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18-09-2003 @ 12:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
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Alhamdulillahi As-Salaathu Wa-assalaamu alaa Rasoolallah. Wa Ba'ad.

All Praises and thanks be to Allah, the Rabb of Aalameen,may peace and prayers be upon  the Prophet (sallallahu alaihiwa sallam), his family, his companions and all those who follow him till the Day of Ressurrection.

The following is the introduction to an examplary work "Seerathul Bukharee" (Seerah of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah)) in URDU by Shaikh Abdus Salam Mubarakfooree (rahimahullah), who is the father of Allamah Ubaydullah al Mubarakfooree (rahimahullah).

May Allah reward the brother Abul.HasanMalik for the following post
after which I went hunting for this book and found it in URDU. I was
planning to translate this beneficient work but I came across the
translation yesterday by M. Rafiq Khan into English...Alhamdulillah.

This book consists of two parts:


Chapter One: Name and Geneology of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah).

Chapter two: Adulthood, Education and Training, the Shaikhs and Teachers

Chapter three:Imam Bukharee's (rahimahullah) migration in search of knowledge.

Chapter four:Perfection in identifying the Ilal in Hadeeths.

Chapter five:Carefulness in invalidating the narrators.

Chapter six:Characters, habits and manners.

Chapter seven:Adherence to the Sunnah.

Chapter eight:Avoiding the company of Sultans and Amirs.

Chapter nine:Fame and admiration of Imamul Muhadditheen.

Chapter ten:Teachings, Fatwas and last days.

Chapter eleven:Opinions of teachers of Imam Bukharee(rahimahullah).

Chapter twelve:Opinions of contemporaries of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah).

Chapter thirteen:Opinions of the scholars of the latter period.

Chapter fourteen:Statements of the Imam.


Chapter One:Works of Imamul Muhadditheen.

Chapter two:A short annotated bibilography of the works of Imamul Muhadditheen.

Chapter three:Popularity and glory of Saheeh Bukharee

Chapter four:Compiling of Saheeh Bukharee-How was the Idea born?

Chapter five:Duration, situation and aims of compilation.

Chapter six:Tharajim abwaab of Saheeh Bukharee.

Chapter seven:Volumes on tharajim abwaab.

Chapter eight:Objectives of Tharajim.

Chapter nine:Conditions for Saheeh Bukharee.

Chapter ten:Superiority of Saheeh Bukharee over Saheeh Muslim.

Chapter eleven:Repetition, summarization, fragmentation of the Hadeeth.

Chapter twelve:Commentaries on Sahih Bukharee.

Chapter thirteen:
     a.Arabic commentaries and notes.
     b.Persian commentaries and Urdu Translations etc.

Chapter fourteen:Commonplace objections on Saheeh Bukharee

Chapter fifteen:The criticism.

Chapter sixteen:Belief and Theology(Kalam).

Chapter seventeen:Hadeeth and its Principles.

Chapter eighteen:Preservation of Hadeeth.

Chapter nineteen:Fiqh.

Chapter twenty:Method of Ijthihaad of Fuqaha-e-Muhadditheen and their principles of fiqh.

Chapter twentyone:Style of Ijthihaad and Fuqaha-e-ahlur-Rai(People of opinion).

Epilogue: Students of Imamul Muhadditheen.
       The lineage and descipleship of the present compiler and lineage of ascription up to Imamul Muhadditheen.
       Notes and references.

Introduction by the author (rahimahullah).
Note: I have made few amendments where I felt necessary and this will be further subject to chages based on the original URDU book for I found some issues with regards to this translation in general. For example, I replaced 'path' with 'sunnah' and 'successors rightly guided'with 'Rightly guided Kulafaa' etc.

The aim behind writing the events of life or biography of someone is usually considered to be instrumental in rousing a feeling among its readers about the turns and twists of their own lives and also that the future generations ward themselves off from those lapses from which it is necessary to keep off.

