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31-07-2003 @ 2:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Feedback Regarding Duroos Of
Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah
At Masjid As-Salafi In Birmingham

Part 5

[Posted by a sister, may Allaah preserve her]

"The Conditions of the Shahaadah

1) al 'Ilm - Knowledge, and this is the 'ilmus Saheeh (correct knowledge)
not ilmul Baatil (futile knowledge), the opposite of this is Jahl
(ignorance) :

'...except for those who bear witness to the truth knowingly and they know'.
[Surah Zukhruf:86]

2) al Yaqeen - Certainty and the opposite of it is Shakk (doubt) :

'only those are the believers who have believed in Allaah and His Messenger,
and afterward doubt not but strive with their wealth and their lives for the
Cause of Allaah.  Those!  They are the truthful'.  [Surah Hujuraat:15]

Also from the long hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah:  '..whomever you meet behind
this wall, testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allaah, his heart certain of it, give him the glad tidings of Al Jannah

3) al Qubool - Acceptance and that is to accept what this Kalimah brings
with the heart and upon the tongue :

'Truly, when it was said to them: Laa ilaaha illa Allaah', they puffed
themselves up with pride.  And said:  'Are we going to abandon our aalihah (deities) for the sake of a mad poet?''
[Surah Saaffaat:35/36]

4) al Inqiyaad - Submission, so the believer submits with ikhlaas :

'And whoseoever submits his face to Allaah, while he is a Muhsin (good-doer who does actions with ikklaas and according to the Sunnah of the Messenger) then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold (Laa ilaaha illa Allaah)'  
[Surah Luqmaan: 22]

5) as Sidq - Truthfulness and this is of two types:

1 - Sidq in his Eemaan: so he is a believer of the Kalimah in his heart,
upon his tongue and limbs; so he is not a munaafiq (hypocrite)
2 - Sidq in his actions: so he acts according to his speech, so he orders
with the salaah and also prays himself, he states upon his tongue then
manifests on his limbs.

6) al Ikhlaas - Sincerity, and this is to cleanse all his actions from
Shirk,  until all his speech is with ikhlaas,

From the hadeeth: 'Allaah has forbidden Hellfire upon those who say, 'Laa
ilaaha illa Allaah', seeking the Face of Allaah by it.'

7) al Hubb - Love and that is loving this Kalimah and it's people who act
upon it.

Some Ulema also mention an eighth point, which is:

8) Hating the people who hate the Kalimah, so we love those who act
according to the Kalimah in the correct way and hate those to act contrary to that,

'And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday).  We said to them: 'Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.''  [Surah Baqarah: 65]


This is acknowledging that Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah, and this is:

Attesting in the heart
Stating upon the tongue and
Following his example upon our limbs.

We follow him in everything that he came with and we leave falsehood.
We attest to everything he has informed us of from the affairs of the Ghaib (unseen), like the stories of Bani Israa'eel (Children of Israel) and Dhul Qarnain.  What he has informed us of about the future, like the Signs of the Hour, the big signs and the small signs.  And what he has informed us about things like the Black Seed oil and if a Fly falls into a drink etc.

We believe him, as he was the one who was revealed to.

We give precedence to his statement over everybody else:
'O you who believe! Do not proceed before Allaah and His Messenger.. O you who believe!  Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds should be rendered fruitless while you perceive not.'
[Surah Hujuraat: 1 / 2]

Muhammad is 'Abdullaah' - the Slave of Allaah:

'Say (O Muhammad): I am only a human being like you.' [Surah Fussilat: 6]
So it's not permissible to celebrate his birthday, also from the hadeeth
where the Prophet warned us, 'Do not praise me like the Christians praised Eesaa.'

Muhammad is 'Rasoolullaah' - the Messenger of Allaah:
Which means that he is above us by his messengership.
We give precedence to his sayings above everyone else.
We love him for he has informed us about Allaah.

So the ones who go beyond bounds (ghuloo) are the ones who put the Messenger above his station and direct worship to him or call upon him.
And the ones who fall short are those who depend upon their intellects and oppose his sayings, those who interpret and distort the meanings of ahadeeth and reject the Messenger Muhammad's sayings.

