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01-01-2004 @ 5:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

look at the advice of ash-Shaykh Rabee' that was recorded on(13th January 2001), title:

"Specifying Specific Scholars as Reference Points in the Correction of Affairs is a Form of Hizbiyyah"

aboo 'Ubayd al-Athari as-Salafi

This message was edited by awzan.ibn.badr on 1-1-04 @ 5:52 PM
25-09-2003 @ 9:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Words Of Al-Allaamah Ahmad An-Najmee
On Those Who Invited Al-Qoosee


20-09-2003 @ 12:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Brixtons frontpage reads:


It has come to our attention that there is wide spread belief that the scholars who had recently attended the Return to Ilm conference in Brixton this August are not salafee. For the sake of Allah and his religion we say the following: The three Mashaykh that visited Brixton are Salafi. They are Sheikh Ali Hasan al Halabi, Sheikh Usaamah Al Qoosi, Sheikh Saleem Al Hilaali and Sheikh Muhammed Musa Nasr

If only the problem was just in regards to counting!!!

This message was edited by Abu.Maryam.T on 9-20-03 @ 1:54 PM
17-09-2003 @ 9:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asslaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

It has recently come to our attention that some of the mukhaalifeen (opposers) of the Salafiyeen in the West have tried to utilise the disputes that have previously occurred between the Salafees to create division, discord, iftiraaq and hatred. Further these opposers have utilised these previous disputes to further their political, siyaasee goals. And these goals of theirs include destruction and annihilation of the maraakiz of Salafiyyah.

We have been informed recently that some people are trying to utilise a letter we wrote a few years regarding our Salafi brothers in Manchester, to create fitnah and discord as a means of furthering their political agendas.

The following points should be noted:

1. This dispute between us was a dispute within Ahlus-Sunnah and did not involve ejecting anyone out of Salafiyyah.

2. The letter of advice in question can in no way be utilised by the followers of Ma'rabee and the hizbiyyoon, since the dispute was one between the Salafiyyeen, and therefore necessitates that the correct walaa' and baraa' is maintained. Neither of the two parties requires or even desires alliances with the hizbiyyeen in their case, walhamdulillaah.

3. The issue arose in the first place due to mischief-makers carrying tales, rumours and lies between two parties, in order to wreak havoc between the Salafees and weaken their unity. These are the same mischief makers who outwardly pretend to be with the Scholars but are secretly with the followers of Abul-Hasan and Usaamah al-Qoosee, such as the Hizbiyyoon of Luton and those with them.

4. The dispute occurred a few years ago and much has changed since and the issues in question have melted away, walhamdulillaah.

So those who wish to discredit and separate the Salafees who have maintained the correct Salafee positions in the various fitnahs, and who built al-walaa and al-baraa around them, then they should know that with respect to ourselve, our manhaj demands that we hold on altogether to the Rope of Allaah, and not be divided, and that we advise each other mutually, and that just because we may differ in matters from time to time, this does not necessitate separation and discord and declaring one another to be astray and innovators and the like, even if some harshness is utilised between ourselves - so long as the usool and the qawaa'id of Ahlus-Sunnah and Salafiyyah are not opposed and those matters which the Salaf did not allow opposition in are not opposed, then the Salafees will remain united.

So the followers of Ma'rabee and Qoosee, and all those with corruption in their walaa and baraa - who actually oppose the usool of Ahl us-Sunnah -  whether they make themselves hidden or apparent amongst the people, have nothing to rejoice in walillaahilhamd!

Wassallaam alaykum wa rahamtullaah.


14-09-2003 @ 8:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazakallaahu khairan Ya Ahmad al Atharee

The salafee always defends the truth,even if the people were to abandon him. We seek Allaah's pleasure in defending the haq not for partisanship and not to hide and defend the baatil. Inshaallah your account will be taken to ahlil Ilm. They judge and advise and we follow the advice of our beloved Ulama when others try and bring them down, as the poet said:

