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04-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 297
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Contents removed. Refer to earlier post:

An established Jarh Mufassar exists against the Innovator Abul-Hasan al-Maribi. His deviation is as apparent as daylight. For this reason, even though this board does not allow any speech against Shaikh Saleem and Shaik Alee at the request of Shaikh Rabee', there will be no toleration of what opposes the truth that is with the major scholars of this time. Hence, we ask our members not to post material which leads to the spreading of doubts, as this will be against the rules of this forum.

From all the refutations of the people of knowledge it is clear that Al-Maribi entered Ahl us-Sunnah with plans and plots. Before coming out openly he deceived many of the people of knowledge and students of knowledge into thinking he is an upright Salafee. When all the barriers went (the four Noble Shaikhs of Ahl us-Sunnah who passed away in the past few years), he came out in the open to destroy Shaikh Rabee' and to bring his new ikhwaanee manhaj. There are many reports from reliable people who have explained this to be the case, amongst them Shaikh al-Buraee whose statement is found on Sahab and which is amazing, as it makes everything clear.

Unfortunately, it seems that due to the slick tongue of al-Maribi, his being an established liar (by testimony of some from the people of knowledge), and the shrewdness Allaah gave him (just as Allaah gave it to many innovators before al-Maribi), he has deceived many people into thinking his errors are only minor. Thus, the policy of this board is that nothing that defends this man will be allowed to be posted, and nothing that allows doubts to be spread is allowed to be posted.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 12-5-02 @ 11:31 AM

04-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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Yes, this unfortunately seems to be a translation of a bayaan that Alee Al-Halabee and Saleem Al-Hilaalee wrote.  It was present of  I hope that it will be removed as it was removed earlier when someone else posted it.  May Allaah reward the administration of this message board with al-Firdows.

I would like to assist you and the rest of the brothers by forwarding to you the statement of Shaykh Rabee' hafithahullaah when he was asked about people quoting their statement:

">Is that we informed Sheik Rabee, may Allah preserve him, that his making Tabdee of Abu Hasan does not necessitate us to do the same, especially when a lot of the Ulema Masheikh and students of knowledge from those whom we met, are of this opinion like Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al Abaad, Sheikh Ibraheem ar Ruhaili, Sheikh Hussein al Sheikh, and others, and he accepted that. But they were all keen to achieve the correct opinion in those issues, as they were. "

Alee Al-Halabee and Saleem Al-Hilaalee said that Shaykh Rabee' agreed that he can not make them take a postion against Abul-Hasan.  So now people are using this to say that we do not have to take what Shaykh Rabee' says about Abul-Hasan and they say this means that he should be considered from Ahlus-Sunnah once again!

Shaykh Rabee' was asked just last night:  Shaykh, what do you say about people who use the bayaan of the Jordanians, that you agreed that you can not make them take the position against Abul-Hasan, to allow them to accept Abul-Hasan as being from Ahlus-Sunnah?

He replied (I am summarizing): "I can not force anyone to make tabdee' of Abul-Hasan.  Like Allaah says:

لست عليهم بمصيطر

You (Muhammad) are not someone to force things on them

So I can not force them to do anything.  I can only clarify his deviation..."  (Then the shaykh went on to mention the severity of Abul-Hasan's deviation and that in no way can he be considered from Ahlus-Sunnah as he is an innovator.)

This was witnessed by Abul-Hasan Maalik, Aboo Khadeejah, Abdur-Razzaaq, and others.  

So, we see it is not as clear cut as they would like you to believe.  The shaykh only agreed that he can not force them to take a position.  As for someone not being obliged to accept the proofs and evidences of a scholar because others have said some general favorable things about Abul-Hasan, then this is ABSOLUTELY against the principles of ahlul-hadeeth.  Abul-Hasan Maalik and I were discussing this, that if people were allowed to ignore the jarh mufassar and take general ta'deel, then we could accept every single dha'eef hadeeth, since the dha'eef narrator may have someone saying that he is maqbool.  Rather what is binding upon all of us is that we accept the jarh of the people of jarh wa ta'deel, ESPECIALLY when it is detailed and full of proofs!

Could you imagine someone reading that Imaam Ahmad called a narrator a liar (someone that he knew personally), and then another muhaddith only knew good about that person, then he rejects the statement of Imaam Ahmad and takes the general praise of the other muhaddith, thus making a fabricated hadeeth into a SAHEEH one!?!?

'Ajeeb!  Ikhwaan we are responsible for acting on the knowledge that reaches us!  Our feet will not move from their places on the Day of Judgement until we are asked about our knowledge and if we acted upon it!

