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» A Clarification Concerning An Erroneous Statement
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17-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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A Clarification Concerning An Erroneous Statement

Important Points

There was  a post that appeared on the Salafi Publications Forums some months back which contained an erroneous expression and unqualified generalisation that has been brought to our attention.

This was the paragraph in question:

"So let all the Salafis know that whatever the Salafees of Birmingham and elsewhere have been aware of from this man [i.e. Abdul-Qadir] for many years, and have held concerning him, then they were correct in that, and when they collectively unite and agree upon a person, or group of people, then indeed they do not err collectively, since the number of students of knowledge from and connected to the Maktabah, who have studied with the Ulamaa in Yemen, Saudi and Kuwait, then they do not collectively come together to conspire upon falsehood or what is error. Even if this does not become apparent to others except until many years later! And they were correct concerning Suhayb Hasan, Abu Aliyah, Hidaayah, Abdul-Qadir and others."

A few points of clarification:

1. This post was in response to and in relation to Abdul-Qadir Baksh, as his affair became even more clearer to everyone and likewise his open opposition and declared enmity to those adhering to the Major Scholars, and it was written quickly, in response to Abdul-Qadir taking information from the Suroori website al Istiqamah and using it to challenge the clarifications of Shaykh Rabee? and his refutaions of Abul-Hasan al-Ma?ribee al-Mubtadi?.

2. However, this statement contains that which is incorrect as it implies some sort of hujjah and this is not true. What was intended by this statement was that if any large group of clear Salafees upon the clear manhaj, in any place, have knowledge to indicate that someone has opposition to the Salafee manhaj, then it is something that can be trusted in, because they will not all come together in order to lie upon someone, insha'Allaah. This holds true for collections of clear upright Salafees in every location and every place - but obviously this does not imply that they in themselves are a hujjah. Rather, we say that these brothers can err, even though they are not known for lying or deception. Furthermore, even if a person's truthfulness and trustworthiness is established, it does not mean that he cannot err in a particular matter, since none of us are free from error.

3. The meaning of this statement is that when the various Salafee brothers from various places saw from Suhayb Hasan, Kehlaan, Abu Aaliyah, Abdul-Qadir Baksh, Bilal Philips what they saw, and they made observations, then because they are all not known to lie, and to conspire upon a lie, and they are clearly upon the Salafee manhaj, then it is something that can be trusted in and taken. However, this does not mean that this collection of Salafees, in and of themselves, are a hujjah. There is a distinction between placing trust in the reports of collections of Salafees and observations they make, and between considering them specifically, as a base rule, to be a hujjah. There were Salafees, clear upon the manhaj, in many places, both inside of Birmingham and outside of it in the West, in the various towns and cities, who realised the deviations of these individuals, based upon what they had directly experienced and observed from them. And sometimes there might be some Salafees in specific regions who are singled out in knowing the reality of a particular individual, such as Kehlaan for example, which might not be known with such detail to other Salafees elsewhere. Wherever there are clear upright, trustworthy and truthful Salafees, upon the Salafee manhaj who do not come together to lie upon people, then trust can be placed in their sayings, without that meaning at the same time, that they are an independent hujjah.

4. This was the meaning of this passage. And as for the erroneous expression, which presents an incorrect meaning, leading to the idea that groups of Salafees in any particular location are an independent hujjah, then we make a clear retraction from this expression. We ask that the noble readers also overlook this shortcoming and accept our apology in this regard. And we say this without any hesitation, without anyone asking us to do so, and without a speck of discontent, along with the greatest of pleasure and satisfaction in clarifying this, for the sake of our Lord.

We say as Allaah states: "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not upon us a burden like one You did lay on those before us - Our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have the strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy upon us. You are our protector - and give us victory over the disbelieving people."

5. And to strengthen the meaning that we intended, is what Al-Allaamah Muqbil Bin Haadee, rahimahullaah, stated in more than one of his statements, so he, rahimahullaah, rejected the saying of Abul Hasan al-Ma'ribee al-Mubtadi' (this was a number of years ago) and he said, "The Salafis in the UK are more knowledgeable of Abu Aaaliyah than Abul-Hasan. And Abul-Hasan erred in this" and he said this in open gathering of hundreds of people, and it is recorded on cassette, in our possession, the Shaykh made this statement during questions coming from Holland or Sweden.  So this indicates that when the Salafees in a particular land or region, are large in number, and they are sound and upright in manhaj and are not known for lying, that their saying can be trusted. And this is in relation to those mukhaalifeen like Suhayb Hasan, or Abu Aaliyah, or Abdul-Qadir and their likes.

We hope that this issue has now been cleared. And all praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all that exists.


This message was edited by on 7-25-03 @ 2:37 PM

18-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 95
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Jazaaka Allaahu khairan wa ahsan jazaa for this noble action.

As we should all be aware that one of the distinguishing signs of Ahlus Sunnah is that they always speak the truth; when it is for them or against them and the opposite can be said for Ahlul Bid'ah that they only speak the truth when it is for them and not when it is against them.

Once again, Jazaaka Allaahu khairan ya Ikhwaan for this noble action!


18-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
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Allahu akbar. Jazakallah khair.
This is the truthful way of Ahl us-sunnah.
25-07-2003 @ 11:28 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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