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» A Compilation of the Books of the Salaf on Aqeedah & Manhaj ? part 1
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Posted By Topic: A Compilation of the Books of the Salaf on Aqeedah & Manhaj ? part 1

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29-11-2004 @ 10:50 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. 'Umar ibn Calvin Miles ( Virginia USA)
Posts: 28
Joined: Sep 2002
Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh,


When comes the Help of Allaah and the conquest (of Makkah), and you see the people enter Allaah's deen in crowds, So glorify the praises of your Lord, and ask for His forgiveness.  Verily He is the one who accepts the repentance and forgives.  Surat an-Na

28-05-2004 @ 7:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
aboo ubaidah amr bin basheer (London and Unaizah)
Posts: 105
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بسم الله  الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه
أما بعد:

A historical list of the books on manhaj, aqeedah, eemaan, tawheed and sunnah up to the 5th century and short notes about them. An encouragement for the salafi to obtain these books and study them.

89-al-haydah [al-manaadharah al-kubra bayn ahl us-sunnah wal-firaq ad-daalah] by imaam abd ul-azeez bin yahya al-makki al-kinaani (d.264)
98 pages. 1414 1st edition/ daar al-fath
edited by shaikh ali naaasir al-faqeehi [the famous print done by the orientalists has many mistakes and in the intro the editor says that this refutation was due to arab nationalism and the defence of its ideas!!]

-in the time when the ideas of the jahmiyyah were being spread which were started by jahm bin safwaan [d.128] many of the imams wrote refutations of them, mainly in the issues to do with Allaah?s Names and Attributes and the saying of the creation of the quraan. In this book the imaam has a debate with bishr al-mirisee, one of the heads of the jahmiyyah and the flag carrier for this dawah during the time of the ruler al-ma?moon who was deceived by this ideology. Al-khateeb al-baghdaadi said in his biography;

?he came to baghdaad during the days of ma?moon and there occurred a debate between him and bishr al-mirisee about the quraan and he is the author of the book al-haydah?he was a companion of ash-shaafi?ee and they both travelled together to yemen.
When abd ul-azeez bin yahyaa al-makki entered upon al-ma?moon his appearance was very ugly and al-mu?tasim [his brother who put imaam ahmad to trial when he became khalifah] laughed. Then he met al-ma?moon and the imaam said; yaa, ameer al-mu?mineen, why do you laugh? Allaah did not choose Yusuf for his beauty, but indeed He chose him for his religion and his knowledge which He has mentioned in his book, ..and when he [the king] spoke to him, he said ?indeed you are today established in position and trusted.. and he did not say that when he saw his beauty. So my bayaan, yaa, ameer al-mu?mineen, is better then this face. Then al-ma?moon laughed and he was pleased with his statement. And he said to Al-mu?tasim, ?my face will not speak to you but it is my tongue which will speak.?

So this book is a historical account written by one of the scholars of what took place in baghdaad. The chain of narration can be found in the books of history like ?al-ibar? and ?dawl al-islaam? both by adh-dhahabee.  As for the words of as-subki in ?tabaqaat ash-shaafi?eyah? where he mentions the schoolars praise for him, about his companionship with ash-shaafi?ee and then he narrates the above story and adds,

? he was the naasir of the sunnah in negating the statement of the creation of the quraan as his debate with bishr shows. As for the book being ascribed to him then it contains atrocious comments, but as our shaikh adh-dhahabee said that its chain is not authentic? ?

that is the chain in meezan al-I?tidaal, and as mentioned, adh-dhahabee affirms it in his other books plus there is ijma amongst the historians about it. As for as-subki, then he was a well-known ash?ari who al-kinaani in his speech opposed regarding his aqeedah of the quraan. And this view today is still being put forward by modern day asharees like muhamad saeed Ramadan al-bouti [you can read about him on spubs website inder ?callers and individuals?.

So the imaam whilst he was in makkah heard about the huge problems going on in baghdaad and that the ahl us-sunnah, the salafiyeen were being oppressed. So he went to the capital city and debated bishr the head of this deviation with mighty and decisive evidences from the quraan and the sunnah. He first mentioned how when he arrived that he supplicated to Allaah to give him sincerity, strength to aid His deen and to remove the fear from his heart. he then mentioned the condition of the muslims regarding their manhaj during these days of fitnah. And he was asked by one of the locals why have you come to baghdaad? He replied, ?to seek nearness to Allaah?. Then he began his call.  

So the debate started when he went to al-ma?moon who said to him,? I have heard that you said in a masjid here that the qur?aan is not created and I have witnesses to prove that?? then he said,? I have gathered the people who are opposing you so we can listen and if you have the proofs and the truth we will follow you.? Then he turned to bishr and said,? yaa bishr, stand with abd ul-azeez and debate with him?

At the end of the debate al-kinaani said to bishr,?you are a jahmee and a qadaree also.?

