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» Last part- A list of Ibn qayyim al-jawziyyah?s most famous books and short notes about them
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Posted By Topic: Last part- A list of Ibn qayyim al-jawziyyah?s most famous books and short notes about them

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20-09-2003 @ 8:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله  الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه
أما بعد:

68-idat us-saabireen wa dhakirah ash-shaakireen
عدة الصابرين
496 pages. 1420 1st edition/daar ibn jawzee
edited by saleem al-hilaalee

-this book is about the importance of sabr/patience and its reality. he says eemaan is half giving thanks and the other half is sabr. He mentions the meaning and then discusses the different categories in relation to the 5 types of ruling and others.
-the levels of sabr
-the praised and censured sabr
-the ways to achieve sabr and how we are in need of it
-he discusses all the aayaat which mention the word sabr [he collected 22]
-then he brings ahaadeeth followed by statements of the companions and those who followed them.
-issues to do with problems like crying, regret, ripping ones clothes and other actions of jahiliyyah
-he brings stories which reflect upon sabr of the prophets and righteous.
-then makes a deep study regarding the status of the rich and grateful one and the patient poor and which of the two has more excellence.
-issues which oppose sabr
69- al-manaar al-muneef fi as-saheeh wa ad-da?eef
79 pages. 1423 1st edition/daar al-aathaar
[it is better to get the edited version by aboo ghudah].

-he discusses 347 ahaadeeth, some of them answers to questions, and analysing them with the usool of hadeeth and jarh wa ta?deel. The book has many benefits for the student of hadeeth.

70-al-kaafiyah ash-shaafiyyah fi intisaar lil-firqah an-naajiyyah
الكافية الشافية في الانتصار للفرقة الناجية = القصيدة النونية  
422 pages. 1416 1st edition/daar ibn khuzaimah
edited by abdullaah al-umayr

this is a mighty poem of 5821 verses containing the aqeedah and manhaj of the aided and victorious group. [shaikh saalih al-fawzaan finished the sharh of it 2 years ago. He was half way through when I came to Riyadh in 1999. I strongly recommend the tapes, as the language is very difficult to understand]
-he mentions issues of uloo, usool regarding Allaah?s names and attributes and refuting the false ideas of the innovators by showing contradictions in their usool and understanding, the falsity of their name calling of ahl us-sunnah, the categories of tawheed and shirk that the prophets brought and who they oppose the words of the innovators and how the quraan, the sunnah and the believers are protected.

71-This book was explained by Muhammad khalil harraas. 2 volumes. 1406 1st editon daar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah titled sharh al-qaseedah an-nooniyyah.

72-the allaamah abd ur-rahmaan as sa?dee explained some of the verses to do with the tawheed of the prophets and messengers, titled al-tawdeeh al-mubeen li-tawheed al-anbiyyah wa mursaleen min al-kaafiyah ash-shaafiyyah, 220 pages. 1420 1stedition/daar aalam al-fawaaid.

73-mudaarij as-saalikeen bayna manaazil iyyaaka na?budu wa iyyaaka nasta?een
مدارج السالكين
3 volumes. 1392/Daar al-kitaab al-arabee
edited by Muhammad haamid al-faqee

he explains the ayah,?thee  alone do we worship and thee alone do we seek help alone? from soorah al-faatihah. He goes into great depth covering many issues to do with each word of the ayah and refuting the ahl ul-bidah, trying to bring the people back to the usool mentioned in this ayah.
-He begins with the status and benefit of soorah al-faatihah and the types of tawheed.
-The ways in aid is sought and its levels
-what is worship and its reality and the difference between it and other worldly actions
-the levels of the people in the realisation of ibaadah
-love and yaqeen and its levels

74-al-waabil as-sayyib min al-kalam at-tayib
صحيح الوابل الصيب
333 pages. 2nd edition 1414/ daar ibn jawzee
edited by saleem al-hilaalee titled ?saheeh al-waabil as-sayyib?

this book is about the remembrance of Allaah and that which is related to it. He mentions the state of the heart and the many fadaail of dhikr [he brings 78]. In the second part of the book he mentions the daily adhkaar.