O one who head butts the mountain
Have mercy on your head not on the mountain

Hayaka Allaah

Sabron Jameel

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

13-09-2003 @ 11:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaykum


May Allaah reward ash-Shaykh Faalih bin Naafi al-Harbee.
"So those brothers should realize that what happened with them indicates their lack of understanding of their Manhaj, and they followed the people of misguidance because of their lack of correct knowledge and insight. So now they should seek after correct knowledge and insight, and the true Manhaj, and they should become aware of it and adhere to it. But the way they are behaving at present is the behaviour of those who are still upon deviation, and upon corruption and shows that they do not in reality know the Salafi Manhaj, and do not know ?al-walaa wal-baraa?? (necessary alliance and enmity) based upon that. Otherwise how can that remain upon an evil stance with regard to their brothers? This shows that the affair is that they have opposition to their brothers. It is not just a matter of Abul-Hasan. Because if it were just an issue of Abul-Hasan, and they were Salafis, and they knew the Salafi Manhaj and its value, and they recognised the truth that their brothers are upon, and that their brothers are upon correctness, then they should come wholeheartedly and openly free and dissociate themselves from what they were upon, i.e. their supporting Abul-Hasan and their standing at his side, and they should rectify what is between them and their brothers, and be upon harmony and love ? since they are companions upon a single methodology, and a single ?aqeedah, and people of alliance upon the Salafi Manhaj, and they cling to the Rope of Allaah together: meaning to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the His Messenger, sallallaahu ?alayhi wassallaam.

So it is not permissible, whatsoever, in any situation, if that is the case, that they take a stance of scepticism and enmity with regard to their brothers, and a stance of attacking them. This would be a proof that they only supported Abul-Hasan because of their being upon an opposing Manhaj, and then they have continued upon this methodology. But because they have seen Abul-Hasan being exposed, and that they would soon be exposed, they were unable to continue, they therefore say: ?We have retracted from supporting Abul-Hasan and from what we used to be upon, and now we are upon the Salafi Manhaj.? So it is as if the Salafi Manhaj is just that you are not with Abul-Hasan; so if you are with Abul-Hasan after the affair has been clarified, then you are not upon the Salafi Manhaj; and if you are not with Abul-Hasan, then you are upon the Salafee Manhaj! This is not correct."

This message was edited by abu.abdul.barr on 9-14-03 @ 12:16 AM

09-09-2003 @ 10:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Regarding Ahmed Sagheer of Brixton

Bis-milahi Raxmaani Raxiim

From Ahmed Al Athari to Abuabdillaah
Akhee,                                       Tue 09/09/03 12:56

''As I have told you before I have been attending Saturday's fathil bari explained in Somali by Ahmed Saqiir in East London at Al-Barakat Bookshop for few months.I had stopped attending it the beginning of 2003 Al nasrani year.''

''The reosons that led me to cease attending his Saturday lessons are due to his stand in terms of Al Ma'ribi (Al dajal) Issue, and his belittlement of Sheikh Rabee (May Allah protect him from every jeolous and haaqid and ahlil ahwaa)

'' At least in two occassions have I heard with my both ears of his intiqaas and belitteling of Sheikh Rabee (Hafidahu-laahu).

'One particular Sunday I attended his Sunday class at Upton Park and after the session one of the attendance who is layman asked him about Al'ma'ribi's issue and where did he go wrong. Ahmed Saqiiri's answer was abil Hassan Al Ma'ribi is one of the Ahla Sunna Sheikhs he praised him and mention that he stopped by here in his last trip to UK ( meaning Abil Hassan Al Ma'ribi Al dajaal Abul fitan)

' On his car while heading to Salat Duhur at Leyton Masjid Myself and his long time friend Zaki accompanied him where I asked him how he sees the refutations written against Abil-hassan Al ma'ribi as usual their answer was that is not true.

After duhur prayer we went to loacl cafe
and that is when I directed him the question, How do you see Sheikh Rabee's level of knowledge?
Answer: his level of knowledge does not exceed that of 'talib-ul-ilm saqiir' of small student of knowledge, he even criticised his doctoral thesis.

'In other occassion at his Saturday session after the lesson the started talking about this issue
(Ashaahid) He mentioned that during his visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia he stopped by Sheikh Rabee's home and that the sheikh gathered around him   a group of Ajam (non Arab) students and that the only thing they talk about is refuting this and that i.e. 'no Elmi Nafi'.

