in your dealing with the 'Ulemaa, the Students of Knowledge and the Muslims.

In conclusion we ask Allah to guide us and you to that which is pleasing to Him and make us from those who are sincere.

و ما توفيقي إلاّ بالله عليه توكلنا وإليه ننيب

From your brother a poor servant of Allah
Abu Aasiyah Muhammad


For those who may be attached to Abu Usaamah and choose to defend him against the truth, know that ten days ago we sent this warning to Abu Usaamah advising him concerning his dangerous errors.  We also told him that we would not publish this article if he repents and clarifies his position on the issues discussed above publicly.  We restricted him to three days to repent publicly and to clarify his mistakes and he responded with the following:

"Akhee Abu Aasiyah, may Allah reward you for your gheerah and your concern for the Dawah the Muslims and for myself Insha Allah. I'm more than willing to deal with this email as I do see something should be said in the way of clarification as a result of the Pal-Talk session that was given.  The only thing is that I request from you and the brothers, to give me a week to deal with this opposed to three days.  My daughter is very sick at this time as she is suffering from complications brought on by her brain damage and I'm spending these days in and nights at in the hospital. Therefore, my thoughts are preoccupied with her and her needs.  This is my humble request and I'll be more than willing to deal with this in a way that is best Insha Allah.  was salaam Alaykum".

We replied with the following:

"Assalaamu 'Alaykum Abu Usaamah,

We love you for the sake of Allah and only want the best for you, which is to see our Lord's face and to enter Al-Firdaus insha'Allah Ameen.  We are making du'aa that Allah makes things easy for you and your family, and we pray that you continue to turn to him for your needs.  In light of your request to make a clarification in a week on the issues that were discussed in the last email, we think it is imperative that you try and do this as quickly as possible.  You don't know when Allah will take your soul, and we believe you don't want the sins of influencing the common people to make khurooj from the 'Ulemaa or causing division between the Muslims to be written in your book of deeds.  So Akhee don't delay in rectifying this situation. A considerable amount of time has passed and the Muslims in the West are already implementing what you insinuated at in your Pal-Talk lecture and this is not good.  We advise you to use any spare time you have between traveling back and forth to the hospital to make clear what your stance is on the issues that plague the ummah at this time.  Baraka Allahu wa feek Yaa Abaa Usaamah and we pray that Allah allows you to be a thorn in the sides of Ahlu-Bid'ah, and a caller to the pure Manhaj of the Salafus-Salih Ameen.  Assalaamu 'Alaykum Abu Aasiyah"

He then responded with the following:

"Akhee, as Allah is my witness, I also love you and the brothers for Allah's and the way you've chosen to deal with this issue does nothing but help your miskeen brother to do the right thing.  I've found your words encouraging, soft, respectful, and most of all in accordance with the statement of Allah (see sura Fussilat ayat #34).  I'll make time to rectify this issue and soon.  May Allah bless you Akhee Kareem.  And plz relay my Salaams to the brothers and let them know that I have nothing but love for the Salifis and we seek refuge in Allah from being destroyed and dying upon other than As-Salifiyyah.  wsa

Al-Mustafah, Al-Amin (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Softness is never put inside of anything, except that it beautifies (embellishes) it, and harshness is never put inside of anything, except that it makes it ugly!" Narrated by Imam Muslim"

Abu Usaamah is concealing the truth while allowing people to go astray by leading them to believe that which is not true.  He is playing games with brothers who sincerely give him advice.  We have decide not to play his games and let the people know that Abu Usaamah is a man with dangerous principles and methodologies and the people need to turn to the 'Ulemaa and leave these ignorant Hizbees and those affected by t hem alone.          

17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This letter was actually sent out around the first week of June 2002

17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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To my knowlege I do not know that Aboo Usaamah has clarified or retracted any of his statements.  

Does anyone know otherwise?