75-al-daau wal-dawaa [the sickness and the cure]
الداء والدواء
395 pages. 1416 1st edition/daar ibn jawzee
edited by alee hasan bin abd ul-hameed
also known as ?al-jawaab al-kaafi?

it is one of the most important books written in manners, tarbiyyah, and tazkiyyah.
He talks about the duaa and its relation to qadr, the types, reasons for and effects of sins.
-he discusses shirk and intentions
-he discusses love and desires, that which is good and that which is evil, like he mentions homosexuality and sex with animals and then the cures for these sicknesses. [shaikh fawzaan is going through this book at the moment]

76-ar-ruh [the soul..of the living and the dead]
الروح في الكلام على أرواح الأموات والأحياء
374 pages. 1412 3rd edition/ daar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah

he discusses many evidences for the following
-firstly he talks about whether the dead are aware when the living are visiting them.
-do the dead visit each other and get to know each other
-does the soul die or just the body
-does the soul return during the questioning of the angels
-issues to do with the punishment in the grave and the soul
-wisdom behind why the punishment of the grave is not mentioned in the quraan and how to save yourself from it
-does the soul ever die
-how the believing soul is taken up and the heavens opened when he dies and then lowered into his grave after that.
-do jinn enter the soul or body
-characteristics of the soul at ease and how to achieve it with knowledge

77-tareeq al-hijratayn
طريق الهجرتين وباب السعادتين
415 pages. 1411 1st edition/daar ul-hadeeth

he discusses poverty and richness. What does it actually mean as opposed just having or not having material wealth.
-at the end there is a nice discussion on the levels of the people in the hereafter [he counted 18] and their attributes.

78-ar-risaalah at-tabookiyyah
الرسالة التبوكية
301 pages. 1419 1st edition/maktabah al-kharraaz
edited by saleem al-hilaalee
he talks about;
-the reality of birr and taqwaa
-hijra to Allaah and his messenger, sallallaahu alayhi was salam, and what it means and how to achieve it

the two books ?al-fawaa?id? and ?rawdah al-muhibeen wa nuzhat ul-mushtaqi? will be reviewed in the future, inshallaah, as I am presently compiling some points of benefit from them. But I will number them [79, 80 and 81] for the booklist file. [there are 2 versions of fawaaid]

21-09-2003 @ 3:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 216
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Jazaak Allaahu Khayran for this great series of articles. We look forward to more additions to this series. You said:
71-This book was explained by Muhammad khalil harraas. 2 volumes. 1406 1st editon daar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah titled sharh al-qaseedah an-nooniyyah.
Can you please elaborate on this sharh, i.e. the depth of the sharh, does he discuss the grammar as well as masaa?il, etc.?

Also, has the sharh of ash-Shaykh Ibn ?Uthaymeen been transcribed and published? The audio tapes, 60 in total, are available from the website, but I haven?t seen a published version.

Also, you said:
[it is better to get the edited version by aboo ghudah]
Why is that? I have seen his name all over many of the important works in uloom il-hadeeth, yet have held off purchasing them due to his reputation as a mu?attil and deviant who was heavily criticized by Shaykh Naasir. Jazaak Allaahu Khayran.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

24-09-2003 @ 8:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله  الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه
أما بعد:

your?re right about him, he is from the ahl ul-bida.

As for quoting him, I meant that you buy ibn al-qayyim?s book with his tahqeeq, as that version is most commonly referred back to by the scholars and the muhaqqiqeen, not that his input in the footnaotes is so valuable.

It is permissible, generally, to use the tahqeeqs and compilations of the ahl ul-bidah and even the unbelievers [mainly the orientalists] when they have served the sunnah. The unbelievers have published many books like the tabaqaat ibn sad and ibn hibbaan?s ?mashaheer ulamaa al-amsaar? which the scholars use and even the famous hadeeth concordance done by them over 50 years ago is possessed by all salafi scholars. Shaikh rabee quotes, for example, from zaahid al-kawtharee?s edited books like ?shuroot al-aimmah al-khamsah and others.

If anyone has more detail, please inform us here. Allah knows best.

As for the sharh of nooniyyah; it is not a detailed sharh. He explains a group of verses at time bringing at times an ayah or a hadeeth. He gives the meaning with mention to usool. In the one volume version the editor explains the words.

Ibn uthaimeen?s sharh [do you mean aqeedah safaariniyyah on the other post] has been published as mentioned.

24-09-2003 @ 10:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazaak Allaahu Khayran for the response. I was actually referring to 'Uthaymeen's sharh on the Nooniyyah, which is more of a t'aleeq, quite similar to what you described Harraass' as being.

