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07-09-2008 @ 10:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Looks like the original address has been unused.
Try this,keywords in google : markaz medina.
Here's the address that i think still exist,Insya Allohu Ta'ala :

25-01-2008 @ 5:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem

The Link shown in the first post doesn`t seem to work.  Does anybody know of an updated link for Al Mahad Al Madinah, San`aa?  If so please post it here.  

Jazakumullahu Khayraa

Knowledge preceeds speech and actions

13-04-2004 @ 11:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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From :  Ronald Ali <?????????.com>

Sent :  Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:02 PM
To :  "Dawud Adib" <????????????.com>
Subject :  Response of Ron Ali for regarding Mahad Medina...


Alhumdulillaahi Rabbilaalameen wa AsSalaatu wa AsSalaamu Alaa Ashrafil Anbiyaa.e wa Al-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

In response to the posting of Ahmad.Assing on 4-10-2004, on behalf of Abu Waleed in Dammaj, I would like to clarify the statement that was attributed to me, which was, {{"Sheikh Yahya knows matters of deen, but he doesn't know matters concerning the government"    Abu Waleed  }}

I told Abu Waleed, on the telephone, that my partner's position on a request made by Abu Waleed, was, {{"Sheikh Yahya knows matters of the sharia, but he does not know the government process regarding the request being made"}}, and therefore he could not honor Abu Waleed's request, because it could jeopardize the status of Mahad Medina.

That telephone conversation occurred 2 weeks ago.  Within days after that I called a meeting with my partner and Sheik Maamar, to let Sheik Maamar know of the request that was being made, and the response that we were being held to.  Sheik Maamar is the one responsible for the curriculum and staffing of Mahad Medina, my partner handles the internal Yemeni affairs, and I handled Student affairs.

Within days after that I reiterated to Abu Waleed, when he called me, that "I was letting him know the justification that was being used for not being able to meet his request, and that it was not a statement of mine."

I am fully aware that the Ulema do in fact understand the worldly affairs, because they are constantly being approached and asked questions about these issues.

I cannot understand why Abu Waleed is still insisting that the statement is from me.

Anyone can ask my partner "who made the statement, and why?"  Simply call the Mahad.
Sheik Maamar can also be asked "who made the statement, and why?"   Sheik Maamar is well known in Dammaj, and he is not unapproachable.  Simply call the Mahad.

As for the second issue, "the word 'involvement' ", at the end of this thread between the dotted lines, is a copy of the email that Abu Waleed sent to a number of individuals.  This email included my personal response to Abu Waleed.  I will not include the email addresses of the individuals for the sake of their privacy.

To summarize it, I explained that the only thing that I have ever said to anyone in regards to Mahad Medina and Sheik Yahya is that, "He said make it Salafi only."  I explained my specific usage of the word "involvement".

We are all Bani Adam and subject to error and forgetfulness, I pray that we could use the example of al-Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee Rahimahullaah, who was very careful with his tongue and never backbit nor slandered nor talked evil about anyone.  He did not permit the spreading of false speech and people's defects to him.  If one of his students made an error he would check it and if it became apparent that an error had been made, he would approach the one who had erred in the most befitting manner and advise him.

In conclusion, the following statement is being disseminated by me to everyone that I have communicated with in regards to inquiries about Mahad Medina.


Alhumdulillaahi Rabbilaalameen wa AsSalaatu wa AsSalaamu Alaa Ashrafil Anbiyaa.e wa Al-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

After having consulted with Sheik Maamar ibn Abdul-Jaleel Al-Qadisee and Sheik Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Adeni and having made Istikhaarah, I have decided to resign from all management and other activities with Mahad Medina, Sana'a Yemen.

I established Mahad Medina in late 2003, in partnership with Abu Yaasir Ramsey Sharqain.  We started classes on January 10, 2004.  Today, April 10, 2004, it is my opinion that the activities and policies of my majority partner are not in the best interest of the Salafi community nor in the best interest of myself and my family.  Therefore, I can no longer continue this partnership.

While Sheik Yahya al-Hajooree has said that he is not involved with Mahad Medina, he also says that it is OK to attend Mahad Medina, but it is best to come to Dammaj.

I pray that Allaah ta'aala continues to guide us all to that which is most beneficial, ameen.

Your Brother in Islam,
Abu Yousuf Ronald Ali al-Amreekee

\\ \\   \\     "I have left you upon clear proof,
\\\ \\   \\     its night is like its day,
\\\\ \\   \\     no one deviates from it except
\\ \\ \\\\ \\     one who is destroyed."

