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Topic: Scholars on mixing with Ahlul Bid'ah with excuse of 'Maslahah wal Mafsadah'
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
Brother Abudilah Lahmami said, "Sheikh Ubayd al-Jaabiree hafidhahullah said that these doubts concerning the allowance of visiting and mixing with the innovators in the name of maslaha (overall benefit) will open doors to many to mix with the innovators (and sign pledges of mutual cooperation as we have seen in the name of maslaha)."[1] |
Below are excerpts from the questions & answers with [url=]Shaykh Muhammad ibn Hadi hafidhahullah[/url].[2] Question: This aligning (ilhaaq), O Shaykh, the one who is put alongside with the person that is an innovator, is he to be boycotted [as well]? Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: How can we not boycott him, put him alongside him, meaning, boycott him! Question: There is a Salafee person who mixes with an Ikhwaanee, does he take the same ruling? Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes, put him alongside him. Question: Whilst looking at the benefits (masaalih) and harms (mafaasid) O Shaykh? Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: The benefits that they speak of, and keep revolving around, then the harms that result in the likes of these situations are greater than them (the benefits). For the harm of the likes of this one (i.e. a Salafee who mixes with a Hizbee) is greater upon Ahl us-Sunnah, more severe than the harm of the Hizbiyyeen upon them. Because caution can be taken against a clear Hizbee, as for this one who is between (this) and between (that), he comes to those (the Hizbees) and he comes to those (the Salafees), he is corrupted by them (the Hizbees), and he is not rectified by them (the Salafees), therefore the caution from him, it is obligatory that it be greater. Illustrative Example of What is and What is not a Harm or Benefit in Boycotting Question 13: There is a man with us, [url=]Shaykh Rabee'[/url] was asked about him a while ago Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: [interjecting]... where, in Libya? Questioner: In Libya Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes Questioner: So he [the Shaykh] said that he is from Ahl ul-Bid'ah, and he is to be boycotted, and [that he is] a Hizbee. And acting upon this speech was concluded, and the youth took this fatwaa, and they boycotted this individual. However he has some strength in the land and he was able to remove some of the Salafi youth from the pulpits (of the mosques, i.e. have them suspended), and the youth do not cease to boycott him and call to boycotting him!! Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: When it does not affect Ahl us-Sunnah, and all praise is due to Allaah, and one or two (from amongst them) are suspended, then this is not [considered] an effect, this is not an effect, and the Sunnah remains, and is [still] apparent. As for when it is feared for Ahl us-Sunnah in general from the likes of this [such that] their lineage (i.e. continuity) will be cut off [and ended], then no! Shaykh Rabee' does not speak with this, and we know him to be the greatest of the people in guarding over the benefits and harms. |
| 1. For the complete post of Br. Abdulilah plz. refer [url=]here[/url]. Plz. click [url=]here[/url] to read about the baatil pledge of Mutual Co-operation and it's refutation. 2. والله أعلم و صلى الله على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنتأستغفرك وأتوب إليك
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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May Allaah reward the one who translates the below Q&A with Allamah Rabee' (hafidhahullaah) found [url=]here[/url]. السؤال: - يا شيخ بعض الأخوة يقول لا يَجُوز هَجْر الْمُبتدع هجرًا تعزيْريّا إلا إذا كانت هناك مصلحة وإلا فلا يُجوز، والأصْل فِي الْهَجر الوقائي فإنّه يَجُوز لكلّ أحَد لأنه سيَقي نَفسه من الشّبه، فَما رأيكم فِي هذا؟ الجواب: الأطفال هم الذين يُحَدّدون الْمَصالح والْمَفاسد!؟ طالب العلم الصغيْر مَصلحته تَكْمن فِي الفِرَار من أهل البدع، فإنّنا جرّبنا كثيرًا وكثيرًا مِمّن كان يلتزم بالْمَنهج السلفي، بِهذا التميْيع ضَاعوا وخرجوا من الْمنهج السلفي وأصبحوا أعداءًا وخصومًا لأهله. فأنا أرى أنّ الشاب الْمُبتدأ فِي العِلم عليه أنْ يَنْجو بِدينه، كما كان كبار السلف يغلقون آذانَهم ويفرّون من سَمَاع الكلمة من الْمُبتدع خَشية أنْ يَقذف الشيطان فِي نَفسه فِتنة، فلا يستطيع الْخَلاص منها، ومن هؤلاء النبلاء العلماء الفضلاء، أيوب السّختيانِي وابن سيْرين وأمثالِهم. وهنا كتاب إن شاء الله يصلكم قد ألف فِي بيان هذه القضايا إن شاء الله يصلكم وتقرؤونه وتستفيدون منه. أمّا العالِم الذي مَنحه الله طاقة وثباتًا وعرف ذلك من نفسه فعليه أن يَغْزو أهْل البدع بدعوته وبيانه وإقامة الْحُجج عليهم. أمّا الشاب فلا يُخالطهم ولا يُجالسهم ولا يناظرهم، بل عليه أن ينتقي العلم النافع من منابعه الأصيلة ويتمكّن ويرسخ فِي العلم، فإذا رسخت قدمه فِي العلم ورأى من نفسه الكفاءة بالتأثيْر على أهل البدع وإقامة الْحُجة عليهم وجرّ كثير منهم إلى الْهُدى فليفعل، وإن ألِفَ من نفسه ضعفًا وعجزًا ولو كان عالِمًا فلا يقربنّهم وعليه بتعليم أهل السنّة ومُخَالطتهم وبثّ الْخَير فيهم، وهذه هي الْمَصالِح الصحيحة. ودرأ الْمَفاسد مقدّم على جلب الْمَصالِح وما كل طفل يقدّر الْمَصلحة. ولكن هؤلاء يُمَيّعون وقد أدركوا أنّهم نَجحوا فِي نقل الشباب السلفي من مكانته الشريفة إلَى حضيض البدع. فالْحَذر الْحَذر أيها الشباب من مكايد أهل البدع. نعم"اهـ. Also, please refer [url=]Preventing Harm takes precedence over bringing benefit - Significance of Al-Hajr al-Wiqaa'ee[/url].
