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Posted By Topic: Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil

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27-07-2003 @ 11:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
Joined: Sep 2002

Alhamdulillah Was Salatu Was Salamu Alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa. Wa Ba'd:

In this day, when the Ahl-al-Bidah have raised their banners high and are active in creating the greatest fitnahs, Ahl-al-Sunnah, the people of Salafiyyah, have an obligation to assist one another in that which is good and avoiding that which is evil.  Due to my living in the west and not currently being in a position to make hijrah, I am must seek any knowledge I can from those who are known for their reliability and truthfulness and those from whom I can be assured that it is the haqq.  This land in which I reside does not possess any ulama, not do I know of any students of knowledge here, Allaahu alim.  Thus, I am forced to ask my brothers upon this message board those questions which I cannot find answers to locally or by phone.

As Imaam al-Aajurree said: The seeker of knowledge should know that Allaah - The Mighty and Majestic - has made the worship of Allaah obligatory upon him. And that this worship is not possible without knowledge, the seeking of which has also been made obligatory upon him. He should also realize that ignorance is not befitting for a believer. He should seek knowledge in order to dispel ignorance from himself, and to worship Allaah - The Mighty and Majestic - as Allaah has commanded, not as he desires to worship Him. So the seeker of knowledge should strive hard in his quest, be sincere in his striving, and not be amazed with himself. Rather he should recognize that this is a favour from Allaah upon him, since it was Allaah who gave him the ability to acquire such knowledge, by which he is able to fulfill his obligations and keep away from that which is forbidden.[Akhlaaqul Ulamaa (p. 43).]

Today I am in need of answers upon an topic which I know that most of the Muslims do not spend time in study upon nor do the majority have any knowledge of it. One of my topics today is al-Amr bi'l Ma'ruf wa'l nahy an al-Munkar (Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil).  

I am hoping, insha'Allaah, that one of the brothers can ask of our Ulama to answer any of these issues.  I have read references to the answers about Enjoining and Forbidding from Imaam Ahmad, Qadi Abu Ya'la and Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, yet my knowledge is still not strong on this subject.  Obviously I need to continue my study of Arabic and grammar because some of what I have read is very complex and dense reading, but I have understood much of it, alhamdulillaah.  

My main questions are:  Who is obligated?  How should the duty of Enjoining and Forbidding be performed?  Is it required that it not lead to a greater evil?  How did Imaam Ibn Jawzi and al-Qadi Abu Ya'la address the topic and were there differences in their responses?  Were there any known differences in the manner in which Imaam al-Barbahari and Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and Imaam Ibn Jawzi performed the duty?  (and I mean Ibn Jawzi, not Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah).  Can anyone recommend any works, whether books or on tape in regards to this, either from the distant past or more recent works?  And for the sake of clarification, I am asking not in terms of performing the duty towards the rulers, but only in terms of individuals and society, not for purposes of formenting revolts and disorder.  

Finally, I am wondering about the topic of Imaan and how should we go about explaining and defining it for the ahl-al-Bidah.  Is Imaan and Islaam the same?  How do we refute the Ash'ari in particular in regards to defining Imaan?  What books or tapes are available for explaining Imaan?

Baraka'Allaah feekum to those who read this and can give me either answers or refer my questions to the Ulama so that they can answer them.  Brothers, please feel free to email me at if there are avenues for seeking knowledge which I am unaware of.  

Jazak'Allaah khayran brothers and sisters,
Your brother in Islaam and Salafiyyah,
Umar Abd-ar-Rahman at-Taalib al-Amriki

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and the one cannot be established without the other.   Imaam al-Barbarhaari (Sharh as-Sunnah)

This message was edited by Admin on 7-27-03 @ 1:03 PM

31-07-2003 @ 10:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
Joined: Sep 2002


Alhamdulillah Was Salatu Was Salamu Alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa. Wa Ba'd:

   As a continuation of my issue of concern in this matter of al-Amr bi'l ma'ruf wa' Nahy an al-munkar, I wonder for those of us who live in the lands of the kuffar, and the West in particular, what is the obligation for the individual Muslim in this regard?  How far does the individual go in this regard?  Is it commendable for the Muslims to perform the Enjoining and Forbidding with the kuffar and in what issues if it is permissible?  

  I have access to references to hadith from Rasul'Allaah (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) and his Sahaba (Companions) and from the Salaf, but my ability to gain the actual references themselves is limited and my arabic does not permit me to understand them to the fullest extent.  I have read some of the writings from the ulama of the various madhahib and I am aware of some of the deviated understandings from the Mu'tazilayyah, the Ash'ariyyah and other than them.  Is there a connection between the fitan that have come in many of the lands and a misunderstanding of the rulings on Enjoining the Ma'ruf and Forbidding the Munkar?  How are dawah and this noble duty connected as understood by the Salaf and the Ulamah?

  As a final area of inquiry, is preventing the brothers and sisters from open and public displays of anger an area of Commanding the Good and forbidding evil?  If in our dealings with our brothers and sisters, we are able to advise one another with sabr (patience) and taqwa, does this come under the heading of Enjoining and Forbidding?  As Allaah ta'ala tells us (in translation)  

O my son, perform the salaat, and command right and forbid wrong, and bear patiently whatever may befall you.  Surat Luqman 31:17

and Rasul'Allaah (alayhi salaat-ul was- sallaam) has said,
Whoever sees a munkar (evil), and is able to put it right with his hand, let him do so; if he can't, then with his tongue; if he can't, then in his heart, and this is the least of Imaan.  as reported by Abu Said al-Khudri in Abu Dawud's Sunan

Insha'Allaah, this can begin a discussion that can be of benefit to me and to the Muslims in general.  I seek the aid of Allaah in being firm upon ad-Dawat us-Salafiyyah, and strive in the way of al-Zuhd.  If any of the Salafiyyun know of how the Salaf dealt with this duty in their personal lives and matters, please provide the ummah and myself with this nasihah.  May Allaah bless and aid the Muslims upon the way of the Rasul'Allaah (sallalahu alayhi wa sallaam) and his Sahaba and the Salaf after them.

As-Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh,
Umar Abd-ar-Rahman at-Taalib

Know that Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and the one cannot be established without the other.   Imaam al-Barbarhaari (Sharh as-Sunnah)

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