Anything that I have said that is good and/or correct is from Allaah, and anything that I have said in error is from me and from the whispers of shaitan.

Your Brother in Islam,
Abu Yousuf Ronald Ali al-Amreekee

10-04-2004 @ 11:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum
at the request of our brother Aboo Waleed Bilaal bin Charles Al-Atharee (who resides in Dammaaj), the following is an update re the Mahad in Sana (Yemen's Capital):

There was a meeting with Sheikh Yahyaa with the brothers from Mahad Medina.
Could you please post on the Salafi Network the follwing.

Mahad Medina institue of arabic in Saan'a is in the process of
reoraganizing,also Abu Yusef Ron Ali has resign.
Forth comming talk will be given by Sheikh Yahyaa of the benefit of Mahad Medina.

Abu Waleed Bilaal bin Charles Al athariy
end of quote

As for the brother Ron Ali:
He Ron Ali says that "Sheikh Yahya knows matters of deen, but he doesn't know matters concerning the government"
Abu Waleed

Also in the above post there needs to be some clarification re Shaykh Yahyaa's involvement with the Mahad:

Aboo Waleed said:
I spoke to Sheikh Yahya concerning Mahad Madina in making it seem that the
Sheikh is involve with the Mahad.
The Sheikh words were.' that his name should not be mention as if he has
anything to do with Mahad Madina ,other than when he was ask about setting up a Mahad in  San'na his naseehah was that the teachers and students should  be salafi'. The Sheikh said that he is not involve with Mahad Medina, he only gave them naseehah.
Abu Waleed

Ahmad Ibn Zayd Assing, Toronto Canada

This message was edited by Ahmad.Assing on 4-10-04 @ 11:22 AM
13-02-2004 @ 9:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I did not see the response as a praise nor a dispraise. He didn't go no further than what was said above. But until it is known and recommended to by our du'aat here in the UK many of us feel it is safer to wait until they are known by our brothers, as the advise of our brother Aboo Sufyaan states above:

"I would also like to advise those already making plans to fly out to Yemen without even knowing any hard facts about this centre that to slow down and know that ilm comes before acting."


Aboo Ahmad Muhammad as-Salafee
London, UK
12-02-2004 @ 9:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

I have just remembered, A question was put forward to Aboo Khadeejah a few weeks back in the al-Athariyyah circle in East London if he knows of the Mahad Medina in Yemen. He responded by saying that he does not know of a "Mahad" in Yemen.

Wallaahu 'aalam.


Aboo Ahmad Muhammad as-Salafee
London, UK

This message was edited by on 2-13-04 @ 9:11 AM

21-10-2003 @ 6:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaam alaikum,

I Abul-Hasan Maalik Adam Al-Akhdar have aslo received a number of E-mails and phone calls asking am I the one posting under abul.hasan, If one looked at my previous posts he will see that my ID was abul.hasanmalik and not simply abul.hasan

To eliminate any further confusion I had the brothers of the admin of Salafitalk may Allah preserve them, change my ID to: al.akhdar

This is in line with what we find in the science of Rijaal when two narrators may have the same kunyah or same name they will bring lineage, ect. to show the difference between the two narrators. And this is known as Al-Muttafiq wal-Muftariq when the name or kunyah of two narrators agrees but they are different people.

An example of this is the companion named: Abu Madinah Abdullah ibn Hisn Ad-Daarimi. Ibn Hajr brings his bio in Isaabah (2/297) He says: Abu Madinah Abdullah ibn Hisn Ad-Daarimi known by his kunyah (nickname Abu Madinah). There is also a Taabi'ee with the same kunyah and name. Ibn Hajr says: "And from the Tabi'een there is a Abu Madinah Abdullah ibn Hisn Ad-Dusi."
Then he says: ...they agree in their Kunyah, name and fathers name and differ in their lineage.." (End of words of Ibn Hajr)

He means by lineage that the Tabi'ee is ad-Dusi and the Companion is Ad-Daarimee. So to eliminate any further confusion I had the ID changed, and with Allah is success.

Abul-Hasan Malik Al-Akhdar

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

20-10-2003 @ 7:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bisssmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim

i contacted for myself the site, and they answered the following:

"Yes, Abdul Mutakabbir, is a potential teacher for the Mahad.  We are not aware of any statements or actions against the Salafis, and must now gather information to clarify this matter.  We are not trying to hide anything from the Ummaah.  We do however, believe that the teachers as well as the students deserve to have their privacy, therefore, we did not post the names of those involved in those areas."