So what is the wisdom behind Allaah creating Mankind and the Jinn?

For the reason of Tawheed and His Uboodiyyah (ibaadah - worship),

'And I did not create the Jinn and Ince (mankind), except that they should worship Me (alone)' [Surah Dhaariyaat: 56]

The worshipper should be upon what Allaah has legislated so that Allaah
accepts from His servant, his good actions, if not we go far from the
correct religion.  Therefore, from the sixth condition of the Shahaadah, we know that for deeds to be accepted they need to be based upon two matters:

1 Sincerity to 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah'
2 Itibaah (following) to 'Muhammadur Rasool Allaah' .

So if our actions are not in accordance to the Sharee'ah (the divine
commandments), then they will not be accepted.

There is nothing good except the Prophet, salallaahu 'alayhi wassalam, informed us about it and there is nothing evil except the Prophet warned us from it.

We submit to everything the Prophet came with as we know its from Allaah,
not saying statements like, 'I accept everything but have a problem with
this polygamy thing', but rather, we do it with love for the Prophet and
what he came with.

( be continued)"

25-07-2003 @ 2:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Feedback Regarding Duroos Of
Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah
At Masjid As-Salafi In Birmingham

Part 4

[Posted by a sister, may Allaah preserve her]


In the language it is on the second pattern of Sarf (Arabic Morphology), therefore it is  'wahhada' - to make something one.
In the Sharee'ah it means 'al Eemaanu billaahi wahdah laa shareeka lahu' - Eemaan in Allaah alone not associating anything along with Him.

Tawheed is separated into three categories:

Tawheed ar Ruboobiyyah
Tawheed al Uloohiyyah
Tawheed al Asmaa was Sifaat.

Tawheed ar Ruboobiyyah is :

'Singling Allaah out that He is the Creator, the King and the Arranger of all the affairs'.
So a doubt may come to mind - But humans create things also?
But Allaah is the Best of Creators - and mankind creates things from objects that Allaah created in the first place.

Although there are other kings on the Earth who have power over a dominion also - their dominion is restricted, but Allaah's dominion is the Heavens and the Earth.

And Allaah is the Arranger of ALL the affairs - and mankind can barely arrange more than a household.

Everybody attests to the Ruboobiyyah of Allaah except:

The Communists
The Atheists.

Shirk here comes about by believing that there is somebody else doing these jobs with Allaah.

Tawheed ul Uloohiyyah  (sometimes called Tawheed al Ibaadah) is:

'To Single Allaah out in all Worship'

The most complete definition of Ibaadah, given by Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah is:

'Worship is a comprehensive term for every single thing which Allaah loves and is pleased with, from the speech and actions (of the servant) from those which are hidden and those which are apparent'.

This is to single Allaah out in:

1) I'tiqaadiyyah [in Beliefs]- which are the 6 pillars of eemaan: to believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Messengers, His Books, the Last Day and the Qadr (divine decree) the good of it and the bad of it.
2) Qalbiyyah [in the Heart]  - these include Love, Hope, Repentance, Fear, Humility etc.
3) Maaliyyah [in Wealth] - this includes Sadaqah, Zakaah, spending on ones family and children, Nadhr (sacrificing), kaffaarah (atonement), Hibah (giving a great gift for the sake of Allaah), Hadiyyah (a small gift) and honouring guests.
4) Qawliyyah [in Speech] these include reading the Qur'aan, dhikr
(remembrance of Allaah), enjoining good and forbidding evil, Daw'ah to Allaah, Hifdh (memorisation) and seeking knowledge which is from the greatest of actions and the most important knowledge being Tawheed as it connects the heart to Allaah.
5) Badanniyah [in the Body] these include the Salaah, performing the Hajj, fasting, Umrah, and helping the family, relatives or neighbours etc.

The Call to Tawheed al Uloohiyyah was the call of the Prophets (see Ayahs - Ankaboot:16, Nahl:36, Anbiyaa:25)

From the hadeeth: 'I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammad is His Messenger'.

The first obligation on the person who reaches maturity is to enact the Shahaadah and act by it (Surah Muhammad:19).