كل خير في اتباع من سلف- وكل شر في أبتداع من خلف

17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I was with him this summer in Makkah.  I advised him about some of these issues privately by email after I found out about them.  He always said he honored and respected me for my advice.  He even went so far as to say to me that he KNOWS that there are no ulterior motives in my advice to him, and that it is always just for Allaah's sake.  Then when I dealt with him sternly with regards to the filthy statements he told me privately against Shaykh Rabee', those that he continued on to say in public, he demonized me, said I was insulting him, called my advice BOGUS and brushed it off, and perhaps I am now one of those "super-salifys trying to take him off the minhaj" that he refers to all the time.  This saddens me, as well as his statement:

"Akhee, as Allah is my witness, I also love you and the brothers for Allah's and the way you've chosen to deal with this issue does nothing but help your miskeen brother to do the right thing.  I've found your words encouraging, soft, respectful, and most of all in accordance with the statement of Allah (see sura Fussilat ayat #34)."

Since he had referred to the brothers in Egypt as super-salifys trying to take him out!  So I have seen two completely different faces of Aboo Usaamah first-hand.

And he has something in common with [*********] and Abdul-Mun'im as well, and that was that all three of them, at one time or another this summer, talked to me on the side about Shaykh Rabee' not being fair in his dealings with Abul-Hasan and the Jordanian mashaayikh.

For those who do not know me, I sat with all three of them this summer in Makkah during the Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq Seminar (I was involved to some degree in the Seminar).  After reviewing each of their statements carefully, each one of them found it important to warn me against Shaykh Rabee' in one way or another.  Each one of them did so privately, while they were organizing Shaykh Rabee's and others' lectures.

So after contemplating over their filthy behind-the-scenes statements, and listening to the advice of the good salafee brothers who Allaah blessed me to have advising me, I have openly freed myself from QSS, Abdul-Mun'im, and Aboo Usaamah, until they repent from their evil statements openly and with clarity.  I only say this due to my recent cooperation with them, to keep anyone from thinking that I was the fourth of this group conspiracy, not that I am someone important whose words are very weighty, may Allaah Ta'aalaa guide us to His Path and forgive us for our errors.  


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by Moosaa on 3-22-03 @ 2:54 PM

17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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..--=ahamdulillaah was. salaatu was. salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah.=--..
wa. ba`ad

Al-Akh Abu Aasiyah Muhammad, Al-Akh Abul-`Abbaas Moosa

Jazaakum`Allaahu khayran for bringing these matters to light, and for having the courage to speak openly and truthfully. The most hurtful and sickening aspect of all of this is the secretive way in which the attachment of the Salafees to the major scholars like Shaykh Rabee` is being undermined. Smiling in the face of the Shaykh in front of him, gaining his trust in order to turn him away from the clear Salafees and to cloud his perception about them, and then secretly warning against the Shaykh and undermining him in their private gatherings, rather fighting against him by accusing him of oppression and other affairs. I would never have expected this behaviour to come from these brothers. However, I am quite certain that this is not something that has appeared just now, but it has been in the background for a number of years, and if not verbally expressed then it has at least been kept in the chests. Its only with the fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Ma`ribee that this way of thinking or this nurturing has actually been brought out in the open.

I pray that Allaah guides them back to the right way, and correct conduct and to sincerity and openness and frankness in their affairs. And this also shows that it is never the Salafees who bring down or destroy others, rather these people do it to themselves, by their own hands, and by their misconduct.


This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 9-20-02 @ 6:58 PM

17-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I will say this that I also wrote the brother a few times advising him about these statements and other statements he made in public.

Interestingly enough he continues to express his thanks for the advise yet does nothing to rectify his situation.

He has told the brothers he will clarify his statements against Sheikh Rabee' in which he did publically but he has not.  And the only clarification here is rectification and retraction.  

This takes me back to a statement he said to me in 1998 when I was cautioning some of the brothers against Aboo Muslimah and the Salafee Ameer Ikhwaani madness.  I told him we need to take these matters back to the 'Ulamaa, his response "We do not need to take every single issue back to the 'Ulamaa". That statement was highly inappropriate at that particular time and place.  It was at that point it became clear to me that the brother had some serious shubuhaat.

He is no different to me then Bilaal Philips in that he is a graduate from Medinah who has left the 'Ulamaa or chooses to take that which agrees with his hawaa from them ONLY.

I think that we all have tried to have good thoughts for the brother and pardon the brother but now is the time to make his affair known and caution from him until he makes a total, complete, and sincere tawbah.

