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04-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Why Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) is Accused with Irjaa' by the Khawaarij

Amongst the reasons that Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) was accused with Irjaa' was his view that the Taarik us-Salaat is not a Kaafir. This view was expressed by Safar al-Hawaalee, the student of Mohammad Qutb, the brother of Sayyid Qutb, the one who revived the ideology of the Khawaarij by combining the concept of "Barbarism (Jaahiliyyah)" from the Christian Philosopher Alexis Carrel, and the concept of "Haakimiyyah" from Mawdudi and his notions of government.
Stated Safar al-Hawalee, ?And no one says that the one who abandons it (the prayer) is not a kaafir except one who has been affected by the (thought of) al-Irjaa', whether he realises it or not.?!! (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa p. 650)

He also said, ??without their knowing that the source of this doubt (of the absence of takfeer of the one who abandons prayer) and its foundation is actually from Irjaa?!!? (p.419)

He also said, ?Rather, one who fights against partisanship for madhhabs has himself fallen into it (Irjaa'), such as Shaikh al-Albaani? (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa? p.658)

There is no one from the Salaf who spoke with this saying, and this saying itself is a Bid'ah:
So those who think that the one who does not make takfeer of the one who abandons the prayer is a Murji', or that the doubt of Irjaa' has entered upon them, as al-Hawaali says, they are not able to bring a brittle straw of a word from a single one of the Salaf who made takfeer of the one who abandons prayer accusing those who did not make takfeer of Irjaa'. And if they are not able to bring it, then let them know that they have introduced a muhdath (a newly invented matter) into the Ummah, and this is an open, manifest bid`ah, that could arise due to a corruption in the conception of the studies of al-Asmaa and al-Ahkaam, and it could also be (devilish) whispering in the soul, more than it is actually a knowledge-based proof. And labelling the one who does not make takfeer of the one who abandons prayer as a Murji' is the saying of the Innovators, absolutely. (Kashf Akhtaa' Safar al-Hawaalee p.48-49) of at-Teebaawee

And this saying cannot be traced back to anyone but a sect called the Mansooriyyah:
Abul-Fadl Abaas Ibn Mansoor as-Saksakee (683H) said concerning Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa?ah, ?And every sect has called them with a name that is not in agreement with the true reality, out of envy of them and as a fabrication against them. And they ascribed to them (Ahl us-Sunnah) that which they did not hold as their doctrine. So the Qadariyyah labelled them ?the Mujbirah?. The Murji?ah called them ?the Shakkaakiyyah? (the doubters). The Raafidah called them ?the Naasibah?. The Jahmiyyah called them ?the Mushabbihah?. The Ash?ariyyah called them ?the Mujassimah?. The Ghaaliyyah called them ?the Hashawiyyah? (the worthless ones). The Baatiniyyah called them ?the Muswaddah?. The Mansooriyyah (a sect of the Khawaarij), and they are the associates of Abdullaah Ibn Zaid, labelled them as Murji?ah due to their saying that the one who abandons the prayer, without rejecting its obligation, is a Muslim based upon the correct view in the madhhab. And they (the Mansooriyyah) say that this saying of their?s (i.e. that of Ahl us-Sunnah) leads to the saying that Imaan is speech without action. Yet all of this is incorrect regarding them. Rather, they are the Firqat al-Haadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah (the Guiding and Guided Sect) and its creed is the correct creed and the clear and manifest Imaan (faith), that with which the Qur?aan was revealed and which has come in the Sunnah, and that which the Ulamaa of the Ummah from Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa?ah have agreed upon.? Al-Burhaan Fee Ma?rifat Aqaa?idi Ahl il-Adyaan, (pp.65-66)

And Shaykh `Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) said, in response to a question concerning the ruling upon the one who abandons the prayer, and this was during the fourth Salafee Dawrah `Ilmiyyah that took place in Jeddah in the summer of 1422H, during his lesson on "`Aqeedat us-Salaf wa As.haab il-Hadeeth":
"As for today, then either he is a kaafir, or you are a Murji' (i.e. according to the Innovators). And this in reality is exceeding the bounds, or it is ignorance of Irjaa' and what Irjaa' actually is... Hence, he - may Allaah have mercy upon him - is very far and remote from Irjaa', and accusing him with Irjaa' is either ignorance of Irjaa', or ignorance of the Shaykh - may Allaah have mercy upon him - or it is exceeding the limits in one's speech, and it is a fabrication against the Shaykh - may Allaah have mercy upon him - and so we free ourselves in front of Allaah from that.