'' Not the mention that this stronghold in East London of ma'ribi party while they are at the local cafe to maktabatul al barakat al they indulge and talk badly about  those who defend 'asabeel wa sunna' and refute ahlil ahwaa especaily the 'r'asil al fitan abi hassan al ma'ribi al dajaal'.

Wa Jazaakumallaahu khayran.

Akhook fi-laah Ahmed Alatharri

This message was edited by AbuAbdillaah on 9-10-03 @ 1:26 PM

07-09-2003 @ 9:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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[admin: message replaced with direct link - in accordance with policy on quoting from other sites - referring to link instead of copy and paste is better]

This message was edited by Admin on 9-9-03 @ 4:17 PM

05-09-2003 @ 8:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu

Allaahul must'aan.
I hope Brixton clearly clarify the mistake in their previous narration upon the Shaykh Muhammed Al Banna.
This unfortunately casts doubts on the news that they bring us from the scholars as now we should verify what they are telling us.

This message was edited by Abu.Khayrayn on 9-5-03 @ 8:18 PM

04-09-2003 @ 11:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu Alaykum

Akh Jafar this was an agreement made in the presence of Shaykh Rabee, around Ramadhan time last year. It was between those brothers who criticised Abdul-Haqq for allying with Abul-Hasan and his defenders and Abdul-Haqq and those with him.

Allaah knows best why on the one hand the Brixton brothers are using that same agreement to justify going to Shaykh al-Banna to get tazkiyahs for Usaamah al-Qoosee, they said:
Finally we would like to remind all the salafees in the UK of the words of Sheikh Rabee when he said to make the scholars your reference point not the duat (callers).
Did Shaykh Rabee say go window-shopping to certain Shaykhs to get tazkiyahs for Usaamah al-Qoosee, to justify inviting him? Looks like they are trying to use this to justify going to Shaykh Muhammad al-Banna.

Yet at the same time what they agreed to last year was:
And this brother of yours, Abdul-Haqq, affirms that he, and whoever is with him in Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah are with the Scholars in their conviction of Abul-Hasan (with deviation, misguidance). And whoever continues upon the path of Abul-Hasan, defending him, and rejecting the words of the Scholars concerning him, then they are to be advised, and the words of the Scholars concerning him are to be made clear to them, without [indulging in] argumentation with them. And if they refuse (to show anything) except argumentation, and defence (of Abul-Hasan), then they are to be abandoned and avoided.
So why didn't they contact the scholars like Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Faalih, Shaykh Ahmad Najmee, Shaykh Ubayd to see whether they should invite Usaamah al-Qoosee or even the Jordan Mashaayikh?

And even then, did Shaykh al-Banna speak about just benefiting from their cassettes and books and written or recorded knowledge. Or did he give a specific approval of inviting Usaamah al-Qoosee? Unfortunately the Brixton brothers left this vague and they give the impression that the Shaykh approved of this without showing the true words that were said.  

Even more ajeeb is this information from the Shaykh comes on Saturday 30th August, when their event has already started:
The most recent taskeeyah for them has come from the blessed Sheikh Muhammed Al Banna (May Allah preserve him). Sheikh Muhammed Al Banna was asked about abul-hassan, ali hassan, saleem al-hilalee and usamah koosee. With respect to abul-hassan, the sheikh said he is destroyed and don\'t take from him. He said he was appointed to head some hizbee organization recently. With respect to the others he said they were wrong for supporting abul hassan, but the muslims should read their books, listen to their tapes and benefit from their knowledge. This took place on Saturday of this week. August 3oth. He also praised the book by sheikh abdul-muhsin and said it was not an attack against Sheikh rabee\'.
Doesn't this mean that they already decided from the beginning to invite them. And to remove any blame from themselves they contacted this Shaykh specifically instead of others, to get some praise for the speakers. So that later when they are criticised they can say, "Shaykh al-Bannaa said it is all right". I ask anyone who is close to the Shaykh to find out what he did say and whether he knew that they already invited the speakers before contacting him. From the quote above, the Shaykh just said benefit from their books and tapes and the knowledge within them.

Allaahu Aalim, all of this just sounds very contradictory to me.