كل خير في اتباع من سلف- وكل شر في أبتداع من خلف

18-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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From: "Abu Usamah Atthahabi" (e-mail address deleted)
To: (deleted)
Subject: Re: In response to Aboo Usamah's Paltalk Mistakes
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:56:19 -0400

This brother is from Philly.  He use to be my man before he became Ultra Salify and 'better' than everyone else in his Salifiyyah and understanding.

He's in Egypt.  He use to be with Sh. Usamah Al-Qoosee, but after all of the kalaam that has circulated about the Shiekh the brothers from Philly have dropped him like a hot potatoe simply because Shiekh Rabee' (ra) has critisized him.

I saw and heard things from Shiekh Rabee' (ra) that don't allow me to accept everything that he's saying about Abul Hasan, Ali Hasan, and Saleem Al-Hilaaly (may Allah protect them)

Wallahi, if Shiekh Rabee' (ra) wanted to destroy QSS, all he has to do is warn against us in one statement and then it's all over the Internet and the streets of Bubbaville that we're all off of it!

The Shiekh doesn't have to be aware of the evil of a statement like that because he's the Imam of jarh and ta'deel and the brothers will push whatever he says without question.

Later on today I will send you my response to this brothers 'obervations' and I hope you will give me your feedback.  wsa

Al-Mustafah, Al-Amin (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Softness is never put inside of anything, except that it beautifies (embellishes) it, and harshness is never put inside of anything, except that it makes it ugly!" Narrated by Imam Muslim


1.Abu Usaamah said: ?He used to be my man before he became Ultra Salafy?

What is an ultra Salafi Ya Abaa Usaamah, this sounds like the statement of the Hizbiyoon when they brought their evil saying of Salafiyyah Jadeedah (New Salafiyyah) and Salafiyyah Qadeemah (Old Salafiyyah) in order to chase the youth away from Ahlus sunnah and catch them in the net of the Harakiyoon.
Shaykh Ahmed An-Najmi was asked:
Q. Is there such a thing as salafiyyah jadeedah and salafiyyah qadeemah?

A. There is only one salafiyyah, whoever claims that there is salafiyyah qadeemah and salafiyyah jadeedah than he has surely lied, ??
Al-Fataawa Al-Jaliyyah pg. 18.

So Abu Usaamah salafiyyah is one, you are either salafi or you are not, so what do you intend by your statement ultra salafi? Maybe you mean someone who actually understands this manhaj and takes the positions of the people of knowledge about Aroor, Al-Magrawi, Abul Hasan and others.

2.Abu Usaamah said: ?He's in Egypt.  He use to be with Sh. Usamah Al-Qoosee, but after all of the kalaam that has circulated about the Shiekh the brothers from Philly have dropped him like a hot potatoe simply because Shiekh Rabee' (ra) has critisized him.?

a.Inshaa Allaah can Abu Usaamah provide us with the tape or article where Shaykh Rabee criticized Usaamah Al-Qoosi, as up to this date I have not heard or read anything  from Shaykh Rabee about him, but it seems that Abu Usaamah is mistaken and means Shaykh Faalih.
b.If the brothers from Philly had taken the Jarh (which you claimed came from Shaykh Rabee) are they to be rebuked for that. We are sad to see that our brother Abu Usaamah has been affected by the false principles of Al-Ma?ribi the Ikhwaani.

Ya Abaa Usaamah Al-Khateeb said (Al-Kifaayah:175):
?That the people have knowledge have agreed that the one who has been critcised by one or two and has been praised by the same number as those who made Jarh upon him, that indeed the Jarh (which is explained/detailed) is more deserving (To be accepted). The reason for this is that the one criticizing is informing us of a hidden matter which he has come to know of, so he affirms (that which the one) who has praised him (has said), and it is as if he is saying to him that I know about his apparent state what you know and I possess alone knowledge which you do not know due to examining his affair?..?
So we cannot reject the Jarh of the one of the Scholars except:
- If the Jarh is Mujmal (General/not detailed) and it is made upon one who has Ta'deel. As if the person had no Ta'deel then the Jarh Mujmal would be accepted.
See Nuzhatun Nadhr pg.73

- If the one giving Ta'deel has additional Knowledge, that he MENTIONS THE REASON which has lead to the critcism of the person and he REFUTES it.
See Fathul mugeeth 1/308 and tadreeb 1/310.