Allaah created insaan (man) in two (parts):

1) Jasad (a body)
2) Rooh (a Soul)

So the body is nourished by food and the soul is nourished by ibaadaat (worship).

There is no correction or cure for a person - unless he returns back to
Allaah, for Allaah will be there in every time and every state.

The natural inclination of a person is that he wants to worship something - so if he worships the wrong thing then his soul will not be nourished so he won't be content, which can only be achieved by worshipping Allaah.

The Shahaada 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah' is built upon two pillars:
'Laa ilaah' - 'there is none that is worthy of being worshipped' is negation (nafee)

And 'illa Allaah' - 'Except Allaah' is affirmation (ithbaat)

Shaikh Saalih al Fawzaan mentions in his book, 'al Aqeedah wal Tawheed' that there are many understandings with regards to the Shahaadah 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah', some of the people have explained it to mean: 'Laa Ma'bood illa Allaah' which means 'There is no one worshipped except Allaah' which is an incorrect interpretation and it resembles the interpretation of the Sufis who say that Adam-alayhis salaam- was Allaah, then when Adam died His soul went to Nuh, then to Eesaa and so on.  So they have with them Wahdatul Wujood (believing that everything in the universe is Allaah), and Hulooliyyah (saying that Allaah is in every soul).

Another incorrect interpretation used is:

'Laa Khaaliq illa Allaah' which means 'There is no Creator except Allaah' - This is just a part of Uloohiyyah, but not attesting to Allaah's Oneness -  this resembles the belief of the mushrikeen and the Tableeghis (amongst the Muslims), every mushrik of the Quraish believed in this Ruboobiyyah (Lordship) of Allaah.

Yet another interpretation they use is:

'Laa Haakimiyyah illa lillaah' which means 'There is no Judgement except for Allaah' - This is part of 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah' but what they intend by this interpretation is that EVERY rule in the Dunya should be made by Allaah.  

The people of Tawheed affirm haakimiyyah for Allaah, but the Ikhwaaniyyah - whose founder and reviver were Hasan al Banna and Sayyid Qutb - propounded this understanding (Laa haakimiyyah illa lillaah) to the masses although they themselves would attend gatherings of bid'ah, like birthdays and touch graves etc, and they didn't deny this because they did not understand the true meaning of the Kalimah.  These people leave one thing but fall into another.

Therefore the correct and most complete meaning of 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah' is: 'Laa Ma'bood bi Haqq illa Allaah' which means 'There is no one worthy of worship IN TRUTH except Allaah' - All the books of the Salaf and the Ulema mention this correct meaning of the
Kalimah. Also 'ilaah' in the Arabic language only means one thing and that is 'ma'bood' (the one worshipped).

The Salafi's 'al Walaa wal Baraa' (love and hate for the sake of Allaah) is based upon this: 'Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibraaheem and those with him, when they said to their people: 'Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allaah: we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever until you believe in Allaah Alone'.. (Surah Mumtahanah:4).

( be continued)"

17-07-2003 @ 12:40 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Feedback Regarding Duroos Of
Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah
At Masjid As-Salafi In Birmingham

Part 3

[Posted by a sister, may Allaah preserve her]

"Assalaamu Alaykum

Aqeedah and Tawheed continued...

The Dangers of not correcting ones Aqeedah:

1 the mushrik is threatened in the dunya and aakhirah
2 the place of retreat is the Naar
3 the Jannah is forbidden for him to enter
4 he has no Helper, no Aider and no Protector
5 Allaah does not give him importance
6 Allaah will leave him with what he has worshipped
7 he has fear in the dunya and aakirah (see surah ale imraan:151)
8 the kaafir is astray and in darkness (light = ilm and guidance)

Types of Shifaa (intercession):

* from Allaah
* angels
* messengers
* the believers

Types of shifaa from our Prophet Muhammad:

1 Intercession for everyone (kuffaar and muslims- from the long hadeeth when
the whole of creation will gather at the judgement ground and the standing
will be a length of 50,000 years, so they will go to Aadam -alayhis
salaam......until they come to Muhammad)
2 intercession for the kuffaar (abu Taalib)
3 intercession for the believers (upon who it was necessary for them to
enter the hellfire due to sins)
4 intercession for the people of Jannah (as a result of which they will get
higher ranks).

