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» Part 3- A list of Ibn al-qayyim al-jawziyyah?s most famous books and short notes about them
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03-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
Joined: Oct 2002

59- حادي الأرواح إلى بلاد الأفراح
haadee al-arwaah ila bilaad al-afraah
[the path of the souls to the lands of happiness]
395 pages. 1416 3rd edition/maktabah daar al-bayaan. Edited by basheer Muhammad uyoon

the points of dicussion in this book are:
-he first establishes the proof that paradise is in existence, and that it was created by Allaah.
-Is the paradise where Aadam, alayhi salam, was removed from the same place as the eternal paradise. He brings the different points of view and discusses their proofs.
-he then discusses the doubts of those who say paradise is not in existence at this present time.
For example they bring the ayah from soorah al-qassas: ?everything will perish except His face?
So they argue all the creation in paradise will also perish, like the al-hawr al-ayn, thus nothing will be left for the believers to enter.
-then he talks about the gates of paradise, their size and description, the distance between them, and their actual positioning.
-the ?keys? to paradise.
-it has only one path to it.
-the levels of paradise, their description and names
-the way to enter paradise, ?the price to pay?
-requesting for paradise during one?s life.
-the names of paradise and their meanings.
-the different types of paradise and the ways they were created.
-the type of people and nations who will be the first to reach the gates of paradise.
-descriptions of the types of inhabitants of paradise.
-that the women will be in greater numbers. [as well as in hell]
-description of those who will enter without account.
-description of the accommodation, atmosphere and scenery.
-description of the inhabitants, like their features and height, what they will eat and their general lifestyle. For example, them visiting their friends and talking about the ?old days? upon the earth.
[see soorah as-saafaat ayah 50 and at-toor ayah 25].
-how they will see Allaah and refutation of those who deny this.
-description of the last ones to enter it.
-and that this will be forever for the believers to enjoy.

[may Allaah grant us all residence in paradise. Aameen]

60-كتاب الصلاة وحكم تاركها
kitaab as-salaat wa hukam taarikihaa
[the book of salaat and the ruling of the one who abandons it]
220 pages. 1412/maktabah daar at-turaath. Edited by Muhammad nidhaam ad-deen al-fateeh

he, rahimullaah, discusses the following points:
-ruling of the one who deliberately abandons the prayer. Everyone agrees that it is from the greatest of the major sins, but the scholars have differed upon the ruling regarding him being executed, how to do it and the issue of it bring kufr akbar or asghar.
-about the killing, then there are issues like, is he asked to repent. Does he have to abandon more than one prayer. Is he killed with ruling of kufr or as a prescribed punishment.
-about leaving of some of the conditions of the prayer like wudhoo and facing the qiblah.
-the one who abandons the Friday prayer.
Hen he talks about the issue of kufr and which type relates to abandoning the prayer. He brings the evidences of both views.
-does it invalidate all of one?s actions.
-does one have to make the missed prayers up [if they were left deliberately]
-the ruling of the congregational prayer.
-is the fard prayer acceptable at home [for the men].
-is the masjid the only place for the congregational prayer
-how long should the prayer last for and lastly some points on the description of the prayer.

61-shifaa al-aleel fi masaa?il al-qadaa wa al-qadr wa al-hikmah wa al-ta?leel
شفاء العليل في مسائل القضاء والقدر والحكمة والتعليل
[A cure for the sick regarding the issue of al-qadaa?a [the ordainement], wal-qadr [the decree and pre-knowledge], wisdom and reason]
509 pages. 1413 2nd edition/daar kutub al-ilmiyyah.

This book is a defence of the correct aqeedah of ahl?us-sunnah. It refutes the extreme views of the sects like the jabbariyyah [who say man is forced to do actions and has no free-will] and the other extreme from the likes of the qadariyyah [who say man does what he likes independent of Allaah?s power].