- The one criticising (Jaarih) is one not to be relied upon in Jarh wa Ta'deel.
See removing doubts part 1 for explanation.

3.Abu Usaamah said: ?I saw and heard things from Shiekh Rabee' (ra) that don't allow me to accept everything that he's saying about Abul Hasan, Ali Hasan, and Saleem Al-Hilaaly (may Allah protect them).?

This is the most evil thing  found in this e-mail which shows us the true colours of Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabi.
We ask you Ya Abaa Usaamah, what did you see and hear from Shaykh Rabee?
Shaykh Rabee has critcised Abul Hasan based on mistakes in his books and tapes, so what exactly doesn?t allow you.
What did Shaykh Rabee say about Shaykh Saleem and Shaykh Ali? As this is new to us.
Fear Allaah and make Tawbah for this evil statement and we don?t want to hear your tricks and games.

4. And to show that this speech of Abu Usaamah about Shaykh Rabee is not a one off look to what our brother Moosa who studies in Makkah said:

"I was with him this summer in Makkah.  I advised him about some of these issues privately by email after I found out about them.  He always said he honored and respected me for my advice.  He even went so far as to say to me that he KNOWS that there are no ulterior motives in my advice to him, and that it is always just for Allaah's sake.  Then when I dealt with him sternly with regards to the filthy statements he told me privately against Shaykh Rabee', those that he continued on to say in public, he demonized me, said I was insulting him, called my advice BOGUS and brushed it off, and perhaps I am now one of those "super-salifys trying to take him off the minhaj" that he refers to all the time.  This saddens me, as well as his statement:

"Akhee, as Allah is my witness, I also love you and the brothers for Allah's and the way you've chosen to deal with this issue does nothing but help your miskeen brother to do the right thing.  I've found your words encouraging, soft, respectful, and most of all in accordance with the statement of Allah (see sura Fussilat ayat #34)."

Since he had referred to the brothers in Egypt as super-salifys trying to take him out!  So I have seen two completely different faces of Aboo Usaamah first-hand.


For those who do not know me, I sat with all three of them this summer in Makkah during the Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq Seminar (I was involved to some degree in the Seminar).  After reviewing each of their statements carefully, each one of them found it important to warn me against Shaykh Rabee' in one way or another.  Each one of them did so privately, while they were organizing Shaykh Rabee's and others' lectures.

So after contemplating over their filthy behind-the-scenes statements, and listening to the advice of the good salafee brothers who Allaah blessed me to have advising me, I have openly freed myself from QSS, Zaahid Rasheed, Abdul-Mun'im, and Aboo Usaamah, until they repent from their evil statements openly and with clarity.  I only say this due to my recent cooperation with them, to keep anyone from thinking that I was the fourth of this group conspiracy, not that I am someone important whose words are very weighty, may Allaah Ta'aalaa guide us to His Path and forgive us for our errors."

So Abu Usaamah is attacking the manhaj of Shaykh Allaamah Rabee Ibn Haadi in secret and now trying to cast doubts openly.
And Shaykh Albaani has already said that the one who speaks ill of Shaykh Rabee is either ignorant or a person of desires, So which one are you Abu Usaamah?

5. Abu Usaamah said:
"Wallahi, if Shiekh Rabee' (ra) wanted to destroy QSS, all he has to do is warn against us in one statement and then it's all over the Internet and the streets of Bubbaville that we're all off of it! "

Alhamdu lillah Shaykh Rabee speaks based upon knowledge, look what Shaykh Albaani said:
"And furthermore, I want to say that which i saw from the writings of the Shaikh Dr. Rabee, was
that they were beneficial. And I do not recall seeing any error on his part nor any
deviation from the methodology, which we are in conformity with him on and he with us."

So Imaam Muhaddith Albaani did not recall one mistake, so how strange it is when people like Abu Usaamah and others are starting to attack the Shaykh whether it be hidden or blatant.

Shaykh Muqbil said about Shaykh Rabee:
"From those who have the most insight and knowledge of the groups (jamaa'aat) and the pollution
of these groups in our time is the brother, Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee, may Allaah preserve him.
Whoever Shaikh Rabee' says about that he is a hizbee (partisan), then you will discover after a
few days that he is really a hizbee. You will remember that. An individual may conceal himself
in the beginning - he doesn't want that his true nature be discovered. But when he gains strength
and followers and he knows that talk abut him will not harm him, he manifests and reveals what
he is truly upon. So I advise that his books be read and that benefit be derived
from them, may Allaah preserve him."

