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» Who Is Muhammad Hassaan Al-Misree
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12-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 110
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allaah ...

Could one of you noble brothers provide me with some information regarding Muhammad Hassaan Al-Misree.  If you have any links to sites with info concerning him, please post that as well, jazaakumu Allaahu khayran.


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

13-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

Muhammad Hassaan is a famous Qutubi Egyptian Khateeb.  He is similar to Abdul-Hameed Kishk in that he screams and mentions questionable Ahaadeeth in his Khutab. I do not know a specific site that has information on him.  Wallaahu a'lam.  He is not one to seek knowledge from.

Ali Yahya

14-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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He also has close ties with the well known takfeerees of Misr (Egypt) like:

1-Muhammad Abdul Maqsood (see "The Emperor has no Thowb")
2-Nashshat Ahmad
3-Fawzee Sa'eed

Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 4-14-03 @ 4:10 PM

14-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 36
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Assalaamu 'Alaikum

I suggest this link on the forum of :

I'm sorry I can't translate all the post 'cause my english is very poor... but mainly speaking, during a lesson Muhammad Hassan said about Sayyid Qutb :

فهو الرجل الذي قدّم دمه وفكره وعقله لدين الله -عز وجل

"He [Sayyid Qutb] is the man who devoted his blood, his thought, and reason to the religion of Allah"

وأنا أُشهد الله أني أحب هذا الرجل في الله مع علمي يقيناً أن له أخطاء

"And I attest that I love this man [i.e. Sayyid Qutb] for the sake of Allah, despite the fact that I know with certainty he comitted mistakes"

ويوماً استشهدت بفقرة للشيخ سيد قطب -رحمه الله- فردّ عليّ طالب من طلابنا فقال:يا شيخ قلت: نعم، قال: أراك تكثر الاستشهاد بأقوال سيد قطب. قلت : وهل تنقم عليّ في ذلك؟ قال: نعم، قلت: ولم؟ قال: لأنه كان فاسقاً. قلت: ولم؟ قال: لقد كان حليقاً، فقلت: يا أخي إن الإسلام في حاجة إلى شعور حي لا إلى شعر بغير شعور،

"One day, I quoted a paragraph from Shaykh Sayyid Qutb, rahimahullah. One of my students criticized me and told me :
"- O Shaikh !"
I said : "- Yes ?"
He said : "- I've remarked that you often quote from Sayyid Qutb"
I said : "- And do you criticize me fot that ?"
He said : " - Yes"
I said : "-Why ?"
He said : "- Because he was a Faasiq (pervert or transgressor);"
I said : "-Why ?"
He said : "-He was used to shaving his beard"
I said : "O Brother ! Islaam needs strong feelings. It doesn't need hair without feelings"

رجل زلّ أخطأ في الظلال أو في بعض كتبه لا ننكر ذلك لكن لا ينبغي الاطلاق، أن ننسف جهد الرجل وأن نتهمه والعياذ بالله بالضلال يعني (ما نيش حسمي كتب] لن أسمي كتاباً الآن لكن هناك كتب تزيد عن المائتين صفحة تنقد سيد قطب وهذا أمر عادي جدا ما فيش فيه أي حرج لكن الكاتب لم يترحم على سيد قطب مرة واحدة ثم قال بالحرف: [سيد قطب ضال مضل] هذا ظلم ظلم ظلم بشع، وبعدين كاد قلبي يخرج من صدري وأنا أقرأ في الفهارس لهذا الكتاب عنواناً جانبياً في الفهرس يقول: (سيد قطب -يعني عنوان خطير جدا جدا- سيد قطب يدعو إلى شرك الحاكمية] قلت: دا الرجل ما ماتش إلا عشان القضية دي دا لم يعدم سيد قطب إلا من أجل قضية الحاكمية فهذا ظلم - يعني مجرد العنوان نفسه ظلم قمة في الظلم رجل زل في مبحث الأسماء والصفات آه نعم زل زل سيد قطب في مبحث الأسماء والصفات وزل غيره من أئمتنا الكبار النووي -رحمه الله- الحافظ ابن حجر -رحمه الله- الزركشي قصدي ابن الأثير زل في مبحث الأسماء والصفات نكفر ونضلل ونفسق ونبدع هذا منهج منحرف،

"Sayyid Qutb erred in "Adh-Dhilaal" [In the shade of Quraan] or other books. We don't deny that. But one shouldn't be categoric. We shouldn't reduce his efforts to nothing and accuse him - we seek refuge from Allah - to be mislaid (dalaal). Now, I don't want to name books [Note : does he mean Shaikh Rabee's books on Sayyid Qutb ?!], but there are books that have more than 200 pages in refuting Sayyid Qutb - and there is no problem at all in that - but [the problem is that] the author didn't ask Allah to forgive Sayyid Qutb [lam yatarahham 'alayhi] at all. The author then said textually : "Sayyid Qutb is a Daal [mislaid] Mudill [mislaying other people]". This is injustice, injustice, great injustice ! Afterwards, my heart almost left my chest when I read - and it is a very, very dangerous title - in the contents : "Sayyid Qutb calls to Shirk Al-Haakimiyah". I said : this man [i.e. Sayyid Qutb] died for nothing other than this cause and was sentenced to death only for this reason, i.e. Al-Haakimiyyah. This is injustice. The title itself is the summum of injustice. The man [i.e. Sayyid Qutb] erred concerning the Names and Attributes of Allah. Yes, Sayyid Qutb erred concerning the Names and Attributes of Allah just like some of our great Imaams erred in this field, as Al Imaam An-Nawawi -rahimahullaah -, Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar - rahimahullaah -, Azzarkashi I mean Ibn Al-Atheer erred in the field of Names and Attributes. Takfeer, Tadleel [accusing someone to be mislaid], Tafseeq [accusing someone to be a Faasiq] and Tabdee' [accusing someone to be an innovator] is a deviant manhaj."

We can deduce from these sayings that Muhammad Hassan is a great Qutbi !!

Wallaahu A'lam

Wassalaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah

This message was edited by Abu_Talha on 4-15-03 @ 7:19 AM

16-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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بارك الله فيكم


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

16-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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بارك الله فيكم


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

20-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This question about Muhammad Hasaan reminds me of a conversation we had with him about 3 years ago in the city of Mansoorah in Egypt. He was asked what does he think of the likes of shaykh Rabee and he responded by saying he should focus more on teaching the people instead of talking about their affairs. So it was asked so what do you think about shaykh Muqbil and he stated he is at the head of them, meaning those who speak about the affairs of the people. So this man has clearly exited himself from the protection of the scholars and has entrusted his affairs with the people known for their firm innovation here in Misr, like Fawzee Sa'id { who is currently in prison and accused shaykh Albanee of Irja' }, his teacher Abdullah Maqsood and other then them. I beg Allah to fight these men for verily they hate the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

03-08-2003 @ 2:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 40
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Salaam 'alaykum,

I need more information of Abdul Hameed Kishk. What do the ulema say about this man?

Was salaam 'alaykum,
Abu Muhammad Hasan Grooms

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