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» Biography: Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudayaan
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Posted By Topic: Biography: Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudayaan

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30-08-2006 @ 11:33 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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[Taken from the introduction to ?Fataawal-Lajnatid-Daa.imah lil-buhoothil- `Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa.? (1/10-12)]


`Abdullaah ibn `Abdir-Rahmaan ibn `Abdir-Razzaaq ibn Qaasim Aal Ghudayaan.
He is from the family of a muhaddith of Banul-`Anbar, from Banoo  `Amr ibn Tameem, and his lineage goes back to `Amr (Taabikhah) ibn Ilyaas ibn Mudar, from the family of the descendants of  `Adnaan; and through his mother his lineage goes back to the family of Raashid, from (the tribe of) `Utaybah which is from (the tribes of ) Hawaazin.

*His birth: He was born in the year 1345 [[c.1926 C.E.]] in the town of az-Zulfaa.

* His education: He studied the basics of reading and writing at a young age with `Abdullaah ibn `Abdil-`Azeez as-Suhaymee, and `Abdullaah ibn `Abdir-Rahmaan al-Ghayth, and Faalih ar-Roomee.

He studied the basics of Fiqh, Tawheed, Arabic Grammar, and the laws of Inheritance with Hamdaan ibn Ahmad al-Baatil.

Then he travelled to ar-Riyaad in the year 1363H and entered the Saudi Preparatory School [previously the School for Orphans] in the year 1366 approximately, and he qualified in the year 1368H.

He was appointed as a teacher in al-`Azeeziyyah School, and in the year 1371H he entered the Academic Institute (al-Ma`hadul-`Ilmee). During  this period he took knowledge from the eminent Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aalush -Shaikh.

He likewise took the knowledge of Fiqh from Shaikh Sa`ood ibn Rashood (the Qaadee of ar-Riyaad) and from Shaikh Ibraaheem ibn Sulaymaan he learned knowledge of Tawheed. With Shaikh `Abdul-Lateef ibn Ibraaheem he studied Arabic Grammar and the Laws of Inheritance.

Then he continued his studies until he qualified from the College  of Sharee`ah in the year 1376H.

He was then appointed as head of the court of al-Khobar. Then he moved to teach in the Academic Institute in the year 1378H.

Then in the year 1380H he was appointed as a teacher in the College of Sharee`ah;

Then in 1386H he became a member of the Iftaa. (Verdicts) Committee in Daarul-Iftaa.Then he 1391H he was appointed a member of the permanent Committee for scholarly research and verdicts, and a member of the Committee of Major Scholars [1].

His Shaikhs: He studied under a group of the seekers of knowledge in the various fields, and the most prominent of them in addition to those already mentioned were:

1)     The eminent Shaikh `Abdul-`Azeez ibn `Abdillaah ibn Baaz-under whom he studied Fiqh.
2)     Shaikh `Abdullaah al-Khulayfee, with whom he studied  Fiqh also;
3)     Shaikh `Abdul-`Azeez ibn Rasheed, with whom he studied Fiqh, Tawheed, and the Laws of Inheritance;
4)     Shaikh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee, with whom he studied Usoolul-Fiqh, the Sciences of the Qur.aan, and Tafseer.
5)     Shaikh `Abdur-Rahmaan al-Ifreeqee, with whom he studied the Sciences of Hadeeth, and Hadeeth.
6)     Shaikh `Abdur-Razzaaq `Afeefee
7)     `Abdul-Fattaah Qaaree al-Bukhaaree, from whom he learned the Qur.aan with the recitation of Hafs from `Aasim with his chain of narration back to the Messenger (صلىالله عليه وسلم ); and from others.

*His works:

In addition to what has preceded, along with his other works, from the year 1389H to this day he has been teaching Fiqh; and its Usool and Principals; and Hadeeth and its Sciences; and Tafseer and its branches of knowledge; and `Aqeedah; and Fiqh; in organized lectures throughout most of the days of the week in accordance with circumstances: after Maghrib, and after `Ishaa., and sometimes after Fajr and after `Asr.

Also from 1395H in addition to his work in delivering verdicts he gave lectures to the studies of Higher Studies in Jaami`atul-Imaam (the University of the Imaam), and in the College of Shaaree`ah, teaching Fiqh, Usoolul-Fiqh, the Principals of Fiqh and its Fundamentals, in the lecture hall; and he used to supervise and take part in the debates concerning some of the research papers.

Likewise in this period a large number of students took knowledge from him. Also in the year 1381H he was nominated to take a position in the committee for giving guidance and verdicts during the Hajj which has continued to the present day. Then when the eminent Shaikh `Abdullaah ibn Humayd passed away in the year 1402H, he took over delivering verdicts on the radio-programme ?Noor `alad-Darb?.?

[1] The Committee of the Major Scholars (Hay.atu Kibaaril-`Ulamaa. was established in 1391H and consisted of Shaikh Ibraaheem ibn Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aalush-Shaikh, (head), Shaikh `Abdur-Razzaaq `Afeefee `Atiyyah ( deputy head), Shaikh `Abdullaah ibn `Abdir-Rahmaan al-Ghudayaan (member), Shaikh `Abdullaah ibn Sulaymaan ibn Manee` (member). Then at the end of 1395H Shaikh Ibraaheem Aalush-Shaikh was appointed as the Minister for Justice, and his place as head of the Committee of Major Scholars was taken by Shaikh `Abdul-`Azeez ibn `Abdillaah ibn Baaz-rahimahullaah.

(Translation by Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank)


02-06-2010 @ 5:28 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
The Shaykh raheemahullaah died yesterday. Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

May Allaah have mercy upon the Shaykh and protect the remaining Sunni mashaykh.

20-06-2010 @ 5:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Excellent lecture on the life, knowledge, character, manhaj, Da'wah & manners of the Shaykh raheemahullaah by Br. Mustafa George hafidhahullaah.

The brother has shared some very interesting anecdotes based on his 3 years with the Shaykh. Hope everyone benefits.

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