And Shaykh `Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) also said:
And here we make note of a matter, which is that the scholars, I mean those who make takfeer of the one who abandons the prayer alongside his belief in its obligation, then they did not have any rifts amongst them, and nor did they have any description except the description of Ahl us-Sunnah. So those who make takfeer did not call those who only make tafseeq to be Murji'ah, and those who made tafseeq did not describe those who made takfeer with ?Khurooj?, ever.
But this matter has been dragged in by the Surooriyyah, and I think that the first time it appeared was from Mohammad Qutb, and then some of his students took it from him, amongst them Safar al-Hawaalee in his book (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa'), they call it (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa), and I think that they mean that the one who does not make takfeer is a Murji', whoever does not agree with them in takfeer is a Murji'. I say this in order to warn. The third matter is that whoever accused Shaykh al-Albaanee of Irjaa', then he is one of two groups: a) Either he is ignorant of Irjaa', he does not know it, or know it's people or b) he does not know Shaykh Al-Albaanee upon his reality. And perhaps the correct way and the sure proof has become clear to you, if Allaah the Exalted wills.  SA47 @ SalafiAudio.Com.

So from this the following conclusions can be made:

1. Anyone holding that Imaam al-Albaanee has Irjaa' due to his view that the Taarik us-Salaat is not a Kaafir has taken this either from the Khawaarij of today, such as Safar al-Hawaalee, since he is the only one in these times to speak with this speech, or from the sect of Abdullaah bin Zayd, the Mansooriyyah. And if he arrived at it by way of Ijtihaad, then he has innovated and departed from the path of the Believers, and not sufficed with what they sufficed with, and exceeded his limits and has fabricated a lie upon the Ummah and upon its Scholars, and this arises either from a corruption in `aqeedah or an (evil) whispering of the soul.

2. Anyone who holds or held this speech, spoke with a bid`ah, a reprehensible innovation, not spoken by anyone amongst the Salaf, and thus a tawbah and taraaju` with correct conditions is required: tawbah (repentance, and remorse), rectification (of what was put wrong) and clarification (making bayaan, refuting ones previous falsehood and announcing the truth).

And some of the Scholars, such as Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee have ruled that a person making the accusation of Irjaa' against the Scholars is to be imprisoned and beaten, until he makes taraaju`, and if he does not then he is to be given more beats as correctional punishment.


This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 3-30-03 @ 5:16 PM

29-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Shaykh Faalih bin Naafi` al-Harbee (hafidhahullaah) said,

"... a great deal of what has been suspected - just like Shaykh al-Albaani and others were suspected - of what Ahl us-Sunnah have been suspected, is just a mere suspicion, charge (ittihaam). So it is desirable that we are cautious and we are careful in this time in which the Ahl ul-Bid`ah have taken over and monopolised the great accusation upon Ahl us-Sunnah of al-Irjaa, and this is the well known and ancient madhhab of the Khawaarij. Until Imaam Ahmad textually stated this, that the Khawaarij accuse Ahl us-Sunnah with al-Irjaa', they say that they are Murji'ah, yet they are more worthy of this description, because they do not consider that anyone besides them can be a Muslim, or a Mu'min, and they judge him with kufr.

The Imaam Ahmad textually stated this in what has been related from him by Dhee as-Sakharee, in the first volume of Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah, that the Khawaarij accuse Ahl us-Sunnah with al-Irjaa', or they label them with al-Irjaa'. And there is none amongst Ahl ul-Bid`ah except that he accuses Ahl us-Sunnah with what they accuse them of. And amongst them are the Khawaarij, they label them with al-Irjaa'.

And the Hizbiyyeen around us, and in every place they took over, monopolised on this great matter. And the Shaykh of Safar al-Hawaalee, Mohammad Qutb, he monopolised on this, and then he dictated it to his student, and then this criminal student took over this great matter, and then authored on it with [the book] Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa, and he intends the attribution of al-Irjaa' to Ahl us-Sunnah, and he textually stated that Shaykh al-Albaanee is Murji', alongside the fact that Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) is free from Irjaa', like the freedom of the wolf from the blood of the son of Ya`qoob, and he (i.e. al-Albaanee) commented upon the words of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah when he said that there is one who says... or that he indicated a difference in wording (only) [between Ahl us-Sunnah and the Murji'ah], he (al-Albaanee) said, "No, the difference is not in wording, it is fundamental", in his comments upon the book al-Imaan of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah..." From a post on Sahab.Net by Shakeeb al-Atharee, who took it from a post on 7/3/2003CE.
The mouthpiece of Mohammad Qutb, Safar al-Hawaalee said,
?Rather, one who fights against partisanship for madhhabs has himself fallen into it (Irjaa'), such as Shaikh al-Albaani? (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa' p.658).
And also,
?And the Shaykh ? may Allaah preserve him ? is amongst the most severe of people in fleeing and making others flee from the blind-following of the Hanafees in the subsidiary issues (furoo`, i.e. fiqh). So how can that be when this (i.e. Irjaa') is from the major matters (`usool, i.e. `aqeedah)? (Dhaahirat ul-Irjaa' p.726).
He means here, how can the Shaykh forbid blind-following in matters of fiqh, and then fall into what the Hanafees fell into of matters of `aqeedah (i.e. Irjaa').

