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» An Advice to the Students of Knowledge - Ash-Shaykh Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee
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03-06-2003 @ 3:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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وصية لطلاب العلم

السؤال : : ماهي وصيتكم لطالب العلم المبتدئ , وما هي الكتب السلفية التي توجهونه إليها , وكذلك الأشرطة؟

الجواب :
وصيتي لطلاب العلم جميعاً أن يتقوا الله عز وجل , وأن يتبعوا طريقة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه

وهي الطريقة السلفية , والمنهج السلفي , وأوصيهم بالجلوس عند العلماء السلفيين , وأوصيهم بأن يقرؤا كتب التوحيد , وكتب العقائد , وكتب الحديث , وكتب

الفقه ؛ هكذا ينبغي , ويجب على طلاب العلم أن يتقوا الله عز وجل , وأن يحذروا من هذه الدعوات الحزبية المغرضة ؛ التي تريد أن تفرق صفوفهم , وتشتت شملهم , وتفرق كلمتهم , والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد حذرنا من الدعاة الذين يدعون إلى النار , والعياذ بالله ؛

ولاشك أن الحزبية فيها أخطاء فاحشة , ويجب على طالب العلم أن يحذرها , وأن يرتاد حلقات العلماء السلفيين , وأن يقرأ الكتب التي ألفها السلفيون , وليحذر من كتب أصحاب الحزبيات , فإن فيها عسل وسم كما يقال , وبالله التوفيق

الشيخ أحمد بن يحيى النجمي


Question (as-Su?aal): What is your advice (wasiyyah) to the student of knowledge who is a beginner (at-taalib al-?ilm al-mubtadi?), and what are the books that you direct him to, and likewise (what are) the cassettes (that you direct him to)?

Answer (al-Jawaab):

My advice to the all the students of knowledge is that they fear Allaah ?Azza wa-Jall (the Mighty and Majestic), and that they follow the Way (Tareeqah) of the Messenger of Allaah, Sallallaahu ?alayhi wa-Sallam (may Allaah extol him and grant him peace and security), and his Companions.

And it (i.e. this Way) is the Salafee Way (at-Tareeqat as-Salafiyyah), and the Salafee Methodology (al-Manhaj as-Salafiyy). I enjoin them with sitting with the Salafee scholars (al-?Ulamaa? as-Salafiyyeen), and I enjoin them with that they read the books of Tawheed, the books of Beliefs (al-?Aqaa?id), the books of Hadeeth, and the books of Islaamic Jurisprudence (al-Fiqh); in this manner it is required, and obligatory upon the students of knowledge that they fear Allaah ?Azza wa-Jall, and that they beware of these self-interest and biased partisan calls (ad-Da?awaat al-Hizbiyyat al-Mughridah); those which want that they split their ranks, break up their unity, and that they be disunited, and the Prophet, Sallallaahu ?alayhi wa-Sallam indeed has warned us from the callers who call to the Fire (an-Naar), and the refuge (al-?iyaadh) is with Allaah.

And there is no doubt that there are detestable and repugnant errors in partisanship (al-Hizbiyyah), and it is obligatory upon the student of knowledge that he bewares of it, and that he frequents the circles of the Salafee scholars, and that he reads the books that have been authored by the Salafees. And let him beware of the books of the people of parties (?ashaab al-hizbiyyaat), for verily there is honey with poison (?asal wa-samm) in them as it is said. And through Allaah is (the granting of) Success (at-Tawfeeq).

Ash-Shaykh ?Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee

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