Allaahu Akbar the Imaam Muqbil Ibn Haadi said:
"Whoever Shaikh Rabee' says about that he is a hizbee (partisan), then you will discover after a
few days that he is really a hizbee."

So if Shaykh Rabee was to speak about QSS then it would be due to them opposing this noble Manhaj and nothing else and they would deserve being spoke about. And there true state would become apparent after a period of time as Shaykh Muqbil said. Already we see our elder and noble brother Dawood Adeeb may Allaah preserve him, leave this Jamiyyah due to their defending of various Hizbis.
Pay attention brothers and sisters how he is cleverly trying to cast doubts in the minds of the youth about the one who carries the flag of Jarh wa Ta'deel.

6. Abu Usaamah said: "The Shiekh doesn't have to be aware of the evil of a statement like that because he's the Imam of jarh and ta'deel and the brothers will push whatever he says without question."

The Scholars are those who are most knowledgeable of the Masaalih (benefits) and Mafaasid (harms).
So how is it possible that the Shaykh will speak with that which he is not aware of.
This is a clear Ta'an (Attack) on the Shaykh.
So make Tawbah Abu Usaamah Jumlatan wa Tafseela (generally and specifically).

22-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaam alaikum. Here are some of the examples of the evil speech of Abu Usaamh that which is in agreement with the methodolgy of Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribi. Abu Usaamah said on the Paltalk lectures on the Abu Bakr seminar (tape 1): ?As it relates to this fitnah (the fitnah of Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi) In Sha Allah the haqq (truth) is going to prevail about who is on the truth, and who is doing the truth. What we know about the Sheikh is that he will make the taraaju? (retraction) whenever he makes mistakes at all, and our desire is that this issue becomes clear, that any mistake that the Sheikh makes that he will make the taraaju? (retraction), and we want him with us, he is with us, and we are from his students, and we make du?a for him, but we are not going to be like the oppressive people who it is very fashionable today, is that you are in the know if you are with this one against that one even though you might not know all the details, and it appears as if we want people to be off of the Da?wah this is not our way??

Then he was asked: ?The statement ?Sheikh Al-Al-baani praised Abul-Hasan (Al-Ma?ribi)? might cause some confusion we request that you bring some clarity on his current condition. Could you ask Abu Usaamah to do so??

He answered: ?I did that. I think that I did that In Sha Allah?As it relates to Abul-Hasan Al-Misri, Al-Ma?ribi, we say what we already mentioned and that is people should take it easy and slow down let the ulemaa that are handling it deal with it, the scholars in Al-Madeenah who are involved with trying to  bring peace, and they are just people, the lajnah, the committee of scholars who are in Madinah, who are trying?we met them in Madinah, they want good for the da?wah, they want good for Abul-Hasan, and they want good for the da?wah in Yemen, they?re handling it, it is with them, they have some scholars also who are in Al-Yemen itself who are trying to handle the problem as well, we have some shayukh in Yemen itself who are trying to handle the problem as well, so with that being the case we will deal with that which is clear, with that which we need to be doing. And when we spoke about Sheikh Naasir Rahimahullah Ta?ala praising him it is a fact that Sheikh Naasir praised him when he said, ?Katharallah min Amthaalihee? (May Allah increase the likes of him) the Sheikh said that in the tape when he was leaving when the people was asking the Sheikh about Abul-Hasan. Abul-Hasan Al-Masri asked the Sheikh so many questions, I?ve never seen the Sheikh say so many times ?Allahu A?lam? (Allah knows best), Allahu A?lam, Allahu A?lam, which goes to prove his humility, questions about the da?wah, questions also about I?lm Ar-Rijaal (Science of the men of the chains of narration), questions about Jarh wa Ta?deel, questions about so many things, so the Sheikh did praise him, now we have some people who are criticizing him on some mistakes that he did make, the statement of the Mujmal and Mufassal, trying to explain that, what he said about the companions he made the taraaju? (retraction) that was a mistake that he made concerning that, but simply because someone is criticized from someone else does not force someone to take a position against that individual, this is what I don?t agree with with many of the brothers, simply because someone criticizes someone else, automatically even if we do not necessarily know is this person going overboard, is this person mutashaddid (severe in his critiquing individuals), is this person talking with proof? We don?t know all the time, but we get people on the bandwagon and we start to make the tarweej(?) of that we start to spread it and get everyone involved and now there is more fitnah and more fasad there?s more problems. In Sha Allah our position, my position, and I know most of you brothers here?about Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi, my position concerning this issue is that the mistakes that he make the taraaju?, those shayukh in Madinah they?re trying to handle the thing, we talked to them hopefully its going to turn out for the best because we would prefer him to be with us as opposed to being against us.?

