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» Part 2- A list of Ibn al-qayyim al-jawziyyah?s most famous books and short notes about them
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14-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
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54-  إغاثة اللهفان في مصايد الشيطان
ighaatha al-lahfaan min masaa?id ash-shaytaan
[Aid for the yearning one in resisting the shaytaan ]

2 volumes. Printed by several publishers and Edited by shaikh Muhammad haamid al-fiqee.
it was summarised by shaikh alee hasan al-halabi into one volume ? 502 pages. 1411/daar ibn jawzee.

He first talks about the states of the hearts regarding ones manhaj, aqeedah and akhlaaq and how its correctness is important to one success in this life and the hereafter, as the prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was sallam, said, ...if it is well and good then the rest of the body will be well and good.
He mentions the causes and signs of good or bad hearts and then a course of remedy with evidences from the qur?aan, the sunnah and the statements of the salaf.
He talks about how the good heart makes one attain knowledge, accepting the truth and understanding of one?s religion. [ab-Being upon clarity and having insight into one?s affairs and da?wah, understanding the salafi manhaj, free from deviancy, corrupt ideas, innovations and hizbiyyah ? putting one?s statements over those of Allaah and His messenger ? thus leading to one?s destruction]
He says the heart has two strengths,
1] al-ilm ? knowledge and at-tamayyiz ? being able to distinguish and then being clear.
2] intent and love.
Goodness is achieved with these two combined and point 2 being an important precursor for striving towards this good.
Therefore he says the people will be of three categories
1]the one who does not know the truth ? then he is daal, astray
2] one who know?s the truth but is influenced and follows other than this ? then he is maghdoub alayhi, one who Allaah?s is angry with.
3]the one who knows the truth and follows it ? then he is mun?am alahi, the ones who having bestowed with Allaah?s Grace. [these three categories are mentioned in soorah al-faatihah].
He then brings several issues and examples where the shaytaan can deceive in the second half of the book.

[ab- So tazkiyyah of the heart is conditional with the above mentioned things, which includes learning the correct knowledge from the scholars of the third category. Keeping company with those of the third category and guarding yourself and your religion from deviancy by keeping away from the people of desires and innovation of categories one and two and to warn against them with severity and strengthen your hearts by being shaddeed, strict and strong upon the sunnah]

55- بدائع الفوائد
badaa?I al-fawaa?id
[amazing points of benefit]
2 volumes (4parts). No date/Daar al-kitaab al-arabee

this book is a book written about several issues, mainly to do with the Arabic language but there also many beneficial statements on manhaj, aqeedah, tawheed, fiqh, hadeeth, tafseer, qawaa?id and usool. Some statements are just a few lines and some a few pages.
The book starts with deep discussions on language issues like the stance of sibawai on the ?و ? that it does not show tarteeb or ta?qeeb [23 pages].
He also talks about the attributes from a language point of view.
In part 2 he gives a tafseer of the ayah ?guide us to the straight path/way? what does the word ?siraat? mean in detail. Then the next ayah in al-faatihah followed by other selected aayaat.
There is a nice discussion in part 2 page 130 headed ?salam alaykum wa rahmatullaahi and this tasleem contains 28 issues [on language over 66 pages]?.
Then he makes a tafseer of the soorah al-falaq and an-naas in detail.
In part 3 he talks about what is du?aa and its types ?sunni and bid?ee and then talks more on issues to do with ahkaam from the hanbali madhhab like imaam ahmed, al-marwazi, aboo ya?laa, al-baghawee and ibn aqeel, like raising hands with the takbeer in the prayer.
Part 4 has many discussions in fiqh and its usool. He brings some usool for debate and establishing the proofs on individuals and groups.

56- تحفة المودود بأحكام المولود
tuhfah al-mawdood fi ahkaam al-mawlood
[a gift to the loved one regarding the rulings of the new born]
519 pages. 1421/daar ibn affaan. Edited by saleem bin eid al-hilalee.

This book contains 17 chapters to do with the ahkaam of the new born. He goes through each issiue in detail, like the aqeeqah, circumcision [and why banee aadam will return uncircumcised in the hereafter], tahneek, shaving the hair, naming, ear piercing, purity of urine of babies, carrying children in the prayer, educating them, rights, nursing, issues to with puberty and discussion of the matters of the unseen regarding babies.

57- مختصر سنن أبي داود
tahdheeb mukhtasar sunan abee daawood
7 volumes. No date/daar al-ma?rifah. Edited by Muhammad haamid al-fiqee        
his notes can also be found with the most famous sharh of aboo daawood, awn al-ma?bood? which is in 14 parts in 13 volumes.1388/al-maktabah as-salafiyyah.

these are notes on the summarised version of sunan of aboo daawood by al-haafidh al-mundhuree.

58- جلاء الأفهام
jalaa?a al-afhaam fi fadl as-salaat was-salaam ala Muhammad khair al-anaam
[clarifying to the intellects about the merits of the salat and salaam upon Muhammad, the best of creation]
792 pages. 1417/daar ibn al-jawzee. Edited by mashoor bin hasan aal salmaan.

This is the best book written regarding the rulings of sending this supplications upon our prophet, sallallaahu alayhi was sallam. [the one which is recited in the prayer before the last supplication whilst sitting].
he first mentions about 180 hadeeth in this topic and then what does as-salaat actually mean and the word ?Allaahuma? which is used to open supplications with.
He explains the meanings of the names Muhammad and ahmed.
There is a research about ibraheem, alayhi salam, and his merits and the rest of the du?aa said in the prayer when we send blessings to him and the messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi was sallam, and their families.
What does it mean by their families ? ?aali muhammad? and ?aali ibraheem? and what is the wisdom in mentioning ibraheem.
The meaning of ?اللهم بارك على محمد? and the word baarak.
And then the last words of the du?aa which mention Allaah?s two names ? al-hameed and al-majeed.
Then he mentions the benefits [31 points], the places [41 places] and times for this du?aa and the ruling of it in each situation.

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