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» Biography of Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Bukhaaree
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12-12-2010 @ 3:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
The following is a brief translation (by Br. Aboo Ubaydah) of the biography of Ash-Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Bukhaaree (حفظه الله) compiled from the autobiographical account of the Shaykh on

His Name and Lineage:

He is the noble Shaykh, Abdullaah Bin 'Abdur-Raheem Bin Husayn Bin Mahmood As-Sa'dee, Al-Bukhaaree, Al-Madeenee. As related by his father, As-Shaykh 'Abdur-Raheem (رحمه الله), from his father, Ash-Shaykh Husayn (رحمه الله), from his grand father, his lineage goes back to Bani Sa'd from At-Taaif.

His Birth and Upbringing:

He was born in Madeenah. This is where he grew up and was raised in the house of righteous and scholarly parents. His father, Shaykh ıAbdur-Raheem (رحمه الله) would keep guard of him and advice him and help in seeking knowledge. Shaykh ıAbdur-Raheem (رحمه الله) supervised him and gave him the best of upbringings, teaching him the matters of the religion and warning him from bidıah and its people. His father used to read to him the fatwas of the scholars such as Shaykh ıAbdul ıAzeez bin Baaz (رحمه الله).. His father (رحمه الله) had a great impact on his seeking knowledge and under his guidance he began the memorization of the Qurıaan in Masjid Al-Bukhaaree.
At a very young age Shaykh ıAbdullaah Al-Bukhaaree developed a love for the science of Hadeeth and so he gathered books on Hadeeth, researched them, asked the scholars what was difficult for him and memorized what was easy from them. He then joined the study circles of Masjid An-Nabawi.

His Teachers:

In the science of Tajweed his teachers are:
1- As-Shaykh Muhammad Ramadaan Ad-Dehlawi (رحمه الله).
2- As-Shaykh Sayyid Abool Faraj (حفظه الله), benefiting greatly from him especially in the research of recitations and in the science of Tajweed.
3- As-Shaykh Ahmad ıAbdul Kareem (رحمه الله).
4- As-Shaykh Muhammad Al-Mursee (رحمه الله). This Shaykh used to work as a calligrapher in the Islamic University of Madeenah and as an Imaam in Masjid Al-Bukhaaree. He studied under him the Qurıaan, Tajweed, and studied the book ıAl-Burhaan Fee Tajweed Al-Qurıaanı of Saadiq Qamhaawee. And also he studied with him the art of Arabic calligraphy. He also studied the famous primer on ıarabic grammar ıAjuroomiyyahı with him.
5- As-Shaykh Maımar Bakree bin ıAbdul Hameed At-Turaabeeshee (رحمه الله). He took from him ijaazah in Qurıaan and also in that which the Shaykh narrated from his Shaykh, Shaykh Muhammad saleem Al-Hawlaanee (رحمه الله).
6- He specialized in the science of Tajweed under As-Shaykh Ahmad Al-Qaadee (حفظه الله) and studied with him the book ıHaqq Al-Tilaawahı.
And in the other sciences, his teachers were:
1- Al-Imaam ıAbdul ıAzeez bin Baaz (رحمه الله). He studied with him in At-Taaif from the books, Bulooghul Maraam, Tuhfah Ahoodhee Sharh Jamiı Tirmidhi, and other than that.
2-Al-Imaam Muhammad bin Saaleh Al-Uthaimeen (رحمه الله). He attended some of his duroos in Masjid Al-Haram, Masjid Nabawi and in ıUnaizah.
3- Al-Imaam Al-Muhadith Muhammad Naasir-Ad-Deen Al-Albaani (رحمه الله). He attended his duroos in Madeenah and he also visited him a number of times.
4-As-Shaykh Al-ıAllaamah An-Naasih As-Saadiq Ar-Rabbanee Muhammad Amaan Bin ıAlee Jamee (رحمه الله). He studied under him for a number of years and studied a number of books on ıAqeedah, Hadeeth and other than that. From the books he studied with him include the treatises of Shaykhul Islaam Muhammad ibn ıAbdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) such as Usool At-Thalaatha, Qawaaid Al-ıArbıah.  And he studied Al-Hamawiyyah, At-Tadmooriyyah, Qurrat AlıUyoon Al-Muwahhideen, Tajreed At-Tawheed of Al-Maqreezee, Al-Waasitiyyah, Fathul Majeed, Qawaidul Muthlaa, Sharh Tahawiyyah, Zaad Al Maıaad, Naylul Awtaar, Umdatul Ahkaam, Book of Fasting from Saheeh Bukhaaree and other than that. This was mostly in Masjid An-Nabwawi.
5- As-Shaykh Al-ıAllaamah Al-Faadil ıAbdul Muhsin AlıAbbaad (حفظه الله). Studied with him for about 16 years. From the books he studied under him include the last volume of Saheeh Muslim, Saheeh Bukhaaree, Sunan An-Nasaaıee, Sunan Abee Daawood, Jaamiı At-tirmidhi, Luı Luı wal-Marjaan, ıAqeedah ibn Abee Zayd, Sharh Aadaad Al-Mashee ilas-Salat, some parts of the Book of Hajj from Sharh As-Sunnah of Imaam Al-Baqhawi,  and other than that.
6- As-Shaykh ıAlee Naasir Al-Faqeehee (حفظه الله).
7 As-Shaykh Saaleh bin Saıd As-Suhaymee (حفظه الله).
8- As-Shaykh Al-ıAllaamah Al-Muhadith ıUmar bin Muhammad Fallaatah (رحمه الله). He studied with him the explanation of Saheeh Muslim, Al-Muwatta and explanation of Siyaratu-Nabawiyyah.
9- Al-ıAllaamah Al-Faqeeh As-Shaykh ıAtiyyah bin Muhammad Saalim (رحمه الله). He studied with him MudhkirahAsh-Shanqeethee fee Usoolul Fiqh, Ar-Rahbiyyah and Sharh Waraqaat.
10- Al-ıAllaamah, As-shaykh ıAlee bin Muhammad bin Sinaan (رحمه الله). Studied with him Alfiyyah of Ibn Maalik, Irshaad Al-Fuhool of Ash-Shawkaani, and Ar-Rawdah.
11- AlıAllaamah Al-Mujaahid As-Shaykh Rabeeı Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee (حفظه الله). He studied with him the introduction of Saheeh Muslim, At-Taqyeed Wal- Eedaah of AlıIraaqee, Iılaamul Muwaqiyeen of Imaam ibn Qayyim, Ikhtisaar ıUloomul Hadeeth of Ibn Katheer.
12- Al-ıAllaamah As-Shaykh Saafiyur-Rahmaan Al-Mubaarakfooree (رحمه الله). He was in his companionship for more then two years and took from him the ijaazah to narrate from a number of books. This includes Itihaaf Al-Akaabir bi isnaad Ad-Dafaatir of Shawkaani, Jamiı At-Tirmidhi, Sharh Miah ıAamil and other than that. He also read the Usoolu-Sunnah of Imaam Ahmad and other books.
13- AlıAllaamah As-Shaykh Al-Muhadith Al-Faqeeh Ahmad bin Yahyaa An-Najmee (رحمه الله). Studied with him from the Sunan Abee Dawood in the home of Shaykh Al-Faadil Muhammad bin Hadee (حفظه الله). He also gave him the ijaazah to narrate from a number of texts.
He studied with other then them from the Mashayikh.