90-an-naqd ala bishr al-marisi al-jahmee al-aneed [the head strong jahmee] by imaam abi saeed uthmaan bin saeed (d.280)
نقض على بشر المريسي
2 volumes. 1418 1st edition/ maktabah ar-rushd
edited by rashid bin hasan al-alama?ee
the old one volume edition edited by shaikh hamid faqee is more quoted. This one has extensive footnotes.

ibn al-qayyim said,?and his two books are from the best and beneficial books written about the sunnah. It is recommended for every seeker of the sunnah who intends to be what the companions, the taai?been and the imams were upon to read his two books. Shiakh ul-islaam ibn taymiyyah used to strongly recommend these two books and he held them in the highest esteem.?

As for this first book by the imaam, al-alaamah, al-haafidh and an-naaqid, who was one of the greatest of the scholars of hadeeth in his time, [the writer of the sunnan/musnad was another ad-daarimee] it is a refutation of the same person whom al-kinaani debated with. He spread doubts and his aqeedah became widespread to the extent when he died the scholars rejoiced and gave thanks to Allaah. There are reports that they wanted to prostrate to thank Allaah as mentioned by ibn hajr in ?lisan al-meezan? [2/31].

Even, one of the imams was rebuked by many for attending his funeral. When they gathered around him he said I went only to make duaa against him. I said, O Allaah lighten his scales as he used to deny them, do not let him see you as he denied your vision, and he denied the punishment in the grave so punish him for a day more then you have punished anybody else so he sees it is true.  Then the ulamaa of sunnah fell silent then they began to laugh. [for the exact account see ?taarikh baghdaad? 7/66]

Imaam ad-daarimee mentions in the beginning why he wrote this book. It is a defense of the true religion and a clarification of the matters of tawheed in particular Allaah?s Names and Attributes. He found it necessary to do this to expose al-marisi [also in the book he exposes ibn thalji by name who was also one of their flag carriers. He was a hanafi scholar whom imaam ahmad said about,?innovator, saahib hawa] so that he could warn against him in particular to protect the women and children who are more likely to deceived by him as he said on p.145.

He then mentions and refutes the notion that Allaah?s names are created and their words about Allaah?s hearing, seeing?His descending, and all the other claims of the jahmiyyah are refuted with detail evidences from the quraan, the ahaadeeth and the statements of the salaf. Also he brings a chapter ?encouraging one to seek hadeeth and refuting the one who says ahaadeeth were not written in the time of the prophet, sallallaahu alahi wasalam. Here he defends the sahaabah and the scholars of the aathaar and proves that it is their madhhab which has to be adhered to. And then he brings their statements in declaring the jahmiyyah as heretics.

91-ar-radd ala al-jahmiyyah by imaam uthmaan bin saeed ad-daarimee (d.280)
الرد على الجهمية
204 pages. 1405 1st edition/ ad-daar as-salafiyyah
edited by shaikh badr al-badr

this is his other book recommended by ibn al-qayyim. Again he brings many evidences and refutes their methodology in the issues of belief in the throne, al-uloo, nuzool, the vision, the ilm of Allaah, the kalam of Allaah, the quraan not being created, the takfeer of the jahmiyyah, asking them to repent and executing them. Shaikh badr divided the book into 16 chapters and 400 points.

92-sharh us?sunnah by imaam imaa?eel bin yahya al-muzanee (d.264)
شرح السنة
113 pages. 1415 1st edition/ maktabah al-ghurabah al-athariyyah
edited by jamaal azzoun [a student at Islamic university, madinah]

-he was the famous companion of ash-shaafi?ee and the author of ?mukhtasar al-muzanee? which can be found after ?al-umm? by imaam ash-shafi?ee. He was also a student of the famous scholars of hadeeth like al-bukhaari, ibn uyainah, at-tayaalisee and imaam ahmad. He was the teacher of bin adee, at-tahaawi, ibn abee haatim and ibn khaithamah. The books of taarikh contain his biography and the many praises from the scholars for him.

-at a circle of hadeeth in Atraabulus [al-maghrib] some of the names of the imams were mentioned and when  al-muzanee?s name was mentioned someone objected as he had heard that he spoke about al-qadr in a false way. So some people from ahl us-sunnah wrote to him informimg about what took place and they advised him to explain the reality of his aqeedah. [he was also slandered by some who spread tales about him that he said the quraan was created]

-it says in the book ?it is related to us from ali bin abdullaah al-halwaani who said when I was at taraabulus al-maghrib it was mentioned to me and our companions of the sunnah that when aboo ibraaheem al-muzanee was mentioned some of our companions said, ?it has reached us that he used to speak about the quraan?.so he wrote to us the book ?sharh us-sunnah? [the explanation of the sunnah] regarding qadr, irjaa, the quraan, the rising and standing [after the last day], the scales, and the vision [seeing Allaah].

-the order of the issues are al-uloo, qadaa and qadr, the angels, adaam, jannah and naar, eemaan, quraan, siffaat, life?s limit, the grave, the gathering and accounting, ahl al-jannah, the vision, obedience to the rulers, negating takfeer for the people of the qiblah, the sahaabah, prayer, jihad and hajj behind the leaders, the shortining of the prayer, preserving ones religion ?obligatory and voluntary duties.

This message was edited by amr.basheer on 5-28-04 @ 7:54 PM

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