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02-06-2009 @ 4:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
umm muawiya muslimah bin abdulrahman (london)
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan 2009
Asalamualaykum warahmatullulah
I currently found out that I am anaemic and therefore have very low iron and haemoglobin levels and due to this I keep collapsing, and I am always tired. my doctor prescribed me with iron capsules but they contain gelatin, should I   take the medication or should I leave it? I'm currently looking for other medication. if you can answer my question please do with proofs from the Quran and Sunnah. jazakallahu khairan.

everyone ascribes them self to Layla but Layla ascribes herself to noone.

03-08-2009 @ 8:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Adil Manzoor Adil bin Manzoor (Piscataway, NJ, USA)
Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 2007
Deleted; I posted something that was falsely related to someone who never wrote nor translated it. May Allaah forgive me.

13-08-2009 @ 4:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
this article has been mistakenly attributed to shaykhs al-albaanee and baazmool, and to myself as well...

this was not written, compiled or translated by me

refer to:

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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15-08-2009 @ 3:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
‎‎‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ Zaahir bin Hernandez (Newark,N.J.(Amreekaa))
Posts: 187
Joined: Nov 2002
As salaamu 'alaikum,


There are iron pills you can purchase made in veggie caps. If you have any vitamin shops in the UK, you may be able to find them,wAllaahu Alam.
I found a site for you called, they sell vitamins and things.  Paste this on your browser for a example:

I do not know about the UK's Vitamin shops but you should be able to talk to someone there or a Healthfood store. If not, you can order from online shops here in the US like my wife's favorite Vitacost. They have good prices on vitamins and things for the whole family. Do some research online and you may find online vitamin shops in the uk so that you get the cheapest price.  

As a last resort you can always call the number on the bottle or the company name and ask them what type of gelatin was used. Sometimes they use veggie gelatin or the like.

May Allaah grant you expiation through you condition. And May He heal you and grant you patience. Aameen.

As salaamu 'alaikum

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