But in addition to this common aim the biographies of the exemplary Imaams
are charecterised by a special quality that they create in the hearts of the masses an idea of emulating them. The future generations would mould their  character, habits, manners and conduct on the models of those instructors who were sent by Allah (sub'hanahu wa ta'ala) as a paragon of virtue in the world; from whose creation the devine aim was to spread the idea of Unity of Allah and to publicise and teach the Natural Religion, to warn man about the relationship of bondage that exists between the Creator and the creatures, and to remind man of the HereAfter.

Its inevitable result is the establishment of peace in the world, development of mankind, and peaceful obedience of the Creator by the creature, so that man rises to his maximum height in this world and in the HereAfter and obtains better status. In other words, the inevitable end of all this is obtaining spiritual and material advantages.

Indeed the first instruction in how to write documented, reliable and fruitful biographies was give by the Quran. It is impact of the Quranic instruction that a large number of reliable and documented biographies are to be found today. The Western scholars who are regarded as lode-stars by the easterners in this art owe it to the Quran.Can anyone show such a biography which may have been written before Qur'aan and is regarded authentic? The biographies written before the decent of Qur'aan are unreliable and full of errors.

   Does the Christian world not believe in Isa(alaihissalaam)? Then what is the reason that the events of the life of Isa (alaihissalaam) are so confused? Don't the Jews exist in the world? Do they not believe in Musa(alaihissalaam)? But despite this why is it that the life of Musa(alaihissalaam) is so full of absurd stories and fanciful events? The only reason for it is that this art is a department of special Quranic teachings which not fall to their lot.

   See how many fecitious stories existed about Zulqarnain and As-haab-E-Kahf. The Qur'aan dispelled them all and drew a fruitful picture.

   The Qur'aan did not teach us only how to write authoritative and accurate  biographies but also explained its purpose and taught that among the countless creatures of Allah everyone is not deserving of being subject of a biography so that the annals of his life are written down. Only the chosen bondsmen of Allah are entitled to it. Adam, Nuh, Ibraheem, Is'haq, Isma'eel, Yousuf, Shu'aib, Lut, Saleh, DhulKhifl, Za'char'iah, Ayub, Younus, Musa, Harun, Isa and Muhammad (alaihimussaalaam), are such men whose lives deserve to be penned down.

    Read the lives of Adam, Nuh and Younus. These will show you that while writing the events of life it is unjust to describe only one side. To add to it true criticism is also one component of the art of writing biography.

    At one place the Qur'aan after mentioning a number of Prophets addresses the Apostle Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) and says,  "You should also follow the same way".In a few words Allah has indicated the aim of writing a biography.

    In a general way the entire ummah was addressed and told, "There is a good example for you in the life of Prophet Muhammad(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)". This general command made it obligatory for the Muslims to collect the events of the Prophet's (Sallahu alaihi wa Sallam) life, to know them and to follow them. On the basis of this generalcommand the Muhadditheen (whose gratitude the Muslims cannot forget until the Day of
Ressurrection) strove hard and made maximum efforts possible for a man and collected the events of life of the Prophet(Sallahu alaihi wa sallam) from reliable sources and  prepared his biographies. If the Muhadditheen had not made this super-human effort we would have remained deprived of the true and accurate knowledge about our Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). And the implementation of "For you lies the best example in
emulating the Prophet(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)", would have become extremely difficult. Under such a condition we would either deal imaginary blows like the people of Iraq, or the sect that calls itself Ahle-Qur'aan(The Quraanites), we would make our own home-made interpretations of the Qur'aan. Or we would have forged thousands of stories about our Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) like the Jews and the Christians who call
their apostles the Real God or the Son of God.

  The indefatigable efforts of the Muhadditheen was not limited only upto the time of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). They also collected accurate biographies of the Khulafas and the successors of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), for the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "You should certainly follow my sunnah and the sunnah of
my Khulafaa who are rightly guided". They made further progress and wrote out short biographies of all the Companions of the Prophet(Sallallahu alahi wa sallam). In this connection "Al-Esaba, "Usdulghaba" and Al-Isti'aab" are valuable volumes. And going beyond them, they also recorded the events of the lives of the "Taabi'een" and so on. And also, on account of the Muhadditheen; work on this line (Biographies of Muhadditheen) is still continuing. Spranger says, "Whatever pride Muslims feel at the
"Ilm-ur-Rijal" (Science of the reporters of Hadith) is justified. Neither has there been such a community before nor is there one now which may have written like Muslims the biographies of religious divines for tweleve hundred years. WE can get the biographies of half a million famous Ulamaa from their works."