He said on tape 2: ??the people of the Sunnah they when to apply the truth, today unfortunately the brothers of the da?wah, this new tayaar, this new current, this new wave, it?s a tidal wave. Today the people of the da?wah today what they do is what happened in our masjid right here people hated the da?wah because of the way brothers dealt with them, not all of the brothers some of the brothers, certain brothers, everyone is a deviant, everyone is astray, threatening, everyone and his mother is astray, so we have to be careful even now in other places this is the way that the du?aat of the da?wah are, everything is rough and tough, and very seldom do we find people dealing with the creation in a way that?s going to cause the da?wah to grow, cause people to embrace the da?wah??

Then he said on the same tape: ??now many people think that it (jarh wa ta?deel) is fashionable, they think that it is fashionable, so you?ll find a man he doesn?t know the ahkaam (rulings) the nun saakin in tajweed, which is an obligation for him to know, Allah ordered us in the Qur?an:
وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا                                        

Read the book properly. That?s an order in the Qur?an to know about the nun saakin, everyone has to know how to read the Qur?an properly?but all you?ll find from people is jarh wa ta?deel, criticizing and praising, criticizing those who don?t deserve to be criticized, or he criticizes them in a way that they don?t deserve to be criticized, and he praises those who don?t deserve to be praised.?

He also said on the same tape: ?And the Sheikh (Rabee) just to let you all know he is a scholar no doubt, and every scholar gets it right and they get it wrong, we do not make taqleed to any scholar in the religion of Islaam, we make it haraam (forbidden) for people to make taqleed al-a?maa (blind following) and we spoke about the characteristics of the Jews, and from their characteristics is their taqleed al-a?maa, the blind following of their leaders. The Prophet he told us in a hadeeth in Saheehul-Bukhari: ?If twelve of the leaders of the Jews believed in me, just twelve of their leaders believed in me then there would not remain on the face of the earth a single Jew except that he accepted Islaam because they followed their leaders. From their characteristics is their blind following..Saheehul-Bukhari, if only twelve leaders from the Jews embraced Islaam then every Jew would embrace Islaam. Why? because they blindly follow their leaders. We don?t don?t blind follow our leaders, one of the signs of the Jews that have crept into Al-Islaam. So we don?t blindly follow our leaders and we make it haraam, and similarly we don?t blind-follow Sheikh Rabee, may Allah preserve him, he is as the Muhaddith of this ?asr has described him, the one who is the carrier of the banner of jarh wa ta?deel, but so is Al-Imaam Ahmad, and so is Al-Imaam Al-Bukhari, and so is Al-Imaam Ibn hibbaan, and so is Imaam Ali Al-Madeeni, Al-Imaam An-Nisaaee, they were carriers of the flag of jarh wa ta?deel, but they didn?t always get their jarh of a paticular person right, that didn?t happen, you have to look at what?s being said, and we have to look at what other people are saying, then we base what was said on the haqq and we accept it or reject it. But our thing now today is if sheikh fulaan said it?s like this, and then it has to be like that, whether I know or don?t know. Wallahu Musta?an?

He also said on the same tape: ??I asked him (Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab Al-Banna) some questions about the Sheikh Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi. What?s your position Sheikh? How do you understand this? And he was very just and in the middle, wanting good for Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi! Wanting good for him! Hoping for good! Saying that he did what he could to try and rectify the problem, he praised the committee in Madinah who are trying to solve the problem, people in Yemen trying to solve the problem, Sheikh Abdul-Azeez Al-Bura?ee, there are trying to solve the problem! Bring people back! Keep people on the haqq!?
He also said: ?So let us all back up and let the people of Madinah handle it.?
[End of speech on tape]
From: "Abu Usamah Atthahabi" <>
Subject: Re: In response to Aboo Usamah's Paltalk Mistakes
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:56:19 -0400

This brother is from Philly.  He use to be my man before he became Ultra Salify and 'better' than everyone else in his Salifiyyah and understanding.