Its not even clear what is actually from Shaykh al-Banna either. I noticed today they changed what was said about Usaamah al-Qoosee
The most recent taskeeyah for them has come from the blessed Sheikh Muhammed Al Banna (May Allah preserve him) this August 1424 AH, he explained that the Jordanian scholars are good and Sheikh Usaamah Qoosi is good. He fights for the salafi dawah in Eygpt and is of the few people doing so in Eygypt.
This was stated first and now it is changed to:
The most recent taskeeyah for them has come from the blessed Sheikh Muhammed Al Banna (May Allah preserve him). Sheikh Muhammed Al Banna was asked about abul-hassan, ali hassan, saleem al-hilalee and usamah koosee. With respect to abul-hassan, the sheikh said he is destroyed and don\'t take from him. He said he was appointed to head some hizbee organization recently. With respect to the others he said they were wrong for supporting abul hassan, but the muslims should read their books, listen to their tapes and benefit from their knowledge. This took place on Saturday of this week. August 3oth. He also praised the book by sheikh abdul-muhsin and said it was not an attack against Sheikh rabee\'.
Allaahu Aalim. Some checking is needed. It would be good if the brothers can put the audio tape online.

This message was edited by Abu.Abdullah.A on 9-4-03 @ 5:29 PM

04-09-2003 @ 1:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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And this brother of yours, Abdul-Haqq, affirms that he, and whoever is with him in Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah are with the Scholars in their conviction of Abul-Hasan (with deviation, misguidance). And whoever continues upon the path of Abul-Hasan, defending him, and rejecting the words of the Scholars concerning him, then they are to be advised, and the words of the Scholars concerning him are to be made clear to them, without [indulging in] argumentation with them. And if they refuse (to show anything) except argumentation, and defence (of Abul-Hasan), then they are to be abandoned and avoided.

Sorry, this is the statement of whom?

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

Ja'far ibn Richard Railton

04-09-2003 @ 12:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Making the Scholars the Reference Point

الشيخ العلامة أحمد بن يحي النجمي

سئل -حفظه الله ومتع به- هذا السؤال : سؤال : هل نستمع لأشرطة أسامة القوصي ؟ . الجواب : أسامة القوصي كنت أول أقول أنه سلفي ، ولكن فيما بعد ذكر لي أنه يؤيد أبا الحسن ، فإذا كان كذلك فإنه لا ينبغي سماع أشرطته .

وقال حفظه الله تعالى لما عرض عليه كلام القوصي المنحرف : حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل , على كل حال ماداما هكذا هو أسامة القوصي هو بهذه الصفة ينتقل لأبي الحسن ، فهو يلحق بأبي الحسن , ويعتبر مناصرا للحزبيين والمبتدعين . وسأله الاخوة الألمانيين هذا السؤال : سؤال : ماذا يكون اتجاه هذا الرجل حفظكم الله ؟ . الجواب : أقول أن أسامة القوصي ما دام هذا موقفه فهو مثل أبي الحسن فمن انتصر للمبتدع فهو مبتدع

Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee

He was asked, (hafidhahullaah wa matta`a bihi) this question: "Should we listen to the cassettes of Usaamah al-Qoosee?" The answer: "I used to say initially that Usaamah al-Qoosee is Salafee. However, after that it was mentioned to me that he strengthens Abul-Hasan, so if it is like this, then it is not desirable to listen to his cassettes".

And he (hafidhahullaah ta`aalaa) when some speech of al-Qoosee, the deviant, were presented to him, "Sufficient for us is Allaah, and an excellent disposer of affairs He is, in any case, so long as Usaamah al-Qoosee is like this, upon this characteristic, going towards Abul-Hasan, then he is to be put alongside Abul-Hasan, and is to be considered a supporter of the Hizbiyyeen and Mubtadi'een".

And one of the German brothers asked him this question, "What is the orientation of this man (hafidhakumullaah)?", the answer: "I say, so long as this is the position of Usaamah al-Qoosee, then he is just like Abul-Hasan, for whoever aided an Innovator, then he is an Innovator".

