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» Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal takfir against the Jahmi's
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17-03-2004 @ 4:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Sha'abu (Los Angeles)
Posts: 36
Joined: Nov 2003
  I found this on, at the bottom in the hadith section.

قال بعض العلماء منهم أحمد بن حنبل الجهمي كافر ليس من أهل القبلة حلال الدم لا يرث ولا يورث لأنه قال لا جمعة ولا جماعة ولا عيدين ولا صدقة وقالوا من لم يقل القرآن مخلوق فهو كافر واستحلوا السيف على أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وخالفوا من كان قبلهم وامتحنوا الناس بشيء لم يتكلم فيه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا أحد من أصحابه وأرادوا تعطيل المساجد والجوامع وأوهنوا الإسلام وعطلوا الجهاد وعملوا في الفرقة وخالفوا الآثار وتكلموا بالمنسوخ واحتجوا بالمتشابه فشككوا الناس في أديانهم واختصموا في ربهم وقالوا ليس هناك عذاب قبر ولا حوضا ولا شفاعة والجنة والنار لم يخلقا وأنكروا كثيرا مما قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فاستحل من استحل تكفيرهم ودمائهم من هذا الوجه لأنه من رد آية من كتاب الله فقد رد الكتاب كله ومن رد حديثا عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد رد الأثر كله وهو كافر بالله العظيم فدامت لهم المدة ووجدوا من السلطان معونة على ذلك ووضعوا السيف والسوط على من دون ذلك فدرس علم السنة والجماعة وأوهنوها فصاروا مكتومين لإظهار البدع والكلام فيها ولكثرتهم فاتخذوا المجالس وأظهروا آراءهم ووضعوا فيها الكتب وأطمعوا الناس وطلبوا لهم الرياسة فكانت فتنة عظيمة لم ينج منها إلا من عصم الله فأدنى ما كان يصيب الرجل من مجالستهم أن يشك في دينه أو يتابعهم أو يرى رأيهم على الحق ولا يدري أنهم على حق أو على باطل فصار شاكا فهلك الخلق حتى كانت أيام جعفر الذي يقال له المتوكل فأطفأ الله به البدع وأظهر به الحق وأظهر به أهل السنة وطالت ألسنتهم مع قلتهم وكثرة أهل البدع إلى يومنا هذا فالرسم والبدع وأهل الضلالة قد بقي منهم قوم يعملون بها ويدعون إليها لا مانع يمنعهم ولا حاجز يحجزهم عما يقولون ويعملون

Some of the scholars, amongst them Ahmad ibn Hanbal, declared the Jahmee to be a disbeliever and not from the people of the Qiblah. His blood is lawful. He does not inherit, neither is inheritance received from him, since he says that there is no Jumu?ah or congregational prayer, no ?Eid prayer, no charity (Sadaqah) and because they say, ?One who does not say the Qur?an is created is a disbeliever.? They allow fighting and killing within the nation of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam). They contradict those who preceded them. They put the people to trial regarding something that neither the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) nor any of his Companions spoke about.
They desire to empty the Mosques and for the congregations to be neglected. They weakened Islam, caused Jihaad to be left and busied themselves with sectarianism. They went against the narrations and spoke up with that which had been abrogated [1]. They used verses of uncertain meaning as clear proof and so caused the people to have doubts about their religion. They disputed about their Lord and said, ?There is no punishment in the grave, nor any Pond (Hawd), nor any Intercession and Paradise and the Fire have not been created.? They rejected much of what the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said. Those who permit the declaration of their being unbelievers declare them to be so and declare the spilling of their blood to be lawful because of these matters, since whoever rejects a verse from the Book of Allah has rejected the whole Book and whoever rejects a hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) has rejected all of his sayings and is a disbeliever in Allah, the Sublime.
They continued in time and found rulers who were to assist them in this and who subjected those who refused it to the sword or the whip. Knowledge of the Sunnah and the Jamaa?ah was wiped away and weakened by them so that they became suppressed due to the manifesting of innovation and speech about it and their great number. They established sittings, manifested their opinions, wrote books about them, enticed the people and they sought leadership for them.
It was a very great trial [2]. Only those whom Allah protected were saved from it. The slightest that a person would be affected by sitting with them was that he would be caused to doubt about his religion, or to follow them, or to hold their saying to be true, not knowing whether it was the truth of falsehood, so he became one who doubted. So the people were ruined until the time of Ja?far, who was known as al-Mutawakkil [3], through whom Allah extinguished innovation and manifested the truth and the people of the Sunnah. They spoke out, despite their small number and the great number of innovators, right up to this day [4]. As for their principles and misguidance, some of them have remained acting upon it and calling to it, with none to prevent them from their sayings and actions!

[1] The Mu?tazilah and the Raafidah denied abrogation (naskh). Before them, the Jews had denied it.
[2] Proclamation was made that everyone had to adhere to the belief of the Mu?tazilah that the Qur?an was created! The scholars were threatened and ordered to agree to this. Those who refused to assent verbally were imprisoned, threatened with death and tortured. Imam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) stood firm, despite months in prison, constantly being brought before those in authority and threatened with death and kept in chains. Eventually, he was lashed severly in public. ?Alee ibn al-Madeenee said, ?Indeed, Allah aided this religion through Abu Bakr on the Day of Apostasy (riddah) and through Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the day of the trial (mihnah).? Reported by adh-Dhahabee in Tadhkiratul-Huffaadh (2/432).
[3] The ?Abbaasid caliph, al-Mutawakkil ?alallaah: Abul-Fadl, Ja?far, son of al-Mu?tasim billaah, al-Qurashee. He died in the year 247 after the Hijrah. May the Mercy of Allah be upon him.
[4] Refer to the letter of Ahmad ibn Hanbal to al-Mutawakkil, mentioned in as-Sunnah of his son, ?Abdullah, as point number 84.

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