He's in Egypt.  He use to be with Sh. Usamah Al-Qoosee, but after all of the kalaam that has circulated about the Shiekh the brothers from Philly have dropped him like a hot potatoe simply because Shiekh Rabee' (ra) has critisized him.

I saw and heard things from Shiekh Rabee' (ra) that don't allow me to accept everything that he's saying about Abul Hasan, Ali Hasan, and Saleem Al-Hilaaly (may Allah protect them)

Wallahi, if Shiekh Rabee' (ra) wanted to destroy QSS, all he has to do is warn against us in one statement and then it's all over the Internet and the streets of Bubbaville that we're all off of it!

The Shiekh doesn't have to be aware of the evil of a statement like that because he's the Imam of jarh and ta'deel and the brothers will push whatever he says without question.

Later on today I will send you my response to this brothers 'obervations' and I hope you will give me your feedback.  wsa

Al-Mustafah, Al-Amin (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Softness is never put inside of anything, except that it beautifies (embellishes) it, and harshness is never put inside of anything, except that it makes it ugly!" Narrated by Imam Muslim

Abu Usaamah also said in another E-mail: ?Therefore, I expect some kalaam from some of the brothers (?) concerning my Pal-Talk session.  I would like to make it clear to you what I believe and what I think as far as Abul Hasan (may Allah protect him) is concerned.This is in case you hear something while you're over there.

Abul-Hasan was once 'clearly' one of the bright spots for the Dawah.  Shiekh Naasir, Shiekh Ibn Bazz, Shiekh Ibn Uthaymeen, and Shiekh Muqbil (may Allah have mercy upon them all) died and they all appeared to be 'Raadeen' with him, his Deen, and his knowledge. If you know otherwise (with proofs) plz let me know!

This point deserves some consideration. The biggest of the major scholars of this Deen/Dawah ALL died being pleased with the man. This must say something about the man! I understand perfectly, that doesn't mean that he can't make mistakes or even go astray after their death. It doesn't mean he can't totally change what he was upon during their lifetime.

Along these lines, he has made some mistakes that are clear and apparent.  Just to name a few for example:

1. Al-Mujmil Wam-Mufassil issue
2. Muhammad Al-Mighraawy
3. Statements about the companions
4. Some of the language he uses against his 'khasam'

Some of these issues he has recanted and on others the verdict is still out on him to make his position clear, and we're waiting.

My position concerning him, is that the lajnah of medinah is trying to deal with the issue, and I'm waiting to see what they have to say.  The lajnah consist of our Shiekhs and strong students of knowledge who are known for their fairness, knowledge, and taqwa Insha Allah.

Until that time, I'm making dua for the Shiekh's return, and I'm not throwing him off of the dawah, speaking bad about him, nor am I going to busy the ppl with his issue Insha Allah.  I don't agree with making him an issue of Walaa and Baraa neither.

If you don't agree with Shiekh Rab'ee (may Allah protect him) on this issue, then you're against the Dawah and you're astray, and not Salify!

17-10-2004 @ 3:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al-Hamdulillahi Ta'Ala wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulullah:

Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

Muslims are still flocking to this brother even till this day, even during
this most blessed month of Ramadhaan, and the last imformation ever shared was to abandon this brother and such gatherings and people that associate with him. This does not seem to be the understanding that some of the less informed Muslims have, isn't it true that nothing has changed concerning this individual?

Taking from the Scholars of this Deen is the Deen and those who oppose them
and do not consult & refer back to them are not taking on the responsibility of connecting the people to the Scholars. Rather they are doing an evil work.

Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA

From 'Aqeedah Tahawiyyah, of Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi [rahimahullah]:
"As for the early Muslim Scholars ['Ulamaa Salaf] and the followers after them, those of wide knowledge, the jurist and the analysts -they must only be spoken about in good terms [i.e. in the best way]. WHOEVER SPOKE OF THEM IN A DISPARAGING MANNER, IS NOT ON THE RIGHT COURSE [i.e. 'ala ghair sabeel - upon a strange way not on the right path]."