His Ijaazahs on Hadeeth:

He got Ijazaahs to narrate from a group of scholars. And from them include; As-Shaykh Maımar Bakree bin ıAbdul Hameed At-Turaabeeshee (رحمه الله), Ash-Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahya an-Najmee (رحمه الله), As-Shaykh Saafiyur-Rahmaan Al-Mubaarakfooree (رحمه الله), As-Shaykh Al-Muhadith Badeeudeen Shaah Sindee (رحمه الله) and other than them.

His academic qualifications:
He graduated from the Department of Hadeeth of Islaamic University of Madeenah in the year 1410- 1411 AH.
In the year 1420 AH he completed his Masters Degree from the University of Ummul Quraa with a distinction.
He got his PhD from the Islaamic University of Madeenah in the year 1426AH with a distinction.

His academic positions:
He worked as middle school and secondary Islamic Studies teacher for 6 years in Ministry of Education.
He was then transferred as a lecturer in Islamic University in 1418 H, in the Faculty of Hadeeth / Fiqh al-Sunnah Department.
He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Fiqh and Sunnah sources in the Faculty of Hadeeth and Islamic Studies.

The Praise of the Kibaarul 'Ulamaa for the Shaykh:

Many from the Ahlul 'Ilm praise him and recommended his works, among them are:

The Noble Scholar As-Shaykh Doctor Rabee' bin Haadee (حفظه الله) was asked about Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Bukhaari and he replied, "I advise the youth in Madeenah to attend the lessons of brother Abdullah Al-Bukhari; for he is from the chosen of Ahlu-Sunnah, and from those who defend Ahlu Sunnah
The Shaykh also said, "he is from the best of the graduates of the Islaamic University of Madeenah."
As-Shaykh Allaamah Muhammad Amaan Jaamee has also praised Shaykh Al-Bukhaaree.

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