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Posted By Topic: Boston-Duroos at Maktabah al Istiqaama

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06-12-2004 @ 3:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003



wa Salaatu wa Salaam ala Rasoolullah

As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

We at the Upright Books Dawah Center, Makatabah al Istiqaama, (New England's only Salafi learning center) cordially invite all to attend a weekend long educational Seminar with our Brother Abu Tasneem Dawud Adib

Where: Maktabah al Istiqaama (Upright Books)
       109 W. Walnut Park
       Boston, MA 02119

When:  Friday 12/10/2004  thru  Sunday 12/12/2004

Theme: Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah
       The Four Priniciples-
       Shaykh ul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab


Itinerary -*due to the small size of the markaz, it cannot accomodate brothers and sisters simultaneously so we have arranged the folllowing:

Friday   7:30pm  part 1 Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah   brothers  
(sisters via paltalk)

Saturday 1:00pm  part 2 Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah   brothers  
(sisters via paltalk)

Saturday 7:00pm  part 3 Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah   brothers  
(sisters via paltalk)

Sunday   11:30am part 4 Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah   sisters  
(brothers via paltalk)

Sunday   3:00pm  part 5 Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah   sisters  
(brothers via paltalk)

we humbly advise all those attending and listening via paltalk to at least read the text of Ash Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab and the explanation by any of our notable salafi scholars so that we may be prepared to ask informed questions or answer any questions posed to us about the text and its sharh. May Allah reward you and increase you!

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

06-12-2004 @ 5:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ukkaasha Shaakir Ibn Willard Gree (Hawthorne, California)
Posts: 142
Joined: Sep 2002
Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi, will we have a chance to ask questions via paltalk concerning the sharh [explanation]?

Baraka Allaahu Feek!

فمن كان يريد حقا الرجوع الى الكتاب والسنة, فليزمه الرجوع الى ما كان عليه أصحاب النبي عليه السلام و التابعين و أتباعهم من بعدهم

07-12-2004 @ 2:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003
as salaamu alaikum
insha'Allah we will take questions from the paltalk
Jazakallahu khairan

abu hafs bilaal ibn charles mccloud

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

This message was edited by Abu.Hafs.Bilaal on 12-7-04 @ 3:42 PM

09-12-2004 @ 4:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003
salaamu alaikum
A study guide for the class on Al Qawaa'id al Arba'ah with Dawud Adib is available for those who wish to participate with the lectures via paltalk. Please PM me for the file.

Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McCloud

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

10-12-2004 @ 3:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Bilal Khalid AbdulBaasit Gane (Toronto)
Posts: 30
Joined: Sep 2002

This message was edited by abu.bilal on 12-10-04 @ 3:58 PM

10-12-2004 @ 6:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Jamaal unspecified (Daytona Beach, Florida (FL) USA)
Posts: 61
Joined: Oct 2002
Assalaamu alaikum

Could you please inform the people what room the classes will be in on paltalk.  May Allah reward you all.

Assalaamu alaikum

Abu Jamaal Shadeed ibn Holmes

10-12-2004 @ 7:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003
wa alaikum salaam
the Paltalk room for the gathering will be 'Upright Books'. As it stands now, Dawud's flight is delayed and friday's class may be postponed but Saturday and Sunday will be as scheduled insha'Allah.

abu hafs bilaal

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

12-12-2004 @ 8:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003

The Four Principles ? Quiz on Introductory Affairs:

Multiple Choice:

1.     Which of the following is from the three signs of happiness mentioned in the Four Principles:
(a)     obedient when ordered
(b)     patient when tested
(c)     remorseful when scolded

2.     al-Haneefiyyah is the Religion of:
(a)     Confucius
(b)     Louis Farakhaan
(c)     Ibraaheem

3.     The meaning of al-Haneefiyyah is:
(a)     to worship Allaah by asking people to make du?aa for you
(b)     to worship Allaah through mediation of the Prophets
(c)     to worship Allaah, making the Religion sincerely for Him
(d)     to worship Allaah in accordance to the Sunnah

Fill in the Blanks:

1.     "And I have not the ____, nor the _______, except to worship __." Adh-Dhaariyaat 51:56

2.     Worship is not correct, except when done with _______, just as Prayer is not correct, except when done with ____________.

Match the Columns:

Tawheed enters into worship     The Three Signs of Happiness
Worship is not correct, except with Tawheed     Corrupts worship, doer enters the Fire
Grateful when given, patient when tested, repent when they sin     Doer worships Allaah, achieves purpose of creation.
Shirk enters into worship     Prayer is not correct, except when done with purification.

The Four Principles - Quiz on Principles One and Two:

Multiple Choice:

1.     Which of the following categories of Tawheed were affirmed by the Mushrikeen:
(a)     al-Uloohiyyah
(b)     al-Haakimiyyah
(c)     ar-Ruboobiyyah
(d)     al-Asmaa? was-Sifaat
(e)     al-Mutaaba?ah

2.     Belief in Ruboobiyyah involves:
(a)     belief that Allaah is the Creator, Sustainer is Disposer of all affairs
(b)     belief in the Names and Attributes of Allaah
(c)     belief that judgement is only for Allaah
(d)     belief that the Messenger of Allaah is the only one to be followed

3.     The Mushrikeen took the false deities as:
(a)     Their own personal assistants
(b)     Inanimate objects which have no ability to help anyone
(c)     Intercessors for them before Allaah
(d)     Prophets who brought the Sharee?ah of Allaah

Affirmed or Prohibited Intercession:

1.     Sought from other than Allaah:
(a)     Affirmed
(b)     Prohibited

2.     When the intercessor is given the right to do so by Allaah:
(a)     Affirmed
(b)     Prohibited

3.     Requires permission from Allaah:
(a)     Affirmed
(b)     Prohibited

4.     Statements and actions of the one being interceded for must please Allaah:
(a)     Affirmed
(b)     Prohibited

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

12-12-2004 @ 8:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McClou (boston, ma USA)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003

The Four Principles ? Quiz on Principles Three and Four:

Fill in the Blanks:

1.     ?So have you considered _______ and _________ and ______ the other third?? an-Najm, 53:19-20

2.     ?And from His signs are the ___ and the _____ and the ___ and the ____.  Do not prostrate to the ___, nor to the ____, but prostrate to Allaah who has created them, if you truly worship Him.? Fussilat, 41:37

3.     ?And fight them until there is no ______ and until all of the ________ is for Allaah.? al-Anfaal, 8:39

Multiple Choice:

1.     Which of the following is not a sign of the ancient mushrikeen:
(a)     When they boarded a ship, they called upon Allaah alone to deliver them safely to land
(b)     In trying times, they would increase in supplication to false deities
(c)     Upon removal of hardship, they revert back to Shirk with Allaah

2.     What was the name of the tree which the Mushrikeen at the time of the Prophet used to seek blessings from:
(a)     Dhul-Qarnayn
(b)     Dhaat Anwaat
(c)     Dhul-Kifl
(d)     Dhul-Yadayn

3.     Allaah said, ?And beware of the Day when Allaah will say: O ?Eesaa, son of Maryam, did you say to the people: Take me and my mother as deities besides Allaah?? al-Maa?idah, 5:116 Which of the following is not part of ?Eesaa?s reply to this question from Allaah:
(a)     If I had said it, You would have known it.
(b)     How free are You from all imperfections!
(c)     My Ummah, my Ummah!
(d)     It was not for me to say that to which I have no right.

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

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