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» Removing the Smoke Screens and Diversionary Tactics of Aboo Usaamah adh-Dhahabee
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14-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
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One of the many issues that the salafee youths are being charged with today is being overly concerned with or involving themselves in the field of al-Jarh wat Ta?deel, while not possessing the skills to do so.

We find Aboo Usaamah adh-Dhahabee saying about the salafee youth who indulge in this area of knowledge:

??now many people think that it (jarh wa ta?deel) is fashionable, they think that it is fashionable, so you?ll find a man he doesn?t know the ahkaam (rulings) of  nun saakin in tajweed, which is an obligation for him to know, Allah ordered us in the Qur?an:

?Read the book properly!?

That?s an order in the Qur?an to know about the nun saakin, everyone has to know how to read the Qur?an properly?but all you?ll find from people is jarh wa ta?deel, criticizing and praising, criticizing those who don?t deserve to be criticized, or he criticizes them in a way that they don?t deserve to be criticized, and he praises those who don?t deserve to be praised?.?

End of quote.

In another place he said about the salafee who he believes should not be involving himself in jarh:

??It doesn't matter that he is ignorant of some basic but vital aspects of his Deen, like the proper way of reading Quran with Tajweed (which he has been commanded to know).  He's even ignorant about basic concepts of his Aqeedah??  

End of quote.

Ash-Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree was asked this question:

"Shaikh, if one of the Shaykhs criticizes a person, then can we criticize with his criticism?"
He replied with the following:
"If that person is one who knows [ie.] a  person of knowledge and awareness of the people, [then] Yes!
For example, Shaikh al-Albaanee has spoken in praise of our Shaikh Dr. Rabee?. And Dr. Rabee? has no personal grudge against anyone. So we sit with him and ask him about some people and he says: No, leave them. This is just an example, just one example. What is meant is that if a scholar is found who knows the people and he judges with Jarh and Ta?deel, with proofs, then such a person?s words are accepted. As for small students, and as for his quoting to you from a trustworthy scholar, then yes, but as for his doing Jarh, then no!?

Shaikh Zaid al-Madkhalee was asked: ? We have individuals amongst us who are greater than us in age and knowledge and they are calling to their clear innovations, such as, takfeer upon the rulers, al-Muwaazanaat and attacking the major scholars. We do not declare them innovators, but we refute their well known innovations. So some of the people prohibit refutation of them except after calling the major scholars first. Therefore, is it permissible for us to warn against their known innovations before calling the major scholars??

The Shaikh replied after giving a lengthy explanation of the danger of takfeer, speaking ill about the scholars and al-Muwaazanah:

??so as for the one who has some level of knowledge from amongst those who are traversing upon the manhaj of the Salaf, then he must engage these people in a knowledge based discussion if he sees a benefit in that.

However, if he sees them to steeped in controversy and greater in argumentation and deceptions upon the people, then it is upon him to abandon them and boycott them and it is upon him to warn against them [that is, with what those who have more knowledge have said concerning about them or their like] since this ideology of theirs can afflict those who do not have much knowledge and those who can not distinguish between the thick and the thin, and the authentic and unauthentic.

Therefore, this is what I know to be the manhaj of the Salaf and their path and these people have opposed it in these three great important affairs.

They have opposed the manhaj of the Salaf and whoever opposes the manhaj of the Salaf, then nothing remains in front of him except the path of the Khalaf [ie. he is a khalafee] that is, those who have opposed the path of the Salaf??

So the diversionary tactics attempted by Aboo Usaamah is to make the people think that someone who does not have technical knowledge, while at the same time he criticizes a person [of whom he is fully aware of his condition], is not permissible until and unless he knows the fundamentals of Tajweed or can recite the Qur?aan properly!

Many of us have heard of the Taabi?ee whose name was Makhool. He was Makhool ibn Abee Muslim bin Shahraab. He was the Aalim of the people of Shaam, who was extolled and lauded by the major ulamaa of his time.

Az-Zuhree said: ? The Ulamaa are four: Sa?eed ibnul-Musayyib at al-Madeenah; ash-Sha?bee at al-Koofah; al-Hasan[al-Basree] at al-Basrah; and Makhool at ash-Shaam!?