He, rahimullaah, mentions:
-he brings proof from the sunnah that that everything was decreed 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earths.
-then he proves that the actions, the happiness or destruction of a person was pre-decreed by quoting aayaat, ahadeeth and statements of the salaf and also the famous debate which took place between moosaa and aadam, alayhima salaam. And this particular hadeeth caused a lot of confusion amongst the mu?tazilah as their baatil manhaj failed them to understand the hadeeth in its proper context, so they rejected it saying it is not authentic!! [their intellects also rejected many ahaadeeth which the ummah accepted as being authentic, like the one of the intercession for the sinners to come out from the fire.
-the pre-decree is also written for the fetus mentioned by the hadeeth of ibn mas?ood where four things are written for it.
-Also on the night of al-qadr things are pre-decreed.
-then he discusses the important issue, after bringing the previous to light, which is, everyone still has to strive to perform righteous actions
-then he gives the tafseer of ayah 101 from soorah al-anbiyyah in detail [?indeed, those for whom [i.e. isaa and uzair] the good has preceded us , they will be removed far therefrom [hell]]. Also ayah
48 from soorah al-qamr
-then he mentions those things which form the parts of the ordainment and pre-decree [which are 4] and if one does not believe in those then he does not believe in al-qadaa?a wal-qadr
1-Allaah?s knowledge of things before they came into being
2-the recording of them before they came into being
3-He doing what He pleases with them, having free will.
4-Him creating them and their actions
he brings proofs and stories from the qur?aan and the sunnah to give examples of each point, in great detail, whilst mentioning the names of the deviants who erred in these points.
-then he discusses the issues of guidance and misguidance. We believe that whomsoever Allaah wishes to guide no one, can misguide him and whomsoever Allaah wants to misguide no one can guide him.
-He then gives the tafseer of soorah al-a?laa ayah 2-3 ?who has created (everything) and proportioned it and who has measured (preordained for everything to be blessed or wretched) and then guided (man to the right or wrong paths)?
also the tafseer of ayah 6 from soorah al-baqarah ?verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe.? Here he discusses in detail about ?the sealing of the hearts of the unbelievers? and its relation to al-qadaa?a and al-qadr.
-he then discusses the issue of the creation of the slave?s actions.
-then he gives the correct understanding of the word كسب   which appears in several aayaat like ayah 225 soorah al-baqarah and shows how the two sects the jabbariyyah and the qadariyyah, moved away from the understanding of the companions and thus fell into this major deviancy. He, also explains the words فعل افعل فاعل منفعل
-he then quotes a long dialogue which took place between a ?sunni? and a ?jabbari? over this issue.
And then he brings a long dialogue between a sunni and a qadari.
-he then talks about al-qadaa?a and not ascribing evil actions to it  with many examples [see soorah aal imraan ayah 26].
-He then refutes the doubts around the issue of al-hikmah and at-ta?leel
-he then brings statements from the salaf that belief in qadr, its good and bad , is from the fundamentals of al-eemaan.
-finally he brings some rulings to do with being pleased with Allaah?s ordainment and its levels.

[many of these points are discussed in aboo uthmaan as-saboonee?s book ?aqeedah of the salaf? which, inshallaah, the full version will be published soon. The translated version, which is around now was done without my final approval. About 30 % of the text is missing and similarly many of the notes from shaikh badr!!]
و لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

62- زاد المعاد في هدي خير العباد
zaad al-ma?aad fi hadi khayr al-ibaad
5 volumes. 23rd edition 1409/mu?assasah ar-risaalah

this book is a cross between being a book on seerah and ahkaam/fiqh. He discusses many issues and from them are:
-the merits of Makkah and the first ten days of dhul-hijjah
-then he starts a biography of the prophet, but not in time order. He mentions about the life of the prophet, his mannerisms, his family and children. He discusses the actions and the statements of the prophet, mainly focusing on the benefits derived from the ahadeeth, to do with ahkaam.
-he discusses of the sunnah like the description of the prayer, wudhoo, zakah, sawm, hajj, business transactions, marriage, divorce, jihaad etc. whilst also talking about some issues from usool al-fiqh and jarh wat-ta?deel. there are also some accounts from battles and expeditions.
-he mentions all the different groups who came to visit the prophet and what was discussed
- volume 4 contains the chapters on prophetic medicine, cures for the heart and body.
I have heard scholars recommend this book to be read cover to cover.

03-06-2003 @ 9:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 216
Joined: Feb 2003
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Indeed, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah and Ibn ul-Jawzee are two different people.

Ibn Qayyim (d. 751) was the foremost student of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and was the Shaykh of several notable scholars, such as Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee (d. 795) and Ismaa'eel Bin Katheer (d. 774). He is the author of many great works which span a number of different sciences, as the brother has alluded to in his reviews.

Ibn ul-Jawzee (d. 597) was another great Hanbalee scholar who is sometimes attributed with the sharp growth of the madhhab that occurred in the 7th and 8th centuries. He too authored many great works, amongst them his tafseer "Zaad al-Maseer fee 'Uloom at-Tafseer" and "Talbees Iblees" - a powerful, knowledge-based refutation of the Soofiyyah and other than them from the heretical sects. Unfortunately, Ibn ul-Jawzee was criticized for his falling into some rhetoric and contradictions with regards to the Attributes of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic.

And yes, Ibn ul-?Arabee al-Maalikee (d. 532) is different from Ibn ?Arabee (without the alif and laam), who was a mid-7th century heretic known for outrageous statements of apostasy, and the refuge is with Allaah. As for Ibn ul-?Arabee, he is most well-known for his ?Ahkaam ul-Qur?aan? which has been published in four or so volumes. It is considered a very important work in tafseer and served as the foundation for later works, such as the famous ?al-Jaami? li-Ahkaam il-Qur?aan? of Muhammad al-Qurtubee (d. 671).

Finally, IBID simply means the reference is the same as the previous reference. This is done to avoid having to write the name of the book and author over and over if one is quoting from the same source successively. I have no clue what the acronym represents and am not sure if it even is an acronym.

And Allaah knows best.

Abu 'Abdul-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 6-4-03 @ 1:12 AM

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