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» This knowledge of Hadeeth is serious ,Pertaining To Seeking Ilm Of Hadeeth And It Would Be An Encouragement For Us To Give It Our Time. By Brother Mus
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11-02-2011 @ 2:09 AM    Notify Admin about this post
UmmHaarith Bint Hasheem Ismaeel Ibn Ahmad Khan (Birmingham)
Posts: 34
Joined: Mar 2006
This knowledge of Hadeeth is serious
As An Encouragement, There Is One Statement Of One Of The Salaf, Pertaining To Seeking Ilm Of Hadeeth And It Would Be An Encouragement For Us To Give It Our Time. By Brother Mustafa George DeBerry.(Jan 2011)

Ya Ikhwaan Ya Akhwaathy  keep in mind!

This knowledge of Hadeeth is serious, some of us might say itżs not something tangible or it's not something that a person can spend his time and the like of it, If the scholars of Hadeeth did not sit down and study and dissect this affair of knowledge of hadeeth we would not have the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallau alayhi wasallam today, because of that seriousness you have the statements of Sufyaan At Thawree Rahimahullaah as was mentioned by Imaam Ibn  Askaree ,In title Dimishq on the authority of Sufyaan at Thawree the Imaam , he said:

Mażarufu Shaiyaan afdhalul min Thaalibal Hadeeth idha ureedha bihi wajhu llaah.

Sufyaan At Thawree said:I do not know anything better then learning and studying hadeeth for the person who does so for the Face of Allaah.

Like it was mentioned on the authority of Imaam Shafżee Muhammad  Bin Idriss Rahimahullaah as it is mentioned by Imaam Ad Dhaabee in siyr alamaa

Nubalaa, that Imaam Shafżee  Mumahammad Ibn Idriss Rahimahullaah he said:

Qiraatun Hadeethi kheiroon min salaath tha taużwah

Reading hadeeth is better than supererogatory prayers, so the reality is, in these affairs of hadeeth and isnaad and you know we can go on with the statement of the Salaf of the importance of this.

The only reason I mention this is that the individuals do not become bored and lose the zeal and motivation of learning this knowledge of hadeeth, thinking it is too difficult.

This was the Ilm which the Salaf realized the importance of and rahimullaah tażala and because of that we have, Allaah Azza wa jal has preserved the Sunnah Of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

And the statmend of Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taiymmiyah, Majmżoo he said
Ilmul Isnaad wa riwaya mimma Khasa Allaahu bihi Ummatin Muhammadin sallallahu alayhi wasallam

The knowledge of Isnaad and Narrations, is that which Allaah Tabarakta wa tażala have specifically favored the Ummah , the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alahy wasallam

Wa Jażalahu Sileman illa Dirżayah.

And Allaah tabarakta wa tażala has made yani the knowledge of Isnaad the knowledge of hadeeth Allaah Azza wa Jal has made it steps to understanding, steps to comprehension, and comprehending what? The Sunnah.

Fa Ahlul Kitabi la Isnada Lahum yażfiroona bihi ala Mamqulaath

He said the people of the Book Jews and Christians, they have no Isnaad,
so that they can refer back to , to distinguish between their Narrations
Waha Kadha Mubtadżeeżoun min haadihi Ummah ahlul Dhalalat
And likewise the people of Innovations of this Ummah, they have no Isnaad.
Wa Inamal Isnadu liman Ażadhama Allahu alaiyhi Mina ahlal Islaami Wa Sunnah.

Verily the Isnaad is for the people that Allaah has given tremendous bounties, the knowledge aof Isnaad the knowledge of Hadeeth. This is for the people that Allaah has given tremendous bounties, the people of Islaam , the people of the Sunnah.

As an Encouragement there  is one statement of  one of the Salaf , pertaining to seeking Ilm Of Hadeeth  and it would be an encouragement for us to give it our time, and you might have some individuals yani, there is no doubt we going to go more in to the etiquette of the knowledge the etiquette's of teacher the etiquette s of writing the etiquette of listening and going to go in to more. But at times might say or might feel this is too much, this its over my head am not benefiting from this so much and the like of that.

We say one statement before we going to the statement of Ibn Jawzee Rahimahullaah tażala and I heard this from one of my scholars,  and it was that an individual mentioned that am studying  and am not getting much and am not memorizing much and the scholars responded with one statement, he said:
Does it not suffice you the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
Man  salakha  tareekan yamtahmisoo fihi Ilmaan SubhanaAllaahu bihi Tareekan Ilal Janaah

Whoever trades a path to seeking knowledge, Allaah will make easy for him the path to Paradise. Does that not suffice you?

