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» Need Info Regarding Arabic Publishing Companies
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27-09-2003 @ 9:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 216
Joined: Feb 2003
Some comments on your list:

Mukhtasar Ibn Katheer: I remember reading on the sahab forums that this is the best abridgement of Ibn Katheer, even better than Rifaa?ee?s. The author is well known and there is no doubt about his scholarship, but the publisher is unknown to me. Because it is a relatively recent work, perhaps you don?t need to worry as much as you would with something old and widespread. If you are actually buying the book in person, look at its quality, e.g. whether or not there is good takhreej/tahqeeq, if there are indexes, how are the footnotes comments and headers (they should contain the surah/ayah for easy navigation), etc.

Riyaad us-Saaliheen and its Sharh: Try to get a copy of the matn with full ayaat/ahaadeeth indexes and tashkeel of the text. Albaanee?s tahqeeq has been bootlegged and copied all over the place, but I?m pretty sure al-Maktab al-Islaamee is the original publisher. Also, why not the Sharh of Ibn ?Uthaymeen instead? It?s an excellent sharh in 4 volumes (mine is in 2 large volumes, by Daar us-Salaam Cairo) and is available all over the internet for purchase. The corresponding tapes (96) are also available for free online, so you can listen and read along.

Sharh ul-Bayqooniyyah: If you want a good sharh on this, get Ibn ?Uthaymeen?s. Maktabat ur-Rushd printed it and it available for purchase online from their website. I have a copy and it?s good, wal-hamdulilllah. Surely it is better to take from the A?imah rather than the students of knowledge whose manhaj is doubtful. Also, there is a thread on here devoted to this text and some very useful materials available for free on the web, so check that. If you use the mushakkal matn and the audio posted there you can probably memorize it in a day or two, in shaa? Allaah. Then use all of the explanatory material until you understand it, may Allaah make it easy for us all and give us understanding of His Deen.

Sharh ut-Tahaawiyyah: If you?re referring to that of Ibn Abee il-?Izz by Maktab al-Islaamee with Albaanee?s takhreej (9th print/1408), then that is the best and perhaps only reliable rendition. A few others editors played with this text and attempted to defend the Maatureedee ?aqeedah using it. May Allaah 'Azz wa Jal guide them.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 9-27-03 @ 9:08 AM

24-09-2003 @ 11:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 216
Joined: Feb 2003
I would only add one point to the excellent response above - keep in mind the advice of Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh as mentioned in the other thread, i.e. don't buy things that you don't need at the moment and try to research the print before buying the book if possible. You don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a poor copy of widely-available book like at-Tabaree, for example.

If you do as the brother advised and make a list of what you're looking for and post it here, perhaps many more people will be able to contribute and everyone can benefit.

Also, about specific publishers: Awhile back a brother recommended Daar ul-Kitaab al-?Arabee (based in Lebanon) to me. I have since then bought several books from them and have been very impressed with the overall quality of printing and tahqeeq, specifically that of ?Abdir-Razzaaq al-Mahdee. He has done Tafseer ash-Shawkaanee, al-Furoo? by Ibn Muflih, and several other well-known works.

If you want a good beginner?s book on Seerah (as recommended by Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee), start with Mukhtasar Seerat ur-Rasool by Ibn ?Abdil-Wahhaab. The print done by Daar ul-Kitaab al-?Arabee is excellent ? it has good takhreej/tahqeeq and full indexes. Also, Mukhtasar Zaad ul-Ma?aad by the same Author/Publisher/Muhaqqiq is very nice and worthy of purchase.

Finally, Daar ul-Fikr is generally does pretty poor work. There are some exceptions to this, like their Ihkaam ul-Ahkaam, but not many, so it might be an idea to stay away from them.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 9-24-03 @ 11:56 PM

24-09-2003 @ 9:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
Joined: Oct 2002

بسم الله  الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه
أما بعد:
may Allaah reward you for choosing to tread on the path of knowledge. my advice, brother yousuf, is first to make a list of books you need and then see which published version is better and there are many companies. if you are building a maktabah what you should do first is try to purchase the most important books in the all the fields of islamic knowledge. for example buy the six books with their explanations, the most important tafseer books, fiqh usool, aqeedah seerah, language, ilm rijaal, mustalah etc. other points to note;
2-then choose the prints. remember you may find different publishing houses will print the same text, like ibn abee haatim's 'jarh wa tadeel' was edited and published in india then copied by daar ul-fikr and daar kutub al-ilmiyyah both from beirut.  
3-you may find for many books there is only one poor quality available.
4-different scholars may recommend different versions
5-the recommended versions may be very difficult find.
6-be careful of revised editions as the page numbers may change

if you have a student of knowledge in your area, go and visit his library, write the titles and prints or visit a library where they have a large collection of islamic books. for example in london we have a university SOAS, who have a very good collection.
if you need specific info you can ask, as i know of brothers who have studied with the ulamaa who write on salafitalk and have good experience and knowledge from their teachers regarding books.

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