The special status of Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) occupies in the class of Muhadditheen is well known. Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) is the man who made extremely systematic arrangements for collecting material from authoritative and accurate biographies about the life of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and the lives of his companions (Ridhwanullahi alaihim ajma'een) and other well known figures of Islam. For this magnificient work he has sacrificed his life, wealth, comfort and security. The succes he achieved in this is quite well known. It is because of this that he is known by the titles of "Imam-ul-Muhadditheen" and "Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen Fil Hadeeth" and perfect reliance is placed on the hadeeths tested by him and the narratives checked by him. His famous book " Jaam-E-Saheeh" was given the title of "Asaahhul Kutub Baad Kitabillah" .

He became a perfect embodiment of hard work, labour, courage, contentment, carefulness, circumspection, truthfulness, sincerety, warding off evil, justice, equity, service of mankind, and publicity of several sciences of knowledge; and presented an examplary picture before the world. The important thing is that he sacrificed himself in the efforts to follow the sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and presented before the followers of Islam that scene of obeying the sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) which existed in the times of Khulafaa-ir-Raashideen and the Sahabah (Ridhwanullahi alaihim aj'maa'een). In addition to all this, it is evident that his personality was enormously responsible for giving accuracy and perfection to the "Fiqh-ul-Hadeeth". It was deplorable if the biography of such a man were not written. Thanks be to Allah that writers have, in several languages written about a 100 long and short volumes as his biography. AS of today, I have information about such works in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, English and French languages.

  It was highly regrettable if our language URDU had remained deprived of this blessing. It is a must for the simple reason that with few exceptions the six and half crore Muslims of this land have faith in Imam Bukhree(rahimahullah)
. Apart from that, it is also seen today that a few short sighted fellows whose heart and mind have been perverted due to hereditary taqleed (Blind Following) takes special pleasure in finding faults in the Imam. They ascribe to the Imam a few erroneous things, for which they cannot produce a shred of evidence, and make every effort to undermine him. But the result of throwing dust at the Sun is well known to everyone.

   The idea of writing the biography of the Imamul-Muhadditheen had been in my mind for a long time. However, lack of resources and paucity of material would not encourage me to proceed in this direction. Once the issue was mentioned to Allama Abu-Tayyib Muhammaed Shams ul Haq al-Adheemabadee (rahimahullah) [Author of Awn-al-Ma'bood Sharh Sunan Abi-Dawood].The Allamah provided great encouragement and made a heap of reference books available to me and wrote letters to far off countries for obtaining material. He regularly sent me both printed material and Manuscripts . In addition, the famous library of Khan Bahadur Khuda Baksh C.I. (may peace be upon him) proved a heavenly gift to me.

    However I have to regretfully state that the amount of material that was required for this important work could not be available. Even then whatever could be available was of great value. I can never thank enough Allamah Shamsul Haq al-Adheemabadee (rahimahullah) who was so fond of
learning and his generosity to make available the library of Khan Bahadur Khuda Baksh Khan.

    Among the manuscripts from which most of the help was taken are:
1.Al-Ansaab by As-Samaani.
2.Tabaqat ul Hanabila
4.Al-Eqdul Mozah-hab,
6.Taqidul Mohmal,
7.Al-Ilmaam by ibn Daqiqileid,
8.As-Seqat by Ibn Hibban are noteworthy.

  Hafidh Dhahabi (rahimahullah) has mentioned in Tadhkirathul Huffadh a definitive treatise by him on the life of the Imamul Muhadditheen.Likewise Hafidh Ibnul Mulaqqin in Al-Eqdul Mozah-hab and Allamah Muhammad bin Isma'eel Amir Yamanee (rahimahullah) in Subulus Salaam have mentioned their definitive and comprehensive treatises on the subject. But how could I be so lucky as to have access to these gems. The status of these researchers (Hafidh Dhahabi, Hafidh Ibnul Mulaqqin,Allamah Muhammad bin Isma'eel Amir Yamanee  (rahimahumullah)) itself shows how unprecedented and comprehensive these books will be as biographies of the Imam (Bukharee rahimahullah), and with what researches and wide perspectives they must
have been written.