About Abu Ghudah: I only fear that others would see the name in my library and come to false conclusions about him. Perhaps the solution is to put a explanatory piece of paper on the inside cover for clarification.

Abu Ghudah also did Lisaan al-Meezaan and adh-Dhahabee's Mawqidhah - his prints are the only ones that I can find. Another individual like him is Shu'ayb al-Arnaa'oot, who, despite his known status as a deviant, has done many important books for Mu'assassat ar-Risaalah. Apparently he has done taqeeq of the entire Musnad in over 40 volumes, Allaahu A'lam how accurate it is.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

08-10-2003 @ 10:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Here are some lines from an-Nooniyyah that are mentioned quite often by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh in his lectures. The point of presenting them here is to give everyone an appreciation of how excellent and deep this work actually is. So the Imaam, the Hujjah, Shams ud-Deen Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said:

والجهل داء قاتل وشفاؤه
أمران في التركيب متفقان

نص من القرآن أو من سنة
وطبيب ذاك العالم الرباني

والعلم أقسام ثلاث ما لها
من رابع والحق ذو تبيان

علم بأوصاف الإلـه وفعله
وكذلك الأسماء للديان

والأمر والنهي الذي هو دينه
وجزاؤه يوم المعاد الثاني

والكل في القرآن والسنن التي
جاءت عن المبعوث بالفرقان

والله ما قال امرؤ متحذلق
بسواهما إلا من الهذيان

This traslates roughly to:

And ignorance is a deadly sickness and its cure is
Two things which have equal status in combination

A text from the Qur'aan or from a Sunnah
And the doctor of that is the Scholar, the Rabbaanee

And knowledge is of three categories, it does not have
A fourth [category] and the truth is full of clarity

Knowledge of the attributes of Allaah and His Actions
And likewise the Names of the Lord

And the orders and prohibitions which are His Religion
And its reward on the day of the second meeting

And all of it is in the Qur'aan and Sunnah which
Came by way of the one sent with the Criterion

By Allaah, an observant one does not speak
With anything besides this expect with delirium

It is difficult to translate things like this, but nevertheless, it gives a good idea of how gifted (as Saalih al-Fawzaan explained) Ibn Qayyim was from a shar'ee standpoint and an adabee (arts, language, etc.) standpoint.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 10-8-03 @ 11:19 PM

10-10-2003 @ 2:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 216
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بسم الله الرحمـن الرحيم

Some other explanations of the Nooniyyah:

(1) Done by Shaykh Ahmad Bin Ibraaheem Bin 'Eesaa an-Najdee. I saw it in the bookstore, published by al-Maktab al-Islaamee in 2 volumes. Content-wise it looks nice, but not the print which was not done by hand and not a computer. Perhaps this is an indication that it's not popular enough to warrant a modern printing?

(2) There is apparently a full explanation of an-Nooniyyah by Ibn Sa'dee, called Tawdeeh ul-Kaafiyat us-Shaafiyah. It is different than the one you mentioned above. I haven't seen it, but it has been mentioned in several biographies of Ibn Qayyim.

And the tapes for Shaykh al-Fawzaan, like you alluded to, are excellent and very useful considering the complexity of the language and even the issues discussed. They are available at and total 64 tapes. Also, the student reads the qaseedah quite nicely, may Allaah reward him.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 10-10-03 @ 2:40 PM

25-02-2004 @ 7:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bismillaah ir-rahmaan nir-raheem

excellent news. shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan's sharh of nooniyah has been printed. indeed they were great lessons in aqeedah and manhaj.

number 83 [for the salafi booklist file series]- at-ta'leeqaat al-mukhtasirah ala al-qaseedah an-nooniyyah.
التعليقات المختصرة على القصيدة النونية
3 volumes. 1424/1st edition. no publisher mentioned.

26-02-2004 @ 3:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bismillaah ir-rahmaan nir-raheem

..and also the book mentioned by al-akh abu abdul-azeez
84-tawdeeh al-kaafiyyah ash-shaafiyah
287 pages. 1420/1st edition/adwaa as-salaf

it is actually a very brief explanation of the meanings of the poetry, not just on a specific chapter like his other sharh mentioned above. it is still excellent as he brings points of benefit not brought elsewhere.

26-02-2004 @ 3:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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please disregard my post

This message was edited by AbuUkkaasha on 2-26-04 @ 3:56 PM

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