Sa?eed ibn Abdul Azeez said that Sulaymaan ibn Moosaa used to say:

? When knowledge came to us from the Hijaaz attested by az-Zuhree we accepted it. And when it [knowledge] came to us from ash-Shaam attested by Makhool we accepted it and when it came from al-Jazeerah attested by Maymoon ibn Mihraan we accepted it and when it came from al-Iraaq attested by al-Hasan [al-Basree] we accepted it.

These four were the scholars of the people during the khilaafah of Hishaam?

Aboo Mushir narrated from Sa?eed ibn Abdil Azeez who said: ?There was no one during the era of Makhool that was more knowledgeable and decisive than him with regards to making fataawaa (legal verdicts)!?

But at the same time, Uthmaan ibn Ataa said that Makhool was an a?jamee (non-Arab) and was not able to say ?Qul? but rather he would say ?Kul?. In spite of that, everything that he said in ash-Shaam was accepted from him!?

Clearly we see here, that this great, noble personality Makhool, was not able to properly pronounce the letter Qaaf and make its makhraj  (origin for the sound of the letters and how they are pronounced) distinct from the letter Kaaf (which may drastically change the meaning). On the other hand, that did not stop him from being an Imaam nor the people accepting his knowledge! We don?t find the people during his time saying:

?You should be spending more time learning the makhaarij (origin of the letters), Yaa Makhool before you go out and speak against the Qadariyyah!? And if they did, they surely did not tell them to stop refuting and criticizing the miscreant! In fact, Imaam Ahmad has told us ?Refuting is more beloved than optional prayers and fasting!

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah ? rahimahullaah ? said, ?When some people said to Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal that they felt uneasy about criticizing people, he replied, ?If I were to remain silent, how would the ignorant masses know the truth from falsehood??

Those who introduce heretical writings which oppose the Qur?aan and Sunnah and those who innovate in matters of worship, then it is obligatory that they be exposed and that the Muslims be warned against them ? by unanimous agreement of the Muslim scholars. In fact, when Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was asked about a man who fasted, prayed and secluded himself in the masjid for worship; if he was dearer to him than a person who spoke against the people of innovation, he replied,

?When he fasts and prays and secludes himself, then he does so for the benefit of himself. However, when he speaks out against the innovators, he does so for the benefit of the Muslims in general, and this is more virtuous.?

So it is clear that openly opposing the innovators is of general benefit to the Muslims and is considered one of the types of jihaad (struggle) in the path of Allaah. Since purifying the Religion of Allaah and defending it from their attacks is a collective obligation ? as is agreed upon by the scholars. For if Allaah did not raise up some people to oppose the innovators, then the Religion would suffer harm, corruption and deviation.

Indeed this type of corruption is even greater resulting from the corruption of the disbelievers conquering the Muslims. Since when the unbelievers conquer the Muslims, they do not corrupt their hearts, nor their Religion, except after some time. Whereas the innovators corrupt the hearts from the very beginning.?  Refer to Majmoo?ul-Fataawaa (28/231-232)

Can you imagine dear readers ? may Allaah keep you far away being confused and having corrupted hearts  - what would have happened to the people in those days if they had listened to advice and questionable principals from the likes of Aboo Usaamah?

They would not have been protected from the likes of the many groups that sprung up at that time and would have consequently been lead astray!

Let there be no doubt in anyone?s mind that the science of al-jarh and at-Ta?deel is considered knowledge. Additionally, there is no doubt ? and Allaah knows best ? that the aforementioned ulamaa at one time or another made criticisms of the innovators, deviants and heretics during their era!

The Imaam and Muhaddith of the people of Yemen, Shaikh Muqbil, may Allaah have mercy on all these mountains of knowledge, said in his book al-Muqtarih fee ajwibati as?ilatil Mustalih after mentioning the importance of gaining knowledge, specifically, the knowledge of the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, alaihis salaam and the status of the Ulamaa  :

? Our earlier scholars ? may Allaah have mercy on them ? (there existed) among them were those who specialized in the Qur?aan; and those who specialized in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah, alaihis salaam; and among them who specialized in the Arabic language.