Origins of Aqeedah

Aqeedah is tawqeefiyyah (legislated in the Book and Sunnah) which means that it is not established except with proof, there is no room for 'aql (intellect) here.  
So our two sources are the Kitaab and the Sunnah - as there was no one more knowledgeable- about Allaah and His Deen than the Prophet.
The Salaf confined the aqeedah to these two sources, as a result of which
their aqeedah was one and the jamaah one.  The hearts do not connect -except
with tawheed, as a result of which the ahzaab (deviant groups) sought other means to gather the people like offering them wealth and high positions, but even though
they are together - their hearts are apart. In contrast to Ahlus Sunnah -
who may be spread far and wide - but their hearts are connected.

Ahlus Sunnah are the Firqatun Naajiyyah (Saved Sect)  and the Taa-ifatul
Mansoorah (Aided Group):

Saved - from desires and doubts in the dunya and saved from the fire in the
Aided - Allah will establish them in the dunya and help them to enter
paradise in the aakirah.

Reasons for Going Astray

These are many, the person of instable aqeedah will always have doubts and
desires - so the truth will be clouded from him.  He will live his life like
an animal and will lose everything from a good life - even though he may
have all things materialistic, and maybe it is this that will cause his

The muslims need two types of strength in order to be successful:
Quwatul Eemaaniyyah - strength by having the correct aqeedah
Quwatul Maaddiyyah - materialistic strength

The Kuffaar countries have materialistic strength but they are heading for
Allaah bestowed both these strengths upon Daawood and Sulaimaan
Daawood - he was a king, he praised and glorified Allaah much, the mountains
submitted and the Iron was softened for him so that he could make coats of
Sulaimaan - the wind was subjected for him, a fountain of molten brass
flowed for him, the Jinn were at his command. (see surah Saba).

As for the Prophet Muhammad - then Allaah aided him with just du'aa as in
the battle of Badr, and Allaah will help Eesaa and the believers with just
du'aa against Yaajooj and Maajooj.
So Eemaan must be stronger than materialistic means.

The Main Reasons for going astray:
1 Jahl (ignorance):
Turning away from learning and then teaching it up until the next generation
are raised on jahl and mix haqq with baatil (truth with falsehood) and
people do not give importance to teaching aqeedah.

2 Sticking to the Deen of Forefathers and not changing:
'When it was said to them : 'follow what Allaah has sent down.'  They say:
Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following.' Even though their
fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided.'  (Surah Baqarah:

3 Taqleed of misguided groups
e.g. ashaa-irah, soofeeyyah etc

4 Being extreme in raising righteous people (awliyaa):
Until you believe that they have capabilities which only Allaah is capable

5 Being heedless from contemplating over the ayaat of Allaah in the Qur'aan
and in the universe:
and being amazed by the dazzle of the dunya.

6 The Family house does not naturally contain correct guidance:
from the hadeeth: 'Every child is born upon the Fitrah until his parents
change him..'
It is upon the parents to cultivate the children concerning Allaah and
connect them to Him in every matter.

7 Television, Radio, Internet and Magazines:
These things destroy the aqeedah and do not give importance to it, neither
do they portray the true beauty of Islaam or care about its image.

What is the Cure?

1 Returning back to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and deriving the correct
aqeedah from there.  It is necessary upon us that we learn the correct
aqeedah thereby establishing ourselves.  That we learn about the deviated
sects and understand how they went astray -so we can stay away from them.

2 By teaching the correct aqeedah in all stages of learning: elementary,
primary, secondary, to the youth, men and women - young and old.

3 By utilising the books of the Salafiyyeen only and staying far away from
the books of ahlul bid'ah.  If you sit with ahlul bid'ah, listen to them and
read their books - then you will become like them.  For this reason the
Ummah goes astray.

4 By the Du'aat standing up and calling to this pure daw'ah with everything
they have and refuting the people of dalaalah.

