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15-12-2003 @ 6:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 307
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Bismi'llaah wal hamdu lilaah was-salaatu wa salaam 'ala Rasulilaah wa ba'd:

Dear brothers, as salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah!

I have a question regarding an individual named Shaykh Ahmad Ali.  I would like to know what his position is with the Salafee's of the UK?  What is known about his aqeedah and minhaj etc.?

Below is a brief description of him that I found on one of the websites of an Islaamic book and audio dealer here in the United States...  


SHAYKH AHMAD ALI emigrated from Pakistan to the United Kingdom at an early age. After completing his secular studies, he enrolled at Darul Uloom Al-Arabiya Al-Islamiya, a madrasa located in Northern England. There, he successfully completed the traditional Islamic studies course under the guidance of some of the best scholars in England. Shaykh Ahmad Ali focused his attention on the sciences of aqidah, fiqh, hadith and tafseer. After graduating, Shaykh Ahmad Ali established the al-Mahad Al-Islami in Bradford, England. This institution provides Islamic counseling, education and guidance to youth and university-age students in the area. Shaykh Ahmad Ali has also authored a number of books, given lectures at numerous institutions, including a special series on the signs of the Day of Judgment. Popular for his dynamic style of speaking, Shaykh Ahmad Ali has traveled across the United Kingdom and to the West Indies to spread the message of Islam.

Barak Allaahu Feekum

Aboo Khalil

"And worship your Rabb until the certainty (i.e. death) comes to you."  Surat-ul-Hijr: 99

18-12-2003 @ 2:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Ahmad Ali is deobandi, who studied at the dar-ul-loom which is a sufi madrassa,  
at one time in Bradford they had a madrassa where there was a lot of so called people of knowledge (mufti's at the age of 24) and there biggest concern was the dajjal, the free masons, etc, these people are very anti salafi,  

18-12-2003 @ 7:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 307
Joined: Dec 2002
Are these people (Ahmad Ali & Dar-ul-Loom) affiliated with the producers of Halaqa Media?

Aboo Khaleel al-Amerikee

"And worship your Rabb until the certainty (i.e. death) comes to you."  Surat-ul-Hijr: 99

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