In most cases, the specialist from among them was familiar with the rest of the sciences. However, there existed those who were experts in reciting (the Qur?aan ) like Hafs ibn Sulaymaan, an imaam in [the science of] recitation.

In fact, he was an expert in the seven modes of recitation, nonetheless he was disregarded concerning hadeeth.

In addition, there were those who were imaams in [the science of] hadeeth, but perhaps would make grammatical mistakes in the simplest of matters. For example, Uthmaan ibn Abee Shaybah the brother of Aboo Bakr ibn Abee Shaybah and likewise his brother al-Qaasim for he was indeed an imaam in the science of hadeeth. However, he used to make to improperly recite the Qur?aan!?

Uthmaan ibnu Abee Shaybah was al-Imaam, al-Haafidh, and a major scholar of tafseer of Qur?aan. The likes of Imaams al-Bukhaaree and Muslim used to use him as a proof in their books of saheeh, Aboo Daawood and Ibn Maajah in their Sunan, also Aboo Ya?laa, al-Faryaabee and al-Baghawee narrated from him.

Finally, reflecting upon some contemporary examples of people who make mistakes in their reciting the Book of Allaah and the Hadeeths of the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam,

I remember ? in the mid-nineties on at least two occasions advising Aboo Usaamah after listening to him open up his speeches with the Khutbatul Haajah, he would incorrectly pronounce the plural word for ?amr? (affair) which is ?umoor?.

For years instead of saying:

?Fa inna asdaqal hadeethi Kitaabullaah, wa khairal hudaa hudaa Muhammad wa sharral ?amoor? muhdathaatuhaa??  

If one were to go back and listen to his tapes - before I reminded him of this error and the praise is for Allaah ? one will hear the evidence. An example is Tasfeer Sooratul Baqarah 2:246. There were other grammatical and makhraj mistakes as well but we are not concerned with them here.

I think Aboo Usaamah should go back and learn those as he says ?basic but vital aspects of his Deen, like the proper way of reading Quran with Tajweed ( which he has been commanded to know ? ) and spend less time supporting and translating for those who support the people of innovation.

So, we say now to Aboo Usaamah stop throwing out those smoke screens, that cloud the issues and further confuse the minds of the salafee youth.

Stop utilizing those diversionary tactics, which results in debarring the young salafees from protecting his deen and his, practicing the Sunnah!

Stop ! Oh Aboo Usaamah! Making one issue of Islaam seem greater than the other, while all the issues of the deen are important. Thus causing the people to turn away from those of whom they obligated to rely upon, and towards those whom you really want to support!

For indeed Allaah says [interpretation of the meaning]:

?Would you exchange the higher (that which is better) for that which is lower??

May Allaah guide him and us all!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

27-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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The Quran is the Priority

was originally posted here by a new member

article moved to new thread:

If it was intended by this post, to insinuate that this clarification about Aboo Usaamah is not a priority to the English-speaking Muslims, then this is clearly a mistake.  But perhaps it was just a mistake by a new member who accidentally placed this article in the wrong thread.  Baarak Allaahu feekum.

And its funny, but the issue of the priority of the Qur'aan does relate to Aboo Usaamah Ath-Thahabee directly...

In terms of the MEANING of the Qur'aan:

4 years ago or so he was in Pittsburgh for an entire week teaching us the 'aqeedah of Sufyaan Ath-Thawree.  From those points of 'aqeedah that were discussed was how the salaf did not use to stir the people up against the rulers and speak against them in public making khurooj against them.  Then he later went on to use the mimbar in Philedalphia against the Muslims rulers.  So then where is the priority of the Qur'aan???

Allaah says:

(O you who believe!  Why do you say that which you do not do?  What an evil thing it is with Allaah that you say that which you do not do!) As-Saff

And Allaah says:

(Do you order the people with righteousness and then forget your own selves?  While you are reading the Book?  Do you not think?!) Al-Baqarah

So na'm ikhwaan - we have to give the Qur'aan priority by not reciting it and then acting against it!  Jazaak Allaahu khayran yaa akhee!

