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07-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 34
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As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Does anyone know of any books or articles on explaining the conditions, pillars, and wajibaat of the salaah.  If so, can you please inform me. Jazakum Allah khairan.


08-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as salaamu alykum,
A book authored by shaykh fawzi al athari  has just been transilated on this topic by our brother hasan as somali maybe salafi pubs. will print it soon.

This message was edited by zamaneen on 9-7-02 @ 11:03 PM

08-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 39
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Salaamu aleyki wa rahma

Here are two links were you can find info on how to make proper wudoo' and salaah insha Allaah.

[link removed by admin]


[link removed by admin]

Here you can buy the books:

The Prophet?s Prayer Described

[url=]A Description of the Wudoo of the Prophet, sallallaahu ?alaihi wa sallaam[/url]

Other uselfull books on the topic of ibaadah can be found here:


I pray this is of help to you bi idnilaah

Salaamu aleyki wa rahma


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

This message was edited by Admin on 9-8-02 @ 5:05 AM

08-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 204
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The links were removed in the above post due to their being a lack of clarity in the some of the positions of the owners of the site that was linked to. This lack of clarity can be of potential harm to the dawah to those who do not know any better. Some of the people of knowledge are also unhappy with the behaviour of those responsible for the organisation, as has come to our attention from reliable brothers. Neverthelss, they are still our brothers and we ask Allaah that He grants them success in that which is correct and befitting and leads them to clarity in their affairs, and that He unites the ranks of Ahl us-Sunnah upon the truth.

This message was edited by Admin on 9-8-02 @ 5:09 AM

08-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 39
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Djazaq Allaahu gheyran for this info, i had no idea about this and will keep it in mind for future references.


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

08-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Refer to the attached file, it contains guidelines for wudhoo and the prayer, and is directed towards non-Muslims specifically. I found it to be extremely beneficial for non-Muslims.

Attached Filesalaatguide.pdf (168 Kbytes)

10-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by amreekanSalafi on 9-10-02 @ 3:02 AM

10-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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[nonsense removed by admin]

It is clear that you have a very big problem concerning the refutation of the major scholars concerning Abul-Hasan al-Misree, and an even bigger problem with people like SP presenting this information to the people in English, exactly as the scholars asked them to do.

If you have anything to say, contact SP and speak to them.

This message was edited by Admin on 9-10-02 @ 9:01 AM

10-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu alaikum,

MaashaAllah, the books that were mentioned, I have in my possession, wal-hamdulilah, indeed they are beneficial, however I am still unclear on the shuroot, wa arkaan wa waajibaat, can someone clarify each,InshaAllah ta'ala. Jazakum Allah khairan.


10-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum

May Allaah reward the administration of salafitalk for their mature handling of these kinds of issues.

For those of you who do not understand why some links will not be allowed, just understand that the people who set up this discussion forum are responsible in front of Allaah for how they allow this board to be used.  If they exercise a higher level of caution than you would, then it is their right, since as I mentioned, they are responsible in front of Allaah.

After being disheartened by the actions of the confused Muslims who ran SABEEL AL-MU'MINEEN, I feel good about salafitalk, but I would like to offer the following suggestions to the administration, may Allaah reward them and guide them to subul as-salaam.

1) Could information about the moderators and administration be made available?  Although SABEEL may have seemed like responsible salafees at first, the board later became an attack base against the salafees.  Feeling the vibe here, I don't think that is the case, but learning from our mistakes with SABEEL, we allowed anonymous people to be in charge of our affair, and when they let the Shaytaan guide them, we were not even allowed to know who they were!  I feel very comfortable that sent out a bulletin inviting us to join salafitalk, however I would personally like to know all those in charge of, and I think it would be befitting for all the members to know who is in charge of their affair here.

2) I would FIRMLY STRONGLY recommend that the administration put every new member on "probation" meaning that their posts are monitered and approved.  This would change after they have posted 10 or 20 times (even 5) and shown that they do not intend to make fitnah.  This will prevent people from joining and posting garbage.  Even if it is removed within a couple hours, some damage may still occur.  This idea would prevent this, and new members could be told in their agreement that this is the case.

3) Your "links" policy - I agreed to not post any links until approved by the moderator.  However, I have seen members posting links on their first posts.  If they got permission, fine, but if not, then we have to be reminded about the importance of holding to our contracts.  (and those who guard vigilantly over their trusts and oaths, and those who stand firmly behind their testimonies, and those who guard over their performance of prayers, they will be in gardens, honored) [soorah al-ma'aarij]

So I suggest that the administration does either one of two things: (a) lighten the official rule to include a number of trusted websites that may be referred to, or (b) demand that the Muslims hold to their agreements and admonish them when they fall into sin (and help one another in righteousness, and do not help one another in sin and transgression) the aayah, and the hadeeth, "whoever of you sees and evil, let him change it with his hand; if he is not able to do that, then with his tongue..." [muslim]

The first option seems appropriate to me, since you have already allowed some links, and from what I know, the Muslims are weak in their adherence to their contracts, so it would be helping them to stick to something more practical.  As well, there is no harm in linking to trusted sites like TROID or Salafipublications, and we all agree to that I believe.