الشيخ العلامة عبيد بن عبد الله الجابري

قال حفظه الله تعالى : الحمد لله ، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه : أما بعد ، فإني لست ذا خبرة ومعرفة بالشيخ أسامة القوصي ، أسمع من الناس أنه داعية ، كما أسمع أنه يتجول في أمريكا وفي أوروبا وفي بعض دول الخليج . ولم أكن على إطلاع بأشرطته حتى أتمكن من الحكم عليها ، لكن سمعت منه كلمةً سيئةً جداً ووقحةً فيمن ينتقد أبا الحسن المصري ثم المأربي سـمَّاهم القوصي بـ : أنهم أتباع ذي الخويصرة التميمي ، فلما سمعت هذه الـمقولة منه مقته فأصبحت أكرهه ولا أحُبه . وفي الحقيقة أن هذه الكلمة تدل على أنه متعصب لأبي الحسن المصري ثم المأربي ، وهؤلاء الذين انتقدوا أبا الحسن هم أهل سنَّة , أصحاب سنَّة , معروفون لدينا ، وإنما انتقدوا أبا الحسن في أمور منهجية لا تليق ، ونحن قد اطلعنا على هذه الأمور وغيرها ، فما كان يليق بأسامة القوصي أن ينطق بهذه الكلمة . والشيخ فالح الحربي -حفظه الله- هو على معرفة به والظاهر أنه انتقده وتكلم فيه

Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree

"All praise be to Allaah and the peace and blessings of Allaah upon his messenger, companions and allies.To procede. Indeed I do not have knowledge and familiarity with Shaykh Usaamah Al-Qoosi, I hear from the people that he is a caller,just as i hear that he travels to America, Europe and some of the gulf states.I am not aquainted with his tapes as to enable me to pass a verdict upon him,although i heard from him a very evil and impertinent statement concerning those who have criticised Abul Hasan Al-Misri then Al-Ma'ribi.

Al-Qoosi refered to them as being followers of Dhul Khuwaysirah At-Tameemi and when I heard this statement from him I detested it and began to dislike him and in reality I do not like him because this speech shows that he is Mut'asib to Abul Hasan Al-Misri then Al-Ma'ribi.And those who have criticised Abul Hasan they are people of the sunnah, they are well known to us and they critcised Abul Hasan due to some Manhaj issues which are not befitting and we have studied these matters and other than them,so it is not befitting for Usaamah Al-Qoosi to speak with this speech. And Shaykh Faalih Al-Harbi may Allaah preserve him, has knowledge concerning his affair and that which is apparent is that he has critcised him and spoke concerning him."

Translation taken from one of the links above.

Shaikh Rabee on How to Deal with the Defenders of Abul-Hasan (Like Usaamah al-Qoosee)

الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي

السائل : بعض الشباب متوقفين في أبي الحسن المأربي وبعضهم يتبع طلبة العلم هؤلاء المدافعين عنة .

الشيخ : هؤلاء المتوقفين كان لهم صنف أخر فبين لهم بعض أبو الحسن فإن أبوا إلي الدفاع عنه والتوقف والتعامي والتجاهل فهم من أتباعه يحذر منهم نعم، إما أن يفيؤا إلى الله، إذا كانوا متوقفين والعلماء قد صدعوا بالحق فيه فلماذا؟؟؟ لا يأخذون بأقوال العلماء وفتواهم فيه إن كانوا سلفيين صادقين، هل السلف كانوا هكذا في حقبة من الأحقاب في تاريخ من تاريخ السلف، هكذا كانوا العلماء يرفعوا عقيدتهم في بيان حال رجل من أهل البدع ويبدعونه ثم تجد ناس مترددين مطربيين، هذا لا يجد في المنهج السلفي ولا يجد في التاريخ السلفي إنما هذا عند أهل الأهواء، لما تكلم أكثر من عشرين عالم في قضية وصد بكلامهم عرض الحائط وقال متوقف، فإما أن يرجعوا هؤلاء إلى الحق ويأخذون بكلام

Question: Some of the youth have refrained from taking a position in (the issue) of Abul Hasan and some of them follow those students who defend him.

The Shaykh responded: Those who refrain from taking a stance then they are a different kind, so clarify for them the issue of Abul Hasan and if they refuse by defending him, refraining (from taking a stance), Pretending to be ignorant and Blind then they are from the followers of Abul Hasan, warn against them.Either they return to Allaah if they have refrained from taking a stance. And the scholars have come out openly with the truth concerning him so why don?t they accept the sayings of the Scholars and their Fataawa if they are truly Salafis.