   One valuable compilation namely Al-Fawaedud-Darari could be available from the library of Khan Bahadur  Khuda Baksh Khan. This was written by Allamah Is'ma'eel ajloonee (rahimahullah) and is a definitive and
comprehensive treatise on the life of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah). In fact this is the only definitive treatise that I could obtain and that too when the present volume was completed. Even this blessed book has
provided a lot of help.

   Tabqatul Hanabilaa by Qazi Abul Hussain Muhammad bin Muhammad (rahimahullah) which was compiled 524 A.H. was available in an ancient manuscript form in Patna (capital of Bihar in India) library which was copied in 630 A.H from the Manuscript of Allamah Abdud-Dayim. This also contains the life of Imam in great detail. An ancient copy of the Ilmaam was available in the library of Allamah Abut-Tayyib Shamsul Haq al-Adheemabadee (rahimahullah). This also contains the narratives about the Imam. An old Manuscript of Taqeedul Mohmal, compiled by Allamah Abu Ali Ghassaanee (rahimahullah) was also available in the library of Allamah Abu Tayyib. This also contains the detailed accounts of the life of the Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah).

     Among the printed books Muqaddama Fatahul Baree is a comprehensive compilation and an unprecedented book from every point of view. The depth of al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr(rahimahullah), his breadth of vision, the enormous number of his writings, the popularity of his works, are the proofs of the high status of this work. The last part of this book is devoted to the life of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah), and Tahzeeb ut Tahzeeb is such a book that any amount of pride expressed on it will be justified. This work has been published from  Hyderabad( India) in 12 volumes. In fact this is an obligation of the Daeratul Maarif [An old publishing house in Hyderabad] on the Muslims of the whole world (to publish the works). In addition to them,
1.Tahzeeb ul Asmaa wal Lughaath by Imam Navavi (rahimahullah)
2.Wattabqaatul Kubraa by As-Subukee (rahimahullah)
3.Wafiyathul Ayan
4.Meezaul Etedaal
5.Ibn Khaldoon with Muqaddima
6.Tadhkirathul Huffaz
7.Mojamul Buldaan by Yakhoot Hamavi (rahimahullah)
8.Fathahul Mughees
10.Hujjathul lahil Balegha
11.Taareekh e Kaamil
12.Taareekh e Sagheer by Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah)
13.Rijaal e Mishkaath
14.Kitab ul Umm of Imam Shaf'ee (rahimahullah)
15.Fatahul Baree
16.Ayni Sharh Bukharee
17.Tharajim Bukharee by Shah Waliullah (rahimahullah)

have been used as major sources. The books whose help has been taken in addition to these have been mentioned at the appropriate places.

     I am thankful to Allah (Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala) that all that has been written is based on the works of the Muhadditheen - historical researchers who were the founders of the critique of the narrators of hadeeths and verifiers of the narratives and establishers of the criteria for distinguishing between right and wrong. The diction followed in the present book is extremely simple and free from the ornamentation of style. Looking at the simple and pure life that Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah) lived it was but natural that his biography should be free from the ornamentations of style.

      The essential beauty is free from formalities
      The rose has no embroidery on its petals.

      To turn to an issue into a complicated problem and to make mountain of molehill is the perfection of the art of a stylist, but for a historian who considers his duty to present the outline of the subject of his discussion, this cannot be regarded as a perfection.

     This is however necessary to submit here that the reader may come accross some material in this book which may not attract the interest of common men (Discussion of Usool-ul-Hadeeth, Fiqh and Manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah). For they are seperate from historical accounts and belong to the genere of the Muhadditheen and the Fuqahaa. I was helpless in this matter. While it was necessary that in compiling the biography of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah) I did cast a glance on his works and creative strivings , so how could I ignore these matters?

     I again admit my resourcelessness and helplessness. This was a work of enormous magnitude and I was in no way fit for this task, but, "Since the heaven could not carry the burden of this trust. They threw it on shoulders of a mad man like me".