So if they are not aware, then we can't have any reproach toward them, now the one who has more infos about "Abdul Mutakabbir" should 1st forward it to the mahad Medina, and show them in what he is not fit to be teaching arabic, nor to be added in a salafi curriculum.

as for not mentionning in public the teacher's names, i can understand that, as when one looks into school web sites, they do not always mention the names of the teachers.

and they also say: "We did not respond because we are not registered to post on SalafiTalk and their registration is closed at present".

and finaly, they say: "We have sent a statement to Abu Tasneem to post for us clarifying who WE are, my husband is well known at Masjid Rahmah in NJ, and as you can see we have a good rapport with Abu Tasneem as well"

So mashaAllah, may Allah clear up this affair quickly, and let this center be based on the pure manhaj of ahl as sounnah wal jama'a, so that the salafiyyah oummah can really take a lot of benefit from it.

" al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).

This message was edited by sayfullaah on 10-20-03 @ 9:29 PM

20-10-2003 @ 5:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu alaikum wa rahmantullah, I would like to know Abul Hasanif you can put your full name so the people can know whose speaking and not to confuse you with Abul hasan Malik whose known for this kunya and post ever so often. And we (some salafiyoon) in jersey were wondering from the post questioning Aqeel walker if in fact this was abul hasan maalik al ahkdaar so for this also clarify who u are. Your private messaging was disabled.
wa salaam, barakullahu feek ahkee.

sulayman ibn james johnson al hashimee as salafee

This message was edited by s.alhashimi on 10-20-03 @ 5:41 PM

20-10-2003 @ 4:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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I just wanted to say that since the news of this centre been posted on this site it seems to be proving difficult  finding out who the teachers are, fees and such like are clearly layed out, even on their website no mention is made of who the teachers will be. i hope that this situation can be cleared up as soon as possible. and may i suggest that if that information continues to be slow in coming then this post be removed, as i am finding it difficlut to understand why this information should be taking so long and why someone who is involved with this centre not clear up this doubt  and stop the people from guessing. may ALLAAH make it easy for that information to be relayed
  I would also like to advise those already making plans to fly out to Yemen  without even knowing any  hard facts about this centre that to slow down and know that ilm comes before acting .

20-10-2003 @ 1:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim

assalamou 'alaykoum

they replied to me in a mail:

"Sheik Maamar Abdul-Jaleel Al-Qadisee, who sat with Sheik Muqbil for 7 years, is the Imaam here at Masjid Sharqain.  He will lead the curriculum and all activities of the teachers.  He is an expert in Fiqh, and has authored 2 books on teaching Arabia.

All of our teachers are native and non-native Arabic speakers, qualified in teaching Arabic as a second language, are fluent in speaking Arabic and able to adapt to students personal developmental needs."

from what i heard from french salafiyyin who went to Saana'a and know the Brother Ma'maar, mashaAllah he is very well known in the salafiyyah da'wah, and he is a taalib al 'ilm.

Now, could you be sure about the info you are giving us, about this brother? because it is very important for us to be sure, some are interested in going to this institute, wa barakallahou fikoum.

" al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).

19-10-2003 @ 5:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Is it true that Abdul Mutakabbir is supposed to teach?
If this is true then this is a surprise as he is neither proficient in the Arabic language and he is also known to speak ill of the salafi callers.
The amount of money being requested should guarantee that the teachers are skilled and known for their uprightness and clarity on this Manhaj.


15-10-2003 @ 7:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Can you please tell us the westerners who will be are involved or will be teaching there may Allah reward you.
As many people are asking these questions!

15-10-2003 @ 6:56 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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According to our brother Aboo Yoosuf Ron Alee, Shaikh Yahyaa al-Hajooree has approved it and is somewhat involved with its development.

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

14-10-2003 @ 8:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum

Can you tell us of the names of those people involved in this institute may  Allah reward you all.

14-10-2003 @ 1:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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I have been informed that - Al-hamdulillaah - the Salafees of Yemen have announced that in February 2004 they will be opening of the first Salafee owned and operated Arabic
Language Center in Sana'a Yemen, inshaa Allaah.

Please visit their web site at
Their plan is to serve the needs of the communities in the West. "A Ray of Light
in Yemen," a portal into the path of seeking knowledge.

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

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