Were the salaf like this at any period of time in their history.They would raise their aqeedah by clarifying the situation of someone from ahlul-bid'ah and label him an innovator, and then you would find the people uncertain and hesitant (to accept their sayings).This is something not found in the Manhaj of the salaf and neither in the history of salafiyyah. When more than twenty Scholars speak in this issue and then they reject their speech and he says (he) refrains from taking a stance this shows Hawa (desires).

Either they return to the truth and accept the speech of the scholars or their fataawa or they are grouped with their Awliya and warned against.

Taken from another thread

This message was edited by naasir.ud-deen on 9-4-03 @ 1:11 AM

03-09-2003 @ 10:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
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Assalaamu Alaykum

Is it possible for this tape to be made available? Or even the relevant parts put online so there is no doubt about the deviation of this man? This would be very beneficial.

I find this quite interesting (quote) its from last year about the time of Ramadhan:

And this brother of yours, Abdul-Haqq, affirms that he, and whoever is with him in Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah are with the Scholars in their conviction of Abul-Hasan (with deviation, misguidance). And whoever continues upon the path of Abul-Hasan, defending him, and rejecting the words of the Scholars concerning him, then they are to be advised, and the words of the Scholars concerning him are to be made clear to them, without [indulging in] argumentation with them. And if they refuse (to show anything) except argumentation, and defence (of Abul-Hasan), then they are to be abandoned and avoided.

I wonder how the decision was made by the Brixton brothers to invite Usaamah al-Qoosee, and more interestingly, how it was later justified?

This message was edited by Abu.Abdullah.A on 9-3-03 @ 11:08 PM

03-09-2003 @ 9:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allah bless you Northern.Salafi because verily we have in our hands Usaamah Qusee's last lecture here in Misr where he attacked shaykh Rabee and attacked the level of shaykh Falih and abused the African American Salafi youth labeling them killers and criminals, even accusing them of having these traits before and after Islam. He didn't stop there he labeled shaykh Fawzee a extremist ( authoobillah ) and stated that Ma'ribee and Maghawee were Salafi and from the people of the sunnah. He accused shaykh Rabee of making a mistake is his jarh upon these two innovators and that if shaykh Albanni was still alive do you think that he would now label shaykh Rabee the flag carrier of jarh wa ta'deel being that he made a big mistake in his jarh upon Ma'ribee and Maghawee ? I beg Allah to fight Qusee and anyone who supports his deception and ill intent.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

01-09-2003 @ 10:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Joined: Aug 2002
What an amusing title that you have chosen. You all know that these speakers were in Birmingham last weekend. They gave their two-day attack upon the Salafis the title, 'After A Year Of Silence...'.

Amazing to know that they spent two days attacking the Salafis from a platform of 'Markaz Jam'eeyat Ahle Hadees UK'. This group that calls for demonstrations outside the Parliament buildings in London. This group that banned the Salafees from teaching 'Kitaab At-Tawheed' in their mosque. This group that invites all the people to join the 'Labour Party' of Tony Blair and to vote for it in the elections. This group whose trustees are signed-up memebers of the Labour Party of Tony Blair. The leader of this group (Abdul Hadi) claims that Ahmed Raza Brelwi and Mawdudi are great scholars who deserve that their graves be filled with light from Allaah. Please listen to the tape of brother Abu Khadeejah refuting Abdul Hadi and this group with clear evidences, tape recordings, newspaper cuttings and so on. This group that calls communist and raafidee groups to their mosque to work with them and organise demonstrations with them.

So the likes of these speakers sit on the platform of these people introduced by Muhamaad Abdu Dhaahir as Somalee of Cardiff along with Abu Usaamah Khalifa al Kadhaabee and Abdul Qadir Baksh, the Liar of Luton; and they sit there and invent lies upon the Salafis, their scholars and against Salafi Publications. They curse and attack Shaikh Fawzee al Atharee and accuse those who take the positions of the likes of Shaikh Rabee' and Shaikh 'Ubayd and the other scholars of being blind followers. They accuse Shaikh Rabee' of being erroneous without bringing a single shred of evidence. Then they accuse us of being muqallid!!

YET not a word against the hizbiyyah and bid'a of the people whose platform they have spoken from in Birmingham!! AMAZING!