     How difficult and important it is to pen down the life or biography of such a person whose depth of knowledge and strivings is famous all over the world, whose truthfullness and sincerety , whose miraculous power of memory, whose minute sight and penetrating vision are widely known, whose work acquired in Islam the status of Assahhul Kutub (the most genuine amongst books), the followers of whose compilation with some exceptions add up to a huge number of 220 million. The kind of heart and mind and breadth of vision, level of information and stability of opinion required for it, is quite evident. I know what I am. 'Ayaz do not overestimate thine own worth!'.

     I cannot help thanking in this compilation Maulvee Muhammad Yaqoob Saheb Sadiqpuri, Ra'ees of Adheemabad, for at his residence I got such a peace of mind as I needed. He opened to me his entire valuable library.     May Allah keep him and his sons fully equipped with all the material and spiritual advantages and raise their levels higher. May Allah grant pardon to my father Khan Muhammad bin amanullah (rahimahullah) who was keenly waiting for this work to be completed and published and longing which he took from this world, and may Allah award acceptance to this humber effort.

          Abdus Salam Mubarakfooree (Rahimahullahu ta'ala).

Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 9-18-03 @ 1:20 PM

22-09-2007 @ 2:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

Chapter six:Characters, habits and manners.

Taken From Seerathul Bukhaaree by Imam Abdis-Salaam al-Mubaarakfooree rahimahullaah


Imam Bukhaaree rahimahullaah had received a huge sum of money from the
bequest of his father, Allaamah Isma'eel who had a huge business; however, unlike common traders who don't mind unscrupulous acts on account of their own indifference or the sloth of employees, from which it is binding to ward off oneself, for the wealth earned in this manner remains doubtful. The business of Allaamah Isma'eel was unmarred with such blemishes. Isma'eel's statements during the time of his death to Aboo Hafs who was from amongst his special students was that, 'I do not find a single dirham in my wealth which is forbidden or is of doubtful

Upon hearing this Aboo Hafs got startled, and this shows the extraordinary care Imam Isma'eel undertook in order to remain far away from such compromising positions.

Isma'eel made this statement at the time of his death, with the purpose of his successor ( Imam al-Bukaaree rahimahullaah) might not consider it of doubtful nature and keep himself away from it. That he should rather derive benefit from it, for this wealth was absolutely pure and unblemished in every sense.

Muhammad Ibn Abee Haathim says, " Imaam Bukhaaree invested that wealth in
muzarbat ( a form of business) and in this way he had the opportunity to remain occupied in the discipline of (seeking) the (ahadeeth) of the Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) along with leading a life free from worldly worries. And Allaah had given him every form of prosperity."

Allaah had given him an extremely generous and kind temperament. Once a business partner usurped 25,000 dirhams. Some close students of the Imaam, Muhammad ibn Abee Haathim and others said to him that the debtor had reached the (city of) Amol and that he should obtain his money from him to which the Imaam rahimahullaah replied: ' It is unbefitting of me to put the debtor into trouble'.

Muhammad ibn Abee Haathim says that the debtor got the news of our moves and went away to Khwarazm.We again reiterated to the Imaam, " He is still not far, take help from the ruler and get a letter written from the governor to the ruler of Khwarazm ".

The Imam said

' If I covet one letter from the government, the government will start coveting my faith. I dont want to sell my religion in exchange for this dunya '. Finally, the well-wishers of Imaam al-Bukhaaree without his knowledge, tried to get the debtor arrested by having got a letter written by Abi Salama Kas`hani (who was the then governor of Amol). When this news reached Imam al-Bukhaaree he was very unhappy and he said, " Do not be my well-wishers greater than I am of myself ".

He then wrote a letter to one of his students in Khwarazm saying ' Nothing should be done to my debtor'. Whem the debtor was released from Khwarazm he intended for Merv but he collided with other merchants and the government also got wind of it. The government was harsh on him and when the Imam came to know of it he was very sorry and with much reluctance agreed that out of the sum of 25,000 dirhams the debtor could pay him 10 dirhams annually. Warraaq says that the consequence of this arrangement was that not a penny reached Imaam al-Bukhaaree.