This message was edited by abu.naimah.shamsuddi on 10-18-04 @ 1:45 PM

20-10-2004 @ 2:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaamu Alaykum,

Na'am Akhi!  I recently had a discussion with some brothers who said that Abu Usamaah went to Shaykh Rabee' and made tawbah.  I discovered the weekend they say he supposedly did it, he spoke at a hizbi masjid in the U.K.; so I doubt if it's true...Allaah knows best.  Can anyone in Saudiyyah verify this with the Shaykh?  I think it's just a rumor going around that was started by hizbis, so perhaps it does need clarification.

Barakallaahu Feekum,


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

20-10-2004 @ 5:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Alhamdulillaahi wassalaatu wassalaam ala rasulullah .

Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah ,

Following are the links to two Lectures on Salafi Audio by Brother Abu Uwais (hafidhahullaah).

The Deception Of Abu Usaamah Khalifah

A Reply To Abu Usaamah If Speech Is From Silver..


wassalaamu 'alaykum.

Abu 'Abdullaah   Waseem Ahmad ibn
'Abd Al Raheem Alhindee

22-10-2004 @ 3:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah;

jazakallahu khairun, listening to the taped lectures of Abu Uwais on the "deception".. sheds additional light on this entire situation. [yes, I agree, but it seems that what has been said... has been said and there is no need to reiterate it since it has not changed]. and Allah Knows Best!

Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA

This message was edited by abu.naimah.shamsuddi on 10-23-04 @ 8:25 PM

22-10-2004 @ 8:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaamu Alaykum,

Na'am Akhi, I listened to those tapes months ago.  Still, people rushed to say Abu Usaamah went to Shaykh Rabee' and made tawbah around the same time he spoke at a lecture at some Green Lane Masjid in the UK (or whatever the name is).  He couldn't be in both places!  Can anyone ask Shaykh Rabee' if this did happen, because there are people going around saying this.

Barakallaahu Feekum,


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

23-10-2004 @ 7:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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It is true that he indeed visited the Shaykh as one of the Shuyookh (Sh. Riyaad Al-Baraak) from Dammam was present in that meeting.  
From what I was informed by Sh. Riyaad is that the following was requested of Aboo Usaamah:

That if he truly denounces Abul Hasan then why not caution from him as the 'Ulamaa have cautioned from him?  Why not advise the muslims to flee from him as the 'Ulamaa have rather than taking these political positions he has taken.  This would be better for him in his religion and will also dispel the numerous doubts the Salafees may have concerning him.

If he truly had a problem with the Salafees refering to him as "one who is off the manhaj" or whatever then he would have certainly taken the advice of the Shaykh.

The Shaykh requested him to be sincere and clear regarding his positions so we await.  Indeed the one who is not a follower or sympathizer of Abul Hasan and would have rushed to so by now. A laysa kathaalik?

And Allaah knows best.

To the brothers and sisters who continue to chase after him, ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Certainly we have those much more knowledgable, virtuous, and capable amongst us from the students and 'Ulamaa.  Let us take advantage of that great ni'mah and move ON.  

Aboo Abdillah Umar Bryant
أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين

This message was edited by alatharee on 10-23-04 @ 7:59 PM

23-10-2004 @ 8:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh;

jazakallahu khairun

Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA

16-08-2005 @ 12:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Abu Usaama visits Masjid As Sunnah in Manchester-five minutes away from Markazus Salafi.  

Founders of masjid As Sunnah: Abu Talhah al Libi, Abu Fadl Al Libi, Abu Shuraih Al Libi, Akram Abu Abdillah, Abu Umaama, Saeed (the Morrocan) etc---all open defenders of Abul Fitan al misri and Maghraawi.  These were the ones who called the police to the masjid to stop the lecture of sheikh Rabee whilst he was advicing the common people about the mistakes of Abul fitan al misri.  This incident was witnessed by Abu Abdur Rahmaan al Andalusi and others. These are the people Abu Usaama is proud to keep company with.  

Abu Muaawiyah Abdullah Gambi

This message was edited by abdullah.gambi on 9-6-06 @ 2:02 AM

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