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad
(Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
Translation: Question: Ya Shaykh some brothers say that it is not allowed to boycott the innovator with discretionary bycotting (hajr ta3zeeree) except if there was a benefit (maslahah) and if not it is not allowed, and the basic principle is in preventive boycotting (hajr wiqaa'ee) so it is allowed for everyone so that they can guard themselves from the doubts. So what is your opinion about this? Answer: The children, they will identify the benefits and harms!? Benefit of the young student of knowledge is in fleeing from the people of innovations, because we have experienced a lot with those who used to be committed to the salafee manhaj, with this 'tamyee3' they wasted and left the salafee manhaj and became enemies and adversaries to its (salafee manhaj) people. So I see that upon the beginner youth seeking knowledge is to flee with his religion,like how the elders from the pious predecessors used to close their ears and flee from hearing the speech of the innovator, fearing that the devil might afflict their souls and they would not be able to get rid of it. And from those nobles from the respected scholars were Ayyuoob As-Sakhtiyaanee and Ibn Sireen and their likes. And here is a book, Allaah willing, you learn, which was written to explain these matters Allaah willing, you learn and you read it and you benefit from it. As for the youth then they are not to mix with them (innovators) nor sit with them (innovators) nor debate with them (innovators). Rather it is upon them to seek beneficial knowledge from its original sources to be firmly establish upon it (knowledge). So if he firmly establishes his feet upon knowledge, and sees efficiency in himself to have impact upon the people of innovation, and establishing proofs upon them and is able to drag many from them (innovators) towards guidance, then he should do so. And if he feels weakness and deficiency in himself even if he was a scholar, then he does not go near them (innovator) and upon him is to teach the people of sunnah, to mix with them (ahlus-sunnah) and to spread goodness amongst them (ahlus-sunnah). And verily these are the true benefits. And to avert the harms (mafaasid) takes precedence upon fetching benefits (masaalih). And not every child can estimate the benefit. But as for these, they 'yumayyi3oon' and have realised their success in transferring the salafee youth from its noble position to lowly innovations. So caution, caution O youth! From the plots of people of innovation. Yes." -end Abu 'Abdillaah Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Aal 'Abbaas
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(Mumbai (India))
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May Allaah reward the one who translates the below Q&A with Allaamah Zaid al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) found [url=]here[/url]. السؤال : هل من منهج السلف السكوت على دعاة أهل البدع مراعاة لبعض المصالح ، وكذلك السكوت عن تبديع المبتدع والتحذير منه مراعاة للمصلحة ؟ الجواب : ليس من منهج السلف السكوت عن أهل البدع الداعين إليها مراعاة لبعض المصالح ، وذلك لأن انتشار البدع في المجتمعات يفسد أهلها ، ولا شك أن درء المفاسد مقدّم على جلب المصالح ، كما لا يجوز السكوت عن ذكر المبتدع بما فيه ؛ لأن السكوت عنه يسبب ضررا على المجتمع ، فلابد من ذكره ببدعته ، ولابد من التحذير منه ؛ نصيحة للمسلمين ، وكل ذلك عند القدرة على البيان حسّا ومعنى ، وفي الحديث الصحيح :" من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده ، فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه ، فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه ، وذلك أضعف الإيمان " . الحديث . وانتشار البدع والسكوت عن الدعاة إليها ترك للمنكر بدون تغيير ، وذلك غير جائز في شريعة الإسلام التي جاء بها البشير النذير والسراج المنير تنزيل من حكيم خبير . المصدر : الأجوبة الأثرية عن المسائل المنهجية [ ص : 104 ] .