Bismillah walhamdulillah wa bad: Assalaamu alaikum
Our noble brother Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib will be in Brooklyn, New York at Masjidul-Muslimeen from the 26th of September until the 2nd of October giving some classes. From amongst the topics are Usooluthalatha, Masaailul Jaahiliyah, and the explan. of the 40 hadeeth of AnNawawee. He will also be the khateeb for Jumuah inshallah. The brothers and sisters are encouraged to participate and inshallah get some benefit. Any further info please contact the Masjid at 718 771 6062 wa salaamu alaikum
كن عالما او متعلما او محبا لاهله
اخوكم ابو عزيزة عبد المجيد خزيمة بن رتشارد البليزي