نسأل الله العافية والسلامة


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

05-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 81
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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah, Once again we see Abdul Qaadir attempting to revive his call to confusion, but in principle it is a call with a pathetically weak foundation. In reality the matter regarding Maribi is as clear as night from day and one only needs to look at the statements and the evidences from Sheikh Rabee, Ahmad an Najmi, Faleh al Harbi, Yahya al Hajuree, Muhammad ibn Haadee, Ubayd al Jaabiree, Muhammad al Banna, and others to know that the truth is clear. It baffles me why after all the evidence that has been established for months now, yet still the people are attempting to cause confusion. Wallahi, these people need to fear the Last Day when they will stand and be asked about the fitnah they tried to cause in the Lands. But insha'allah, there plots have failed in the past, there plots are failing in the present, and insha'allah, if Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta?aala wills, then there plots will fail in the future.

Let us read the recent statements of Sheikh Abdul Azeez al Buraee. Subhanallah!  

The following is taken from

Brief Notes:

1) Al-Bura'ees Exposition is called "The Beginning of Deviation"

2) He explains why he is refuting Abul-Hasan, that before he did not see from him what he observed afterwards

3) Explainst that al-Ma'ribee had been lurking around for about 8 years in order to bring his new "dustoor" of da'wah

4) Explains that al-Ma'ribee wished to destroy Shaykh Rabee'

5) Explains that al-Ma'ribee did not come out in the time of al-Albaani, Bin Baz or Ibn Uthaymeen because he knew their manhaj was the same as Shaykh Rabee's

6) Explains that al-Ma'ribee did not come out during the time of Shaykh Muqbil, has he feared he would be finished and when the Shaykh passed away, al-Ma'ribee said, "The time of fear has now passed".

7) Al-Ma'ribee's book as-Siraaj al-Wahhaaj Fee Bayaan il-Minhaaj was the dustoor of this new da'wah, and in this book al-Ma'ribee used generalised speech, which no one would disagree with, and which he could then later explain in the specific way that he desired - and if anyone challenged him, he would be able to say, don't you know that the scholars agree with this book.

8) Al-Ma'ribee does not have any desire for receiving advice, and is not prepared to accept it

9) He refutes the claims of al-Ma'ribee's followers who say al-Ma'ribee is oppressed and has been wronged and so on

10) That al-Ma'ribee included the Ikhwaan and Tableegh within Firqat un-Naajiyah at a time when he knew of their falsehood

11) That al-Ma'ribee taught the book "Milestones" of Sayyid Qutb to his students and certainly not from the angle of criticising it (!!!!!!!!!!!)

12) Al-Ma'ribee's lie upon Shaykh Muqbil that he includes Ikhwaan within Ahl us-Sunnah

13) In the manuscript version of his book as-Siraaj al-Wahhaaj, there are many statements later scrapped and removed, which Shaykh Rabee' actually observed and looked (when he corrected his mistakes) and they contained a clear affirmation of al-Muwaazanah, this was at a time when al-Ma'ribee knew about the bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah

14) Al-Ma'ribee's insults and attacks against the Scholars, amongst them "ignorance", "evil intentions", "so and so Shaykh is a khalafee", "the state of the Mashaayikh is a disgracefu, humiliating one", "deception", "they are bringing about a corrupting generation", describing Ahl us-Sunnah with "taqleed", that the Shaykhs have "corrupt usool" - and many others

15) His specific mockery, and insults and making jokes and fun out of Shaykh Rabee'

16) The result of is mockery and belittling of the Scholars is the same as the result that is desired by the Innovators

17) Al-Ma'ribee called for sending mercy upon the Innovators, yet look at his harshness towards Ahl us-Sunnah. He speaks of the principle "we correct the mistake but do not destroy the person", yet look at his insults, attacks and assaults against the Shaykhs who merely advised and corrected him, in the correct Sharee'ah manner, with such gentleness from the beginning. In his cassetted "Sitting in Aden" he prays for those from the Ikhwaan that Allaah gives them the highest place, gives them the ranks of the martyrs, and at the same time he reviles and curses Ahl us-Sunnah with every type of falsehood. Also compare between the du'aa he made for those from the Ikhwaan and between how he spoke of those who refuted al-Maghraawee, that they are mischief makers, destroyers of the deen, the lowly ones and so on.

And numerous other points

After all this what can be left to say about the Muqallidah and the Mumayyi'ah, the Du'aat of Baatil and the Dajjaajilah of Luton, who continue to defend this vile khabeeth, mubtadi' dall, mudill - when his affair is as clear as daylight? May Allaah guide them back to their senses, away from this Ikhwaanee Imposter

This message was edited by wasimk on 12-5-02 @ 12:36 AM

05-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
barakallaahu feekum,

i would like to apologize for the post.  i had not intended to cause confusion.  the bayaan sounded a little funny when i received it, so i asked about it.

jazakumullaahu khayran

shahid williams

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