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» al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan was asked: Which is the best path for the student of knowledge, Books or Tapes?
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Posted By Topic: al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan was asked: Which is the best path for the student of knowledge, Books or Tapes?

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08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 7
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Assalamu alaiykum wa Rahmatullah.

Jazzakullahu Khairan Ya Akhee al Faadil, for this important Question and Answer, And to complete the benefit, here is the translation of the Q&A, wa Billahi Tawfeeq!

Q: And finally, what do you advice us concerning how to seek knowledge and what are the books and tapes that are needed for a beginner in knowledge?

A: What we advice is that you contact the people of Knowledge, and if they are able to travel to them then they should do so, the likes of Sheikh Al-Albani and Sheikh ibn Baaz, and Sheikh Abdul Muhsin al-Abaad and Sheikh Rabee bin Hadee and Sheikh ibn Uthameen, if they are able to travel to them, then they should do so. And if they are not able to travel to them, then (they should contact) by phone and writing to them, And if it is found in the land which they reside in, a prominent Alim, Then we advice them to gather around him and call the people to gather around him, as long as he is not a Mutahathib (blind follower of the Madthabs), and as long as he is not a Hizbee, because the Hizbee, his only concern is gathering the people into his Hizb (Group). And the Mutahathib (his only concern is) calling the people to his Madthab: ?And to Allah is the Pure Religion? [39:3]

So it is incumbent to have Sincerity in the Religion and in the Call to Allah - Mighty and Sublime-:? And let there be from You (All) a Group, Calling to the Good.?[3:104] ? Say, This is my way I call to Allah upon insight, I and those who follow me.?[12:108]  ?Call to the way of your Lord with Wisdom and a good admonition?[16:125]

And there is an important affair which must be made clear, that some of the Hizbiyeen, it is possible that he might swear by Allah that he is not a Hizbee, so (that) you remain in a state of confusion, but when he calls you to Elections or if you were to see him praising the Hizbiyeen and meeting them, so it is a point of doubt and misgiving, so it is important to pay attention to it.
[Tufatul - Mujeeb, pg 139-140]

فدعوةنا إلى التوحيد تدعو
        على نهج سار به الأنبياء

This message was edited by Abu.UmarFaruq on 12-8-02 @ 12:18 PM

07-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
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Shaykh Muqbil Advises the student on the path to seeking knowledge

   وأخيرًا بم تنصحنا في كيفية طلب العلم وما هي الكتب والأشرطة التي يحتاج إليها الطالب المبتدئ للعلم؟

الذي ننصح به، أن يراسلوا أهل العلم، وان استطاعوا أن يرحلوا إليهم فعلوا، مثل الشيخ الألباني، والشيخ ابن باز، والشيخ عبدالمحسن العباد، والشيخ ربيع بن هادي، والشيخ ابن عثيمين، فإن استطاعوا أن يرحلوا إليهم فعلوا، وإن لم يستطيعوا أن يرحلوا إليهم فبواسطة الهاتف والمراسلات، وإن وجد في تلك البلد التي هم فيها عالم مبرز فننصحهم أن يلتفوا حوله، وأن يدعوا الناس للالتفاف حوله، بشرط ألا يكون متمذهبًا ولا حزبيًّا، فإن الحزبي همّه أن يجمع الناس إلى حزبه، والمتمذهب يدعو الناس إلى مذهبه:{ألا لله الدّين الخالص}.
فلا بد من إخلاص الدين والدعوة لله عز وجل: {ولتكن منكم أمّة يدعون إلى الخير}، {قل هذه سبيلي أدعو إلى الله على بصيرة أنا ومن اتّبعني}، {ادع إلى سبيل ربّك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة}.
وهنا أمر لا بد من التنبيه عليه، وهو: أن بعض الحزبيين ربما يقسم لك بالله أنه ليس بحزبي، فتبقى متحيّرًا، لكن إذا دعاك للانتخابات، أو رأيته يمجّد الحزبيين ويستقبلهم، فهو موضع ريبة وشك، ينبغي أن تتنبّه له.

والحمد لله رب العالمين

تحفة المجيب على أسئلة الحاضر والغريب

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan radiallaahu 'anhu said. "The people used to ask the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear that it would overtake me ..."

This message was edited by uk_Salafi on 12-7-02 @ 1:24 PM

16-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 41
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Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen on the Same Topic

وهذا سؤال ثا ني طرح على الشيخ العثيمين رحمه الله
-هل يجوز تعلم الدين من الكتب فقط دون العلماء وخاصة إذا كان يصعب التعلم على أيدي العلماء لندرتهم ، وما رأيك في قول القائل : ( من كان شيخه كتابه كان خطؤه أكثر من صوابه ) ؟

لا شك أن العلم يحصل بطلبه عند العلماء ، وبطلبه في الكتب ، لأن كتاب العالم هو العالم نفسه ، فهو يحدثك من خلال كتابه فإذا تعذر الطلب على أهل العلم ، فإنه يطلب العلم من الكتب ولكن تحصيل العلم عن طريق العلماء أقرب من تحصيله عن طريق الكتب ، لأن الذي يحصله عن طريق الكتب يتعب أكثر ، ويحتاج إلى جهد كبير جدا ، ومع ذلك فإنه قد تخفى عليه بعض الأمور كالقواعد الشرعية التي قعدها أهل العلم ، والضوابط ، فلا بد أن يكون له مرجع من أهل العلم بقدر الإمكان وأما من قال : ( من كان دليله كتابه فخطؤه أكثر من صوابه ) فهذا ليس صحيحا على إطلاقه ولا فاسدا على إطلاقه أما الإنسان الذي يأخذ العلم من أي كتاب يراه فلا شك أنه يخطئ كثيرا وأما الذي يعتمد في تعلمه على كتب رجال علم معروفين بالثقة والأمانة والعلم ، فإن هذا لا يكثر خطؤه ، بل قد يكون مصيبا في أكثر ما يقول.


