Abu Fatimah al engleezi
(sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
Joined: Jun 2009
assalamu alaykum
There is a new muslim brother in south alabama usa alhamdulillah and he is far away from any masjid, i need to know 1 his nearest places to visit salafi wise and 2 he is not to keen on the label thing for now so i need to suggest him somethings to study and read but cant direct him to salafi sites, any suggestions?
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
wa 'alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh akhee,
jazaakAllaahu khayraa for your concern for the brother. I have the contact info of a few brothers who had organized a 3-day "seminar" with brother Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee حفظه الله sometime in mid-2008 and whom I hope are upon the correct manhaj. The event was held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Insha'Allaah, you could send me a PM if you think this would be helpful.