4) If the board grows in popularity, then you must include others as moderators so that the affairs does not become to big to handle, and either posts are going up with fitnah and no one is censuring it, or you have to shut down the board.

May Allaah reward you and help you in your responsibilies, and may He show you His Glorious Face in the Aakhirah.


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

11-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
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Assallaamu alaikum

Q.  What are the conditions ?shuroot? of the salat?

A.  The conditions are:

1.'An-niyaah? ? the intention:  The hadeeth of Abu Hafs Umar ibn Al-Khattab, that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) said: ?Actions are by intentions?? (Bukhaari/Muslim).

2. ?Tahara min al-hadath? ? purification from the ?hadath? (anything which prevents a person from praying/salat being acceptable):  The statement of Allah when He said:?O you who believe!  If you arise to pray then wash your face and your hands to your elbows?? (Surah al-Ma?idah 5:6)
And we have the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam)when he said: ?Allah will not accept the prayer of one who does not have purification.?  (Muslim/Tirmidhi/Ibnu Majah/Ahmad).

3. ?Dhakool ul-waqt? ? entrance of the time:  The ayah where Allah says: ?Indeed the prayer is upon the mu?mineen, something which is prescribed with a legislated time.?  

4. ?Ijtinaaban najasaat? ? staying away from impurities:  The hadeeth when the lady asked the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam):
?If you see that one of us, blood comes upon her gown from her menses, what should she do?  
He (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) said: ?If blood was to come upon a piece of your dress from your menses, then you should wash it and sprinkle water upon it.  Then you should pray in it.?  ?  (Bukhaari/Muslim).
Also the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) when he was praying in his shoes and he had some remains upon his shoes and Jibreel came and ordered him to remove his shoes.
Also the ayaat in the Qur?aan:  ?And purify your garments??
Also the statement in Surah al-Baqarah: ??purify My House for those people who are making tawwaaf and those who make sujood and those who make ruku??

5. ?Istiqbaal al-Qibla? ? facing the Qibla:  The ayah where Allah said in the Qur?aan:
??so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram??(Surah al-Baqarah 2:144)
Also the saying of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) to the one who performs the prayer badly:
?If you rose to pray, perform wudu in a good manner and then face the Qibla and make takbeer.?  (Bukhaari/Muslim)

6. Covering the awrah:  The ayah where Allah tells us in the Qur?aan:
?O children of Adam!  Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying?.?

Also the statement of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wassallam) to Jaabir, regarding covering himself with a garment, and it is reported in Bukhaari.

Q.  What is the difference between the conditions ??shuroot? - of the prayer and what the pillars- ?arkaan??

A. ?As-shart? (condition) in the language is an ?alaamah? (a sign) and its plural is ?asharaat?.  An example of it with regards to the salat is ?tahara? (purification).  Because if a person doesn?t have this then his salat is not accepted by Allah.  And this occurs before the prayer.
As for ?ar-rukun? (pillar) ? its definition is that it is ?a corner, the strongest corner of something?.  An example of this with regards to the salat is the ?ruku? which is a portion of the prayer.
The difference between a condition and a pillar is that a pillar is a part of the actual prayer (like reading al-Faatiha), as for a condition then it is not  part of the actual prayer, it is outside the prayer (like purification).
The pillar is a matter that has to be performed and if it is not performed then you have to go back to your salat and perform it and make the ?sujood as-sahuw? (prostration for forgetfulness).  But your salat will not be accepted unless you go back and fulfil that pillar which has been forgotten.  

Q.  What is a waajib (obligation) of prayer?  And how is it different from a rukun (pillar) of prayer?

A.  Both are considered to be part of the prayer but the pillar you must fulfil it and afterwards you make the ?sujood as-sahuw? (prostration of forgetfulness).  As for the obligation, you don?t have to go back and fulfil it, your ?sujood as-sahuw? is sufficient for this.
The rukun (pillar) is something that you have to go back and do.  But the waajib (obligation) you do not have to go back and fulfil it, rather you make up for it with the ?sujood as-sahuw?.
And an example of a waajib is the dhikr ?subhaanir-Rabbi al-A?la? and its like.  
And ?al-fard? and ?al-waajib? has the same meaning.

As we are talking about the salah here is a question that many might not know the answer to yet do WAllahu a'lam.

Q.  Is the ?tasmeeyah? (Bismillah) a condition for the wudu?

A.  The hadeeth mentioning that there is no wudu for the one who doesn?t say ?Bismillah? then this hadeeth is da?eef.  Though Shaykh al-Albaani said it is Saheeh but others such as Shaykh Muqbil hold it to be da?eef.
And those who say that the hadeeth is Saheeh, it means that the wudu is not complete, it doesn?t mean that it is a condition of wudu.  That which is most correct is that the wudu is deficient but still accepted.
And the proof that it is ?mustahab? to say ?Bismillah?, is the chapter that Bukhaari brings in his Saheeh, that it is ?mustahab? to start your affairs by saying ?Bismillah?.  The du'a that a man reads before he comes to his wife.  So Bukhaari uses this in generality.

WAllahu ta'ala a'lam

Wassallaamu alaikum

12-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu alaikum

Jazaka Allah khairan, akhi fee islaam, this is exactly what I was looking for, maashaAllah.

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