1. Deception. They claimed that a brother from SPubs warned against the Jordanians and told the people to convey that from him. So the speakers told the one who said it to go and urinate in the well of zam-zam because he is just seeking fame, and he is only an 'ajami' (non arab) and a blind-follower. On the tape you can hear Abu Usaamah whispering, 'Abu Hakim Bilal Davis'.

The truth: He warned against Usamah Qoosee (the Egyptian) from the words of the scholars as quoted in the links above. The tape is available for all from Salafi Publications and the lie is exposed.

A note: Is this a refutation or advice upon knowledge? Or just cursing and abusing? How easy they found it to attack the Salafis and not a word against the 'Ahle Hadeeth' whose platform they were sitting upon. Where is their rifq with Ahlus Sunnah now? Or is that reserved for the hizbees only? And where is this verification that they are always talking about? Why did they not verify, since that is what they are calling to?

2. Abuse. Usaamah Qoosee started attacking Shaikh Fawzee al Atharee vehemently. Not a single refuation based upon any knowledge whatsoever! Rather just being abusive towards the Shaikh saying that he cannot withold his tongue and he does not know the difference between mansoob and marfoo' and other such matters.

Reply: Where is your rifq with ahlus Sunnah now? Where is your radd upon ilm? You attack the Salafi shaikhs and not a word against Suhaib Hasan, Abdul Hadi on whose platform you are sitting?! Not a word against street demonstrations along with the communists or working with the shi'ah? But plenty of insults for Shaikh Fawzee. Woe to you!

3. Deception. They claimed that a brother from SPubs claims that he is thiqah and that his jarh upon people must be accepted. The response of the speaker was that this person does not even know how to recite faatihah correctly and he is making jarh upon the people and he hurled further abuse upon the Salafis.

Truth: If these people claim such a thing and Abdur Qadir the liar has been claiming this on his site for a long time and they claim they have a recording on tape. Then where is the tape?? Give us the title. Where can we buy it? If was recorded in secret without permission as has been suggested, then give us the whole tape from begining to end.

4. Trickery. They made many hidden and open comments against the scholars like Shaikh Rabee' to cause the people to flee from them and come towards these speakers. They claimed that they were upon the middle way and that their 'noble brother and shaikh Abul Hasan Al Ma'arabi' was a person of ijtihad who is rewarded for his ijtihaad!!

5. They lied upon the reality of the Masjid As Salafi and falsely claimed that the Masjid can be taken by the Mushriks at any stage and whenever they wanted. They sat in the mosque of the people of desires and hizbiyyah and politics and declared the Salafi Mosque not to be a mosque at all because it was leased and can be taken back at any time!

Truth: The reality as we know it (from our SALAFI brothers at SPubs) is that the building is on a long term lease from the owners. The leaseholders (i.e. SPubs) have the right both contractually and under statutory law to keep the building for as long as the term of the lease without being removed at any stage. They further have statutory and contractual right to remain in the building indefinitely even after the lease period. So why invent lies and base answers upon lies? AND why did they not declare Brixton mosque not to be a mosque for all the years it was rented?! Or is it one rule for our beloved ones and another for the ones we hate!

All of this and more recorded on tapes.

Shame on you for coming to England and causing separation and calling the people to run away from their scholars. Shame on you for leaving the Salafis and sitting in the places of hizbiyyah. Shame on you for showing NO rifq towards ahlus Sunnah. Shame on you for attacking the Salafis and their scholars and shaikhs.

Allaahul Musta'aan!

This message was edited by Northern.Salafi on 9-1-03 @ 10:53 PM

01-09-2003 @ 5:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 87
Joined: Aug 2002
The statements of the scholars on Qoosee:

Refutation of Usaamah al-Qoosee?s Position by His Own Speech:

Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed An-Najmi on listening to the tapes of Usaamah Al-Qoosi. Tape!!!!!!!

Scholars Statements upon al-Qoosee, al-Huwainee

The words of Shaykh Allaamah Ubaid Al-Jaabiri concerning Usaamah Al-Qoosi

This message was edited by iamsalafee on 9-1-03 @ 6:09 PM

01-09-2003 @ 5:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 87
Joined: Aug 2002

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