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» Excerpts from Sh.Uthaymeen's book of knowledge
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Posted By Topic: Excerpts from Sh.Uthaymeen's book of knowledge

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27-02-2006 @ 9:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Imam Bin Baz Out Reach Center (Harlem, New York)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003
During our reading through Sheikh Uthaymeen's (rahimahullah) book of knowledge, we came across several beneficial statements pertaining to the student of knowledge.
We felt the need to post some of these excerpts so that others can ponder and reflect on them.

1. Knowledge proceeds fighting in the way of Allah.  It is because of this that the Messenger (sallahu alayhe wa salem) would not fight a people until they were called to Allah.  So in fact, knowledge proceeds fighting. (pg. 15 Arabic version)

2. It is upon a student to intend through seeking knowledge, the defense of the religion.  This is because the religion is only defended by men.  It is similar to the weapon.  If we possessed large numbers of weapons stored in trunks, would these weapons alone be capable of harming the enemy with it's ammuniton!?  Or is this done only through men?!
The answer: This can only be possible through men, and such is the case with knowledge.
Like wise, new innovations are created.  It's possible that you find innovations that were not known in early times and these innovations were not mentioned in books.  Therefore it is not possible to refute them except by way of people of knowledge. (pg.29 Arabic version)

3. It is upon a student of knowledge to act with his knowledge. In his aqeedah (belief), in his ebadah (worship), in his akhlaq (character), in his adaab (manners), in his ma'malat (dealings).  This is the fruit of knowledge and the result of it.  The carrier of knowledge is similar to the carrier of a weapon. Either it is for him or against him. (pg. 33 Arabic version)

4. It is incumbent upon the student to act with his knowledge.  In his akhlaq (character, and in his ma'malat (dealings). Knowledge calls to all exemplary character. From truthfulness, fulfillment of trusts and loving good for the believers. (pg. 37 Arabic version)

5. It is upon a student to call to Allah with his knowledge.  He should propagate every chance he has.  In the masjid, during gatherings, in the market place.  Every opportunity he is given.  The Messenger (sallahu alayhe wa salem) after Allah chose him as a messenger and revealed to him the message, did not sit in his home.  Rather he propagated (Islam) to the people and was diligent.  I (Sheikh Uthaymeen) do not desire from the students to be copies of books, instead I prefer them to be scholars that act upon knowledge. (pg. 39 Arabic version)

We intend from time to time inshAllah, to post more benefits taken from this great work.  We also encourage the believers to obtain copies of the book, being that it was translated in English some time ago.

Mustafa G.
United Arab Emirates

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