The misguided Adnaan A'roor said in a sitting in Bahrain with the hizbiyyoon
'after ten years we don't need aqeedah'.

We need Tawheed from the beginning of our lives to the end and you will not
understand this until you start studying the books.  May Allaah reward the
Ulema for spreading this."

[to be continued..]

15-07-2003 @ 12:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Feedback Regarding Duroos Of
Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah
At Masjid As-Salafi In Birmingham

Part 2

[Posted by a sister, may Allaah preserve her]


Taken from the Duroos which were given on Tawheed and Aqeedah

14 virtues of Tawheed:

1 There is security for the muwaahid in the dunya and aakhirah
2 It is heavy on the scales
3 The small actions will have a large reward
4 Allaah will remove grief and calamities from him in the dunya and aakhirah
5 It will secure a person away from the hellfire
6 You will have a good life in the dunya and aakhirah
7 You are in the fold of islaam (a slave is not muslim except with tawheed)
8 The key to jannah is 'la ilaaha illa Allaah'
9 The kalimah was the call of the prophets
10 It is a reason for the slave to receive the Help and aid of Allaah
11 It will be a means for the slave to have izzah - honour in the dunya and
12 It will free you from shirk
13 The kalimah will take out the sinner from the hellfire
14 You will receive shifaa -intercession from the Prophet on yawmul

Tawheed safeguards a person from shaytaan, as he remembers Allaah in his
heart, upon his tongue and upon his limbs also a person who has been
afflicted with Jinn - then he will be harmed less.

The places/land of tawheed have security e.g less earthquakes and natural
disasters, they have plentiful rain and increased crops.  The further a
country is away from tawheed - the more the calamities will afflict them.

A question may come to thought:
why do the kuffaar have everything in the west?
answer: this is their portion of the aakhirah in this life.

From the ayaat:

'Verily, we will indeed make victorious our messengers and those who
believe, in this world's life and on the day when the witnesses will stand
forth'   Surah Ghaafir: 51

'Allaah will keep firm those who believe with the word that stands firm in
this world and in the aakhirah...'   Surah Ibraaheem: 27

'And indeed it has been revealed to you (O Mohammad) as it was to those
(messengers) before you: 'if you join others in worship with Allaah, then
surely all your deeds will be in vain and you will certainly be of the
losers'   Surah Zumar: 65

'We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they
joined others in worship with Allaah, for which He had sent no authority,
their abode will be the fire and how evil is the abode of the zaalimoon'  
Surah Aal Imraan:151

From the hadeeth:

'He who's last word is 'La ilaaha illa Allaah' will enter jannah'

From the hadeeth in Bukhaari and Muslim:

'Allaah has made the fire forbidden on the person who says 'La ilaaha illa
Allaah', intending Allaah's Face by this.'

From the hadeeth Qudsi:

'...whoever comes on yawmul qiyaamah with sins as much as the earth, but did
not worship with Allaah anyone - Allaah will bestow upon him forgiveness the
like of what he sinned.'

The meaning of Aqeedah:

In the language: 'aqd - a knot and the opposite of it is untying
in the legislation: i'tiqaad (belief) which is eemaan in Allaah, His books,
angels, messengers, the last day and the qadr - the good and bad.

This is then broken into two subsections which are:

a) i'tiqaadiyyah - called 'Usool' which are not connected to how actions are
done, but connected to aspects of faith like 'Ruboobiyyah'
b) a'maliyyah - called 'Furoo' which are connected to how actions are done.

Correct aqeedah is the foundation of teh deen and correct actions depend
upon it.  Actions are not accepted unless he is a muwaahid.

All the prophets corrected aqeedah first -this was their first call:

'And verily, We have sent among every Ummah - a Messenger (proclaiming)
'worship Allaah (alone) and avoid Taaghut'   Surah Nahl: 36

A Taaghut is everything that is worshipped other than Allah and is pleased
with that.

