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» Live lectures from the Mashaayikh
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22-08-2004 @ 12:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

We ask all the brothers / sisters to benefit from lectures by the following scholars who will be delivering live lessons based upon the basic mutoon (texts).

Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudyaan
Member of Council of Senior Scholars and Member of Lajnah ad-Daaimah lil Iftaa

Shaykh Muhammed As-Subayyal
Member of Council of Senior Scholars and Imaam and Khateeb of MAsjid Al-Haraam and Ex Chairman of Affairs of two Holy Masaajid

Shaykh Rabee' Al-Madkhali
Ex. Head of the Dept. of Sunnah, Islamic University of Madinah

Shaykh Wasi-Ullaah Al-'Abbas
Professor in Ummul-Quraa University and Teacher in Haram AL-Makkee

These lectures will take place:

Saturday August 21st, 2004
First Lecture: 2:00 pm EST (7:00 pm GMT)
Second Lecture: 10:00 pm EST

Sunday August 22nd, 2004
Third Lecture: 2:00 pm EST (7:00 pm GMT)
Fourth Lecture: 10:00 pm EST

To access these live links, please dial 1-888-727-6732. To obtain a password Email here to receive one.  An idea is to get your local masjid to organise this so that the benefit can be wider.


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