The only aim of the Imam from this trade was to benefit the creatures of Allaah. All the scholars and students who lived at his residence were looked after by this, the scholars and the muhadditheen were helped (with this). He would spend 500 dirhams from out of his monthly income on the poor and the beggars, muhadditheen and students. He would attract the hearts of the students in favour of the sciences relating to the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

He was highly obliging to the men of learning . He kept himself far removed from the formalities of eating and drinking and from the luxuries of life. The habit of hard work had become a second nature to him. Muhammad ibn Abee Haathim, the chronicler of Imam Bukhaaree, says, " Once during his student life while he was going to (seek hadeeth from) Adam ibn Abee Eyaas, he forgot to take with him the expenses for his journey and spent several days living on grass and leaves and kept it a secret from every one, and he neither asked anyone for anything.

22-09-2007 @ 3:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
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                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد


Abul Hassan Yousuf ibn Abee-Dharr Bukhaaree says that once Imaam Bukhaaree fell ill. His urine was shown to the physicians who said, after analysis that it resembled the urine of those hermits who did not use anything else while eating bread and lived only upon bread. So the treatment proposed by the consensus was that he should be given some other food along with bread. When he was asked he said that he had not eaten any other food for a period of 40 years.

He was told that the physicians had prescribed adding other foods in his meal. He, however, refused to accept the treatment. When his shaykhs and other learned men instisted he consented just to accept sugar along with bread.

The crux of the matter is that the one who is deeply engrossed in (seeking) the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), he seldom cares for food and apparels. Today he is upon the hills of Khuraasaan and then the next moment he is staying at the mountains of Leabanon; then (he is seen) journeying to Basra and next moment he is teaching in Koofa; in an other moment he is (seen) compiling the saheeh ahadeeth between the arches of the pulpit of Masjid-an-Nabawee; and on one occasion while journeying to his shaykh (to seek hadeeth) he forgets to carry expenses and is satisfying the pangs of hunger by eating the leaves of the forest. Now living three days continuously upon grass & leaves, he feels the pride of taking the footsteps of the Companions (radhiAllaahu anhum) of the the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallau Alaihi Wa Sallam) who had done the same during the battle of Zatul Khabth.

One moment he is not seen in the class room for several days and it is found on inquiry that except for his tahmad he has sold off all his clothes and cannot come out of his room due to shame. Now he is busy in carying bricks and mortar to the masons for building a guest house for the travellers. When he is prevented from doing this he says, ' This is profitable for me, for the eagerness thrills the heart which is inspired by acting upon that which the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam carried out during the construction of the Masjid-an-Nabawee, or which he did during the battle of Ahzaab, digging the trenches. These were the occasions when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam himself and his Companions engaged themselves in lifting stones and clay and said in a mood of intense joy,

"These loads that we carry are not the loads of date and palms of Khaybar,
By Allaah! These loads are far better and profitable".

The next moment he is busy obedience, " Prepare yourselves according to your ability and the availability of horses", and is going to the field on a horseback in order to practice markmanship. Then another moment he is so engrossed in worship reciting the aayath of the Qur'aan that he does not feel the sensation of the sting of a  pernicious insect. After being free he finds that the wound of the sting is so deep that the part of the body wich has been stung has swollen a great deal.

There was huge fear of Allaah in his heart. Likewise compassion, love of justice and similar other qualities appear to be innate to him. Abd-Allaah bin Muhammad as-Sayarfi says, " I once went to see Muhammad Ibn Isma`eel at his house, his maid servant came out and went past him and by a touch of her feet, the inkpot was over-turned and the ink splashed. Imam Bukhaaree said in an angry tone, "How do you walk?" The outspoken maid replied, "When there is no other way how can I walk?" Hearing this the imam instead of becoming angry said, "Go, I free you". Sayarfi says, " I submitted! ' She wanted to provoke you to anger but instead, you have freed her?", Imam Bukhaaree responded, " I made my heart agree to whatever she did". In other words Imam Bukhaaree warned his ownself instead of warning the maid.

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