Eesaa -alayhis salaam- is NOT a taaghut as he was not pleased with people
worshipping him (see Surah Maa-idah:116)

The key to Jannah is Tawheed and the teeth of the key are its conditions,
they are:

1 ilm -knowledge
2 yaqeen - certainty
3 qubool - acceptance (with the tongue)
4 inqiyaad - submission (with the tongue and limbs)
5 sidq - truthfulness
6 ikhlaas - sincerity
7 muhabbah - love

( be continued insha Allaah)"

15-07-2003 @ 12:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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assalaamu alaykum wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu

jazakallah khairan for the feedback on the duroos of respected sister shaykha umm abdir rahman.  May Allah Ta'aala grant you all the tawfeeq to continue this great service.  May Allah grant the respected sister who translated the duroos the tawfeeq to continue for ti is of great benefit to us here in South Africa.  It is with great excitement and thankfulness that i received this e-mail.  Please continue sending e-mails and if there any other salafi sisters who can benefit us, if they too can send us Deeni information would be greatly appreciated in the Service of Allah's Deen.  Shukran jazeelan.

sister in Imaan
South Africa


08-07-2003 @ 6:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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These are some more of my notes on the talk that the shaikhah did on the subject of tawheed. she was not able to complete it in the lesson i attended, if other sisters have notes from the next lesson maybe they can post it here or send it


meaning in the language-to make something one,having knowledge of something being one.
Tawheed in the religion with a complete meaning is la 'ilaaha ilallah'
Al immaanubillah wahadahu la sharikallahu
la ilaha-negation of worship to other than Allah il allah--affirmation-attesting worship to Allah alone.
It is incorrect to say only la ilaaha this could mean that the creation came into place without Allah
it is also incorrect to say 'god' instead of Allah like the mushriks.
The true meaning of 'la ilaaha ilallah is 'la ma'boodun bi haq ilallah'
'There is none worthy of worship in truth except Allah'

Tawheed ruboobiyah  consists of three main parts:

al khaliq -

that Allah is the best of creators,the creation of man is without reality.
Allah does not look to a thing to make it like the creation they have to look at things to make them.
Like the invention of aeroplanes,man took this from the creation of a bird.
likewise things from the dunya like an apple to make another apple we copy of the apple that Allah made.
So the true creator is Allah who creates from nothing , we don't create from nothing,
Allah says to a thing 'be' and it is.
tabarakallahu ahsanul khaliqeen
Allahu khaliqu kulli shai (Allah is creator of everything) - in complete sense and in every sense
but what man creates is not true "creation", it is only deficient creation, it is not creation from nothing.

Al malik-

Allah is the true king,the kings of the dunya are not real kings. how Allahs dominion is complete.
We might be the owner and maintainer of a house but how many houses are we able to maintain one,two, three or four,are we able to manage the affairs of all these houses?

Al mudabbir-

Allah is the giver of life,taker of death ,the provider ,the curer,
We might be the owner and maintainer of a house but how many houses are we able to maintain one,two, three or four,are we able to manage the affairs of all these houses?
So therefore we cannot be the true maintainers and managers of all the affairs.
Allah is the true curer- ash shafi
The sister mentioned an incident regarding  asister who had cancer and the doctors said there was nothing else they could do.So this sister went to makkah and drank the water of zam zam and was curered by Allahs will.
Also her finger got swollen and the doctors said they would have to cut it off.So instead she used the black seed since the messenger said that it is  acurer for eveything except death and she read the duas over it which are mentioned in the sunnah.
'Athhib il ba's, rabb an-naas, washfi ant ash-shaafi,laa shifaa'a illaa shifaa'uk, shiffa'anlaa yughaadiru saqamaa'
meaning'remove the affliction, Lord of the people, and cure-you are the one who cures, and there is no cure except from you-a cure that will not leave anysickness'.
and the other duas which you read when your in pain(which you can find in the hisn ul muslim dua book)
and alhamdulillah her finger was cured.
Sometimes people may have the same  illness,but for one sister the pain maybe removed quicker than the other sister.
It maybe that one sister may have sins that Allah wishes to remove so he will test her and if she has sabr Allah will raise her and remove her sins from her.Everything Allah does is for a wisdom.

