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30-10-2008 @ 8:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Qayla Rasheed bin Estes Barbee (Durham, NC)
Posts: 187
Joined: Sep 2002

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

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Correcting a mistake in the language ıııı ıııı ıııı

                                           ııı ıııı ıııııı ıııııı

ııııı ııı ıııı ı ııııııı ııııııı ııı ıı ıı ııı ıııı ı ıııı

When saying the supplication ımay Allah bless youı, some of the people sayı

ıııı ıııı ııı        (Baaraka Allahu feek)

And some sayı

ııı ıııı ııı   (Baraka Allahu feek)

The difference between pronouncing the two statements is only one letter; the Alif (ııı) after the letter baa, while the difference in meanings between the two statements is tremendous.

When you consider that the phrase ıııı ıııı ııı is a supplication in which we are invoking Allah the Exalted to carry out an action, then it is befitting that we are diligent in pronouncing it correctly.

ıııı ıııı ııı      

ıııı is form three of the verb  ııı , this form of the verb means to bless

ıııı Allahıs Name (ııı ııııııı) is the Doer of the action in this sentence. Allah is the One whom we are asking to do the action.

ııı  meaning literality ıin youı

Therefore in this noble supplication we are asking Allah the Exalted to bless the person we are speaking to, or to place blessing in them.

{"ııııı ııı ııııı ııı ııı ııııııııı ııı ııı ııııı ıı ıııı ııııı}

In contrast, the verb ııı (baraka) is form one, this verb means (ıııııı) to kneel down!

{See: Hans Wehr dictionary page 54}

So it becomes clear that ııı is not the correct form of the verb to use.

ııııı form two of the verb ııı also means to invoke a blessing; this form has a Shadda on the raa.

This form of the verb can be found in the following Hadith.

ııı ıııııı ıııı ıııı ıııı
ı ııııı ı ıııııııııı ıııııı ıııııııııı ı ııııııı ııııııı ıııııııı ııııııııı ı
ııııı ııııııı ııııııı ı ııııııı ııııııı ıııııııı ııııııııı ı ı ııııı ı ı ııııııı ıııııııııııııı ı ıııııııııııı ı ııııııııııı ı ı ııııııııııııııı ı ı ıııııııı ııııııııı ııııııı ıııııııı ııııııı ııııııı ıııııııııııı ıııııııı ıııııı ıııııııııı

Imam Muslim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said it has been narrated by Aaisha the wife of the Prophet ıııııı ııııııı ıııııııı ııııııııı, ıthe children used to be brought to the to Messenger of Allah ıııııı ııııııı ıııııııı ııııııııı so he would invoke blessings for them and place a date on their palate, so one of the children that was brought to him urinated on him, so he requested some water and poured the water over the urine and he did not wash it.ı

Below is a brief discussion on the topic with references and notes taken and translated from

ıııııı is a simple three letter root verb, itsı verbal noun is ıııııı as we find in the statement (ıııı ıııııı) ıthe camelıs kneelingı.
This form of the word also appears in the Hadithı

ııııı ıııııı ıııııııııı ııııı ıııııııı ııııı ıııııııı ıııııııııı  

ıWhen one of you prostrates let him not prostrate as a camel prostrates.ı

The active participle (ııı ıııııı), meaning the one doing the action, is ıııııı

The passive participle (ııı ııııııı) meaning the thing the action of kneeling fell upon, is ııııııııı ıııı  

ıııı is a three letter root verb that has been increased by one letter. The verbal noun is ıııııı    
The active participle is ııııııı  
The passive participle is ııııııı, meaning that which is blessed, as we find in the statement of Allah the Exalted
{ııııııı ııııııı ıııııııııııııı ııııııııı ııııııııııııı ıııııııııı ııııııııııı ııııııııııı}

ıAnd this is a blessed Book (the Quran) which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy. (Chapter 6 verse 155)

Similarly it can be said that the commonly used phrase ııııııııÔ (mabrook) is also incorrect according to the rules of the Arabic language, and it would be more correct from a language point of view to sayı

ııııııı ıı (ıııııııııı) ıı ıııı ıııı ıı ıı ııı ıı ıııı

As for our saying to an individual ııııııııÔ then this means ımay a camel kneel down upon you and settle.ı
So this statement can be considered more of a supplication against the person than it is a supplication for them.

Although the Noble Scholar Sheikh Uthamin, may Allah have mercy upon him, allows it due to its wide spread use among the common people.

The Noble Sheikh was askedı
Q: What is the ruling on congratulating a person by saying to them ııııı considering that it is said that this phrase is taken from the word ıııııı so it is as though you are saying ımay a camel kneel down upon youı, and this phrase is not taken from the word ııııı, the phrase that actually means blessings?

Answer: The correct phrase should come from ıııııı (blessing) because it is said that this word is from the word ııııı, and this word is from the four letter verb ıııı, and it is said that the phrase ııııı is from the verb ııı.
But the common people do not intend except the meaning ıblessingı, and it has the meaning of ııııı in the Arabic language.

And I donıt think that it is from the principles of Arabic morphology (ııııııı ııııııı) to derive from the word ııı the word ııııı because ııı is an intransitive verb (ııııı ıııııı) {meaning it does not require an object) and an intransitive verb can not form a passive participle (ııı ııııııı) except if it is made transitive (ıııı) by ııı ıııı.
Therefore it is said, ıI kneeled the she-camel, so she is kneelingı, (using the word ııııı which is the active participle and not using the word ıııııı which is the passive participle.) ı therefore forming a passive participle from the word ııı is not done unless it is made transitive by using ııı ıı.

But it is used (today) without ııı ıı as is known among the common people, but if the word is formed from the root  ııııı ıııııı ıııııı these letters which are the foundation of the word ıııııı (blessing) then I donıt see anything preventing someone saying ıııııÔ with the meaning of ıııııÔ

Compiled and translated by Rasheed Barbee

æóßóÇäó ÇáúİõÖóíúá Èúä ÚöíóÇÖ íóŞõæá : íóÇ ßóĞøóÇÈ íóÇ ãõİúÊóÑò , ÇöÊøóŞö Çááøóåó æóáóÇ ÊóÓõÈøó ÇáÔøóíúØóÇä İöí ÇáúÚóáóÇäöíóÉ æóÃóäúÊó ÕóÏöíŞõåõ İöí ÇáÓøöÑø

31-10-2008 @ 3:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Qayla Rasheed bin Estes Barbee (Durham, NC)
Posts: 187
Joined: Sep 2002

As salaamu alaikum

I will try to attach the PDF here inshaAllah.

æóßóÇäó ÇáúİõÖóíúá Èúä ÚöíóÇÖ íóŞõæá : íóÇ ßóĞøóÇÈ íóÇ ãõİúÊóÑò , ÇöÊøóŞö Çááøóåó æóáóÇ ÊóÓõÈøó ÇáÔøóíúØóÇä İöí ÇáúÚóáóÇäöíóÉ æóÃóäúÊó ÕóÏöíŞõåõ İöí ÇáÓøöÑø

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