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» How does a place of prayer becomes masjid?
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Posted By Topic: How does a place of prayer becomes masjid?

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17-10-2003 @ 3:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 160
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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Innal hamdulillaah was salaatu was salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'ad;

assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

If 5 daily salawaat are being established in congregation in a building (islaamic bookstore/centre), does it become a regular musallaah?  Should the ones coming into that particular section of the shop must offer rak'atayn before sitting down?  Should this masjid be given precedence with regards to congregational salaawaat in comparison with an Ikhwaanee masjid? And do the other regulations of a masjid would apply to such a place?

wa jazaak Allaahu khair

wassalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

SalafiBookstore, Slough

wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah


18-10-2003 @ 4:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum!
To add to my bro's questions a problem we face is if 1 or 2 sisters are around(wifes or daughters)during salah time can they pray behind the men(not just behind) a few yards behind bcez the masjid area is not large enough? or do they pray in another place in the building? The question sisters ask is will they get the reward praying in congegration if they pray in a place not assigned as the masjid area.Pls no opinions seeking an ilmi answer.

21-10-2003 @ 2:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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22-10-2003 @ 3:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bismillaah was salaatu was salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'ad;

jazaakallaahu khair for the link akhi.  would it be possible for you to also find out either from Sk Bazmool or any of the other mashaaikh from the kingdom the following;

1) what is the difference between a musallah and masjid?
2) what the the different types of ruling pertaining to both?
3) If the building is owned by a muslim landlord and he has said that he wants us to be in the building as long as we desire to stay there, then does the ruling change for us?
4) there is an ikhwaanee masjid in the area and tabdee' has been done upon the imaam of the masjid, and he has been called an enemy of the sunnah and ahlus sunnah - should this masjid be given precedence over establishing salaah on a musallah of salafiyyoon, eventhough the salafi musalla doesn't fit the category of a masjid?
5) brothers praying together upon the musallah - do they get the reward of x25 or x27 (do they meet the criteria of praying in congregation as per the hadeeth, and hence qualify to get the reward)?

And Allaah knows best.

wassalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah


23-10-2003 @ 10:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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[posted by mistake]

This message was edited by Moosaa on 10-23-03 @ 10:20 AM

25-10-2003 @ 9:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalamu 'alaikum brothers inshaallaah i will add these questions to the ones you asked for Sheikh Obayd al Jaabri inshaallaah, i have already spoken to him but i will wait for his answers to these other questions inshaallaah.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

06-11-2003 @ 2:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bismillaah was salaatu was salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'ad;

Answers from Sheikh Obaid ibn Abdillaah al Jaabri hafidahullaah on 6/11/03
after salatul Asr, Madeenah.

1&2) what is the difference between a musallah and masjid?

ANS:  If a place that is owned by the Muslims and put aside solely for the daily prayers and will not in the future be changed for another purpose then it is considered a masjid.

A Musalla is a place for prayer set aside for prayer where a group of Muslims gather together for the prayer. They will be rewarded for their gathering in Jamaa'ah and Allaah knows best if it equals the prayer in the masjid.

As for the 2 rakaat for entering the musalla then as is known this is for the masjid but to be free from any difference there is 2 rakaat between every adhaan and iqaama so you can intend to pray that every time you enter for the salat.

3) If the building is owned by a muslim landlord and he has said that he wants us to be in the building as long as we desire to stay there, then does the ruling change for us?

As I said If a place that is owned by the Muslims and put aside solely for the daily prayers and will not in the future be changed for another purpose then it is considered a masjid. It seems though this place you have could change in the future as the owner may take it back for another purpose unless he clearly makes it clear what it is otherwise what you have is a mussala.

4) there is an ikhwaanee masjid in the area and tabdee' has been done upon the imaam of the masjid, and he has been called an enemy of the sunnah and ahlus sunnah - should this masjid be given precedence over establishing salaah on a musallah of salafiyyoon, even
though the salafi musalla doesn't fit the category of a masjid?

I have added to this question to the sheikh that the Imam is a blind follower of the hanafi madhab and that the salafi brothers have said he gave out a book where it mentions that Abu Haneefah met/saw Allaah 99 times and that when the brothers spoke to him he further fought the sunnis/salafis by speaking out on the minbar against raising the hands in the prayer.

If this Imam gives out books with deviated beliefs and if this is his state then he is a misguided innovator as he may have other misguided beliefs that you are not aware of. And I advise you not to pray behind him. And I understand that you don't even hear the adhan so even the jama'aah upon you is not incumbent rather you should as you say continue the jama'aah in your prayer place and if some of the brothers continue to pray behind that imam then advise them about his state of affairs and if they listen well and good and if the don't then be gentle with them and don't push them away.

5) brothers praying together upon the musallah - do they get the reward of x25 or x27 (do they meet the criteria of praying in congregation as per the hadeeth, and hence qualify to get the reward)?

Inshaallaah they will be rewarded for praying in Jama'aah as for similar to the jama'aah in a masjid then Allaah knows best, so long as they have gathered for jama'aah they will be rewarded inshaallah.

And Allaah knows best.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

06-11-2003 @ 6:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum,

is the situation the same for a masjid that is tableeghee in its administration, but the 'aqeedah and manhaj of the imaam is unknown except that he is not a salafee?

aboo husaam shaheed williams

07-11-2003 @ 10:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazakallah Br Abdulilah


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