07-07-2003 @ 8:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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i  just wanted to mention some of the benefits from Umm Abdirrahmans lessons.
Iwas only able to attend three of her lessons,but mashaa'allah i found them of great benefit.
It is really different to sit with a student of knowledge and learn from them directly. Your concentration is alot better so your mind doesn't drift can see her demonstrating each point so you understand it better even though she spoke in arabic and the sisters translated,i would have benefited greater if i knew the arabic language.
This was something the sister emphasized that we learn the arabic language.
Because some sisters said they would like to go to Bahrain and study from her, she said her and her husband give lessons in Bahrain and they are only in arabic there are no translators so there would be no benfit if they don't know the language.There is an american ssiter there already but she is not benefiting because she doesn't know arabic.
Seeing and sitting with a student of knowledge is alot different to just being able to listen to them.
I really do advise that if we get the opprotuinty to have Umm Abdirrahmaan visit us again in the u.k that the sisters take the time out and come and benefit from her lessons,for indeed whoever goes out in search of knowledge Allah will make easy a path to paradise.
Mashaa'allah the sister done an excellent lesson on Tawheed,but was only able to cover the aspect on Tawheed Ruboobiyah.
some of the points from this lesson were
That one should make their hearts soft in remembering Allah.
If you find your heart becomes hard look at allahs creation and reflect on it.
Think of the greatness of Allah and His signs.
People are amazed at the materialistic things of this life but if you look at the things Allah has created they are much greater.
How Allah has created each part of us and our bodies ,the mans body how it is different ot the body of a women her body is designed in such a way that she can carry a child and the man cannot.
Look at the fruits Allah ahs created they all grow from a seed in the ground yet they are different in colour and size.

She emphasized on teaching our children the correct aqeedah and how some women withhold the aqeedah,she said always remind your children about from a very young age.
When they see you supplicating to Allah and they ask you why are you supplicating? say because Allah gave me eyes to see, nose mouth etc..shouldn't i thank Him? teach them who gave you all this and remind them eveytime they eat and in everything they do, teach them by playing with them. then they will love Allah,always make them connected to Allah like this they heart will become atached to Allah.
When your child sees something that is wrong teach them it is wrong eg she mentioned one child going to scchool and seeing people celebrating Birthdays so he comes home and says why do i not have a birthday so she said how we tell them that this is the way of the kuffar and we are muslim,instead say to him i will make you a cake everyday you don't just have to have it one day,and i will buy you a present everyday.So you have to teach the child.
Evey child is born on fitra but if you leave him alone and don't teach him the jinn and mankind will affect him...

inshaa'allah i will continue this if i can.

This message was edited by ummithnayn on 7-7-03 @ 8:31 PM
07-07-2003 @ 6:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

Feedback Regarding Duroos Of
Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah
At Masjid As-Salafi In Birmingham

Part 1


She is Umm Abdir Rahmaan bint al Jawhar.

She graduated in Sharee'ah in Malik al Faisal university bil Ahsaa in Saudi

Three days after completeing her studies - Shaykh Fawzee al atharee
proposed to her - then together they travelled to Qaseem in Saudi Arabia where they studied
under ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah al-Faqeeh Mohammad bin Saalih al Uthayimeen -
for 5 years.

She said that the shaykh was very strict about who he allowed to teach - but
he gave Umm Abdir Rahmaan permission to teach sisters in her house.

In bahrain they have 21 centres for hifdh of the Quraan and other studies
like aqeedah and hadeeth and fiqh etc- always starting with tawheed and
utilising books mainly by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen but also by Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan,
al Haafidh al Hakamee etc.

She travels to the emirates every year - during the summer to give da'wah -
but this year she chose to come to the UK of her own accord in order to
benefit the sisters.

Umm Abdir Rahmaan's duroos are different in the sense - that one gets the
impression that she prepares them specifically for a female audience - she
will interact with the listeners and stand up and demonstrate to make issues
clear for everybody - also she will include a lot of her own experiences and
situations she encountered whilst giving daw'ah.

These are some of the main points that i was able to gather from her duroos:

The first few duroos were in relation to ilm and the seeking of it and
matters relating to the student of knowledge.

She mentioned that gaining ilm increases fear in Allaah- and the ones with
the most fear are Allaah's chosen elite - and she mentioned the ayah in
Surah Faatir mentioning that the ones that fear Allaah most from His slaves
are the ulema.