There is no doubt we all want to memories and we all want to increase in knowledge, Imaan, and Taqwa. But if you find yourself  not increasing in knowledge, for one , maybe there is something you're doing that it wrong, and we can work on that, but the reality is you cannot go wrong, yani, your seeking knowledge your studying, you are trying to memories, you are reading the Qurżaan and you are reading this Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that is sufficient enough for you , that Allaah Azza Wa Jal to make your path easy to Janaah as long as your intention is correct, so within that which you are doing , in its self its Baraka, tremendous  blessings and we have mentioned the statement of Sufyaan At Thawree and We mentioned the statement of Imaam As Shafżee, as one of the statements of Imaam Ahmad Rahimahullaah tażala.

There is nothing that can compare in terms of rewarding and the like of that to knowledge.
And the statement of Ibn Qayyim Al Jawzee Rahimahullaah tażala mentions that knowledge is on the levels of Jihad, and he mentioned the statement  Ibn Abdul Barr Rahimahullaah, that anyone who thinks that knowledge is not on the level of Jihad there is something wrong with his Intellect, so Subhanaa Allaah , A person is sitting in the comfort of his home, listening and trying to take notes , trying to memorize even if he is gaining little is it not sufficient enough that Allaah will make easy for you the path to Janaah, is it not sufficient enough that ż

Innal Ajnihaa  Inaal Malaaika lathabażaaajnihaata li thaalibil ilm ridhaan Liman Yasna,

Is it not sufficient the hadeeth of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam
Said ; verily the angels lower their wings to honour the student of knowledge.

With that being the case , at times we need to mention an  encouragement you have the statement of Ibn Jawzy Not Ibn Qayyim Al Jawzee rahimahullaah, but  Ibn Jawzy  Aboo Farajh Rahimahullaah before Ibn Qayyim
Ibn Jawzy he mentioned: Ta żamaltoo Ajabaan, he said I reflected upon something and I found it to be amazing.

Wa huwa ana kula Shaaieyn  nafisaan, Khatheeraah yathuloo Thareeqoohu

He said I contemplated and I found  it to be amazing, and that  is everything which is precious (Dangerously Precious), it takes a long time to obtain anything that is Nafiees Khatheer, dangerously precious, it takes a long time to obtain it , its difficult to obtain .

Wa Yukfiroo Thażaab fi  Thahseelihee:and it would be tiring to gain

Fainal żIlma, lama kana ashrafaal Ashieżya lam  yahsul aw walam yuhasil ila bithażaabe bi Sahree wa Thikraree wa Hajran man ladaath wa raha,

He said when knowledge ( the knowledge of Allaah Azza Wa Jal and The Qurżaan and Sunnah) was the best of things, the highest of Affairs, because it being the best it is not obtained except through difficulties and remaining awake at night times(losing sleep) and repeating , repetition, abstaining from  that which is desired and the comfort .

Hata Qalu Bażada fuqhaa, even the scholars have said:Baqeetu Sineen,ashtahee al Harisaa.

Some of the scholars said, I have remained for years and I have wanted this Harisa, if am not mistaken its a form of food that takes time to make.

Baqeeto Sineen Ashtahee al harisa fala aqdiroo alaiyhaa

I have remained for years and I have wanted this Harisa I was not able to eat it.

Lażana waqtaha, waqth Samaż Dars

Because the time that takes to make this form of food, is the time that I need to be in my lessons.

So with that being the case understand something!

As it was mentioned by Imaam Muslim ,: Muqadimaa la yusthataża al ilm bi raha til Jisum.

You will never be able to obtain knowledge if you relax.

Therefore, knowledge is something, which takes time, so please keep in, mind my brothers and sisters, once again like we said and we will always say this insha Allaah taa'la.

If the Salaf , from amongst them the Sahaba, and those who came after them, if they treated knowledge with relaxation and taking the time and not having the zeal and diligence  and a strict commitment, then the knowledge would never have reached us , with that being said , do we expect that the knowledge to  reach our grandchildren the coming generations? If we ourselves don't preserve it , if we ourselves don't memorize it, if we ourselves don't distribute it and protect it, its upon us to be very serious with this knowledge, and to take our time to learn it, to read it , to be diligent, to be committed, and we do it with our families our children, Neighbors  and with our friends.Bidhinillaah tażala Allaah Azza Wa jal will change the affairs of the Muslim Ummaah
As its been mentioned by Imaam Maalik bin Anas Rahimahullaah ta'ala.
That the later part of the Ummah will not be corrected except with that which, the earlier part of the Ummah was corrected with.
Allaah Knows best

Wa sallallahu Salaam Mubarak ala nabiyoona Muhammad wa ala żaleehi wa sahbihee, wa salam , sallam Katheeran

Extracted From the Lesson Give by Mustafa George DeBerry
Reading from Saheeh Al Bukhaaree Chapter Of KnowledgeTextText

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