Question: Is it permissible to learn the deen from books only, without the scholars, especially when it is difficult to learn under the scholars, due to their scarcity. And what is your view about the saying of the one who said, "Whoever's Shaikh is his book, then his error will be greater than his correctness".

Answer: There is no doubt that knowledge is gained by seeking it from the scholars, and by seeking it from the books. Since the book of a scholar, is the scholar himself. He speaks to you by way of his book. So when seeking (knowledge)  from the people of knowledge becomes difficult, then he seeks knowledge from books. However, attaining knowledge through the Scholars is closer (better) than seeking it through books, because the one who acquires it through books, he will be tired more easily, and it requires a great deal of effort. And added to this, certain matters might remain hidden from him, such as Sharee'ah principles that the people of knowledge have laid down, and rules. So it is vital that he has a reference point from the people of knowledge, according to what is possible.

As for the one who said, "Whoever's evidence is his book, then his error will be greater than his correctness", then this is not correct absolutely, and nor is it corrupt absolutely. As for the one who takes knowledge from any book that he sees, then no doubt, he will err frequently, and as for the one who in his learning, relies upon books of men of knowledge who are known with reliability, trustworthiness, and knowledge, then this ones' errors will not be many. He will be correct in the majority of what he says"

This was posted in the same thread on Sahab.Net

This message was edited by abu.junood on 11-16-02 @ 10:04 PM

16-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 36
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Audio: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan's advice regarding seeking knowledge from books and cassettes only...

16-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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Baarak Allaah feekum akhee for bringing this nice clip from our shaykh Saalih, hafithahullaah.

Firstly, the last part of the question should read: "...and WHICH books are best to learn from?"

The shaykh's answer:

"All of these ways are incorrect, as they are only means of assistance.  As for the essence of seeking knowledge, then it is to be sought from the scholars.  (The student) must sit in the study circles where they teach or in the classrooms under teachers, as knowledge is to be taken directly from someone, not from reading [1], as reading is only a means of assistance.

For if you were to become a student of books, tapes [2], or general lectures, and you kept only to that, then that is a great danger indeed.  You will be one of the false claimants to knowledge [3] from those who fall into great errors in their knowledge, as they did not build the foundation of their knowledge from the scholars, nor did they take the knowledge directly from them.  (The affair must be) from person to person, my brothers!

Knowledge is not (gained) by becoming a student of books, papers, or stationary!  These affairs are only things to assist you.  You review these things when you are studying under the mashaayikh, when you want to gain more understanding or insight, as this will make you studies of the lessons that you attend easier.  As for restricting yourself to becoming a student of these reference materials, then this is a huge error, since its harm is more than its benefit."


[1] I think the phrase:
العلم بالتلقي مهو بالقراءة
should read:
العلم بالتلقي ما هو بالقراءة

[2] I think the phrase:
تتلمذت على الكتب أو الأشرطة
has been mistakenly repeated twice.

[3] I think the phrase:
تكون متعالمة مع المتعالمين
should read:
تكون متعالماً مع المتعالمين

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by Moosaa on 11-16-02 @ 3:53 PM

16-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
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أي الطرق أفضل لطلب العلم الكتب أم الأشرطة .. للعلامة الفوزان

al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan was asked: Which is the best path for the student of knowledge, Books or Tapes?

Please could one of the capable brothers translate Shaykh al-Fawzaan's answer and post it for the benefit of the brothers and sisters?!

إذا كنت أريد أن أتعلم العلم ، فأي الطرق أفضل ، هل عن طريق الكتب أم الأشرطة أم المحاضرات ، وأي الكتب أفضل للتعلم

The Questioner: If I intended to learn knowledge, which path is best, is it the path of books, or tapes or lectures, or are books best for learning?

أجاب الشيخ :

The Shaykh?s Answer:

All of these paths are incorrect for the student of knowledge??

كل هذه الطرق غير صحيحة لطلب العلم هذه مساعدات فقط ، وأما أصل طلب العلم فلا بد أن يكون على العلماء ، لا بد من الجلوس في حلقات التدريس أو في الفصول الدراسية عند المدرسين ، العلم بالتلقي مهو بالقراءة ، القراءة إنما تكون مساعدة فإذا تتلمذ على الكتب أو على الأشرطة تتلمذت على الكتب أو الأشرطة أو على المحاضرات واقتصرت على ذلك فهذا خطر عظيم ، تكون متعالمة مع المتعالمين الذين يقعون في أخطاء علمية عظيمة لأنهم لم يأصلوا علمهم ولم يتلقوه عن العلماء .
العلم يا أخوان بالتلقي ، مهو بالعلم بالتتلمذ على الكتب والأوراق والقراطيس ، هذه أمور مساعدة فقط ، تطالع إذا كنت تدرس على المشايخ ، تطالع لتتزود فهم ومعرفة ويسهل لك ذلك فهم الدرس الذي تحضره ، أما أنك تقتصر على التتلمذ على هذه المصادر فهذا غلط كبير ، وهذا ضرره أكثر من نفعه  

Taken from [(من شريط اللقاء المفتوح رقم (21)] open sitting tape 21, posted on

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan radiallaahu 'anhu said. "The people used to ask the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear that it would overtake me ..."

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