Why gain ilm?

1 She will gain the Pleasure of Allaah
2 She will have a good life in the dunya and aakhirah
3 'Ilm rectifies (with good cultivation) manners
4 It is a protection from all evils

It is waajib upon the taalib (student) to have ikhlaas (sincerity) in all actions and to
constantly renew her intention throught her ibaadaat (worship).  She must stay away
from love of fame and leadership and nobody is safe from this except whom
Allaah saves.  Imaam ash Shaatibee mentioned, 'the last things to enter the
soul of the righteous is rulership and love of fame'.

The student should be diligent in attending duroos, should have good time
management, a high desire to procede and strong intention, making du'aa,
memorising and sticking close to the shaykhah, she should make revision and
taking notes is better than just listening.  She should seek ilm in her
youth as this is the time of strength and its likely that when she gets
married and has children - she will have more responsibilities and less
time.  She should organise her time - giving preference where due e.g
tawheed first.  she should leave off exessive friends and the market places.

She should leave off exessive sleep except what is needed -maybe 8 hours a
day.  She should also leave off excessive mubaah (permissible/allowable) things as
Ibnul Qayyim mentions in "al-Fawaa-id" that the reason for falling into sin
are four:

1 Excessive eating and drinking
2 Excessive talking and mixing with the people
3 Excessive relationships with ones spouse
4 Excessive looking

The student yafham - ya'mal thumma yah'fadh
[meaning] understands, acts then memorises (taken from the athar of Ibn Mas'ood where
he mentioned that the Sahaabah never used to procede further than 10 ayaaat

Quickly procede 'ilm with 'amal (action) - otherwise the 'ilm will leave you.

If a student feels as if she has a bad understanding or is a slow reader and
has bad hifdh then she must have ikhlaas, she must strive with herself and
utilise her time correctly, she must have faith in Allaah and also in
herself and Allaah will increase her.

Imaam bukhaari was asked what is the cure to bad hifdh? so he replied 'by
constantly looking into the books and with a purified niyyah'.

How does the taalibah (female student of knowledge) benefit by coming early to the circles of 'ilm?
1 She will have a great reward in the aakhirah (Hereafter)
2 The angels gather in the circles of 'ilm
3 Sakinah (tranqulity) descends there
4 You will be nearer to the speaker
5 You will comprehend more than those who came late.

What is upon the taalibah if she misses a dars (lesson)?
She makes up for the missed lesson - by collecting notes from other students
- as the 'ilm is like a chain, if one of the links is missing then it will
affect the gathered 'ilm.  She should always have a clever Saahibah (female companion),
who you know will collect notes that you may miss.

What if the taalibah cannot comprehend or understand an issue?
She should revise and go back to the shaykhah or go back to other people who
were present in the dars.

She advised that if you buy a new book, then you shouldn't put it into your
maktaba until you have read two things from it:

1 The muqaddimah -the introduction
2 The fahras - the index

This way you will know what teh book is about and what issue it covers.  
also one should memorise the title and the author.

What is the manner of putting a question to the shaikh?
She should choose a befitting time, and respect the shaikhah during asking and
she should not cut him/her off until after its explanation, also one should not
ask questions which will cause hardship or just to test the shaikh etc.

There were other questions on this subject - but i have selected the main
important points.
I will write up some of the other duroos soon insha allaah."

[Sent in by a sister, may Allaah preserve her]


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25-06-2003 @ 3:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

Birmingham UK

Sisters Only
Lectures On The Fundamentals Of The Religion
The 'Aqeedah & Manhaj

Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah

The wife of Ash-Shaykh Fawzee Al-Atharee

Masjid As-Salafi
Wright Street
(behind Salafi Bookstore Coventry Rd)
Small Heath

Tel: 0121 773 0003/0033

Dates of Seminars:
Will be delivered each day:
7pm till 9pm through till August 6th 2003
Please telephone 0121 773 0003 for news on changes to schedule

(All sessions will include opportunities for sisters to ask questions from this noble student of knowledge)

(No Young Children Please)


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