Safar al-Hawaalee brought out this accusation that Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) supports the Innovators and their doctrines, or falls into them, and that though he wages a war against the Hanafees in subsidiary issues he supports their innovations in fundamental issues. And after the passing of time upon this accusation from this criminal, another accusation grew out of it, and has been spread somewhat, which is that Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) has a tendency to authenticate ahaadeeth which lend support to and strengthen the viewpoints of the Innovators. This is an evil accusation which has numerous evil implications that follow on from it.

May Allaah protect the Imaams of Ahl us-Sunnah from the lies of the Hizbiyyeen.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 3-29-03 @ 7:00 PM

05-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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جزاكم الله خيرا يا أبا عياض وفظك الله من كيد الكائدين ومن عين الحاسدين، وبارك لك فى وقتك وجهدك ، وحياكم الله. آمين ثم آمين

08-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Safar al-Hawaali Causes Doubts About Shaykh al-Albaani's Authentication of the Text of the Hadeeth of Hudhayfah (radiyAllaahu `anhu) and Claims that the Shaykh Uses it to Establish the Ruling of the Absence of Takfeer of the Taarik us-Salaat (Which To Him is Irjaa' and Something that Supports the Madhhab of the Murji'ah)

Stated Safar al-Hawaali, the Criminal and the Mouthpiece of Mohammad Qutb (in reference to the hadeeth of Hudhayfah, radiyAllaahu `anhu, concerning the people at the end of time, who know nothing but Laa ilaah ilaAllaah):
...reported by al-Haakim (4/473), and he said, "It is saheeh upon the condition of Muslim", and adh-Dhahabee remained quite about it and authenticated it. And al-Allaamah al-Albaanee added, in Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah, no. 87 (1/127), however he added to it [the wording] "and nor the prayer" into his saying  "And they do not know what is fasting, or what is charity or what is sacrifice", and this (addition) is not in al-Mustadrak! And as for the Shaykh's istidlaal (extracting proof from it) for the absence of the takfeer of the one who abandons prayer, then what we have explained further above refutes it". (p.785, adh-Dhaahirah, by way of ad-Durar al-Mutalaa'imah, contain Shaykh al-Albaanee's comments upon al-Hawaali's adh-Dhaahirah p.164).

1. Shaykh al-Albaanee commented upon this statement of this criminal: "This a very strange method in causing doubt about the established authenticity of this addition, which is in Ibn Maajah within the body of the hadeeth (itself), and al-Haafidh strengthened it!" (from his notes upon this book as published in ad-Durar al-Mutalaa'imah p.164). And Shaykh al-Albaanee rahimahullaah has spoken of the authenticity of the hadeeth and even mentioned it with its wording within the Saheehah itself (no. 87) and then it is also included in the Shaykhs checking of Sunan Ibn Maajah, no. 4049, where the Shaykh declares it Saheeh. Perhaps al-Hawaali played ignorant of this, namely that the wording "and nor prayer" is actually found in the text of the hadeeth as related by Ibn Maajah, and this is clearly mentioned in as-Saheehah itself, in the place where al-Hawaali is claiming to quote from.

2. Then al-Hawaali implies that the Shaykh has made istidlaal of this hadeeth (after claiming he made a ziyaadah, addition to it) in order to prove the absence of takfeer of the one who abandons prayer. And this in the view of al-Hawaali, is Irjaa (as he affirms elsewhere, and which is what he is arguing in his book adh-Dhaahirah).

3. Safar al-Hawaali also states "The hadeeth of the Jahannamiyyeen, or the hadeeth of the Shafaa`ah. This the hadeeth that is reported concerning the Shafaa`ah of the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa Sallam) for his Ummah, and Allaah showing compassion to them by removing from the Fire whoever less than an atoms weight of Imaan in his heart. And the most clear wording that the Murji'ah used as proof is in one of the reports of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree..." (p.746) then he mentions it. And al-Hawaali himself casts doubt on the wording in Muslim, of this hadeeth of Abu Sa`eed, indicating that it is Shaadh, opposing what is narrated by others, saying, "Most of the narrations of this hadeeth do not contain this ziyaadah, but in fact these [narrations] are very clear in stating that the Jahannamiyyeen are from those who pray and from those who act"  (p.748). So this is another example of al-Hawaali implying that Shaykh al-Albaani has used another narration to support his viewpoint of Irjaa' and to support the madhhab of the Murji'ah, on the issue of the abandonment of prayer.


The above crime of Safar al-Hawaali, led to the birth of the accusation and revilement upon Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) that he strengthens and authenticates ahaadeeth that support the viewpoints and madhaahib of the Innovators. This was spread amongst Qutbee, Takfeeree, Surooree circles, this accusation emerging in part, thanks to this mouthpiece of Mohammad Qutb al-Ash`aree, whose aim was to destroy the da`wah built upon the foundations of tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah (and those who carried it, such as al-Albaani) and to instead instate a da`wah built upon revolutions and snatching of political power, otherwise known as "Tawheed al-Kursee".

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 4-9-03 @ 12:03 AM

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