And in terms of the RECITATION of the Qur'aan and its priority:

During the very same visit, the Imaam of the masjid would allow him to lead the salaah occasionally.  So when he was reading Soorah Al-Jumu'ah, I noticed that he was putting a qalqalah on the letter kaaf.  I first noticed this in the aayah:

فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا البيع

He read it "ilaa thikarillaah" with a HEAVY qalqalah on the kaaf saakin.  So I began to pay attention to his kaaf's in his recitation and found that, yes, indeed, he is putting a serious qalqalah on the kaaf saakin every time.  So i sat with him to point it out and he refused to admit he was doing that and explained it away saying that the makhaarij al-huroof are far apart, ie. the kaaf and the raa'.  He dismissed me and said I didn't know what I was talking about.  Maybe there are others who witnessed this problem with his recitation.

So Moosaa - are you nit-picking?  NO!  Why am I mentioning this tiny point?  Because from his deviant invented principles is the inkaar of people who speak about majrooheen or topics of jarh and ta'deel or warn against innovators but they do not know a sufficient amount of tajweed!  How many times have we heard from him: "So-and-So couldn't even name the letters of QALQALAH if you asked him, and he has the nerve to speak about such-and-such an affair..."!!!  So he blames people for specifically not knowing the letters of qalqalah and makes this an issue that will prevent you from taking that person's quotes of the major ulamaa'!  While he himself fails to properly implement the rule of qalqalah in his own recitation and furthermore refuses to be corrected by his brother who wanted good for him and wanted him to implement the rules of qalqalah properly!!!

So na'm yaa akhee, baarak Allaahu feekum, we have to give this Qur'aan its due priority!  


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 97
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Jazaakallaahu khayran yaa Abaa Tasneem for clarifying this point, as many people who are unaware would be inclined to listen to this trickery.

In reference to what our brother Moosaa (hafithahullaah) stated: >He read it "ilaa thikarillaah" with a HEAVY qalqalah on the kaaf saakin.  So I began to pay attention to his kaaf's in his recitation and found that, yes, indeed, he is putting a serious qalqalah on the kaaf saakin every time.  So i sat with him to point it out and he refused to admit he was doing that and explained it away saying that the makhaarij al-huroof are far apart, ie. the kaaf and the raa'.  He dismissed me and said I didn't know what I was talking about.  Maybe there are others who witnessed this problem with his recitation.

We say in response to this as Allaah says: و إذا قيل له اتق الله أخذته العزة بالإثم فحسبه جهنم و لبئس المهاد

"And when it is said to him 'Fear Allaah', he is taken by arrogance to (more) crime. So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that a place of rest." (Al-Baqarah:206)

We are not sentencing Abu Usaamah to Hell with this Aayah, but this is a warning against being arrogant when someone is trying to 'help you'. How ugly Kibr (arrogance) is and how beautiful Tawaadhu' (humbleness) is. It wouldn't have hurt the brother to at least just say, "I'll check it out akhee. I am an A'jamee and maybe I could be saying it wrong. Baarakallaahu feek akhee." I'm sure doing so wouldn't have killed him.

May Allaah protect us from arrogance.

و نقول لأبي أسامة: عد الى الله واعلم أن التوبة تجب ما قبلها و اسع الى التوبة النصوح قبل أن توسد في قبرك و تحصى عليك أعمالك
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
أخوكم عقيل

قال الشيخ ابن باز الطائفة المنصورة هي الفرقة الناجية هما واحدة هم أهل السنة و الجماعة و هم السلفيون

29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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قال الله عز وجل

الكبرياء ردائي والعزة إزاري
فمن نازعني واحداً منهما ألقيه في النار

ِِAllaah, the Mighty and Majestic, has said:

"Pride is my Ridaa', and Honor is my Izaar,
Whoever challenges me in them, I will throw him into the Hellfire."

Collected by Aboo Daawood and Ahmad, authenticated by Al-Albaanee in the Silsilah #541


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
قال الله عز وجل

الكبرياء ردائي والعزة إزاري
فمن نازعني واحداً منهما ألقيه في النار

ِِAllaah, the Mighty and Majestic, has said:

"Pride is my Ridaa', and Honor is my Izaar,
Whoever challenges me in them, I will throw him into the Hellfire."

Collected by Aboo Daawood and Ahmad, authenticated by Al-Albaanee in the Silsilah #541


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

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